#they were also initially the youngest but i kinda like them being the eldest better
daisyhooves · 2 years
is prometheus blind?
Yes Prometheus Martagon is blind. Theyre the eldest of their siblings and have been a psychonaut much longer than Azalea has.
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This is the first proper drawing of them :]
They specialize in clairvoyance and often utilize it and time bubble on field missions. They use clairvoyance sorta how Raz uses it in RoR, using the sight of others to their advantage as their own sight itself isnt great. They also have herbaphony, but don't often use it outside of work for the family because they're not nearly as skilled in that psi power as Azalea is.
They'll get their own ref once I finish the refs and profiles for those who already have pages on toyhouse <:'D
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CKB hear me out. Haters will say it's fake but ....... blanche youngest child. The Victorian maid garb? He's tired of being in the shadows of those before him and is trying to set his own identity. Extreme violence? A big ol temper tantrum and cry for attention. I dare say i would lean on him being youngest child just because Lev fits the disaster middle child ALL too well 😮‍💨.
I see why some will say Lev as the youngest but i feel like he's suuuuch a middle kid like, even if he's stupid, he'd having a good time and that's all he cares about. I feel like youngests are actually more deceitful and tricky wheras middle kids are pretty true to themselves and more easygoing? Like them youngest kids are used to sneaking around and just so cunning, showing different faces (not unlike blanche who does a 180)
Like blanche, yves can also fit all 3 perfectly. He does kinda seem like the overstressed, overworked, will nag out of love, can never relax, will shoulder responsibility for you eldest child (i feel like eldest children also have a really clean aesthetic? Middle kids are either cozy wear or pop the Fuck off. And youngest kids are always flashy but in their own way and my god if that isnt blanche 💀)
Also i feel like eldest kids (yves) have a great fear or failure and losing things so theyre lowkey control freaks. Youngest kids (blanche) are oddly possessive and entitled like they think the last slice of pizza is their god given right. And middle kids (lev) are so used to losing things that they get obsessive over the things they do have, and a bit pathetic abt it if they feel it slipping away.
Youngest kid blanch really does seem like a big brat (but who cares) to me. Like he sees reader as his dead pet hamster that he accidentally squeezed to death trying to hug it but he refuses to believe it's dead so he keeps leaving food out for it and stroking it. Middle kid Lev sees you as a cute hamster and buys you cool wheels and a rolling ball and toys and sleeps with you in his bed. Eldest Yves will not allow anything to happen to pet hamster so he has a seperate temperature controlled room for it, homemade pellets, probably wipes hammies ass after it poops and everything.
This was just my random musing though and im excited to see what you end up making the order!!
Also i think i was ur 🐰 anon and i used to send in all those theories for language barrier LOL. Ummmmm the bunny thing *totally* didn't have to do with Lev, so, uh, don't tell Blanche, my latest hyperfixation 🤭 (or Cyprus because goddamn-)
🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: Oh! Also feel like blanche would be a lot younger than the other two. Like modern au or whatever if they were all together, yves moved out when blanche was a kid (because he was independent) lev was never home bc he was always out and just kinda ended up living w one of his friends (never 'officially' moved out but he's living elsewhere) and followed the party life, and blanche was probably raised and spoiled by a family elder, making him feel like an 'old soul born in the wrong generation'. But hold onnn i didnt know therewas a blanche pt 2, lemme go read that and see if it changes things LOL 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: no blanche is actually so middle/youngest child coded it's insane bc i refuse to let go of middle child lev (actually i need to give bunny a reread before that too, and ofc more content on him when it comes out lol) but brooooo them youngest kids be weird as FUCK like, smth abt blanche feels like he's playing dressup, pretending and trying so hard to be this old fashioned adult gentleman, meanwhile yves actually is more calculated, composed and knows what to do for his shit. I actually initially thought of yves being the youngest but i feel like blanche being youngest fits so much better imo. Like blanche is just here to do his own shit, he's a bit selfish, and pushes for hinself. Yves puts his responsibility first and pushes for reader. Plus yves has that blonde mom in target drinking a coffee doing 3 hours of shopping in 12 minutes before her next hot yoga class and thats soooo eldest child coded. Idk something abt blanche as a person (not a character) seems so underdeveloped and child like in a disturbing yet innocent way? 🐰 anon
🐰 anon also said: "unromancable, unfuckable weirdo." No im sorry Blanche is actually the youngest child Bunny anon
Holy fuckin shit bunny anon always comign in with a banger , yess that's what im talking about them tasty brain chews i like i like
shid man like u really lay out their vibes and everything and even imagined them in modern AUs , presented evidence and cited your source like what the fuck this is such a good analysis like damn bro i fr appreciate the enthusiasm
Like all the stuff you sair fr made sense even to someone who has no siblings, its as if i had those little shits living in the same house as me and i observed the dynamic, like yeah damn Yves really fit the oldest child
Its really fitting cause if you think about it, they're all like centuries old or whatever and both Yves and Leveret are pretty youthful looking with no grey hairs- they went on their own quests to preserve their looks, Whereas Blanche is considered to be the most unkempt out of the three with his salt and pepper hair growing uncontrollably to the back of his knees, no manicures just natural long nails but he's still considered youthful cause ykno 50 year old looking man vs his actual 5 million year old age , but it just shows that he doesn't care about looking youthful as much as his older brothers
i notice the older siblings from other relatives and friends they tend to looksmaxx more than the younger ones. and they try to keep up trends, like Yves and Leveret is pretty modern whereas Blanche is fuckin ancient with his stuff, mannerisms and dressing up
and yes he is ironically the most immature (as in childlike) of them all, even tho leveret is like spontaneous and has his slipups, but damn bunny anon like ur analysis is always bangers like what the hell bro i love them and i love you
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thatoneweird014 · 2 months
More Toyabros: Eating habits
//tw for eating disorders
Also none of this reflects how I feel about food btw!
I mentioned in the Toyabros post - very briefly - that all the Aoyagi sons have terrible eating habits, but I do have a bit more to say about it!!
How it developed:
They don't view eating as a need need, like drinking water or washing your hands. For them, it's similar to how you listen to music: does it help you? yeah. Does it have positive effects? yeah. Will you die without it? nah, not really. Like, you could probably go a couple more hours/days. If you were to ask them whether work or eating is more important, they'd say work because they're all so problem-oriented. It's not that they feel like, "I deserve to starve", it's more of, "I could eat... but do i really have to? right now?"
This is because of how they were raised. Harumichi never told them 'don't eat' but he put so much emphasis on their studies and piano that they were practically internalised those two things as being the only things that truly mattered.
This whole thing started with Toushiro since he's the 'prodigal' and 'most well-behaved' son. Since he's so keen to meet his father's expectations, he just put food to the side in order to focus on his piano and studies. Not that he was told to, but he just figured that it was kinda getting in the way, I mean, first there was all the time spent eating, then he'd have to wash his hands then he'd have to wait for them to fully dry off and for all the oil to be gone before he could touch the piano again. It was essentially a waste of time. And since he's the eldest, when Tokujiro came, he just did what his brother did and ended up adopting the same habits. It was even worse for Toya because when he started copying their eating habits they were both teens and were at the age where they had just completely given up on themselves, so he ate the least from a youngest age.
How it's going:
Toya overcame it the fastest. He met with Akito when he was pretty young and Akito noticed he would barely eat, so he would drag Toya to the pancake and coffee café after school and practice and order for him. Toya didn't want to eat initially, but he felt bad about wasting the food since Akito did spend money on it, so he ended up eating more every day until it just became routine. That, and the fact that two of his most frequent locations are either Weekend Garage on vivid street or the café in sekai.
Tokujiro had trouble overcoming it. He just never actively thought about it, it wasn't something that he bothered with. In fact, it got even worse when he went abroad to study in America. His mother was practically the only reason he was eating anything at all, so when he no longer had her he completely self-destructed. Even now, he has frequent depressive episodes because of how distant he is from any stable support system. He comes home the least as well because his father refuses to accept his leave of absence requests due to thinking he hasn't done enough. Luckily, he did make about two friends there (who only met him because they had to work on a piece together) who, upon realising he never ate properly, constantly invite him out to eat. The first couple of times he could barely get in a couple of bites before feeling disgusting. Now, he devours several plate-fulls of food whenever he gets the chance. He still needs to be brought to food and told to eat - he struggles to do it on his own - but when he does, he doesn't leave a single crumb anymore.
Toushiro got a bit better when he went abroad. Since he studies so hard and gets all his work done relatively fast (he does have gifted kid syndrome, so this does mean that while it's done well, it's also usually done last minute), he has a bit more time on his hands. At first, he spent all this free time practising until his instructor locked his piano and hid the key, telling him that he needs to spend his free time actually doing something he enjoys, otherwise his performance will get worse. This was a novel concept to him. Taking breaks?? is good?? He struggled to understand the idea for a long time so he'd ask his instructor for recommendations who immediately told him to get food because of how insanely skinny he was. He said he was fine with just water and coffee. His instructor told him that was the problem. He does eat a little more now, and of his own accord, but it's not really proper meals, it'll mostly just be an odd sandwich here or there and maybe some fruit if it's available nearby. Oh, and those sandwiches are always those tacky, store-made ones. The people who know him struggle to understand how he enjoys them but are just glad he's eating, even if it's only one bite every fifteen minutes due to being so focused. This isn't a habit yet, but he's working on it. Maybe. If he gets his eyes off those damn books for one minute.
Toushiro also gets depressive episodes, but unlike Tokujiro who gets visibly agitated and offensive, his are more subtle. They'll include him blanking out in front of the piano, or buying the food but not eating it for days after he's bought it, or not contributing as much in conversations he's usually happy to have (he talks - relatively - more about a topic he knows a lot about) and stuff like that. They are less frequent than Tokujiro's but last for longer because it's harder for him and others no notice the signs.
