#but anything he's done luke has done far worse but doesnt recieve the same amount of character rewrite off octavian does.
wabirudenniskenji · 5 months
actually. continuing on from the tags of my last post, octavian really suffers from rick not fleshing out him out. he plays a large (sidecharacter) role in hoo yet at the end of the day very little is known about him which in turn leads a lot of fans to write him off as a 2D villainous bad guy then ignore him or solely bash on him and nothing else. there's sympathy for luke despite his actions because we know his reasonings and how he got to the point he's at. octavian is not given the same graces as luke because so little is known about him, not even just his motives but him in general.
it's a shame to see considering he had all this potential for what he could be but it was discarded because there was so much else going on in hoo that no time was made for him. in the end, he was hastily written off by the author and is written off by the fans in turn. it's really quite tragic because he is a good character just vastly underdeveloped when compared to the characters around him.
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