#but anyway-- the first is a result from when the Hatter shot him toward the end the 88th ''game''--
burlesque-grin · 1 year
{I'm gonna forego the HC banner on this post, as these are more... considered headcanons, than fully implemented ones, but anyway-- just for the sake of putting them down somewhere--}
🐾} In addition to the damage and scaring from his missing hand, Cheshire also holds a couple other notable scars-- Namely a scar around the middle of his right bicep, toward the outside. Said scar being from an old gunshot wound.
🐾} But also, a degree of scarring along his back. Mainly toward the center, and up onto his shoulders-- This patch of scarring seeming to be from the result of burns. Granted, these scars aren't anything that's too ugly to look at... But none the less, they can still be felt rather easily.
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
After playing a game with two of The Beach's most dangerous members, the dormouse gets her tail caught by a tiger's paw.
He’ll make a wildcat out of her.
Author’s note: I kind of regret the song choice due to its association with a certain movie but... it fits the chapter's themes. -shrug-
Edit: Changed the song I associated with this chapter because I think it suits Aguni and Yamaneko's pseudo-paternal relationship, which was highlighted more than the murder mystery on the Beach
go ahead and cry, little boy | you know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through | you gotta let it out soon, just let it out
As if a spotlight had been shone on her, Yamaneko’s body tenses at everyone’s scrutiny.
“Why does this concern me?” she starts, looking at the faces around her, all of them with varying degrees of wariness, save for her fellow militants. Her eyes flick to her father’s, and resentment blooms in her chest, spreading through her veins like bitter poison.
“She’s your stepmother,” Ann responds, examining the victim’s corpse with the purpose of scrutinizing every detail. Then, her eyes flick to Mr. Yamane, looking at him with an unreadable expression. “Though, she looks more like an older sister.”
“We weren’t close. I haven’t spoken a word to her before we arrived on the Beach.”
Ann tilts the victim’s head with a gloved hand, exposing the wound to view. “I’ve yet to examine the wound, but it’s clear that whoever killed her used a sharp object. You’re one of the few militants who exclusively carry a bladed weapon, along with Last Boss.”
Folding her arms Yamaneko was about to go off on the taller woman, but she mentions something else. ”He’s under suspicion, too,” she mentions as she motioned to Mr. Yamane. “Her body was dumped from their shared room.”
“Me? That’s preposterous! Are you suggesting that I have something to do with my own wife’s death? I’m not even allowed to hold a weapon! It’s those militants you should be looking at.”
“You know what?” Yamaneko interrupts, bringing all the attention back to her when her head whips towards his direction, and her voice drips with venom at every syllable she utters. “If you can beat your first wife and your daughters for years, and lie through your teeth every time the authorities get involved, I believe you have the capacity to be violent with anyone and lie to our faces.”
“You dare accuse me when you’re the one who carries a weapon and holds a criminal record,” Mr. Yamane spits back, pointing at his estranged daughter with a wrinkled finger, spittle flying from his mouth. “I’ve raised you myself. You’re an uncontrollable child. Disobedient. Delinquent! You dirtied the family’s name when your name showed up on the tabloids twice. It’s no wonder even your sister gave up on you.”
It took every fiber of Yamaneko’s self control to stop her from lunging at her father’s provocation. Instead, she hissed through gritted teeth. “Don’t bring Mai into this. You are the reason why I had to resort to stealing! You kicked me out. I couldn’t even find an apartment without a guarantor because I was a minor. Do you think I would resort to that if I wasn’t so desperate without a family’s support? That criminal record means nothing here anyway!”
“My, my, this is a conversation you shouldn’t be having in front of strangers. Are scandals really commonplace in your family?” Niragi interrupts, and aims his rifle at Mr. Yamane’s chest. “Why don’t we just kill the old man?”
“See?! Even the company you keep reflects who you really are,” Mr. Yamane blurts, face red from rage. “No amount of discipline I tried to instill in Minami worked to keep her in check. She's a criminal. It’s why I disowned her.”
Aguni remains stoic throughout the entire ordeal, but the last thing the Yamacorp CEO said stirred something hateful inside him. He towered over Mr. Yamane in a show of intimidation. “I thought I heard you call my underling ‘daughter’ in that confrontation I broke up. So which is it?”