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simpingw0lfi3 · 3 years
obey me - pacts
my headcanon of where each demon brother’s pact would show on your body if they were visible pacts
lucifer - avatar of pride // back of hand lucifer is the avatar of pride and is also the eldest + most powerful out of the demon brothers, so i like to think that his pact would be on the back of your hand as if he is there to guide you. plus he does a lot of paper work, and a whole ton of writing, so a hand seems appropriate. 
out of affection, he’d probably gently hold the fingertips of your hand and examine the back of it, before kissing it like the gentleman he is. then he’ll look up at you and smirk in his lucifer fashion because thats just the man he is. i mean demon-
mammon - avatar of greed // nape mammon boasts about how he’s your first. A LOT. i just feel like if you’re gonna have a pact for the first time in your life, it’d be on your nape since thats not really out of place. not only that, but the nape is a really delicate place, much like mammon is - although he hides it a lot, i think mammon is someone that is rather fragile inside, especially with how much his brothers talk about him.
i think he’ll like it at your nape. initially, when everyone made fun of him for how you had a pact with him so easily, when your hair was down it was easily hidden. but now, whenever someone is talking bad about you, and then you tie up your hair and they get scared of his pact with you - he feels pretty damn proud. 
leviathan - avatar of envy // underneath collarbones  jealousy starts at the heart, and then it branches out. leviathan, being the avatar of envy as well as someone who is very introverted, would have his pact somewhere near your heart. i dont think it’d be directly on top of your heart because thats a pretty awkward position for a pact to be. collarbones are also known as the beauty bone, so by placing it between the heart and the collarbones, i felt like it fit with the image of leviathan perfectly.
not going to lie, i think placing it below the collarbones is pretty flirty flirty, especially for an otaku like leviathan. maybe you’re wearing his shirt which is wayyy too loose on you, and as the fabric droops casually on your body, and he takes a glance - this demon will be a BLUSHING mess.
satan - avatar of wrath // lower back  “anger rises up”/“rose up in anger” or something like that; people say that quite often, and thus i wanted to follow the flow and direction of that anger and wrath. satan himself is also confident and filled with factual information - he has a strong foundation within himself, so placing his pact somewhere near the human center of mass kinda made some sense to me. 
satan might be a bit mad; compared to his elder brothers, this pact is rather hard to see clearly, unless you’re wearing something a bit revealing. but its a mark in a rather scandalous place where no one can see it but him when the two of you are alone, or when someone tries to see it and they realise that they have fucked up pretty bad because now the avatar of wrath will be after their asses. so yeah, he likes it. 
asmodeus - avatar of lust // lower abdomen i think a lot of people would’ve thought that anywhere near the stomach, like the abdomen, would probably be where beel’s pact is. but nope, this area is occupied by asmodeus’ pact. for one, its relatively close to a region, him being the avatar of lust and all, but also good, healthy food = good skin. that pact better be getting well fed, for it can contribute to a beauty like you ;) 
much like satan’s, this pact is also in a rather scandalous place. but asmodeus, being the flirty and happy-go-lucky demon he is, i think he’d like you to flaunt it everywhere you go. he’d even buy clothes from majolish just for you to wear and show your pact to everyone else. but you can decline and he’d still be alright because after all, he likes to sneak glances at his pact without you knowing. 
beelzebub - avatar of gluttony // left shoulder blade i put the twins as the shoulder blades because you cant ever separate them, they must always come as a pair~! additionally, beelzebub is pretty buff, and he’s got some broad shoulders. he’d want to be your strength, like the sweet demon beelzebub is. i think that your strength doesnt only come from your muscles, it flows through your whole structure - the shoulder blades are super important !!
when the two of you are exercising together, he’ll definitely eye the way your back muscles contract and make the pact even more clearly visible. then he’ll grin at himself quietly, without you knowing how much he was admiring the pact.
belphegor - avatar of sloth // right shoulder blade belphegor’s pact would balance well with beelzebub’s pact - much like how after a good meal comes a good sleep, after you glance at the left shoulder blade you glance at the right shoulder blade. if that makes sense...? belphegor and his sheer power, being the youngest of the demon brothers as well as the most tired, i believe deserves a lot more spotlight. this demon is pretty darn strong. so adding onto my whole shoulder-blade-structure-strength idea from beelzebub’s i think the other shoulder blade fits pretty well :)
while the two of you are cuddling and going to bed, wherever he is he’ll always get a good glance at your pact with him. he could trace it until you go to sleep, or he could hug you from behind while he tries to go to sleep... its perfect for him. he absolutely loves it.
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afairytalestray · 3 years
Tuggoffelees 1 and Black&White Family 2
I can’t believe I’ve gotten to Part 3 of this series and I’m only now mentioning my favourite ship of all time! Tuggoffelees, my OTP, my beloved. As always, all hcs in this series will be pre-canon, if we accept the musical as the present day canon. Here’s my take on how Misto’s relationship with Tugger and with his half siblings develops :) (consistent tense usage? I don’t know her) (masterpost here!)
Tugger was totally enamoured by Mistoffelees from day one. They didn’t meet until after Munkustrap and Demeter’s ball (the one after Bomba/Demeter/Misto’s arrival in the Junkyard, which Misto skipped due to still fearing the other Cats), when Tugger happens across Misto dancing and practising his magic in a quiet corner by himself. For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger is rendered speechless, and just sits and watches in silent awe for like half an hour until Misto realises he’s there. Misto is initially very wary of Tugger, having heard about his flirty and flighty nature, but Tugger is so warm and genuine in his admiration of Misto’s abilities that he struggles to see what the stories were on about. The two immediately bond. They both have very great fears of violence and abandonment by family members/Macavity, which allow them to feel comfortable with one another and understand each other on a deep level better than anyone else in very little time. 
Misto, despite his own massive crush, is extremely oblivious to Tugger’s true feelings for him for a long time; after all, in what universe would the most popular and attractive Cat in the tribe see weird, skittish little him as anything more than a friend? But Tugger thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and despite his fickle tendencies, is doggedly determined when he decides on something. He can’t put his finger on what exactly Misto makes him feel right away, but he knows that it’s good. He at first only recognises it as a weird and confusing desire to spend all his time only with him, and only after someone else points out that he’s not been up to his usual flirty shenanigans in a while. He struggles to explain it; since he’s one of the only ones Misto is able to talk to at that point, he’s one of the only ones who sees him for the fun, warm, and high-key sassy tom he is behind the shyness. It took a very long (and naturally embarrassing) talk with his father to help him work out what exactly he was feeling, and at Old Deuteronomy’s advice he resolved to pursue a serious relationship with Misto. It takes a while, partially because Misto seems to be immune to all Tugger’s best moves (read: oblivious to their real intention and therefore assumes he’s joking), and also because Tugger gets all heart-eyed and tongue-tied whenever Misto smiles at him - the usually suave rockstar Cat becomes a pile of goo.  After all his moves fail, Tugger is at a loss of what to do. In the end, he manages it completely by accident.
Misto is a perfectionist and extremely prone to over-working. Tugger’s insistence on being close by/helping him practise is the only reason he doesn’t wipe out basically all the time. Tugger finds him one evening when he’s pushed himself too far, exhausted and aching and barely able to walk. Tugger’s den is closer, so he picks him up and carries him back there - Misto is asleep long before Tugger lays him down on the blankets. He’s kinda mad - half at Misto for ignoring his own limits, half at himself for not being there to help him - but struggles to stay angry with him when he’s very clearly in pain. He confronts him the next day, which confuses Misto, who’s not really used to having people care about him the way Tugger does. Misto questions why it’s bothering Tugger so much, which prompts him to angrily blurt out that it sucks so much to see someone you love hurt themself like that and not seem to care. He doesn’t realise what he’s saying until he’s said it. It hangs in the air awkwardly for a few moments before Tugger throws caution to the wind and launches into a full confession of his feelings for him. He gets on a roll and doesn’t stop until Misto kisses him (in so learning that that is the best and only guaranteed way to shut Tugger up). From there things develop very quickly. To exactly no one’s surprise they become the youngest mated pair in Jellicle memory at the next ball. Old D bawls like a kitten he’s so happy. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees grew very close very quickly, which did wonders for Misto’s confidence and both of their self-esteem. It did, however, also strain Alonzo and Tugger’s already rocky relationship to near breaking point. Alonzo, having learned of Misto’s story and his mother’s death, feels incredibly guilty for turning away from him. He becomes jealous of how quickly Tugger was able to get close to Misto while he still struggles to even get him to talk to him, and thinks Tugger is an obnoxious bad influence and warns Misto against him. Tugger is normally fairly easygoing and happy to let rumours roll off him like water off a duck’s back, he even sometimes enjoys them and encourages them if he thinks they’re amusing. However, this he takes personally, and very seriously (as he will with any disparagement of his relationship with Misto, or suggestion that he doesn’t take it seriously). Tugger feels very protective of Misto, knowing very well the pain of being on the receiving end of his eldest brother’s rage, and of their blossoming relationship; he asserts that Alonzo should have gone after Misto when his mother attacked him, and that it’s Alonzo’s own damn fault he doesn’t have a relationship with Misto and it’s got nothing to do with Tugger. It becomes a very sore point of contention between the two of them.
Once Misto is more comfortable in himself and who he is, he begins to slowly build a bond with his half siblings. He becomes more comfortable with Victoria quickly, they both enjoy hanging out without really communicating, just enjoying each other’s company in peace. Victoria is deaf. She can lip-read, but Misto is very determined to learn sign language, and when he gets reasonably competent at that it becomes their main method of communication.
Alonzo is a lot trickier, the poor guy still feels so guilty. Misto holds no resentment towards him at all, he’s really happy Alonzo doesn’t hate him and totally understands why he couldn’t see him back then when everything was still fresh and painful for him - he doesn’t blame him at all. But he can’t seem to get that into Alonzo’s head. Every time it comes up all Alonzo can think about is that if he had just been more mature/compassionate/accepting back then Misto wouldn’t have gone through everything he did. 
Alonzo now desperately wants a relationship with his little brother, but his guilt makes it so he struggles horribly at communicating with him and is awkward around him, which in turn makes Misto nervous and uncomfortable (even more than he generally was at that time), which makes it even worse for poor Lonz. He becomes very protective of Misto as he feels like it’s the only thing he can now do for him (if he didn’t do it before then he’ll sure as hell make up for it now). This, unfortunately, tends to result in him getting into fights. He and Tugger have been and always will be chalk and cheese, but he also argued with his mother and now refuses to speak to her. When Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer arrived in the Junkyard, freshly escaped from Macavity and seeking refuge, it really freaked Misto out, and Alonzo immediately took a very hard stance against them and wouldn’t give them a chance. He got into a physical fight with Bombalurina that had to be broken up by Munkustrap when she wouldn’t let him close to her den (where Misto and Demeter had holed up). He has now begrudgingly accepted the twins, but keeps his guard up around them. 
As his and Misto’s relationship improved, the awkwardness ended up dissipating completely and the two became quite close. The protectiveness, however, never did go away. It toned down a lot, but at any given moment Alonzo is always ready and willing to throw hands for his little brother and sister.
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szivtalan · 3 years
otp questions for endhawks.........will u kick me if i'm greedy and say ALL OF THE NUMBERS
I WILL NOT but this might take a while tho!!!!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
hawks is more physically affectionate - he'll link their arms together, cuddle to enji's side in public, climb in his lap when they're home, hold his hand, initiate kisses more. but it's enji that people notice sending fond looks for his boyfriend so many times it becomes embarrassing - tabloids will have a whole article on endeavor's "heart eyes" ("my eyes are not hearts" enji frowns at the magazine in hawks' hands, who just shrugs and grins "seems like they are for me") so i would say, deep down the big man's a softie too
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
enji/hawks. unless enji has a nightmare, because in that case, hawks is more than happy to be his lil jetpack.
