#but also the needless hoops to go through and the mental drain it takes trying to keep up basic dialogue at some points
bublp0pr · 1 year
i am so fucking done with zalgo text. i get it has its uses but there is no good reason for a whole damn paragraph of speech in it. If you want to convey a creature cannot be understood in speaks in something beyond normal comprehension? Sure, throw in a line or two. But if you're putting in more than 20 consecutive words of zalgo or writing characters who speak exclusively in it with just a "translation note" at the bottom of the chapter like you expect me to cross reference back and forth in the middle of a story trying to avoid spoilers while doing so all because someone thought that it would be quirky to convey how strange a character sounded by putting all their stuff in that cursed text arrangement? Go to hell. I am DONE trying to burn the extra concentration and eye sore it takes squinting at that shit just to follow along with a story.
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