And just like that, Mr. Yamane’s domineering facade crumbles, stammering to answer the militants’ chief.
Hatter holds out an open palm, motioning everyone to quiet down. “These accusations won’t get us anywhere. Regardless of who killed Mrs. Yamane, peace on the Beach has been disturbed,” he mutters, expression grim, and jovial demeanor absent.
“The number of violent cases has been rising, but we have handled them quietly. This one is a public spectacle that might send ripples of fear through the entire Beach. Aguni, tell your men to go harder on their patrols and to keep themselves restrained.”
“You’re not even going to interrogate her?” Mr. Yamane exclaims, pointing at his daughter.
This time, Aguni is openly sneering at him. “Why are you so eager to accuse my underling of a murder, old man?”
The former CEO shrinks before Aguni, and any bravado he had dissipated. Yamaneko couldn’t suppress a satisfied smirk.
“Ah, Mr. Yamane, you were some corporate bigwig before coming to this country, am I right?” Hatter asks him. “As number one,” he nearly growls, voice dropping an octave. “I call the shots here. Your daughter brought back high-value cards from the games. Any member of the Beach like that is a fine asset. Unless she’s proven to be a traitor, murderer or not, no action will be taken against her without the executive board’s say.”
“Then you’re complicit in my wife’s murder. I won’t forget this,” Mr. Yamane spits, turning around to barge out the door.
Niragi scoffs at his dramatic exit. “I really want to put a bullet between his eyes. What a bastard, shitting on the military sect like that.”
“As much as I hate that asshole’s guts, you killing him right after his wife just died would just draw more suspicion to me, and the other militants,” Yamaneko replies, folding her arms and eyebrows creased.
From the corner of her eyes, Mira glances at her with a newfound curiosity.
“I think I should also mention that he begged me for help to get out of this place. The executive board should watch out. He’s known for stabbing business associates in the back to climb the ranks. My father is highly manipulative, and doesn’t stop until he gets the result that he wants,” Yamaneko adds.
“Hmm. He sounds like a potential Heart specialist too. Perhaps it runs in the family?” Mira croons thoughtfully, looking at her with the eyes of a child examining a shiny new bug she had found in the garden. “Ah, but you’re willing to impart information about your own father for the sake of the Beach and the executive board?” she asks.
Yamaneko cringes at the comparison between her and her father. “My loyalty is to the Beach, and to my chief. My chief is part of the executive board, isn’t he?”
Mira regards the CEO’s estranged daughter for a moment, and grins.
“That’s enough. Hopefully this incident is just an isolated case. Ann, if any similar cases show up, you know what to do,” Hatter said, almost with an air of boredom. And with that, Hatter leaves, adjourning the meeting.
“I do think an interrogation is in order, though. If you would allow me to borrow her for a moment, Aguni?” Ann asks, tilting her head towards Yamaneko.
Aguni’s stony expression turns sour, but he nods. The younger militant steps right ahead. “If it helps me prove that I have nothing to do with this, sure.”
The chief backs off, and he turns to the rest of the militants present. “I want to have a word with the two of you. Now.”
As the chief goes off on Niragi and Last Boss, Yamaneko follows Ann to a storage closet for cleaning supplies, and clears her throat.
“Well? We’re clearly not here to play seven minutes in heaven, so if you have a question, shoot.”
Ann rolls her eyes, expression otherwise stoic. “Right. How do you usually execute traitors?”
Yamaneko gulps, looking at her hands. “I usually aim for the carotid, or any other large artery I can target.”
“And why do you choose that method? Are there any advantages to it?” Ann asks, taking out a notepad and starting to jot down on it.
“It puts them out of their misery fast. Plus, the blood spurts in one steady stream without much spraying. It makes cleanup easier.”
Ann nods, and flips a page on the notepad. “What were you doing at around ten thirty in the morning?”
“Grabbing lunch at the lobby,” Yamaneko responds, folding her arms.
“Who were you with? Who did you speak to?”
“Last Boss. Though, I saw my father in the lobby too.”
