#but bc of that I was like oh its defo legit it got that part really accurate
hella1975 · 1 year
i got an app that tracks mood swings so i can finally figure out if mine are really that stupid crazy or if im just being dramatic like i suspect. everyone clap she is taking baby steps!
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lavenderbyun · 7 years
so, i um, got tagged to do the 10 questions tag by @kotokodesu  @haaneuls  @luvcabefelu @sleepypie1212 @nabongsun @tinytrashqueen and @jok-ie  and because my talent is putting things off, that means 70 questions lmao - nonetheless thank you all for tagging me!!!
my questions are:
how would you rewrite an ending you hated?
if you could pick & mix cops from different dramas, who would be your dream team?
do you prefer watching dramas as they air, or binge watching in one go?
do you have an American show you’d be interested in seeing a kdrama remake of?
who are your favourite newbie actors?
have you ever dropped a drama within the first few minutes of the first episode?
have you ever dropped a drama because of the fandom?
the two leads for a drama are your all time fave and an actor you literally cannot watch; do you still watch it?
what anime would you be interested in seeing a remake of?
do you prefer it when a drama has no romance? 
imma tag some new people (aka people i dont think i’ve tagged before), but feel free to ignore this if you dont wanna do it :)
@leejaeshins @addictingkdrama @favekdramas @jichangswooks @notenoughdrama @kdramagif @haesco @blueeski @letsflytoasiarenata @outside-seoul @profilerrynn
What’s the most annoying drama trope in your opinion? I lowkey love tropes (incl memory loss, noble idiocy etc lmao)
Also what trope would you love to see more of? FAKE DATING!
Fuck marry kill between your three fave characters F: i honestly have no idea??? M: LEE SANGTAE! K: Wang So, so he can reincarnate and have a better life :’)
If you had to live in one of those huge lofts/houses we see in dramas, which one would you pick? /forever drawing a blank/ um, oh Kim Tan’s US house!!!
One drama you wish you had never seen? and why?? none actually #noregrets
What’s the best product placement you had seen? lmao the car that drives itself in DotS, i didnt even realise it was product placement until people started talking about it
Okay so choose your biggest otp, now.. If you only could save one of them from whatever scenario you can imagine, which one would you save? aahhh i’d probs save Myeong Joo, Dae Young would understand~
Your favorite underrated dramas?? (so I can have more recs lol)  ms perfect, ho goo’s love, hello monster, and five enough
If you could only watch dramas starring the same actor/tress, which one would you pick? Lee Seung Gi. He’s not even my like all time fave, but I’ve literally seen everything he’s been in - so I feel like he’d be a good choice lmao
what are your favorite idol actors?D.O and Suzy 
who is an actor/tress that you love that you consider underrated? i dont think i have any faves that are underrated ... (i do have overrated faves though lmao)
in your dream drama, who would you cast? Ha Ji Won & Lee Jun Ki in an action drama or D.O & Lee Sung Kyung in LoveCom
what second lead has made you the saltiest?hahahhahahahahaha... wang wook
do you have a “comfort” drama? not really, since i rarely/never rewatch dramas
what is a dish that youve always wanted to try since watching kdramas?tbh i’ve pretty much tried everything, except naengmyeon  
what is one thing you hate about your fave kdrama OTP? GooWon - they weren’t the main couple so we didn’t get to see how they got together or even a lot of them in general
whats the drama youd recommend to someone who wants to get into kdramas? defo Healer!
you get to murder one of your most hated characters ever. who would that be? thing is, i dont have one - bc  i feel like death is an escape and i’d rather their life fell to pieces, they were humiliated and rot in prison?
do you have a crackship? (or maybe just two characters from differnt dramas that youd think would make a cute couple?) oh i’ve never even thought about it .. so no 
FAVORITE CURRENTLY RUNNING DRAMA. Technically MSR is the only drama i’m watching atm ... 
A DRAMA YOU DIDN’T EXPECT TO LOVE. oh Missing 9 - i only started it for Chanyeol & Jung Kyung Ho - but the plot didn’t interest me
A DRAMA YOU EXPECTED TO LOVE, BUT DIDN’T. Legend of the Blue Sea!!!!! 
A DRAMA YOU’D WATCH ON REPEAT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I never rewatch dramas, but i feel like i’d never tire of Fated To Love You
WORST SECOND LEAD SYNDROME. oh the second couple in Secret Love !!! i hated them both to my core, and the fact that the drama ended with them in a good place romantically made me so angry!
