#but by then i have too many mages/healers and tormod is better to have bc he has his double A support with sothe
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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bruh he rly can't be stopped
ike was in second place at 95 wins, let that sink in for a minute
#DCB PoR Run#it's usually a smaller gap between him shinon and haar in rd but in por forget it#he gets over 100 wins higher than second place almost if not every single time#in rd there are more like... rly tough ''can do it by themselves'' units#but in por oscar is the only one i trust to just fly out there and zip zip zoom#and thus... we get this LOL. i don't even do it on purpose it's just... how i play#i DID do some differentish stuff this time overall but my top units were all mooostly the same#i reused a few that i hadn't used in ages and i started using haar pretty recentlyish#he's not rly that amazing in por and it's hard to do much with him in this game bc he joins so late#and i have most of my units figured out by then except ranulf who i know i'm saving a spot for#but at least he gets to make up for that in rd a whole lot. i actually told myself that maybe#this time in my next rd file i should take someone else who isn't haar to the tower of guidance#bc he usually falls off a tad bit for the tower and almost never doubles at that point#so in theory i could trade him out for someone i haven't brought in before like caineghis or renning or smth#but LISTEN I ALWAYS CHOOSE MY UNITS WITH MY HEART FIRST AND FOREMOST#that's why i keep picking tormod over pelleas even tho i want pelleas too#but by then i have too many mages/healers and tormod is better to have bc he has his double A support with sothe#also ig bc haar always does so much for me prior to the tower that i feel bad not bringing him lol#actually hey maybe i could swap haar for geoffrey next time... thonkers...#the question is if i can actually go through with it by the time i get to that point LOL#anyway oscar in por is the only one who is this great and im so proud of him
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