#but changed it because they didn't like being so tied to plants unlike their siblings
daisyhooves · 2 years
is prometheus blind?
Yes Prometheus Martagon is blind. Theyre the eldest of their siblings and have been a psychonaut much longer than Azalea has.
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This is the first proper drawing of them :]
They specialize in clairvoyance and often utilize it and time bubble on field missions. They use clairvoyance sorta how Raz uses it in RoR, using the sight of others to their advantage as their own sight itself isnt great. They also have herbaphony, but don't often use it outside of work for the family because they're not nearly as skilled in that psi power as Azalea is.
They'll get their own ref once I finish the refs and profiles for those who already have pages on toyhouse <:'D
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
So glad to see you back! 😊 Ngl, I got a bit worried when you barely posted on here but I didn't want to pry. 😅 I'm happy to see you're well, though. x3
Tbh I sent that ask very soon after finishing the episode and as I've thought about it more since, some of my initial thoughts have changed. For example, I forgot that in the previous preview we saw Sean in what looked like the "Are you ok?" scene saying to White "You have a sibling," and that wasn't in the episode, so now I think we'll see that in ep 10 as a flashback (meaning White may have actually confessed the truth there after all, we just didn't see it yet).
Also, I saw your answer about Gram and just wanted to say that I'm still on the gramblack train (yes, I'm THAT delulu). I know literally everything in these past few episodes screams "gram is in love with eugene" but I keep convincing myself it's just a deliberate misdirect in order to make the gramblack reveal more "shocking" for the audience. If I'm a 🤡 then so be it. I can keep dreaming until Gram explicitly states who he likes. 🙃
Btw, what do you think of the theory that Dan will turn out to be a mole and betray the gang? (My opinion on that is that it makes zero sense and I can elaborate on the why, but I want to hear your answer first.)
One person that's very sus to me, though, is Black and White's mom. I wouldn't be surprised if she's revealed as another "villain" (because lbr, no one was surprised about Todd lol).
awwww it's very sweet of you to worry!! i will be fine eventually, and i am back now, so that's good!
white confessing but us not knowing yet is such an interesting move omg!! maybe!
and listen, you are not a clown for believing that gramblack is still happening. grameugene is just my current take and gods know i have been wrong before. i might make a big post analyzing everything and explaining my pov but all i can say rn is gramblack wouldn't be much of a reveal because white pushed the idea of gram liking black episodes ago when he found the note from the figurines, so i'd say we have been directed into gramblack this entire time more than anywhere else, and grameugene is the shocker here. so 🤷‍♂️
as for the theory about dan being a mole, it's unlikely. dan seems to have been drawing his art for a while, unar is basically an anonymous icon now, and namo said lots of people have tried to find him and failed. so the whole unar thing really doesn't fit into the narrative of dan being a traitor. not to mention all the vulnerability and confessions - if he was a plant meant to integrate the group, he would act as the most goody two shoes cop ever that has never even hurt a fly, certainly not a cop that literally murdered a person on duty.
the mom is super sus to me as well. as much as i am not the biggest fan of black, there is definitely a good reason why he cut ties with her. and as someone whose father is a fascist, i can absolutely see fundamental ideological and ethical differences driving a wedge between them and black deciding to cut her off because of it.
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