TOP 5 DRAMA COUPLES. Myeong Joo & Dae Young, Jae Bok & Bong Goo, Ho Goo & Do Hee, Lee Gun & Mi Young and Bong Hee & Joon Oh
TOP 5 DRAMA FRIENDSHIP. Grims & Goblin, Dae Young & Si Jin, Hye Jin & Ha Ri, Baek Ah & Wang So, Si Jin & Myeong Joo
TOP 5 DRAMA VILLAINS. Lee Joon Young, Yeon Hwa, Min Suk Hoon, Choi Yoo Jin and Gwi  
FAVORITE QUOTE OF A DRAMA “Without even knowing, a person goes around scattering their heart. That’s why if you’re with a smiling person, you end up smiling with them.”— Tae Yang, Bachelor’s Vegetable Store
What three elements does a drama have to have to keep you watching through til the end?i’m so basic, a drama just needs good romance and legit plot/goal to keep me going
Trope that makes you want to bang your head against a wall? truthfully, none
Absolute favorite, comfort food drama? probs Fated to Love You, if i rewatched dramas
What’s an ending you yearn to rewrite? freakin’ Moon Lovers
(Recycling a question here because I like it so much) Top 3 drama OTPs? goowon, jaebok/bong goo, and joon oh/bonghee
Recent OST song you’ve had on repeat? Kiss or Kill - Ga In (missing 9)
What would be a dream drama plot for you? Who would star in it? A sageuk drama about female assassins would be kickass tbh - Ha Ji Won would be the leader obvs, i feel like Seo Hyun would be a good add in, Lee Sun Bin, and idk lmao
The most recent drama you dropped? Why? SWDBS bc i just got sick of the bs
How did you get into kdramas in the first place?I was obsessed with jdramas, and my fave was Hana Yori Dango, so ofc i had to watch the kdrama remake lols
Finally, how do you think they’ve impacted your life? Positively? Negatively? In what way? neutrally i think? like i dont feel like they’ve had a huge impact on my life outside tumblr lols
if you could be stuck in any drama, which would it be? truthfully, none lols, kdramas have lives i enjoy watching - but would never want to be a part of lmao
favorite kmovie? The Beauty Inside !!!
drama with the best instrumental ost? I think Moon Lovers is the only drama where I’ve liked most of the OST lols
drama that made you cry the most? Yeo Un’s death in WBDS was probs the only time i full on cried for a kdrama
actor/actress pairing you would love to see Ha Ji Won & Lee Jun Ki
favorite idol actor/actress? D.O and Suzy
fave underrated trope? I feel like people don’t appreciate the memory loss trope lmao 
drama that should have been longer (or you would want to see more from it)? the 1% of Anything remake, and now My Secret Romance! 
drama you refuse to watch? Anything with an under 18/adult pairing
favorite kiss? The kiss in Healer ep 14 is probs the kiss i’ve rewatched the most lmao
drama that you will never get over? freaking Moon Lovers :/ 
What’s your chicken soup drama? The one that you you’ve rewatched a million times and it’s just as good. I never rewatch dramas haha but yeah, its most likely Fated to Love You
What was your first drama?Boys Over Flowers ~
What couple had the most chemistry in your opinion? I might be biased since they’re my otp, but Dae Young & Myeong Joo (dots)
Do you normally like the first lead, or do you constantly get second lead syndrome? I always like the first lead more by default, and have never had SLS bc if i dont like the lead, i drop the drama lols
Favorite drama friendship?Grims and Goblin <3
Whats your favorite trope and why? FAKE DATING! I just love watching two people pretend to be together, and like have to do all these coupley things/live together/meet each others family, and then slowly actually fall for each other - and honestly i could watch fake dating dramas for the rest of my life but alas there aren’t that many of them :(
What’s the drama you regret watching the most and why? minus dramas i dropped, i dont actually regret any of the dramas i’ve watched lols
If you had to rec a drama to a new watcher what would it be? (extra points if it isn’t your chicken soup drama) Healer!! i literally rec it to people all the time - and a few people have loved it (but still wont pick up kdramas lmao)
What’s an upcoming drama you’re really looking forward to?  I’m really looking forward to My Sassy Girl !!
Do you post commentary (even negative commentary, extra points if you tag it) or do you mostly keep your thoughts to yourself? I literally can’t keep my mouth shut, whether its things i dont like, or things i loved haha i just like discussing dramas, and since idk anyone irl who watches as many dramas as me - posting is my only option lols
Who are your top 3 male leads? Lee Sangtae (Five Enough), Kang Bong Goo (Ms. Perfect) and Song Soo Hyuk (OMHE)
Do you have any drama that everyone loves but you think it’s overrated? The Reply Series and Dream High - i couldn’t get into either, but people love them lols
Who is your favourite bromance couple and why? Grims & Goblin idk i just feel like it was such a nicely developed friendship and esp w/ their background, and then the angst and the way they just missed each other - i feel like that kind of bromance doesn’t really get shown in kdramas?
What is your favourite kdrama genre? Name your favourite kdrama with that genre. Crime/Police Dramas - My fave is Hello Monster!
If you could live in the universe of any drama, which would it be?honestly, none of them haha, idk my life just seems so calm and enjoyable in comparison to kdramas, i dont think i’d swap it lols
What is your favourite kdrama and why?My all time fave is Healer - i just loved everything, the plot, the characters, the romance, the way it was filmed, the comedy aspect, like the only thing i’d change, would be adding more women 
Is there any drama that you refuse to watch? anything with under 18s being paired with adults !
Who is your favourite idol actor/actress?my faves are D.O and Suzy
Do you have any drama that everyone hates but you love it? Uncontrollably Fond has so much criticism but i absolutely adored it 
What drama should have a second season? usually i dont like the idea of s2′s for kdramas since everything gets wrapped up and it would just drag buuut  i’m still going crazy over the Gu Family Book ending, where Gun and the other guy show up at Kang Chi’s home in the future and i’m just like what is happening ??!!! and then he meets Yeo Wool again and i’m just like I NEED S2 RIGHT NOW!
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