#but also the idea of makiko teaching kuroo how to dance is so cute i wanna YELL cha i cannot contain my feelings rn!!!!
tvrningout-archived · 2 years
@pridewon​ gets a starter bc apparently i can’t write short asks asdf
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     a grin, wide and sly and not dissimilar to kuroo’s, creeps along makiko’s lips. “ don’t tell me... ” she leans in a little as if to keep their conversation quiet, as if the apartment is full of people rather than empty save for the two of them. “ you don’t know how to dance? y’know, now that i think about it, you never do join in when we’re out. ” makiko remembers plenty of times when kuroo’s laughed along with their friends’ as they’ve knocked into one another, but she can’t remember a single time when he’s actually danced with them. even just this past weekend, the sneaky cat somehow managed to avoid dancing at that mixer they got themselves roped into ( or read: makiko got roped into and roped kuroo into ) despite being stuck in a karaoke room. 
     honestly, makiko’s kind of impressed and not as surprised as she should be. if anyone can hide a secret like terrible dancing skills without anyone noticing, it’s kuroo.
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     “ well, come on! let’s change that. ” maybe it’s the glass of wine she’s had, but makiko feels bold enough to stand up and offer her former captain a hand. her smile isn’t so teasing anymore ( after all, she isn’t trying to make fun of him -- not yet at least ). “ i’m told i’m a pretty good teacher. ”
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