3. Most common argument?
ah they fight about the most useless things but one of my favorites that must come up often is enji thinking that hawks deserves better than him, and hawks insisting that he's everything he ever wanted.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
kicking villain ass and family dinners. hawks likes to eat, and enji likes to eat with his loved ones all in one place. he wonders why hawks gets along so well with his children, and then he realizes - he forgot (again) how insanely young hawks is, and that he's merely a few years older than his youngest son, too. ngl natsuo glares daggers at his old man for having a boyfriend half his age ahahaha
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
given that enji could swing hawks around like a yo-yo, i think it's him ADJGSGH
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
hawks likes everything about enji. he's really into his body, but also his dry sarcasm, his occasional goofy jokes, and most of all, his heart. hawks will watch enji kneel down to a couple of children at a battlefield, his own face and hands dripping with blood, grunt out "are you alright, kiddos? come here, i'll get you somewhere safe" and see him do exactly that, scoop the kids up in his arms and carry them on shaking legs that could barely keep himself up, and then he will see him let his eldest burn the world, his second eldest scream at his face, his youngest treat him like dirt and know that he still cares so deeply for them, know that he loves them and wants the best for them and if the best is torment their father until he dies or worse, he'll let them without so much as a complaint.
enji, on the other hand, loves how easily hawks can lift the mood. he's learned to see through facades, and he'll call him out if he senses that it's hurting hawks to put on a mask, but hawks joking around and mouthing off makes our atlas feel like the weight of the world is a little lighter that day. he loves him for how driven he is, how graceful and hard-working and focused he seems in a fight, and thinks about how those traits were most important to him in the past but now he can see hawks use them to create a world where they can rest, and he realizes... that's not so bad an idea after all.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
enji speeds up the process of divorcing his wife lol. also he becomes more nervous around hawks, because shit, he likes him too, but he shouldn't be liked, why does hawks even like him? when hawks learns that enji likes him too, he gets shamelessly flirty. he doesn't make a move, of course - enji is still a married man, but he'll laugh at his nervousness, play with his own hair for enji's viewing pleasure and send suggestive winks his way like the damn tease he is.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
enji calling hawks birdie is pretty obvious. hawks alternates every petname imaginable for enji when he learns that he's never been called one (he figures it out when he jokingly calls him darling once and enji blushes to the roots of his hair), his favorite is "sweetheart" and "baby". enji also calls hawks his angel, but only when he's being very soft for him
9. Who worries the most?
i mean..... both? enji tends to worry more for hawks' safety and hawks worries more for the crushing guilt enji lives with.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
hawks - claims he does, but the truth is, he says a different thing each time and enji's happy to try new things as long as hawks will beam at him proudly after ordering
11. Who tops?
depends. they both do. enji topped more at the beginning because hawks was really into it and he was kinda insecure about asking for anything else, but hawks once offered and found out that he has a delicious bottom bitch on his hands.
12. Who initiates kisses?
hawks. height difference doesn't really matter when you have wings to fly up to your boyfriend's face and kiss him stupid
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
enji does. he wants to feel that hawks is by his side all the time, safe and sound.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
again, enji. his kisses get desperate, his hands rough. his temperature goes up despite his will and he just wants hawks to melt against him
15. Who wakes up first?
enji does! he's used to working out in the early morning before going to work
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
hawks does!! deep down he's still a rebellious lazy teen and whenever he has a day off, he likes to sleep until 12. he swears he considers breaking up with enji the first time the man wakes him up at 6 to ask if he wants to come work out with him
17. Who says I love you first?
surprisingly, enji does. hawks is way too protective of his own feelings to let them flow out so soon, but enji is desperate, he wants hawks by his side for ever, and the first time he says it is the first time he realizes it's true. they're out eating dinner one day, and enji watches hawks chew around the food in his mouth, downing chicken like his life depended on it, and he watches the last rays of sunlight hit his golden hair, his golden eye, paint his wings blood red, and he knows he hasn't seen anything more perfect than that sight. he tells him he loves him, and hawks laughs so much he almost chokes on food. "pretty fucked up to tell me that while i'm deepthroating yakitori" he tells him, giggling
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
hawks!!! it usually says cheesy things like "good luck at work, endeavor-san!" or "don't forget to eat ur vegetables!" when there are zero vegetables in the lunches hawks packs for him
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
i mean hawks doesn't have much connection to his family, or has many friends, but enji is kind of pressed to tell his family all about his relationship since, you know. the news would reach them sooner or later anyway
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
mirko is THRILLED that hawks is dating endeavor. the todoroki family, i mean.... shoto is confused, natsuo is mad, fuyumi and rei are both supportive and say they both want the best for enji. but mostly they just all think that he's really. Really young lol
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
hawks!!! he likes to dance around the kitchen while enji is cooking or doing the dishes, and sometimes manages to seduce enji into his arms too.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
hawks is a better cook, but he never tells enji about that. he just lets him suffer and teach himself how to cook because it's so much fun
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
hawks, but he says nothing he would ever say can beat enji calling him his angel. that's the cheesiest it can get, and it's also only because of his wings, like shut up enji omg that's so embarrassing
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
hawks gets bored on important meetings. then he looks over to enji in a suit and gets horny. one of his favorite hobbies is watching enji squirm and struggle to keep it together after he's stroked his thigh under the table and whispered filth in his ear
25. Who needs more assurance?
enji does. he really, honestly thinks he doesn't deserve the love hawks has for him.
26. What would be their theme song?
my dude every song on ur playlist could be but this one in particular takes the cake for real
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
in an au where enji's kids are still kids instead of grown adults, hawks would definitely read to them (sometimes legit tales, sometimes just colored-up and censored versions of their dad's missions) and cuddle them to sleep while he hums to them softly. in a non-au, enji catches him with shoto sleeping all wrapped up in his arms and wings, right after comforting him when he had a nightmare, trying to keep awake but slowly dozing off holding enji's youngest, most precious son, and enji kind of falls in love a lot more.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
text, call, videochat. hawks makes a show of wearing some of enji's clothes, but really, you can't keep these assholes away from each other.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
enji will never think he deserves to have hawks by his side
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
hawks will never grow tired of showing enji how much he deserves him.
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I wanna hearing about Paige's family with #5.
Super detailed questions about your OCs
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
HOO BOI my friend, you have volunteered for an infodump. I’m putting in a read-more cut to prevent dash clogging.
Paige was the second-to-last child out of five, with three brothers and one sister. 
Isabelle [Bella, Belle] -- the eldest, Paige’s sister and seven years older than her. Basically ended up as built-in babysitter/second mom. Paige calls her Izzy and is the only one who is allowed to call her that [anyone else will get whacked, including Bella’s husband]. Their relationship when Paige was a kiddo was pretty strained; Paige grew up running wild with her brothers whilst Isabelle, the eldest daughter of a very conservative and publicly religious family, was constantly being watched and judged on how responsible she was and how well she was growing into a ‘lady’ as she was expected to do. Meanwhile Paige, as the younger daughter and surrounded by boys, was excused for more wild behavior and often given a flavor of the ‘boys will be boys’ pass when she got into trouble until she hit puberty and suddenly got whacked in the face with more feminine expectations. 
Somewhere in Paige’s early teens, she and Izzy had it out in an honest to goodness, full-on fight, wherein Izzy accused Paige of being a spoiled brat who was incapable of understanding just how hard it was to hold up under everyone’s expectations, and Paige threw it right back by calling those expectations petty bullshit and questioning why Izzy didn’t just toss it all out if she hated being a lady. The two grew apart after that, maintaining some sisterly affection but mostly not getting in each other’s way. Izzy taught Paige how to look after her hair when she started growing it out, taught her how to do make-up, gave her advice on clothes and shoes for interviews, that sort of thing. 
They both ultimately stayed at arm’s length until Shaun was born, at which point Izzy had reached out to try and reconnect. She and her husband had been living in Pennsylvania when the bombs fell. Izzy’s family was well off enough that they might have gotten a spot in a vault, but Paige hadn’t been keeping up with them enough to know whether or not they’d registered...
Ethan -- eldest brother, five years older than Paige, she always looked up to him as her cool older brother. He and his friends had a garage band when he was a teen, but he gave it up when their parents put pressure on him to start figuring out something ‘real’ to do with his life. Music became a beloved hobby, noodling about on his guitar when he could get away with it, but never when their father was home, as he’d threatened to smash it on more than one occasion. 
Like Isabelle, Ethan was often leaned upon to be more adult than he actually was, looking after his younger siblings but with a touch more wiggle room. Where Isabelle was very much considered the one with full parental authority, and thus expected to enforce the rules to their fullest extent, Ethan allowed Paige, Daniel, and Zach to get away with the occasional mischief with a wink and a smile that assured them he didn’t see anything. 
Besides music, Ethan also had a gift of gab that made him excellent at talking himself and his siblings out of any trouble-- something he and Paige shared, and the two would get into deep arguments over tiny things as a kind of sport. At school a teacher encouraged him towards debate club and theater, and he participated in multiple school productions before, again, their parents reminded him that artistic careers were more fantasy than anything to build your life around. Instead, they pushed him towards law, which he fucking hated but attempted to make them happy.
He dropped out after his first year of college, arriving at home with black dyed hair, two tattoos and three piercings he hadn’t had when he left for school, giving their parents the finger, and all but disappearing when Paige was fourteen. Nineteen years old, he was technically an adult, his their parents couldn’t drag him back. Dad doesn’t talk about Ethan, and mom would cry when he was mentioned. Paige worried he died chasing a dream for the longest time, until she left for law school and started getting postcards-- turned out Ethan was still in contact with Izzy, and had embraced his musical career [and all the hardship that came with it] with everything he had. 
Last Paige heard, Ethan had been somewhere on the western seaboard when the bombs fell. She finds it unlikely that he, or any descendants of him, survived... though, if he went ghoul, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was still living the traveling musician life two centuries later. 
Daniel [Danny] -- middle brother, two years older than Paige, and oldest of the trouble trio. Daniel, Paige, and Zach were always the three making messes together as young kids, running wild, exploring the backwoods on the family farm, finding fun and odd ways to get chores done, and generally being kids. Danny was the tough one out of the three of them; easily the biggest out of all of Paige’s siblings and the one who got in people’s faces if anyone was messing with anyone else in the family. 
Danny and Paige frequently butted heads; they were both stubborn as hell and outspoken, and before Paige was expected to be more lady-like it very regularly came to blows. It’s thanks to Danny that Paige knew how to squirm out of most holds by the time she was an adult, even if the other person was larger than her, and exactly which soft spots to shove her elbows or heels into. This tendency towards brawling changed as they got older, however, as Danny realized that Paige was going to be a petite woman her entire life and went out of his way to teach her some honest-to-goodness self-defense tactics after hearing a few of his friends say a few... off color things about his sister. 
Danny stayed in Minnesota to attend a trade school, finding work in the automation industry; installing and maintaining machines used for mass manufacture. He married almost immediately out of highschool, and the timing of his first kid suggests that his wife was pregnant before the wedding. Paige kept in contact with him, and Danny actually made the trip out to visit her when Shaun was born. While Paige suspects that he’s dead, unless of course he ended up ghoul, she has occasionally speculated that if Danny and his family survived the initial bombing? He had practical skills that might have seen him through long enough to have descendants that survived to the present day.  Zachariah [Zach] -- the youngest, a year younger than Paige and her childhood partner in crime. Zach, like Paige, was kinda on the small side. Unlike Paige, Zach was also intensely shy in a family full of outspoken, opinionated, stubborn mules. It wasn’t that he didn’t have opinions, mind-- rather that he had a lot of trouble putting the words together to express them. Zach would often stick with Paige like her second shadow, because Paige was very good at picking up on what he meant to say to others and saying it for him, or re-iterating when he spoke too quietly and he got ignored. 
That said, Zach was often the mastermind behind what he, Paige, and Danny got up to as little kids-- quiet, but quick witted, and a grade-A prankster. 
As adolescents, Zach and Paige were occasionally confused for being twins despite there being a year difference between them. Their faces were strikingly similar, with Zach having deeply brown eyes rather than Paige’s hazel being the main difference. Sometimes their mischief would play into this, and Paige was allowed to get away with many things as a young teen simply by virtue of being mistaken for her brother. 
When Ethan ran out on the family, Zach was probably the one most deeply effected by it, and Paige did everything she could to support him at the time. They both looked up to Ethan, but Zach even more so because he was also musically inclined and had been learning the drums from one of Ethan’s friends. Sometimes the band even let him do some kind of back-up percussion when they were practicing before their father shut it down, and it was during those practice sessions that Zach tended to really light up. When Ethan left? Zach fell deeply into depression for a long time, and Paige felt like it was her responsibility to hold him up lest she lose another brother. 
