#but also the fact that tikal is probably the one person who can personally relate to shade's experiences in standing up against
leechblades · 2 years
my kingdom to write tikade someday .
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chromaji · 2 years
ever since i saw a post about the idea of sonic (jokingly) being a sort of wind god, i’ve had so many thoughts in my head abt an AU that goes like:
Ok so an AU where Sonic IS a wind god who lives up in, idk, God Land w/ some other gods.
Anyway, one day he decides to drop down to the mortal plane for fun and to experience the world he’s helped create, bc sitting around blessing mortals n stuff gets boring after a while.
Basically, mans skydives outta god land without telling anyone & its all fun and games until he crash-lands in a field head first (& surprisingly does not lose his memory).
From there, he’s found and rescued by Tails and his magical golem. Sonic wants to hide the fact that he’s a god, so he feigns complete amnesia… until Tails decides he wants to try and help him recover his memories. Then Sonic claims to have recovered some memories the next day. He makes up a very odd yet mundane story abt his life. Is his tale believable? …Ehhh if you squint hard enough🤨.
And eventually a plot begins where someone in the story needs, or is trying to get, the 7 Chaos Emeralds or something. idk. Is it Eggman trying to get them for nefarious means? Is it one of the good guys getting a prophecy to gather the 7 emeralds? Someone else entirely? Dunno.
Anyway some lore stuff I have cooked up:
This is basically a fantasy rpg-like setting with magic and kingdoms and all of that. Technology would probably exist, but it’d be magically fueled u know? Like a “phone” being a specific crystal fueled by mana that allows voices to travel long distances or smth.
Tails is a self-taught magic scientist. He’s gone as far as to create a Golem from scratch in his off-time by the name of Emerl. Emerl is seen as odd for a golem, as he wasn’t built with a personality or directive in mind, rather, he was built to form his own personality & directive by observing others. At the start, he mostly takes after Tails & Tails’ friends. Now he also gets to take after this odd, lackadaisical, cocky, yet soft-hearted stranger by the name of Sonic. Yippeeee!
Amy is a paladin (thanks SF:SB) who is the retainer to Princess Blaze of Soleanna. She’s got an eye for strategy (shoutout to whatever Forces was trying in that regard) and presents a more level-headed exterior in the public, but is truly just a peppy, bubbly girl on the inside (& off the clock). She hangs out with ppl like Tails & Cream when she can.
Silver is a mage and oracle-in-training who’s the retainer to Princess Elise of Soleanna. He’s usually cheerful, naive and optimistic, but also has low tolerance & respect for people who bother him (stares at the Sonic Rivals Duology Silver. I love that little punk).
So yes, Blaze & Elise are related here. I mean cmon SOLeanna? SOL dimension? SOLaris??? BOTH CHARACTERS RELATE TO FIRE IN SOME WAY???? CMON!!! Anyway Elise & Blaze are step-siblings & Elise is a bird.
Anyway, there could possibly be a “kingdom” for each of the gods?? I could see characters who’d fit as important royal-like figures corresponding to each elemental god, but im not sure of that yet. At the least, we got the Soleanna Sisters
There are mortals who’ve been blessed by certain gods. Some examples are Tails being blessed by “Sonic” [whatever Sonic’s god name is], Blaze + Elise by Solaris, & Knuckles by Tikal.
Speaking of, so far, the gods I’ve thought of are:
Sonic (Wind), who looks like Super Sonic in his god form & any mortal depictions of him. However, he disguises himself in a different form (that’s just his normal blue self in-game/media) when dropping into the mortal realm.
Tikal (Earth), who looks like her usual in-game self. Also, those blessed by the Earth God are the only ones with notable healing capabilities. While anyone who’s blessed by a god has better self-regeneration than those not blessed, only those blessed by Tikal are can directly heal others.
Chaos (Water). aka the God of Gods. Almost never seen by the other gods unless its something important. Sonic, being the youngest of the main gods, has never actually seen Chaos in any way shape or form. VERY picky about who gets their blessing. Probably doesnt even bless people anymore, actually.
Solaris (Fire), who im not sure what looks they’ll have. Maybe literally how they look in 06 (which i think is just some weird… bird-like shape of light? Or maybe they look like Crystal Mephiles? Or a bird anthro? Maybe they shapeshift when they feel like it? Can Solaris split themself into Iblis & Mephiles or is Solaris just one entity? Much to think about.
