#but also if she got got by cazador I could see her throwing up daylight and running
random OC ask: what is an alternate life path your OC might have gone down? how different would their life be if they'd made those decisions instead?
Siobhan could have lived many lives, this was a super fun thing to think about!
Boring one first:
- she remains a forest hermit nothing happens, when the armies of the absolute threaten the outer city she hides people in the woods and solidifies her folk hero status
More exciting option
- she moves to the lower city because she wants more out of life. she feels like a fish out of water as a Druid in the city, so she seeks out other Druids (from what I can remember there are only like 2.5? jaheira sometimes, jord, and that one by the tree by the mummy house) so I could see her becoming friends with jord and by extension the rest of jaheiras brood. I could see her realizing her dreams of doing more by joining the Harpers, Druids make useful spies and they seem to be rare in the city so she could be Really Good at it. Following this path all the way she obviously becomes the High Harper and Spymaster of Baldur’s Gate. She loves jaheiras network of rat spies.
Bad End
- dark Siobhan AU lmao, she does bad things!!! Because she’s alone and scared and her parents are dead!!!! She has the criminal background instead!!!!!! (Still a Druid tho she has an innate connection to nature) she gets tadpoled and really gets along with laezel, astarion, and shadowheart and they bond over being terrible to everyone. They join the goblins and raid the grove and they go full undercover in the cult until they sack moonrise. Minthara joins the group and they become everyone’s problem. I’m calling the shadowfell the point of no return for her because two things could happen
1) she saves nightsong because the Harpers and isobel are like the first people who even extended even a tentative kindness to her and she pursues good ends (destroying the brain, no ascending anyone)
2) she goes full Bad End, everyone becomes the worst version of themself (kill nightsong, ascend EVERYONE) but it doesn’t really matter because she becomes absolute (or if she doesn’t she and astarion still become terrifying vampire despots)
Worst end
- She’s a pretty elf, she met an even prettier elf in a tavern one night. Say, whatever happened to her?
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imscissorbladez · 1 year
Meet the Tavs!
Because this piccrew is god tier.
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half wood elf. folk hero. bard. late twenties early thirties. they/them.
rook was living a completely normal life fucking around in taverns around baldur’s gate trying to make it big as a bard, when the nautiloid caught them. an asshole in the sense of ‘will be an asshole if someone is rude to them’ but largely has always tried to do the right thing. typical party was karlach, astarion, switching between gale and shadowheart. ended up besties with gale and shadowheart. some dialogue is really funny because as an enby tav it was like ‘shadowheart, plz, I beg, I’m trying not to deadname you but you have to tell me.’ panicked early game realising they couldn’t protect their party after a few deaths, started eating the forbidden gummi worms, was half-ilithid a lot of the game. ended the game in the underdark, because they kind of like the folk hero gig and their vampire man needs a daylight ring or a wish spell.
romanced: astarion, gale tried it but they honestly got a cute third act arc and in retrospect if rook wasn’t already a human capri-sun they could’ve been a thing.
would they have been lured to cazador: without a shadow of a doubt, yes they would.
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seldarine drow. haunted one. rogue. mid-twenties. she/her. dark urge.
my original dark urge; she woke up with no memory and proceeded to be super weird, because nothing says ‘cohesive party’ like ‘is it normal to want to pluck out your eyeballs and eat them? gale? gale???’ throws every fight she gets into because she’s scared of going too far. typical party is lae’zel, karlach and shadowheart. this is the girlypop crew. ri’lyrr struggles to make friends but she saved shadowheart when lae’zel was yelling at her so the girl gang has her back at all times. does the right thing! just EXCEEDINGLY violent. resisting but im not sure if itll last and if it does it’ll be because she loves her squad so much.
romanced: lae’zel and they are the cutest couple on this earth. ri’lyrr has gone from ‘man who was absolutely too old for her and was definitely a poor choice’ to ‘githyanki warrior who will end lives for her and actually doesn’t like seeing her in pain.’ fun fact, this was meant to be a wyll run, but they just worked SO well. bae’zel and ri’lyrr are at this point essentially married.
would she have been lured to cazador: honestly at that point i think it would’ve been cazador’s problem.
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human. sage. wild magic sorcerer. mid-thirties. she/they.
my little brainrot blorbo: without saying her entire backstory she’s sheltered for a reason. they grew up in rivington raised by their grandmother, and have a connection to the monastery of lythander that may irreparably change the course of their life. switches parties depending on need. sends out scouts. my most technically competent tav. she just has a desperate need to be liked so she can stay alive long enough to get back to be rivington, so compulsively helps everyone she sees and then lies about why. also her dad is a pirate. this will become relevant but it’s more if I start using pirate imagery that’s why. the idea of haven in the pirate hat has sent me FERAL.
romanced: if you can call whatever toxic nonsense that they have with astarion right now romance, sure. i could ship them with lae’zel, wyll or astarion, which is the route the fic is going for. karlach is firmly besties, shadowheart just doesn’t like her much at all, gale and haven would be boring! there, i said it.
would she have been lured to cazador: not an ice cube’s chance in hell.
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mephistopheles tiefling. noble. draconic bloodline sorcerer. in human standards, late-thirties. all pronouns.
ELYS THE MENACE. has spent the entire time with a tadpole in her brain rizzing up the camp. an objectively ‘good but not nice’ character. was literally described in co-op as ‘oh I get it, she’s going to save every tiefling here she’s just an arsehole.’ Had a problem with Asmodean Tieflings (it was on sight) up until she met the kids at the Tiefling camp. is here for a good time not a long time. wants to get back to the upper city and be a big deal again, death is not something they were planning for. keeps her camp mates up gossiping about ‘why is wyll 10 times hotter as a literal devil’ or ‘i think gale ate my good heels, i will pay someone 50 gold to retrieve them.’ co-op, so plays with a halfling cleric peddling gummi worms that elys won’t touch but everyone else probably will. the rest of the team comp changes depending on vibes.
romanced: has managed to romance everyone to some degree except halsin and that’s because you can’t do that yet where i am. however: it’s 99% going to be wyll. he will make elys into a better person. elys will make him do shit for himself. they’re going to have like six kids and elys will complain the whole time, i’m so ready for it.
would she have been lured to cazador: she wouldn’t run in the same circles but potentially, yes. wouldve criticised astarion’s repair work and taken him in as a sugar baby. i’m not even joking.
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