Despite being the often-overlooked child in the family, Zach had damn near perfect grades... and yet, their parents appeared to lack specific expectation for him. Rather, the had a vague assurance that he’d simply do well at whatever he decided to do, and Zach confided in Paige that he had no idea what to do with his scholastic success-- that it didn’t feel real to him. That he wasn’t a person, but rather a mass of goo that could just be poured into whatever shape worked best for the people around him. 
Paige still regrets not having any good advice for him. Last she heard, he’d gone to school to pursue an engineering degree, like their father; imitating a ready example. She suspects that he might have gone after something musical, if not for what happened with Ethan, and that his choice paralysis was a form of avoiding even thinking about that kind of rebellion. Like Danny, Zach’s schooling didn’t take him far from the family home, and he still lived in Minnesota at the time of the bombing. He was, at the time, unmarried. Given time to think further on it, Paige actually suspects that Zach might have been some form of closeted due to still being close to the family and their parents intense involvement with the church. Thinking about that always makes her wish she’d been there for him more, that she’d been smarter and figured out what he’d been dealing with and helped him handle it better. 
Like everyone else, Paige is pretty sure Zach is dead... and he’s probably the one she’s mourns the most, because it feels like he never really got to live in the first place. 
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Raphael and madzie!! please I will sell you my firstborn for some Raphael and madzie content. Like him babysitting and sleepovers and playing dress up and watching Disney movies together. Raphael wearing this tiara and him and madzie playing together. Baking and singing together, going on trips to the park together and Raphael just being so happy.-
-Like if you think about it they are technically cousins🤔 with the whole found family thing, Catarina and Magnus are siblings Raphael is Magnus’ son ergo madzie and Raphael are cousins but they still think of each other as siblings. Raphael is her big brother! Please🥺
ok anon i hope you know that you are literally my new favorite person in the whole wide world and this ask is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i will literally never shut the fuck up about raphael and madzie i will make this brotp a thing if it KILLS me just you watch
idk if id say they are technically cousins because i don’t know if catarina and magnus consider themselves siblings - definitely family for sure, but i get the feeling it’s more of a “generic” family feeling rather than a Specific Dynamic you know? but either way this is found family so it’s not like family tree/architecture is actually that stiff and matters that much, RAPHAEL IS MADZIE’S BIG BRO idc
and it’s literally canon that raphael is the best, most thoughtful, caring and dedicated older brother so like!!! honestly it’s what madzie deserves. she has a wonderful mom (two if you subscribe to dotarina raising madzie together <3) and underful uncles and a wonderful brother who is always on her side and would do anything for her, and that! is! fantastic! 
especially because like madzie is implied to be used to big families, since iris was going around making an army of warlocks basically lmao and like of course that was an abusive family dynamic but the point is that she was used to having siblings. but she was also implied to be the eldest and now she is the youngest! and she gets to have a nice big bro who takes care of her and plays with her and has her as a priority and i just 🥺🥺🥺
and god not to be a slut for raphael and rosa but i picture raphael just telling madzie all that he could about rosa?? you know??? he’s all like “you have an older sister too, you know? it’s a shame you never got to meet” and madzie kind of tilts her head and asks him to tell her about it. so raphael does. he sits down with her and shows her pictures of the both of them together from their childhood up until her death, and he tells her all the stories he possibly can. he says, “she would have loved you just as much as me. she always wanted to be someone’s older sister. said she wanted to take care of them like i take care of her” and madzie is all like “she sounds sweet. i wanted to know her, too” and raphael tears up slightly and he’s like “yeah. yeah. me too, cariño” and she hugs him
and like not to slut over this but i like to think that raphael teaches madzie about the monarch butterflies and día de los muertos and one day they are playing outside and a monarch lands on madzie?? and madzie calls it “rosa” and the butterfly is just flying over her head, alternating between her and raphael, for the whole afternoon? and raphael chokes up. fuck it all the legends are true, i love this alright
just like.... obviously raphael’s relationship with madzie is not some kind of substitute for his relationship with rosa, because madzie deserves better than that and no one can be rosa but rosa. raphael loves madzie for madzie, because she is sweet but fierce, extremely intelligent and with a playful/slightly mischievous (in a good way) side that is slowly blooming as time goes by and she heals from her abuse more and more. she is also good, endlessly caring, kind, compassionate, imaginative, affectionate. madzie is madzie and that’s all she needs to be. but the idea that raphael has someone to share rosa with, even if madzie obviously doesn’t feel about her the same way raphael did as they never met, but to bring her into this new family in a way... and let madzie knows that she also has another sibling looking out for her, even if from another plane... that’s nice and good food okay. and i think madzie would want to know about her, just like she tells raphael about her other siblings from when she lived with iris, even if they never got to be too close (cuz i doubt iris would risk letting them become very close and eventually realize her abuse and possibly rebel against her) 
maybe it’s madzie herself who brings it up, she asks raphael about the pictures in his home or about his “ave rosa” plaque 🥺 and he tells her about it and makes sure that she knows that he doesn’t love rosa more or less than he does madzie, just differently. they are both his little sisters no matter what
anyway! onto more rapha&madzie focused headcanons. first of all you are so correct about playing dress up and shit, raphael is a SIMP and a sucker for his lil sis so he absolutely will wear a tiara if she asks no questions asked. simon sees it one time and he doesn’t even consider making fun of him because raphael shoots him a glare that absolutely reads as “i double dare you, motherfucker”. not because uwu girly stuff just because he has this whole serious vibe and there he is with a tiara and tiny braids. we stan
also look i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, raphael absolutely learns how to handle black/kinky hair for madzie. he was used to doing rosa’s hair but that was very likely straight or just wavy hair. madzie’s hair texture is different and raphael makes it a point to learn everything he can about how to take care of it and make hairstyles that she might like and won’t hurt her, okay? and yes i know that madzie straightens her hair but i like to think that over time she stops. i kinda headcanon that one of the reasons she did it was to look closer to iris, plus just the fact that as a white abuser i doubt she exactly planted it on madzie to love her natural hair. but over time living with catarina and being closer to a mostly-poc family and seeing maia and other beautiful black women with their natural hair and/or afro hairstyles, she stops straightening it, and everyone encourages her, raphael included. he even uses that, like, “i’ve been learning how to do these hairstyles for you, you know” and he shows her some and she gets so excited about trying them and it’s great
(initially he has catarina’s supervision, because again black hair is important and even if raphael is a moc he’s still nonblack. but catarina trusts him and he’s always so careful and makes sure to always listen to what she says, asks questions and all but takes notes lmao, so it works) 
and baking!!! i mean look madzie is gonna be naturally prone to liking to bake, as a warlock and shit. and if regular kids already play with making potions, warlock kids are definitely even worse, especially because she does see catarina, dot, and magnus doing that all the time so it’s one of the things that she likes to mimick. and baking is basically potion making but edible and solid lmao. but like she loves it, mixing the batter, adding sprinkles, seeing as the textures change and the taste builds and stuff like that, you know? she’s definitely fascinated by it especially because she does it without magic and it’s just, wow, so cool to her?? and raphael as the cook that he is is more than happy to teach her, bake with her, and see her enthusiasm. raphael with oven mitts taking a batch of cookies out of the oven yall. i need a second
and like i absolutely subscribe to genius madzie because LOOK that girl is endlessly fucking smart and so intelligent especially for her age, not to mention powerful and observant and just, she’s brilliant. and with both catarina and magnus, huge nerd extraordinaires, and possibly maia because i like to pepper in the fact that maia and raphael are dating, she gets all the incentive she could possibly want to want to learn about both mundane science and magical theory
but in short like! raphael getting her those chemistry sets for kids, you know? where you have some recipes and you can mix up ingredients and they change color or otherwise change and shit? my friend had one of those when we were kids and my god i loved it so much, i was just fascinated. i think madzie definitely would love it, and raphael knows that she will, so he takes a whole day off for when he brings her this gift because he knows they will be playing all afternoon. and they do! she’s super excited about it and raphael as usual is all careful and teaching her how to do it properly without spilling and taking the measures appropriately and stuff. and it’s super sweet
initially they follow the recipes and raphael’s autistic ass is just delighted to do that, but madzie quickly starts doing some #improv, and again, because she is a genius, she quickly starts to figure out what each substance does. so she’s texting theories, trying out experimenting, seeing if she’s right, trying to asses her work? you know? basically literally a mini scientist using the scientific method and stuff and raphael is so proud of her and in awe of how smart she is and he tells her that she’s the smartest kid he’s ever met and kisses her forehead and she giggles and is just super excited?? 
also sometimes she asks raphael what he thinks and he’s just like “uhhh” because he has no idea lmao he’s just happy to see her do her thing and help her with the practical parts. and she giggles at him and she’s lowkey outraged but again, she’s just sweet and he loves her
i also 100% think it was madzie who figured out a potion to make raphael able to eat (oh look what is this fic that mentions that doing here) because FUCK mundane raphael all my homies hate mundane raphael, the heavenly fire made him a daylighter. and she could see how sad raphael was that he didn’t get to eat at all, especially because he clearly loved food and he always had this sort of longing when they were cooking together, you know? it also made her sad that he couldn’t try her cooking, and he was always telling her that to cook, you need to always taste what you’re making, and once she says “but you can’t do that” and he looked so sad she immediately felt bad about it, even if obviously it isn’t her fault
anyway my point is she knows how much this means for raphael and she wants him to be able to eat human food again, both for him and for herself. so she spends a long time studying vampire anatomy/digestive system, food properties, and magic, and she eventually figures out a potion that he can take before a meal that makes him able to eat. it goes slowly, initially he can only drink, but eventually she does figure out a way to make him eat anything and he just cries like a baby tbh. she is worried for a second but then he takes her in his arms and hugs her fiercely and peppers kisses on her face and says that this is one of the best things anyone’s ever done for him and that he’ll “forever be in her debt” or something that makes her laugh because raphael doesn’t owe her anything, he’s her brother. and he tears up all over again
of course that takes some years but they’re immortal so who cares. and catarina is SO proud of her little genius for that, too. raphael and maia include the potion as courtesy for any vampire who orders food at taki’s and share the recipe and it’s just a small revolution in the vampire world and madzie is already making history like hot damn. GENIUS MADZIE OKAY
but of course first and foremost she is a kid and deserves to be a kid, i just love her being naturally curious and interesting in researching and learning and stuff. but of course they also play a lot, and keep trying to out-cheat each other as she has magic and he has super abilities and the game becomes more seeing who can cheat the most and get away with it than anything else lol. and it’s its own brand of fun
also, raphael keeps trying to get madzie to eat healthy but the second he averts his eyes she’s like “abrakadabra this is now ice cream” and he’s SO frustrated. absolutely nothing can stop her from doing it. “if you eat these carrots i’ll buy you ice cream later”. guess what she can just turn it into ice cream now. your tactics are meaningless
also madzie playing dressing up! and she wants to be Stylish like her mom and her big bro and her uncle magnus but of course she’s a kid so her sense of style is essentially book magnus lmao but raphael 100% indulges her in all her endeavours and helps her make her outrageous outfits and shit. she likes colorful stuff as we’ve seen and he paints her nails and stuff. sometimes she makes herself mini suits mimicking or straight up matching raphael’s and raphael thinks it’s the cutest thing. especially when she like, imitates his blazer but keeps wearing a boa as well or something. aioudjsauihda i love kids and fashion can you tell
and she sometimes picks out clothes for him and guess what? raphael 100% wears them because it’s madzie and he is s o f t for her
and singing!!! and DANCING!!! there is no way raphael can’t dance no matter how hard he tries to pretend otherwise, and between him, dot, and magnus, madzie just loves to dance and becomes a great dancer in no time. raphael loves twirling her around. also him teaching her the jarabe tapatío you can’t tell me that she wouldn’t be all over that shit. the playing with the dress, the bright colors, dancing around the sombrero.... bitch she would love it. and they have so much fun doing their little improvised version of that and she claps and he has his hands behind his back and has the greatest smile on his face and she’s having so much fun
also raphael loves reading for her!!!! and eventually when they move away from reading books with pictures she starts creating her own “holograms” to illustrate the stories with magic, and raphael is so proud of her!! she’s just immensively creative and makes such beautiful illustrations for the stories and as raphael reads she changes around the setting she’s creating and it’s so fun and they both like it so much?? and she eventually falls asleep on his lap and he tucks her in and kisses her forehead and 🥺🥺
she also likes to paint and idk why but i have a feeling that raphael fucking sucks at painting, so that’s funny and he smiles and says that she has so much more talent than him... 
