#but anthony is a much better actor who has failed to get recognition for multiple projects while his white costar got hyped up
maybeimissu · 2 years
If bucky don't appear in the movie There will be no factors for the success of the movie. Do you think anyone is waiting for a Falcon movie or Anthony? No one is waiting, not even me And if Bucky does not appear, the movie will fail because everyone will enter the movie for Bucky, no more or less. You have to thank Bucky and wish his presence because he will be The credit for the success of this film For a silly star and a bad director
it's been a while since i heard such a rancid and stupid take. i'm only replying so others can see what an idiot you are. but it's currently 5am and i'm not in the mood for going into the details of exactly why you're wrong
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