Nodding and writing, Ann continues. “And what were you doing around two hours before the incident?”
Yamaneko hesitated for a moment, and Ann watched her like a hawk, noting the shift in her body language. Clearing her throat, the militant stammers. “I… I was having sex.”
“With whom?” Ann asks with a completely straight face, pausing from writing on the notepad.
“Is this even necessary to ask? God… I was doing it with Last Boss, obviously. I’m pretty sure some of the people in the rooms nearby heard us too,” Yamaneko says through her teeth, shifting her weight on one foot. “Can I go now?” she asks, face red.
Ann nods, and tucks away her notepad and pen. “You’re free to go.”
The militant leaves. She meets up with the others, who were receiving a tongue-lashing from the chief, and she joins their misery. Afterwards, Aguni motions at his underlings, and they follow. As they walked through the halls of the hotel, Yamaneko felt strength in their numbers.
Then, Aguni halts. “Yamane.” Her head perks up. “How many visa days do you have left?”
She pauses for a moment to think. “More than a week.”
“You’re on patrol duty with me for a few nights.”
“Right. Understood, chief.”
“Meet me tonight at the gate. You’re all free to leave.”
Niragi went ahead and trudged off, mood sour from Aguni’s reminders on the use of violence on the Beach. After checking if no one else is around, Last Boss puts an arm around Yamaneko’s waist, eyes searching hers.
“I’m okay,” she reassures him, before pressing a quick peck on his lips.
“You haven’t been on a patrol yet, haven’t you?” Takatora asked her.
“Stay alert,” he says, voice hinting at some softness.
“Of course.”
Takatora would be lying if he said that he’s nervous about his lover’s first patrol, but as he watches Yamaneko meet up with their leader from a window, he felt some relief knowing that she’s made it far enough to rise to number sixteen and gain some semblance of trust from their chief.
Feeling a little cold from the absence of her jacket, Yamaneko walks towards Aguni, doing the best she can to look focused. She wouldn’t want to disappoint him on her first patrol.
“Yamane, eyes peeled,” Aguni said as he drew his pistol and motioned the younger militant to follow.
“Yes, chief.”
Halfway through their patrol, Yamaneko speaks up. “By the way chief, could you refer to me with my nickname instead?”
This gains her a stern, questioning look. “I don’t want to be associated with my father’s family name anymore.”
The look on Aguni’s face softens ever so slightly, and he grunts in acknowledgment.
“You don’t have to call me chief all the time,” Aguni says to her after some time as he scanned the perimeter for any suspicious activity. His underling looks up to him, a curious look on her face. She hasn’t heard the chief say much outside of games.
“But I find it respectful,” Yamaneko replies, hands hovering near her thighs, where her knives are holstered. Aguni blinks a few times before moving again.
“With proper training, you’d fit in with the SDF. There are more female recruits now, I heard.”
“Nah. I’m too much of a non-conformist for that.”
“And what makes you say that?”
Yamaneko motions to her face with one hand. “Good luck trying to scrub all this makeup off my face, chief.”
The snort he gives her sounds almost amused, but Aguni’s expression remains stern. “That attitude of yours, did it get you in trouble with your father?”
Yamaneko is taken aback from the personal question, but nonetheless, she responds to her leader. “Well, yes. I tried to suppress it and be a good daughter, I promise. Regardless, it’s just an excuse to beat me. Everything I did got me in trouble with him,” Yamaneko says almost too casually, as if her experiences weren’t the damaging, traumatic ones that lingered for years.
Old, painful memories started to stir within Aguni’s psyche upon hearing Yamaneko open up about her own upbringing. In the young woman before him, he saw shards of his past self, the angry young man who wanted to get back at his own father, but was robbed of the opportunity due to his death. His knuckles turn white from the rage simmering in his heart.
They continued walking, looking over the fences for any possible intruders. Every now and then, Aguni would tell the young militant what to watch out for, and what to do in certain scenarios. The patrol ended peacefully, much to Yamaneko’s relief. She leaned against a fence when they got back to the gate. Aguni folds his arms and observes her.
“Is there anything else you need, chief?” Yamaneko asks, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“Yamaneko, day or night?”
“Uh, night.”
