#but at least they're probably going to have a rocky horror movie session
aparticularbandit ยท 2 months
future foundation's not taking a dead body with them when they rescue the survivors, and junko's already gone, so she's not putting it up in the freezer, so like.
just. decomposing corpse.
ryoko. first day out of the place she's been staying with the remnants. immediately a decomposing corpse after memory flashback telling her she definitely was planning to kill her sister. like.
talk about your bad days.
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lea-andres ยท 2 years
Sonic Headcanons - The Girls' Nights
The amount of girls and who's hosting significantly varies, but you can see any combo of Amy, Rouge, Wave, Tangle, Whisper, Jewel, Mina, Tiara (when she eventually appears in my lore), Honey (when she eventually appears in my lore), and, of course, Infinite. Obviously the more girls I add to my lore, the more could be added to this list. Blaze doesn't really attend these because they're too much for her.
Infinite is the most consistent attendee, Whisper is the most infrequent. Sometimes these get togethers are too much for her and she stays home. Everyone's chill with it (and is always ecstatic whenever she does appear)
Infinite, Silver, and Bean are the ONLY guys with immunity to the girls' craziness. Infinite shows up willingly, and Silver and Bean are just either too clueless (Silver) or too confident in themselves (Bean) to really be properly embarrassed by the girls if they get dragged into their shenanigans. All the other guys collectively understand if the girls catch them ANYWHERE NEAR the place of whoever's hosting, they're getting dragged into the activities and they're in for a bad night of teasing and humiliation. Like, Wave's hosting on the Rogues' airship? Jet and Storm go barging in on Sonic and Tails for the next 48+ hours (to ensure they're giving the girls plenty of time to fuck off, LOL). Rouge is hosting in one of her many penthouses? Shadow and Knuckles are scarce. Mina's hosting in hers? Fang who? he doesn't live here. ๐Ÿ˜‚ You are in extra danger if you're either dating and/or live with one of the girls in attendance. Each guy has at least one story they can tell about getting caught by the girls and having something embarrassing done to them. (Fang's got five, poor guy has the worst luck in my lore, I swear. ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Each night always has the same formula: The girls all get together to do an activity together (catch a musical/Rocky Horror shadow cast, see a fashion show, go drinking/gambling somewhere, Wave took them to see WWE wrestling once and that was a HUGE hit, etc.) Then they all go back to the place of whoever's hosting for makeovers, movies, some Jackbox, and lots of drinking and gossiping.
Infinite's usually the one getting the makeover. He's got long hair, he's taller than a lot of the girls, AND he's got that nice hourglass figure, he's pretty perfect for it. But the girls will make over each other too.
A consistent makeover always seems to happen is the girls trying to figure out how to make Jewel even shinier than usual, a la that time Jenna Marbles glued all those rhinestones to her face. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Bark's phone usually ends up exploding in the middle of the night with all of the girls texting him pictures and video of the results of whatever the latest attempt was. The messiest was probably the time Mina and Wave teamed up to rig a t-shirt cannon to blast body glitter. Jewel was getting glitter on EVERYTHING for TWO WEEKS straight. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Considering there's no such thing as a straight Sonic girl, these nights always take a sharp dive into gay territory real fast, especially after the alcohol's been busted out. At least one make out session will occur, and to quote Lucahjin: "Underwear happens."
There's lots of karaoke too, and it varies significantly in quality. Sometimes the girls are busting out stellar performances, sometimes there seems to be an unspoken agreement to "sing as loud and as off key as you possibly can"
Remember how I said Jet and Storm will vanish for 48+ hours? Sometimes the girls get no sleep ever during these sleepovers, and the next 24 hours AFTER the sleepover is spent sleeping off hangovers and just lounging around watching dumb crap on television. (Say Yes to the Dress is a frequent choice, especially as the girls eventually start getting engaged/married to people.) You're still in danger of being humiliated if you show your face during that time, Jet and Storm made that mistake ONCE.
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