??? (Light). There’s a “Fallen God” who was once known as the God of Light. After a certain incident, they were branded as the God of Destruction and banished to the mortal realm with his memories wiped. The God of Light is hardly known or worshipped in the mortal realm after most traces of their existence have been removed. These days, those blessed by the God of Light are few and far between, to the point where it’s become a mark of misfortune to have such power. Hmmmm I wonder who this Fallen God could beeee 🤔
& there may be another character or two who could fit the role of a god but idk off the top of my head.
…& I think thats all i’ve got for now. Listen this has been cooking in my head for days and especially last night for some reason. lmk what yall think bc its a fun little story idea thats been swimming in my brain hgkgh. Or if yall wanna shoot off some ideas n stuff that’d be fun too.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Sonic Movie Reddit Leak
Well that's something and noticed I didn't need to click in the title again.
Yet I felt and just honestly I just read this. I'm gonna tell you this. The internet is a crazy place. Their are some stories that are true and some that are not. Basically some bullshit stories and I feel some of the best examples are probably oh my nose but the DCEU because theirs a lot of shit on that instead of Marvel and that's not the topic.
Yet like what people say take with a grain of salt and honestly I was excited after my last text post I mentioned it.
The Sonic movie now the rights owned by Paramount and gonna be in 2019 it's a movie I've been obsessed with. Including I've thought of ideas how the movie and other movies should be basically a franchise. Because it's something I'm honestly excited for and frightened.
Including as I read okay I'm gonna say it again. This isn't confirmed or anything. This could be a fake. But it's something in.....@greendiablo just texted me on my phone holy shit lol just OK KO related. But this is something I wanna talk about whether it's fake or not. The film is due for released in 2019 and I've at times almost gone insane just thinking about. It's something I think about every day or some shit.
So I was excited to read it. But as I read it more. My excitement well it's not gone yet just it went down a bit yet surprised and even some of it.... thought in my head now would do that.
Maybe a mixed bag but I wanna talk more about it. If it turns out being fake well it was something. It probably is but just I don't know. This is just something I wanna speak about okay. In fact my ideas might not be better or whatever.
So if you read the post on Reddit. The story is well it features Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Eggman as it says those are the main characters. But also some others. Including this new human character named Grant who's a journalist.
Basically the story is the four of them and I'm making this short they have to team up to stop Eggman and just honestly I don't wanna talk about everything. Including worried of this post might not fit everything.
I wanna say this. For Amy I honestly like it what I read she isn't as obsessed with Sonic as like in some of the games. While I'm a Sonamy fan. Their are at times I honestly feel it's mainly the English versions of some stories where how Amy is written. She has a crush on him. This was just someone on my mind yet maybe I feel I should read it more. But I wanna talk about the main human character.
To be honest the idea of a live action and cgi film okay was gonna be honest about humans first. But just I would prefer a CGI film or whatever.
But now to talk about Grant and to be honest I don't mind some human characters. Because I feel it would be expected. Including I'm okay with characters like Princess Elise and Chris Thorndyke I don't hate them. But mainly the focus being on Sonic while also the humans would need to be well written. Including have some sort of importance and I'm not oh head and got text from Greendiabo again but I don't wanna hate on anyone.
Now with Grant so adult that's nice but he's a journalist. While I don't hate the idea. I think I'm just so used to the idea looked up on right tv still fine. But I'm just seem aboard with the idea of a human character being a soldier of some sorts or even a GUN soldier or even a Autistic soldier or someone who gets weapons from Tails.
Because I keep thinking okay people won't think this character is useless got a text again man. But I keep thinking this idea if we have a human character be a badass, give them guns, and have them kick robot ass. Basically I keep thinking of examples being Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy who were trained for combat and shit. Got a text again but yeah basically a human character like that.
I'm spending too much time on this yet I think and notice making a human character badass and by giving them a gun to shoot things mainly Eggman's robots isn't gonna immediately get people's respect. Including it doesn't mean it will make the character better. It depends on the writing.
Also theirs this idea that having a human character as a soldier it may sound like bullshit even when I thought of it. It might not be the most friendly of choice. I'm sounding stupid yet I just seem to want main human character their have been others like Topaz who basically use guns and shit.