and every time they are together raphael has the hugest smile on, it just doesn’t leave his face for a second. especially when they are playing outside in the sun and he just so fucking happy and basking in the warmth and playing with her, you know? and as madzie grows older, talking and just chilling together as well? you know? he just loves her so much and his cheeks almost hurt by the end and just aaaaaaaaa they are the sibling dynamic we DESERVE and DEMAND 
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jksmoongf · 5 years
Kissing Fire [pt. 10]
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!AU, angst, smut Wordcount: 6k Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies and maybe fluff if you squint
Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) **a/n: It’s been a while since the last update but I had finals and studying was more important, so I’m sorry to keep people waiting! I’ve decided to make the remaining chapters a little shorter in hopes of updating more often. As always some feedback would be nice, my loves! 💗 Warning chapter 10: fluff (it’s like a needle in a haystack, you’ll have to look for it really hard), some angsty bits & smut (liiiight spanking, cum play (kinda???),  just some good ol’ vanilla sex (unprotected ofc), nothing crazy really)
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Jungkook felt the heavyweight of Hana’s and Jimin’s eyes on him as he pretended to be busy on his phone. It was the last day of the ultimatum but he still hadn’t told them that he had already gone through with it; the fear of y/n wanting to break up with him was eating him up inside. What if his own inability of bravery caused him to lose both of the girls in his life on the same night? Surely,  42 hours and 13 minutes would be enough time for y/n to process the gnarly encounter in the hotel room but he had not heard a word from her since dropping her off - leaving all his attempts of talking to her unanswered. Slowly he was going crazy, his leg was rapidly bobbing up and down, checking his phone every five minutes only to see that everyone wanted to talk to him except for her. The 97-line group chat was unusually busy with everyone trying to find a small opening in their busy schedules to hang out for a few hours - but he was dreading seeing them and the inquiries about his girlfriend - if he still had one. He let out a sigh from deep within his chest as he closed the kakao-chat. 
The heel of Hana’s boot was tapping on the tiled floor in a steady rhythm, echoing loudly in his ears, overpowering the music Jimin had put on. His eyes darted to Jin who was waiting to get his hair and makeup done by the staff for tonight’s award show - he was completely clueless as were all the other members. It was still astounding to him that none of them had even gotten a whiff of what had been going on behind their backs but he was glad they didn’t. He was so emotionally drained from all the drama and sneaking around that he wasn’t sure if he could handle any more scolding, especially from his older brothers. “Jin, it’s your turn.” The sweet voice of their stylist made them all look up as she stuck her head into the room, a bright smile on her face. “Ah, finally.” The eldest got up with a groan, shoving his phone into his pocket. “Let’s get my handsome face Red Carpet ready.” He followed her into the other room where Hoseok and Namjoon were already getting their hair and makeup done. As soon as they were out of sight, Hana’s head snapped in his direction. “You know, you only have like 6 hours left until the deadline, so if I were you-” Jungkook shifted in his spot uncomfortably, palms getting sweaty. “I-it’s done…she knows and we’re broken up.” His voice was shaking ever so slightly, tears brimming at his waterline threatening to mess up his eye makeup. Saying it out loud for the first time hurt a lot more than he had imagined; he wasn’t made of stone, it affected him too - more than he liked to admit. After crying all night in his bed, he thought he had no more tears left to cry but he was wrong; every chance they got they would try to escape his eyes but he was hellbent on holding them hostage for the time being. “You did? When? Why didn’t you tell us?” Both of his friends were on the edge of the sofa, curiosity painted all over their shocked faces. “Yeah, it happened the same day.” His cheeks felt unbelievably hot, making him fan his face with his hand. “I needed time to process it, so I kept quiet.” “Jungkook, I’m proud of you for doing the right thing and coming clean to Yina.” Jimin sounded so sincere, making his whole body tense up. Jimin had no reason to be proud of him after all that he had done, yet his words struck a nerve deep within his core, tearing a hole into the poorly fixed floodgates of his heart. His lips contorted into a weak smile as his head bobbed in a small nod. Until now, he had given it no thought; he still didn’t know how she found out in the first place. Maybe it didn’t matter after all; she knew now and she would eventually be able to move on to someone who would treat her better than he ever did. “Yeah, you did good. Better late than never, Kook.” Hana agreed, her arm reaching over the coffee table to give his knee a light squeeze. “So how are things with y/n now? I bet she must be so happy.” Trying to hide his trembling bottom lip, his teeth sunk into it habitually. If only he knew how she felt about him now; making a mental note to ask one of the managers to give him a ride to her place after the schedule tonight. He had to see her, he had to know she was okay and that she still loved him. A funny feeling extended in his stomach; her brother wouldn’t be happy about a guy knocking on their door in the middle of the night but simply staring at her picture on his lock screen just wasn’t enough - he just had to go see her, nothing else mattered to him anymore.  “I think so.” He mumbled, wanting to hide the ugly details of the breakup and how shaken up y/n was after it all went down. His expectations had been too high, always thinking that once they were able to be together everything would be just rainbows and butterflies and nothing could stand in their way but the fear of the unknown was worse than anything he had ever imagined. 
“What do you mean-“ Jimin was interrupted by loud footsteps and a bright laugh, and only seconds later Taehyung came bouncing into the room happily, a few shopping bags in hand. “Tae!” His girlfriend’s mood seemed to lighten up the second he walked in, she jumped to her feet to give him a hug and a kiss. “How was it?” Excitedly she started looking through the bags that made her boyfriend be late, in hopes of finding a small gift for herself. 
Absentmindedly Jungkook listened to Taehyung talk about his shopping trip, about the old vintage camera he saw in some thrift store that he liked so much and what kind of food he ate at the market - only snapping out of it at the mention of her name. “Where is y/n?” Hana asked while trying on a few rings she had found in one of the bags. “She said, she had to go home to eat dinner with her brother.” Jungkook felt a sinking feeling in his stomach after the initial excitement evaporated into nothingness. How was he supposed to switch on his professional features when he was dying to see her? How was he supposed to sit through an entire award show and perform when all he could think about was her? Jimin carefully took in the youngest fidgety state; even all the makeup in the world wouldn’t be able to hide the bags under his eyes and worry that was engraved into every crevice of his face. “Is everything okay?” He asked, holding his hand up to his mouth to keep his voice low. He already knew the answer to his question. The simple fact that earlier this morning Jungkook had messed up during practice was proof enough that not everything was okay;  the doe-eyed boy’s mind too busy with whatever was going on to let him focus on the task at hand. But the boy across from him just shrugged. “I don’t know, y/n is not..” Mid-sentence he stopped, his phone vibrated in his hand. [y/n - 4:12pm] Are you in your studio? I can’t find you :( Almost dropping his phone, he scurried to reply before jumping to his feet. “Jungkook-ah, where are you going?” Jimin watched as he ran out of the room, leaving his dazed friends behind to wonder what had gotten into him. Tripping over his own two feet, he hurried down the hallway before breaking into a jog - knowing that he would be scolded by the stylists if he sweated off his makeup already but not caring enough to actually slow down. Quickly he sprinted down the flight of stairs that would take him to the floor below where the recording and two dance studios were. As if this was a movie, he burst through the door only to find himself alone in another brightly lit corridor, all alone. He scrambled for his phone to check for a reply but there was none; maybe she changed her mind. His heart rate sped up at the thought of her leaving again, preparing himself to run after her if needed when an all too familiar voice made him spin around. “Kookie.” Y/n was running down the hallway, the black skirt of her dress swaying with every step and sooner than he had anticipated, her arms wrapped around his torso, face buried against his chest instantly. Letting out a staggered breath of relief, he too wrapped his arms around her, nestling his cheek on top of her head - trying to fill his lungs with her scent to soak up the familiar warmth rushing through his body. She pulled away way too soon, the shy smile on her lips betraying her eyes which were swimming in tears, making his own feel unusually wet. “Taehyung said you left.” “I did but…” Averting her gaze to his pecs, her voice was small when she spoke again. “I missed you, so I came back because I-I just wanted to see you and I thought I was too late and that you had already left…” An airy chuckle left his lips, trying to release some of the tension that was occupying his mind. “I missed you too, baby.” He paused longer than usual before the last word, unsure whether she still wanted him to call her that. Carefully she intertwined her fingers with his, her eyes moving painfully slow from his feet up to his face. “You look handsome…” His big brown eyes lit up at her words, setting the butterflies in his stomach in motion. “I mean, not just because you’re wearing makeup, you always look handsome but you look really good in a suit.” “Ah, noona.” He whined, wiggling his arms like an impatient child. “You’re making me all flustered.” Normally he didn’t mind receiving compliments, yet to him, it was different when his hyungs or staff members told him he looked handsome but hearing it from her made his cheeks flush and he had a hard time hiding how giddy it made him feel.  “I’ll cheer for you tonight.” Completely ignoring his previous statement, she got on her toes and softly pressed her lips to his cheek, her lip balm leaving a shiny imprint behind. “Oh, I think I messed up your makeup a little.” Carefully the pad of her thumb brushed over the spot.  “Doesn’t matter, stylist noona will fix it.” He smiled, his bunny teeth finally making an appearance.  “You’re very busy so I should get going…”  “No! Stay!” He burst out frantically, his fingers tightening the hold on her hand - afraid that once he let go she would leave and never come back to him. “I-I-…can we talk?”  “Here?” 
He just shook his head, pulling her down the corridor until he reached the practice room. Carefully he opened the door, exhaling loudly when he saw that it was empty. She pushed past him, walking further into the room that was only illuminated by the lights outside. Quickly he closed the door behind him, before turning the lights on. 
His eyes needed a moment until they adjusted to the sudden change, naturally they landed on her - like a kid she was balancing on the cracks between the linoleum tiles, her arms were stretched out wide to each side of her body, deliberately placing one foot in front of the other until she reached the mirrored wall before she whipped around to look at him. For a second, pictures of them making out in this very room after late-night practices flashed before his eyes; he swore he could still feel her fingers in his sweaty hair, clinging onto him like he was the sun in a dark, dreary winter. 