“From now on, you’re training with me every five in the afternoon, sharp.”
Eyebrows rising up her forehead, Yamaneko has a dumbfounded look on her face. “Training? For what?”
“Do you want to gain an edge over your bastard father, or not?”
One look in the chief’s eyes, and she knew he had similar experiences in the past; of feeling small and powerless against someone who should have been one’s shelter from the world. “Yes.”
“Then don’t be late.”
Aguni leaves, while a dumbfounded Yamaneko stays in her spot, still processing the events of the day. Cold fingers trail on her good shoulder and she turns to see her lover’s face. A smile blooms on her painted lips.
“Takatora. You didn’t attend a game?”
“I was patrolling on the upper floors. I can’t leave you here on the Beach alone either.”
“Ah,” she replies, holding his hand as they walk back to their room. “I guess we deserve a little break from all the madness of the games.”
After some time, as they lay on their shared bed, Yamaneko asks her lover a question. “Are you worried about my father being here?”
He nods, and squeezes her small hand.
“Don’t worry too much. Besides, the chief said he’ll be training me every five in the afternoon. I’ll kick the bastard’s ass if he tries anything.”
Takatora tilts his head. “The chief?” he asks almost disbelievingly.
“Yeah. It’s kind of strange.”
“You didn’t do anything to earn his ire, didn’t you?”
Yamaneko raises an eyebrow. “No.”
“Good luck. He’s... strict.”
“I know, I know.”
The first day she trained with Aguni, she expected it to be difficult, but not this severe. The wildcat pants as she ran her second lap around the Beach, sweat dripping from her skin and stinging the healing burns on her left arm. Onlookers were staring, and some militants were chuckling among themselves. Niragi sees her, and yells after her.
“Yamaneko, what the hell are you doing?”
“Chief wanted me to run laps!” she shouts, voice hoarse.
“What did you do?”
“Huh?” Yamaneko asks, irritation growing. “No time to talk, gotta run!”
Hanako, the militant who once accompanied her in the dressing room, watches as Yamaneko jogs past her, raising an eyebrow. “Huh. When the chief asks us to do something like that, it’s usually because we pissed him off,” she mutters.
“She must’ve pissed him off bad, then,” Saiko butts in, passing the other girl a cigarette.
As fast as her legs can take her, Yamaneko sprints at the last few meters when Aguni comes into view. As she runs past him, she collapses and lies on the ground. Her feet ache, and it doesn’t help that her sandals aren’t made for running.
“What the hell are you doing? You need to cool down. Walk!” he barks, and Yamaneko suppresses a pathetic sigh as she forces herself up. She paces around in circles, occasionally stretching her arms and legs. Satisfied, Aguni lets her sit, and he tosses her a bottle of water. She gulps it down.
“I’m gonna hit the showers now, chief,” she pants, and Aguni tilts his head.
“You think you’re done for the day?” he asks.
Yamaneko couldn’t answer, looking at him in disbelief.
“Not yet, you’re not. You still have some grapples and knife techniques to study. Stand up!”
She swore she wanted to cry, but Yamaneko kept her mouth in a tight line, swallowed hard, and got on her feet.
“This is nothing compared to the shit I endured in the past,” she thinks to herself, and carries on.
Two. Three. Five. Ten times, she ended up on her ass, disarmed and beaten by the chief every single time. As she was starting to reconsider what she thought earlier, the chief holds a meaty hand out, and she grabs it. Aguni helps her to her feet, and pats her back, almost making her lurch forward.
Yamaneko freezes at the friendly touch. All the touches she got from authority figures, her father especially, was nothing like this.
“Focus on your footwork.”
Then, he leaves without saying anything else. Tired, bruised, but fulfilled, Yamaneko shouts a spirited “Yes, chief!” as he walks away.
Taking a deep breath, the younger militant finishes what’s left of her water, and heads back to her shared room. Takatora is waiting inside, fresh from a patrol, and upon seeing her sweaty and disheveled form, he lets go of whatever he was reading to check on her.
Yamaneko holds two thumbs up and beams at him, voice failing her.
“Did the chief go too hard on you?”