But just the idea that still won't help unless written well and....Shadow....yes comics but those aren't canon yet his interactions or just......soldiers.... I seriously feel he wouldn't like to hang out with one just I'm being stupid.
Finished a text and I'm rambling on. Yet we have other characters like even Rouge and Madonna who was originally Sonic's girlfriend from Sonic 1 but they scrapped her. She's with Rouge and theirs well...I wanna say this character. But I wanna mention this first.
Their is no Knuckles in it. I'm bothered by that including I honestly feel like that would make sense. Because I like to call him and other characters the original six. This includes Metal Sonic but their are mentions of his race a civilization.
Yet the one character that's very surprising is Chaos.....yeah I'm being serious Chaos the God Of Destruction himself.
But his role and theirs no Tikal mentioned. Including the leak mentioned it's even a mixture of Sonic Adventure and just theirs even some classic stages referenced and part of the story like Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Labyrinth, and just a casino I said I'm not gonna mention everything oh stomach.
But the Chaos part it does share his history including even the final battle is between him and Super Sonic almost put Metal Sonic lol well mainly Metal ha ha smiling a bunch sorry.
Almost left but again yet yeah a battle between Super Sonic and I forgot if they mentioned Perfect Chaos or not.
Said sweet in my head yet here's this man. I'm gonna say this I like Chaos.....but as in the first film Including risky and why.
In fact it's this weird comparison so Chaos and Doomsday from Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice. While Doomsday is also the big monster of BVS his role and his character was never really that deep. So finished a text but yeah and Doomsday I don't wanna spoil BVS just if you know Doomsday and seen BVS you'll know what I mean but their was some sort of depth of what Doomsday meant.
I'm getting off topic but Chaos is different. For Chaos and I sometimes don't know or just confused. But going by @greenyvertekins sorry to mention you where I got this. He is actually a Chao like she said an enraged one who is the guardian of the Chao. Including I've been compared him to Shadow's role in Sonic Adventure 2. Now finished a text yet seriously what I wanna get to I think is that making Chaos a some what generic huge monster and I don't seem to finished text sorry. Okay what I mean I don't seem to like using the word generic now.
Including I've even thought of imagined if Chaos was reduced to that kind of role and I don't like that. While Chaos isn't the most I don't wanna say popular character but he's a character who doesn't speak much and we never play as him in Sonic Adventure but the back story with him and the Chao at least gave him meaning. Including comparing to Shadow and even thinking more in depth of Chaos's character. I seriously feel like Chaos being reduced to that kind of role is troubling.
Just finished a text and God it's funny smiling but back to this. Yet seriously so it takes place on South Island and even Station Square and Metropolis are mentioned too.
Their are some other details. Including the post credits scene is of Eggman in a new base and I mentioned this in my reblog I smiled by reading that. The last part is Metal Sonic being revealed in some tube. Supposedly setting up a sequel.
Now just finished a text oh my God just....theirs a lot of stuff to mention. But I'm worried I won't fit them all. Including I wanted to talk about the stuff that mattered to me the most.
I've also wanted to say I forgot the whole character having weapons and just I've noticed Buddy/Gadget/Rookie the wolf fits that role or just the avatar. So the idea well you can still have a soldier whatever my head not to bad ha. It's just I don't think Sega and Sonic Team wanna make a Sonic game where you play a part of the game and it's a human in third person shooter gameplay. Even if they did make Shadow's game.
Seriously to be honest it's shit sneezed to the left and had mouth closed. But it honestly seems okay and simple a bit. Minus the Chaos part because I'm bothered by instead of having Chaos with depth. He just some monster or some what I remember right. Including I don't remember any Chao mentioned. Now just finished a text with that friend of mine talking about this.
Really I feel like while I love the Sonic franchise a whole lot. The first movie in a franchise no not boring oh head. Yet I feel like and even I keep forgetting it needs to be okay not perfect just.....it needs enough to be good or just.....
Okay basically what I mean it needs to be a good movie or whatever. Including you can't just shove everything in everyone's faces. Because critics will hate that shit.
Including honestly I keep thinking about just if the movie was in my heads. While it's very crazy and this was even an idea for a reboot. In fact the whole South Island thing and Grant going to almost reminds me of some story ideas of mine of own.