Following her, he slowly closed the distance between them, making sure to still give her some space, just in case. With every breath he took, the fear running through his veins seemed to immobilize not only his limbs but also his brain. “So what did you want to talk about?” After his sudden outcry of despair, the courage seemed to have been drained from his body, leaving him to feel like a coward. Maybe not knowing if she still wanted to be with him was easier than having his heart brutally ripped out of his chest in the very near future. “Don’t look at me like that.” Her fingers reached for the button border of his tailored blazer, tracing them lightly from his chest down to his stomach. Even the lightest touch, ignited a fire in his stomach that he had no control over - was this what being love drunk was like? “Like what?” “Like you’re about to tell me, you don’t want to see me anymore.” She looked up at him, her eyes drooping down in sadness, yet a small smile played on her lips. “What? No!” A nervous chuckle forced its way out of his pursed lips. “I just…” He trailed off, running his hands through his hair in frustration. This should be easier, he thought, he was in love with her - why was it so hard for him to just say what had been weighing him down. “I just missed you and I didn’t know-“ “Did you really?” “Of course, I missed you so-..” “I missed you too but I really just needed some time to think this all through.” “This?” He repeated fearfully confused. “Yeah, you and me. Never in a million years, I would have thought that I would be there when you break up with her. I was hoping she wouldn’t find out it was me. It scared me and, what if she tried to ruin my life after what I did to her like tell my boss or my family or worse what if she told Taehyung…I couldn’t live with myself if she told him about what we did behind his back.” Jungkook nodded; he understood her worries perfectly but all he had wanted was for her to share her feelings with him and not leave him in dark for almost two days, succumbing to the fear that he would lose his soulmate. “She would never do that. I know we hurt her but that is not something she would do, trust me.” He tried to reassure her. “It’s not just that, for a second I thought that maybe I cannot do this after what happened. It was all too much, I was doubting us, doubting if it was really worth it to hurt other people in our lives.” His heart stopped, sweat starting to pool in the back of his neck. He wanted to punch himself for even asking her to stay; feeling his lips tremble with fear of what was going to follow.  “I felt so dirty; I took her boyfriend away from her. I put myself first, I was so selfish for wanting you and it was the first time I didn’t care that I would hurt people around me as long as I got to be with you.” His pupils dilated as a throbbing pain shot through his head, making him want to cower down like he used to do when he was a child - covering his ears with his hands, singing loudly to block out his older brother teasing him - yet he stood there frozen, staring at the girl he loved while she gave him the breakup speech he wasn’t prepared to hear.  “The more I thought about it, the more I realized that…” “No, don’t say it. Please.” He pleaded, unsure of whether he could stomach all this pain he was about to feel. 
Her eyes tried to find his but he avoided looking at her because he knew if he did, it would open up the floodgates and tears would be streaming down his cheeks uncontrollably. “I have to…” Leaning back against the mirror for support, she took a deep breath before continuing. “I just came to the conclusion that I love you too much to let you go and I don’t care about any of the curveballs the universe throws at me. I just want to be with you and finally be happy.” Immediately Jungkook’s teary eyes shot up, simply staring at her, his mouth slightly agape until his brain had processed her words. “I’m sorry but you’re stuck with me, Kookie.” In the blink of an eye, his arms wrapped around her so tightly that a breath got caught in her throat, his face hidden in between her neck and shoulder while small sniffles coaxed from his lips. “Jungkook-ah, I can’t breathe.” She chuckled, trying to use her body to wiggle his arms a little looser. Slowly he moved away; almost instantly she cupped his face, her thumbs softly wiping the tears from his cheeks. “Hey, you didn’t think I was going to leave, did you?” “No, no of course not.” He said a little too quickly.  “Oh, you big dummy.” Her eyes looked droopy again but it was different this time, they were filled with so much love that he couldn’t help but crush his lips onto hers. It felt so right to finally kiss her again; all the anxiety and pain that had been lingering on his mind slowly drifted away. Lifting her up, he pressed her back against the mirrored wall, making sure his lips never left hers even for a second.  Arms locked tightly in the back of his neck, she pulled herself even closer to him, deepening the kiss. Tongues shyly colliding with each other like it was the first time. Jungkook felt the need to be inside of her growing in the pit of his stomach and as the grip of his hands tightened around her buttocks, he hoisted her up on his hips so she could wrap her legs around his waist. 
Both were close to running out of oxygen when they pulled away from each other, lips only separated enough to allow them to breathe. He sighed as she peppered hot pecks along his jawline, making his slacks feel unbelievably tight already. Her voice was raspy so close to his ear. “Show me how much you’ve missed me.” The little clink of her teeth grazing against his earring sent shivers down his spine and made his toes curl in his shoes. Almost automatically his legs started to move, crossing the room to the table for meetings on the other side. Carefully he sat her down right on the edge; gingerly her fingers unbuttoned the collar of his shirt to expose his neck to her. Her lips sucked onto the skin, feeling his pulse throb against them as his heart rate sped up. At first, he busied himself with running his hands up and down her thighs, letting them disappear underneath the skirt where only he was allowed to venture while he ravished in the feeling of blood rushing to his dick, growing harder under the ministrations of her lips with every passing second. Thoughtlessly he pushed the neatly stacked scripts for upcoming schedules to the side, some of them falling to the floor before pushing her further onto the table. She leaned back on her arms, giving him the opportunity to drink in the sight of her; her chest was rising and falling quickly as she licked her swollen lips. He towered over her, grabbing a fist full of her hair to tilt her head to an angle where he could reconnect their lips. Hunger-driven his tongue dove into her mouth, trying to get a taste of her after the long dreadful days they had been apart. Untangling his fingers from her hair, Jungkook stripped himself off his blazer, throwing it on the table next to them. 
Her needy hands reached for his belt, wanting so badly to feel him again and hearing him moan sweet nothings and confessions of love but a rough hand wrapped around her wrist, eliciting a frustrated groan from her - he always had a habit of trying to get the upper hand. Before she could protest any more, he took a step back, the cool air of the air-con making her shiver when the warmth that his body radiated was taken away. Delicately he lifted up her dress, a smug smile spreading on his face as he ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “Cute.” He commented, fingertips gently brushing over the mound through the fabric. “Oh, ha-ha.” She nudged his hip with her knee, the inevitable flush on her cheeks not going unnoticed. “You’re matching my new mic, baby.” Involuntarily her back arched off the table; Jungkook traced the outline of her lips through the slightly dampened purple silk. “So wet already.” “We don’t have much time, we can’t play games right now.” He hummed in agreement, letting his index finger snap against the sensitive little nub, earring a whiny moan from her before rolling the smooth fabric down her legs and stuffing it into the pocket of his pants.  “Are you sure we don’t have time?” His tongue darted out to moisten his lips, his gaze glued to his favorite spot, wanting nothing more than to taste her.   “I’m sure.”  “But it’s been so long.” He sighed, bottom lip jutting out into a pout that was tearing at her heartstrings. Pushing herself off the table, she wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him closer to her.  “I can come over tomorrow night after work…” She whispered against his mouth, trying to distract him from her fingers fumbling with his belt buckle again and unbuttoning his pants. Jungkook sucked in a breath, his heart hammering against his chest. “You can sneak me in the dorms and then you can do whatever you want to me, deal?” A little too eagerly he nodded at the prospect of spending the night with her again but in his bed and not some shady hotel while she pushed his slacks and briefs down just enough to set his member free. Delicately her fingertips brushed over the already engorged head, coating them in precum, earning a soft sigh from Jungkook. He was more than ready to finally be one with her again, yearning to be buried deep inside the velveteen walls.  
Lying back down on the table, she hiked the skirt of her dress up; fingers diving in between folds to mix Jungkook’s precum with her own arousal. A whimper fell from her lips as she slowly pulled away, his eyes were resting on sweet sticky concoction and as she held up her hand a little he didn't hesitate. His head dipped down, wanting nothing more than to lick up every last drop but he was too late. With big eyes he watched her stick her fingers in her mouth, tongue teasingly twirling around them, small delicious moans clouding his head and making his dick throb against her leg. 
His large hands pushed her thighs further apart before he grabbed onto her hips scooting her closer to the edge of the table again. His lips harshly pressed onto hers, determined to get a taste of what she had deprived him of. His tongue gently nestled against hers as utter bliss coated his tastebuds. “Noona.” He pouted, still towering over her. She giggled in response, playfully sinking her teeth into his bottom lip. Accompanied by a frustrated groan, he rolled her onto her side like a rag doll; only seconds later a yelp echoed from the studio walls when his hand harshly came down on the rosy flesh. “What was that for?” Her hand wrapped around his arm, feeling the protruding veins through the fabric of his white dress shirt. “I wanted to lick it off…” Mumbling against her ear, he let his hand collide with her ass again, earning a whiny moan from her. She turned her head, lips ghosting over his while the familiar slick noise made the precum leaking from his desperate length. Two fingers forced their way in between them and into his mouth. Eyes fluttering shut; his tongue ravished the sweet taste, igniting the sparks in the pit of his stomach. “Mhmm, I think you’re ready for me…” “For a while now but you wanted to play ga-“ It was like the air had been knocked out of her lungs when he wholeheartedly thrust inside her without warning. Her back arched off the table, trying to adjust to the sudden intrusion with a slightly different angle. Her right hand clung to his shoulder while the other reached for his hair, her nails scraping his scalp. Cautiously he moved his hips just about enough away from her, almost pulling out fully. “No.” She whined, foreheads resting against each other. “Keep going.” The magnetic feeling of their lips touching sent shockwaves of shivers down her spine when he bottomed out again. She didn’t want him to hold back or go slow; enjoying the familiar stretch and his body on top of hers. “Fuck, missed you so much.” Jungkook whimpered as her walls hugged his dick extra tight, making his balls contract dangerously early for his liking. “So much.” She wanted to respond but she couldn’t; instead sealing his lips with another kiss that muffled their harmonizing moans. The sounds of his hips mercilessly slamming into her at a steady rhythm drowning out everything else. When suddenly he pulled away to place open-mouthed kisses down her throat, only to suck harshly on the soft skin. “Jungkook..baby…” Both of her hands tangled in his raven hair, she felt herself clench around him harder than before. 
He opened his eyes, meeting his own stare in the mirror when he pushed himself up to cup her chin. “Look how pretty you look…” He turned her head to the right, the imminent pink flush on her cheeks making her want to hide her face in the crook of his neck. “But I’d much rather look at you.” Using her arms to push her body up off the table to wrap them around his neck. Quickly Jungkook closed the small distance between their lips, feverishly his tongue licked into her mouth. She pulled back, the small whimpers ringing in his ears as he thrust into her with all the strength he could muster. Her head rested against his shoulder, teeth sinking into the fabric, pulling at his skin as he was pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Wrapping her legs around his waist to make sure he would be buried deep inside her, Jungkook wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to last; her walls clenching around his length, pulling the knot in his stomach even tighter. “Baby…” Nails dug into the back of his neck as he felt her body starting to shake. “I…love..y-you.” He wanted to slow down; wanted to prolong the moment that it would be all over - if only they could stay like this forever. Jungkook ran his fingers through her hair, locking eyes with her as his hips slammed into her harder and faster than before. “I love you too.” His voice almost cracked, feeling the rapid convulsions of her walls, trying to get him to finally combust. “You’re doing so good baby…”
Hips snapping against her core, he was close to losing it. His legs were trembling from trying to keep the rhythm steady, the buildup tension forcing a release sooner rather than later and without giving him the usual heads up, she cried out his name accompanied by a flurry of curse words. Capturing his mouth with hers; she kissed him hard to muffle the moans that were still falling from her lips as her orgasm washed over her making Jungkook pick up the pace once more to chase his own high. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest when his movements came to a halt, before he resorted to grinding against her and white, hot streams of cum erupted inside of her. Jungkook’s soft whimpers filled the air, both seeking to regain control of their breathing. Peppering small kisses all over her flushed cheek, he finally pulled away from her - wondering if there would ever come a day where he’d have enough of her. He was sure that he would forever be irrevocably in love with her; craving her like flowers crave the sun. Silently he watched her adjust her dress and fix her hair in the mirror, then tending to himself. His hair was a mess, his eye makeup was smudged and he had sweated off a lot of the foundation; he would be in big trouble once he left the dance studio. She bent down to pick up the papers Jungkook had mindlessly scattered on the floor before. Jungkook tucked his shirt into his slacks when his hand brushed against something in his pocket. His slender fingers smoothly pulled the purple panties out, gaze resting on them before they followed her every move, seeing the small trickle of his cum on her thigh. “Noona..” He tried getting her attention. “Do you know if there was an order to them? They’ll know something happened in here if we don’t tidy…” “Noona.” He said again, more firmly this time around. Turning to face him, still a few papers in hand, she tilted her head. “Your panties.” His ears felt unbelievably warm as he held them up to her but she just chuckled, closing her hand around his, bunching up the silky fabric in his fist.  She moved in closer, lips ghosting over his cheek when she got on her toes. “Keep them, you know, for good luck later.” 