“No. Well, yes. But, it’s fine. I learned a lot,” she says as she sits next to him. “You know, he’s more of a parental figure to me than my own father.”
Takatora snorts at the idea of Aguni being a father, but the more he thought about it, the more he agreed with her. He’ll never say it out loud, though.
On the tenth day of Yamaneko’s training, in the middle of sparring with the chief, one of Hatter’s men approached them.
“Aguni. Please come with us. Take her with you too,” he says in an urgent manner, brows furrowed in concern.
“You better have a good reason for this interruption,” he growls, picking up a towel and slinging it over his shoulder.
“There’s been another killing. Please take care of it discreetly. Hatter doesn’t like it when things like this goes public.”
A lump forms in Yamaneko’s throat as she follows Aguni to the hotel room holding the victim. When they arrived, Ann was there, assessing the situation, and the victim sprawled on the floor, a diagonal cut on his neck. A few men were setting up a stretcher nearby, and they halted when they saw the leader of the militants enter the room.
“It’s similar to the previous case,” Ann starts, taking off her shades. “The wounds are consistent with the type I found on Mrs. Yamane. A laceration to the neck with a sharp object,” she continues, holding a clean handkerchief and tilting the victim’s head. “And this time, the glass fragments stuck on his skin are more obvious. Whoever committed these murders used a shard of glass as an improvised weapon.”
The taller woman turns to Yamaneko. “I’ve corroborated your statement with the other residents on your floor. They indeed heard you that morning, so you couldn’t have been with your stepmother. Your method of exsanguinating traitors before disposal doesn’t align with the ones used in these murders, either. The odds of you being the killer are low, from this information.”
“Any clue on the killer's identity?” Aguni asks, watching the corpse. The victim died with his eyes wide open, the look of terror etched on his face.
“We have a lead,” says Ann, full of cold confidence. “For now, bring her to the makeshift lab discreetly. I need to do a full autopsy.”
Boots thudding against the floor, Aguni walks towards the corpse, and hooks his arms under his armpits. Instinctively, Yamaneko grabs his feet. As they lay him down on the stretcher, the victim’s mangled arm, riddled with stab wounds due to his attempt of protecting himself from his assailant, slips and dangles off the edge. Looking around, Yamaneko grabs the end of a curtain, and puts it back in place. The victim’s Beach tag, number 28, reflects the moonlight streaming from the window, and Yamaneko’s eyes trail to the glittering mess of broken glass on the floor, which contrasts with the dark blood splatters on the wood.
“Hey, Ann,” she calls her attention. “I think I found the murder weapon.”
The taller woman hands her the handkerchief, and she picks up a large shard of glass, its pointed end jagged and stained with blood. Ann holds it out in the light, making out some fingerprints.
“Good,” she said, then she prompts them to follow.
“That face is going to haunt me,” one of Hatter’s men comments, and Yamaneko gulps.
“Me too,” she adds.
Hatter’s devotee looks at the militant, a question hanging from his open mouth, but he chooses to keep it shut. Sensing his hesitation, Yamaneko rolls her eyes and quietly gets to work.
Glancing at the dead’s face, whose eyes were frozen in an expression of distress, Yamaneko grimaces and closes his eyes with her fingers. She pulls the curtains off the rods, and covers his bloody body. The crimson quickly soaks through the fabric.
That night, the wildcat sat in the bath longer than usual.
Wading over to his lover’s side, Takatora helps Yamaneko settle into his chest as he wraps both arms around her. In silence, she mulls about her day, brows furrowed.
“You’re bothered by something,” Takatora speaks up.
“I had to carry a corpse with the chief earlier. And my father is still living on the Beach. Ugh. Takatora, I just want to get away from all this. I mean, I’m not going to leave and turn traitor. I crave some change of scenery, maybe explore some places outside the Beach.”
Playing with Yamaneko’s hair, Takatora presses his mouth behind her head. “Supply runners leave for food and gasoline at eight in the morning. I help put away the gas when they return in the afternoon.”
Yamaneko looks up to give him a mischievous grin. “Do you think we can scare them into driving for us?”
He nods, and she laughs with a childish giddiness.
“Great! There’s this place I’ve been wanting to visit again.”
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