Yet my idea was of the move showcasing Sonic and Eggman first meeting the iconic first boss and it's in Green Hill. After that Sonic is a pain in Eggman's ass for three year or six years. Including theirs idea of having Sonic and others aged up. Such as even Amy and Sonic the same age but I don't know at times them being young adults. So after some years Eggman decides to take a risk and builds what he thinks could finally beat Sonic, which is basically Metal Sonic. Including whether to go with a story like the Death Egg or Little Planet. Including have Knuckles and Angel Island in there and his story.
Yet honestly that's quite a bit for a first movie. Even the idea of Metal Sonic. Because even if I love Metal Sonic a lot and this is me too. Because I seriously think or unless he's crazy enough or just wants to Eggman making a robotic Sonic right after he meets him. Which is why I put the years later thing they've been fighting for some time. Also theirs Metal Sonic's mindset with their can only be one Sonic and who should the real one.
In fact even the idea while I like it and I say Sega would probably do this. The idea of a sequel mixing the stories of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 with Shadow and Chaos teaming up with Eggman also Rouge and Metal Sonic. With Tikal appearing with characters of the story sometimes even talking to Shadow. Also the death of Shadow story.
Then the next film being a mix of Sonic Rush, with features Blaze, Lost World the Deadly Six as the main villains, and the rebirth of Shadow. Also a Team Chaotix film even with thoughts of Madonna being in it, a Shadow film, a Sonic Unleashed film, a Sonic Mania film, and a two part movie that is Sonic Forces.
Yet after playing Sonic Forces the idea of having that as a grand finale.....or just....I'm still thinking and just my opinion on that game being mixed.
Basically I've already thought of a franchise. While we are still waiting and you can tell now why I say I've went basically insane thinking of the movie waiting. Including with Sonic Forces out and everything I suppose is not what I expected with my silly posts. Almost put including again but this build up to Infinite okay shit changes man it really doesn
But just...it's interesting. Honestly I wanna look at the leak a bit more the details. I might talk about it more. Including the Sony Sonic Movie 2019 tags are for nothing now.
Well got tags done and after I put Blaze's tag decided to put more and even almost left Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy tags but weren't needed. Even also didn't put BVS tags.
This is mainly me rambling and after now no reblog I just wanna wow difficult to spell brush but wanna brush my teeth.
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
Sonic X!Rogue/Knuckles for the meme
B-But I haven’t watched more than five episodes ofSonic X  :’)  I actually hadn’t seen any of it prior to about a month ago? I’d like to watch more but it’s a work in progress, anon.
So the only real KnuxRouge content I’m familiar with is the second SonicAdventure. That’s where most of this is coming from. Under the cut~
when I started shipping it if I did:
When Knuckles saved her from falling after theirbattle at Meteor Herd. They had the hand hold moment. And then Rouge called hima creep that only saved her so that he could hold her hand. A+ dialogue. It wasgood. Very good.
my thoughts:
idk, KnuxRouge is very tropey, but I am weak. Therewas a femme fatale character. There was a sweet and strong and smart but inexperienceand dense af guy who probably wouldn’t know what flirting was if it kissed himon the nose. There was a conflict based in different ideological values. I’msorry, it was inevitable.
I suspect I would’ve started shipping it earlier ifI had played this game later in my life. At that time I was a little moretentative and relying on canon evidence before shipping. Now I’m all aboutmixing strong personalities and romance in hypothetical combinations and fuckcanon.
What makes me happy about them:
They’re both strong characters who seem to carrymore or less equal weight in the collision of their relationship. I’m actuallykind of surprised that the writers managed to not make it so that Rouge wasn’tovershadowed by Knuckles, despite the fact that he already had an established placein the series.
Also, I like that there’s a certain amount of…unseriousness to their struggle. A playfulness. Unlike Sonic and Eggman andTails legit murder attempts… For all the heatedness of Knuckles and Rouge clashingin their different ideas about duty and responsibility, when things ultimately startedtaking a more serious and fatal turn, they both came through for each otherinstead of for themselves. (I kind of joked about this before, but I do kind ofwonder if Rouge and shattering the Master Emerald do become part of a flimsyexcuse for Knuckles to justify leaving the tedium of sitting around on AngelIsland playing bodyguard to a rock.)
And, aw, the banter is fun.