Jungkook’s stomach was doing somersaults at a rapid pace, making him feel lightheaded and slightly nauseous, goosebumps crawling along the back of his neck and down his shoulders. “I can’t let you go outside witho-“ “Just think of it as me being with you tonight.” She shrugged, quickly stealing a kiss from his lips before her eyes flashed to the clock on the wall. When he saw them getting bigger, he turned around as well. “Shit, I’m going to be late. They need to fix my makeup and hair before we leave…shit, shit, shit.” He mumbled, stuffing her panties back inside his pocket before throwing on his blazer. “I’ll call you when I get home later, okay?” She nodded, Jungkook paused to grab her face with both of his hands, planting a kiss on her puckered lips. “I love you.” “I love you too, Koo.” Frantically he looked around the room and patted down his body to make sure he didn’t forget anything before he sprinted towards the door, almost knocking over a chair on his way out. She turned around, quietly humming to herself and fixing the stacks of papers as best as she could when all of a sudden the door opened again with a loud a bang. She snapped around, Jungkook was crossing the room with a few long strides. “Did you forget something?” She asked, worry painted all over her face but he just pulled her into his arms, breathing heavily. “Yeah..” His hand was shaking when he brushed a strand of hair from her face. “So…you’re my girlfriend, right?” His face was flushed, heart hammering against his ribs as if it was about to burst out of his chest at any second. But for some odd reason he wasn’t scared at all, the nervous anticipation pumped endorphins through his veins, making him feel like he was walking on clouds. Deep down he knew she was but a small part of him needed verbal confirmation that she really wanted to be his.  She looked up at him, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Yes, I am.”  “Good, just wanted to make sure.” His fingers gently brushed over her cheekbones, lips softly finding each other but he pulled away sooner than he wanted, a low sigh escaping his lips, yearning to kiss her once again. 
“Now go.” She laughed, playfully slapping his arm struggling to cover up how flustered she was, the reddening of the apples of her cheeks giving her away. He gave a small nod, his lips chasing hers one last time before he hurried back upstairs, bursting into the room where half of the members were waiting for the cars to arrive that would drop them off at the venue. “What did you do?” The stylist whaled in defeat, inspecting his messy hair and the smudged foundation, down to the little marks y/n had left on his neck. “Ah, don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know. Hurry.” She gestured for him to sit down, already grabbing a sponge to touch up his face while another stylist started combing through his hair trying to get it back to its original style. Jimin appeared in his field of vision. “I’m guessing everything’s okay then?” He asked, a light laugh swinging in his voice. “Better than okay. Everything is finally right.” A heartwarming smile spread on Jungkook’s face, not able to hide how his insides were happily dancing to the rhythm of his fluttering heart. * With a groan Jungkook pulled his pillow over his head, the loud voices outside his door had rudely awoken him way too soon. He loved living with his older brothers but sometimes they just didn’t know when to be quiet, especially now that he tried to recharge his body by getting at least 12 hours of sleep after last nights performance. The sound of his door cracking open was muffled by the fluffy pillow, trying hard to ignore it, he shut his eyes tightly, hoping he would just fall back asleep when his mattress dipped down, indicating that he definitely wasn’t alone anymore. “Jungkook-ah, are you awake?” Jimin’s soft voice, followed by the pillow being pulled away made him squirm. He just grumbled, trying to hide his whole body under the duvet. “You have to get up now.” “Don’t wanna. Sleep…more” “You can’t. You have to get up, it’s urgent.” Rolling onto his back, he opened his eyes just enough to look at his older brother through his lashes. “Why?” His voice was deep and raspy, still drugged with sleep. “I-I’m not allowed to tell you. Management wants to talk.” Almost instantly he sat up in his bed, confusion clouding his head - he wasn’t nearly awake enough to think straight. “What happened? Is everyone okay?” “Jimin…” Hobi stood in the door, arms crossed in front of his chest. Behind him, Jungkook spotted Jin, his forehead laced with worry and concern. “Right...Jungkookie, please just get dressed before they get here.” “But I don’t understand. What happened? Why won’t you tell me?” With big eyes, he looked at his older brothers who collectively avoided looking back at him. “Jimin-ah…”Hoseok said again, this time more firmly. “Where’s your phone, Kook?” Unplugging it from the other side of the bed, Jungkook handed it to him with no hesitation. “Here. What is going on?” Without a response, Jimin simply handed the silver device to Hobi who slid it into the pocket of his hoodie. “I’m so sorry, Jungkook.” “What for? Did someone die?” He pushed the duvet off his legs, his first attempt at getting up but Jimin just made an unidentifiable movement with his head. “Just get dressed, okay? We’ll wait in the living room for you.” He got up, ruffling the younger ones already messy hair and followed the older members out of the room, leaving Jungkook behind. 
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noelgarcias · 5 years
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[ tommy martinez, cismale & he/him ] did you know that NOEL GARCIA was on full disclosure? yeah, apparently the TWENTY FIVE year old CHEF was hiding HE’S LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY TO AVOID HIS PAST. i never would’ve expected it from our resident ARTISAN. i wonder how they’ll deal with this, considering how PASSIONATE & STUBBORN they are. // written by pepper: twenty three, est, she/her.  
it is i, pepperoni mcpony back once again to bring you yet another messy ass muse. i am once again on that new muse juice, but also kind of on the recycled muse juice like i’ve used this fc and this name before but it didn’t work out, so i’ve changed a lot about him and revamped him and so now he’s better than every babeeyyy. down bellow will be a bit about noel, or rather dante if we’re being technical. you can just call him noel though. full disclosure (badum tss sdkjsdkj) this is gonna be messy as hell, because noel’s inspo is more scattered than percy’s but we’re gonna push through folks.
okay so noel’s family is kind of inspired by the quinns (from ‘you’ on netflix), the castillos (from how to get away with murder) and like henry gouldings family in crazy rich asians. 
dante isaac campana was brought into the world in madrid spain with a silver spoon dangling out of his mouth. you’d never guess from looking at him, what with his hobo chic style and generally unkept appearance but it’s the truth. he came in this world out of a well paid surrogate as the second child of the infamous sofia and gabriel campana. and he wanted for nothing because of it, his parents made sure of that.
gabriel was a ceo and sofia was a wildly successful author, and from the moment noel could breathe his parents had his whole life set up for him. after all they wanted their son to be successful and they planned to make sure of it. a hefty trust fund in his name, to be accessible at the age of eighteen. a place in the family business that he would fill the moment he finished university. they even had an arrangement for who noel would marry eventually, before he was even old enough to understand what the concept of marriage was. it was all planned out for noel without the slightest bit of input from noel himself, and dante  was just supposed for accept that. the funny thing is at first he did.
after all he was young and he had no reason not to. he loved his parents deeply at first, and they probably loved him in return, even if they had a bit of an odd way of showing it. dante’s parents were the type to shower their children in superficial affection. buying them things. kissing and hugging them when there was someone around to see. encouraging them only when it came to pursuits that they approved of. sure noel could draw, and learn guitar, and learn piano, as long as those things were just hobbies. as long as he didn’t forget the plan because The Plan was law.
dante only became aware of how conditional his parents love for them was when his elder sister started to slip under the pressure they put on her shoulders. anya campana was about fifteen at the time, and dante, six years her younger, had to watch as his sister crumbled. anya had always cared too much about what their parents thought of her, about impressing them and making them proud. it didn’t help that her parents made it clear that they would not accept anything less than excellence. the pressure drove anya to substance abuse, just to take the edge off, just to make things easier. it wasn’t long the weight of their parents expectations had drove anya to a full on addiction, all in the pursuit of success. but of course when dante’s parents found out they had no sympathy for her. only disappointment. their father had every plan to make anya, his eldest, the head of the company when she came of age, but that ‘slip up’ cost her the role. instead the position would be given to dante, and anya would be sent quietly to rehab. it was an eye opening experience for dante, honestly. to see just how replaceable their parents saw them.  
the truth is the campanas were fake. plastic. sure they smiled in the public eye and the relationship between the siblings at least was genuine, but the truth was gabriel was cheating on sofia when he thought no one was looking, and sofia had openly slapped each of her children across the face at least once, usually when she got a bit too much wine in her. the older dante got the more and more he felt his love for his parents becoming more of an obligation than anything tangible. 
when dante was thirteen, around the time anya’s second stint in rehab, all hell broke loose in the campana household. initially dante thought that his mother had uncovered one of his fathers many affairs again, but instead it was much worse. his mother had discovered his father had an illegitimate child with dante’s favourite childhood nanny of all people. considering sofia couldn’t have children herself (hence the surrogate for both of the campana children) and even gabriel was struggling with impotence, this was a shock and a slap in the face. only emphasized by the fact that dante’s ex nanny had passed away, leaving dante’s father as the kids legal guardian. 
and so suddenly dante had a younger sibling. it was a situation that took getting used to but it wasn’t long until dante adored them, and the feeling was quickly mutual. while dante’s father could barely interact with the child without inciting his wife, and dante’s mother treated them with coldness, dante and his sibling became painfully close due to circumstance. 
for years it went on like that. the three campana siblings all attempting to impress their parents for different reasons. his youngest sibling to feel less like an outsider, dante just because he knew no other way, anya because she desperately wanted to get back into their parents good graces. but anya never could do anything quite right, always somehow ended up messing up spectacularly and publicly. until one day, anya disappeared.
dante and his younger sibling were the first to notice. his parents just assumed that anya was on another bender, and when the siblings brought this to their attention that’s exactly what they said in reply. but they were wrong. in 2012 anya campana was kidnapped and held for a ransom of one billion dollars. dante can still remember getting the ransom call. he can still remember the sheer panic, the cold fear. and he can still remember his father refusing to pay the money. trying to negotiate with the kidnappers, as if anya’s life was just another deal. he can remember begging his father just to pay the money, because it wasn’t like they didn’t have it. but his father was convinced he could get the kidnappers to lower the price, or that the police would find anya before he had to pay it. they didn’t. anya campana died in the winter of 2012 at the hands of a couple of common criminals, all because their father apparently had his own idea about the worth of each of his children. 
dante was furious and disgusted and grieving. his sister, his confidante and likely one of the two people in his life to love him unconditionally, was gone. dante officially snapped when his mother had the audacity to write a book about the experience. by the time the book was picked up by a publisher, dante had packed his bags, liquidated his trust fund, taken his younger sibling and fled spain with two new identities for them both. his sibling was under the age of eighteen at the time, so the campanas really could have called the police and reported dante for kidnapping, but dante knew that his parents wouldn’t risk making a scene so soon after the spectacle that anya’s death was. he and his sibling would be safe for a while as long as they laid low. and they did. dante -- now known as noel garcia-- and his sibling moved to san francisco and have been keeping a low profile ever since. 
