#but assuming that his stance on larries reflects his entire attitude towards the queer community is overly simplistic
fadeintolight · 7 months
Here’s the hard cold truth for some anons. I find it disingenuous how ppl pretend constantly aligning urself with the community without being out would be a good or most importantly smart move. In reality if he did that but wasn’t out as queer it would look like queer-baiting to most. As a Gen z lesbian who just minds her own and is private about her sexuality, I can see why it would come off that way, bc western media gives a lot of attention to the marketing of LGBT… but they only do it to profit from it. So that’s the reason why ppl who don’t think Harry’s queer call him a queerbaiter and why they do it with Taylor too (bc she used it as an album aesthetic but then publicly identifies as straight). Like do u get what I’m trying to say? Louis isn’t gonna do any of what Harry does bc for him it would be career suicide, he doesn’t have the fandom to defend him from the type of allegations Harry has. If he truly is queer (i still don’t get y we care about wether he is or isn’t) and he is ever out(or god forbid outed), then I still think if anything changes it would be his talking points. Like being open with certain things he’s clearly not comfortable being open about since he’s private. I could never see Louis dancing around with pride flags or writing graphic songs about g@y sex bc like I’ve said that’s just not him. It never has been. He was just flamboyant when he was 18-20 when he barely understood the fame and now he’s not at all that publicly. And if he is the straightest man in the planet like harries and in the last two days lots of the larries have claimed, that doesn’t make him homophobic, Sharon. Using a very serious allegation bc he didn’t confirm a theory is peak immaturity bc ppls lives end from homophobia, so let’s think about our words for a second.
Sorry this is so long lol
^ nothing to add - partially bc im tired of this conversation and because i agree yes
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