What makes me sad about them:
That SA2’s plot is so, soooo bad. In terms of thisship in specific, it makes me sad that their big moment is the second time Rougewas damseled over the course of this game. And neither time she’s damseledmakes even the slightest bit of sense. What?!She’s going to fall from a great height into a pit of space lava?! She’s afucking bat!!! She can fly!!! And arguably she won that fightagainst Knuckles and, aaaaargh!!! Andthen the first time she’s damseled, she’s trapped in the military base by thepeople she’s working for as a double agent. It just makes zero sense. The plotof this game was so filled with holes and contrived BS. And I’m not evengetting into the gameplay mechanics. Ship deserved better.
In a less meta and more in-universe sense… I dothink in a romantic or otherwise emotionally intimate context, Rouge is aboutfive thousand times more adept than Knuckles. She could run circles around him,and I’m not sure you could trust her not to be manipulative about it, even ifshe had the best intentions. And she doesn’t always have the best intentions…
things done in fanfic that annoy me & things I look for in fanfic:
I haven’t really read any in detail. I pulled upsome Sonic stuff recently and was reminded uncomfortably of fanfiction relatedtropes specific to fandoms dominated by male fans. A lot of power fantasystuff, and dark morality themes that liked to think themselves complex but werereally simplistic and unsubtle, and female characters being victimised orotherwise uncritically robbed of their agency. None of this was about Knouge,but it kinda put me off the fandom. I’m sure there’s good fic hiding somewhere,but it put me off on looking for it for the time being.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
um, idk? I have a fondness for Julie-Su/Knuckles inthe comics, even though I do think the characterisation work wasn’t always veryclever. I like the other lady Echidnas with Knux too – so Knuckles/Tikal andKnuckles/Shade are both okay, imo. I think the Knuckles/Sally friendship in thecomics was really well constructed – the way it was set up around them havingthese similar but conflicting obligations was really clever – it couldtheoretically make a great romance. And for some reason I feel utterly charmedby the idea of Knuckles/Shadow after seeing those couple of comics about them.
For Rouge… I really don’t know… I know Rouge/Shadowis popular, and I think it could be good in the hypothetical – certainlythey’ve made a more stable team than Rouge&Knux – but… idk, in terms ofcanon it feels like there’s been quite a bit of Rouge taking interest in andcare towards Shadow as an individual, and not a lot of reciprocation whereShadow really considers Rouge beyond her capacity as an ally. It just seemslike a relationship very centred around /his/ needs and /his/ existential angst.Even when Shadow goes out of his way to save Rouge’s life, it feels like it’sset up as Shadow wanting to come to terms with his own morality and define forhimself what he’s spiritually capable of rather than ‘wow, I care about Rougenot dying’. All of which kind of turns me away from the idea that Shadow would everbe romantically interested in her in a way that could possibly respect that shehas her own needs and goals and values. I mean, I think this is up forinterpretation, and I think their relationship is interesting and could developin all sorts of ways… so I’m not really against the ship, but I remain kind ofunconvinced as of now.
Ugh, I feel like Rouge femslash should be where it’sat, but… who would I pair her with other than Amy? (no.) jfc, why are importantsonic female characters in such short supply?!? and why isn’t Rouge close toany of them?!?
My happily ever after for them:
Rouge decides to stash her hoard of gems on AngelIsland. She reasons that, because they’re stored with the Master Emerald, theMaster Emerald is also part of her collection. Knuckles humours her.
I think they’re often occupied with their ownobsessions and work. They probably spend long months away from each other whenKnuckles is doing Guardian work of one type or another, and Rouge is offtreasure hunting or working as a spy. They kind of reconvene and do battlecouple things together. They probably like travelling and treasure huntingtogether too, or otherwise visiting friends on the mainland.
I’m not sure how interspecies furry babies work, butthey may have a kid. ‘One. Only one,’Rouge says. The kid spends more time with Knuckles, training to be the nextGuardian. But they’re a little more enamoured with Rouge’s lifestyle – has a tastefor grand adventure and glamour. Knuckles’s life is struggle. Much compromise andreworking the system happens in the process of trying to reconcile expectations.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Rouge is little spoon.A little more like their animal counterparts, I imagine Knuckles is about twiceRouge’s size. So it’s very big big spoon, and very little little spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
I think it’s included in that happy ending up there.Treasure hunting? Visiting friends? Digging through archaeological sitestogether, maybe. Does that overlap too much with treasure hunting? It’s aboutthe journey rather than the destination, though~
They both like swimming too right? They visit hiddenhot springs and oases and relax.
Thanks anon!!
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