honestly, noel adapted to the american dream like a fish to water. having a new name, having no one in this continent knowing who he was, finally being out from under his parents thumb -- it was all so freeing, and noel really dove head first into that feeling. ever since he’s just been living the life he always dreamed of having. doing exactly what he wants and nothing less one hundred percent of the time (which is exactly how and why he got married, and is still married honestly). he lives his life on pure free spirited impulse one hundred percent of the time, with exception of rare show of responsibility he puts into helping raise his younger sibling. he tries to live his life in a way he hopes would make his sister proud. he’s determined to live enough for the both of them. 
somehow, despite the multiple private investigators his parents have undoubtedly sent to find them, they’ve remained undetected. that is until full disclosure decided to expose him. now noel is just waiting for the day one of his parents shows up at his door demanding he come back to take over the family business. he isn’t looking forward to it, but he is kinda looking forward to finally telling them to fuck off, which is really the only silver lining. 
god who knows folks like i said dkjsdjksd noel is a mess in my brain
PASSIONATE THOUGH! god he’s so passionate, like noel just feels everything on 10 one hundred percent of the time. The type to get teary eyed over a dead bird, but also the type to like stay up five days straight working on a project because he can’t get it out of his mind
despite this thinks romantic love is a straight up myth lmao because of his parents relationship, so we love a contradictory king. a bleeding heart but also a philiophobe. 
nurturing honestly? but only with people he actually cares about like his sibling and wife. a dad friend i suppose. 
but also impulsive. like the type to suggest going to vegas on a whim and get WILDLY FUCKED UP DRUNK, but also that really coherent drunk who can be doing body shots one minute and be trying to gently coax someone else to drink water the next. 
thinks he’s funny! sometimes he is tbh. very sarcastic honestly.
a big ol’ flirt just naturally. also bi, so equal opportunity for everybody. 
very touchy feely tbh because he’s a tactile person.
a live and let live kinda guy like actually,,, so close to a hippie that percy is triggered. 
a bit promiscuous but he’s okay with it. he’s a hoe but he knows it you know. 
the most generous person when it comes to money and kindness. the type to sit down with a homeless person and end up giving them his jacket, five hundred dollars, and a new outlook on life. 
the type to hold a grudge until the day he dies, but also the type of person who can’t NOT help someone who needs help you know. like he hates his parents but if his mother called him tomorrow like i want to see you one last time before i die, he would fly out to spain to see her smh he might not talk to her the whole time because he’s petty and like ‘there, you’ve seen me’ efjkdsfj but he’d do it. 
very liberal. literally can’t talk to conservatives without wanting to physically fight them. has definitely gone to a protest and gotten arrested for punching a nazi. luckily was released before the whole living with a fake identity thing could be found out. 
alright now onto the fun stuff.
deaf in his left ear and has been all his life. it’s kind of difficult for him to hear a specific person talking in a crowd of too many people, especially if you’re standing on his left so he might straight up text your instead. also if you’re standing on his left side in general, he might turn to face you better to hear you.
noel’s occupation is a chef at a restaurant but in truth at heart he’s an artist. like his art is his heart, and it’s actually very popular and he gets a lot of offers from people wanting to buy it but he can never part with anything he’s made so he always refuses the offers, no matter how much money the customer is bidding. he has refused offers on grounds such as ‘i didn’t like the vibes he was giving off’ or ‘that asshole was wearing a jack johnson shirt’ or even, once ‘pretty sure i saw that guy in a dream once. he fucking sucked.’ so most of his art decorates his and evie’s apartment instead, and he’ll even give some to friends for free. noel actually wants to become a full time artist but considering how picky he is about who actually buys his art, it’s unlikely because he’ll literally make no money. hence, being a chef. no matter what noel enjoys seeing people enjoy his food, so it works out. 
actually learned to cook from his family chef, and hasn’t really had time to get any professional training but he really wants to. he has absolutely snuck into culinary school very briefly before just to sit in on a few classes. just pretended he went there and made a bunch of friends and learned a lot of stuff, and even taught some culinary students a few things. but he was eventually discovered and kicked out rip, but it was a great time while it lasted.  
honestly pretty good at anything having to do with his hands, hence the artisan label. noel is the type of person who knows nothing about like mechanics but can like fix something if you put it in front of him. likes to make furniture as a hobby so hit your boy up if you want a sexy chair. also makes sculptures and does a bit of pottery, like your boy has his fingers in more than a few pots
intelligent in the way that he just has a lot of pretty well informed opinions like if you want a fun fact don’t go to noel but if you want a good insightful conversation he’s your man.
a big defender of the environment.
has a bunch of tattoos. i imagine him with at least one sleeve and he’s probably starting another. is seriously considering a neck tat. his parents would hate it and that just makes him love it more.
honestly got married a bit because it was a choice he got to make for himself that his parents had no control over. the thought of his parents still believing he will be playing into the arranged marriage they had laid out for him only for him to tell them he already married his bandmate was super satisfying.
doesn't do drugs at all, the most hell do is smoke weed. used to see his sister at her worst (aka withdrawal symptoms, two overdoses) and so he doesn’t even want to be close to anyone who does drugs, cause he can’t do that again. 
if you watch jenna marbles i want you to know that noel is julian in the kitchen and julian in the kitchen only
surprisingly has a green thumb? can revive almost any plant with relative ease
never learnt how to ride a bike tbh
surprising the type to get into physical fights when he’s drunk, which he hates, because it reminds him of his mother. 
younger sibling ; if you’ve guessed that i’m going to put a wc into the main for noel’s younger sibling than you’ve guessed right but if anyone here wants it before i put the message into the main let me know!
claire to his brad ; ... please. i’m begging here. noel is a chef but i haven’t decided where and i really want him to have a chef friend or baker friend who he just messes around with in the kitchen. maybe they even make amateur funnily little gourmet-makes-esque youtube videos where noel doesn’t show his face because he doesn’t want his parents to see but sdkjsdkj he’s like julian behind the camera, making comments and having a good time. give me this.
a virgo ; speaking of julian, noel does have julian energy and so he therefore probably needs a jenna. please give him someone to help with his impulse control. someone to say, hey, maybe you shouldn’t deep fry that turkey in a huge vat right outside your apartment in the middle of may. maybe you should just take a nap. you know?
a love hate relationship ; honestly i just want someone who noel actively despises but still helps out anyways. like he doesn’t like who they are a person, but he can’t leave them alone, because they’re usually in some sort of trouble and unfortunately noel just can’t watch people implode. 
one night stands / hookups / previous dates ; noel’s marriage is open but since he was keeping his whole marriage a secret in the first place these people probably wouldn’t have known that at the time sdkjsdkj but noel is perfectly willing to explain that now that full disclosure has exposed them and he’s got no more secrets to keep. 
a best friend ; or two! i’d love a bromance for him and another close friendship that doesn’t have to be a bromance, just someone who he’s really close to. 
okay this has gotten hella long so i’m gonna stop now but like this if you want to plot and i’ll come running! and to anyone who got all the way to the end of this... you’re the real mvp. <3
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mysamcedesmadness · 6 years
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The Book of Matthew:
01. Matt's Manhood Mainspring 
In a few short weeks, summer vacation would be over and Matthew Rutherford Jr. would be going to junior high. He was excited about this. This was when his career path would start. This was when he would start shaping himself to be the best that he could be. His father had always told him that as a parent, it was always his goal to create sons better than himself and to make daughters who find men greater than himself. 11 was far too young to understand this thought process, but he’d heard it for as long, so he at least knew that it was a goal and he knew that goals took hard work.
His mother had been working on some seminars about neurological science, while his father was on a leave of absence from work to deal with some personal issues. Matt wasn’t privy to that type of information, but he knew that it had something to do with his father’s mental stability, because his mother had prescribed the man medication.
Matthew Sr. had stressful work. The entire family knew that much. The man had been a lawyer in his earlier years, joined the military and worked as a military lawyer for many years before branching out into intelligence, where he finally seemed to find his calling, and also found his wife, Margerie. But, by the time he found her, he had gone through some of the most troubling events of his career. He had access to information and stories that would haunt most people, and continued to build a normal life. He’d come from a well off family whose roots honestly began in military decorum, but the tree sprouted and seed was scattered. Most of them went into law, some into politics and some into the church business. Matthew was one of the few in many years, that actually decided that he might want to follow a military path… And it definitely had an effect on him.
Now, he was home, preparing a party for his eldest son - knowing good and well that party planning was not his area of talent. Fortunately, his 19 year old daughter had a better handle on all of the things that he would never think of. His wife would be returning home just in time enough to miss all of the planning, but to attend the gathering. The gathering was going to be 12 of the wealthiest and most influential families in the state, which Meaghan invited on clout of the Rutherford family name and sought out those with children, who may not find it strange to attend a large birthday gathering for a young boy.
Certain families, they knew to expect - The Cohens, The Robinsons, and The Haywards would all most definitely be there. Those four families had several generations of closeness between them and a few marriages, as well. Matthew Sr.’s grandfather and the grandfathers of those of his generation connected through the struggle of trying to hold on to their wealth without being destroyed by the white communities surrounding them that did not wish for Black citizens to have equal access to the same type of lifestyles. So, for a time, as they built and grew, they were each other’s main providers of various things.
Eventually, these four families ushered great changes in the black experience and even after they became an accepted part of general society - they passed down reminders. Never forget your people. They had you before the rest accepted you.
Matthew Sr. had always found the families to be a bit elitist. They made sure not to “marry down,” seeking out spouses who came from wealthy families or white or blended families - spouses that could maintain or elevate status and acceptance. A lot of them admittedly didn’t marry for love and he wasn’t about that type of life. It took him a while to get married, because he worried that his interest in Margerie was due to her family’s status in the medical field and in black history as scientific pioneers. His family loved her, despite the fact that she didn’t pass the paper bag test and he knew that it was because she was from even more money than he was from and she had stature.
But, he did fall in love with her and whenever he finally got around to asking her to marry him, she was practicing in her field, skilled enough to work wherever she wanted to and stationed in Philadelphia while he was still nearly constantly traveling for work.
Whenever she got pregnant with Meaghan, she actually picked up and settled their home in Ohio, near his family, to prove her seriousness to the commitment. She worked until she needed to take her maternity leave, then gave lectures, wrote books, and reviewed research for analysis after giving birth. Over the years, whenever she took her maternity leave, she did work that she could still do from home, and returned in whatever capacity that she could when her children were old enough for the family to comfortably transition to her working full time again.
Meaghan was 7 when Matt was born, and it was obvious enough to her that this boy was their father’s pride and joy. He had his junior and now wanted to be able to be around home more often. He went to work for the CIA, and even though he still travelled pretty regularly, he had more time to spend actually showing his face at home. Meaghan wished that she didn’t harbor any hard feelings about it, but she knew that she did. Even being close to Matt and watching over him when neither parent was around and they were left with nannying couples, she kept watch of him and all later siblings. Mark was born when Matt was 2. He was often sick, but had some of the best medical care in the world, coming from a mother who was a powerhouse in the medical field.
By the time Meaghan was 10, she was used to being a surrogate mother for two boys, and had a very nurturing spirit and kind heart, but not much direction for herself. I know, at 10 - that’s not really something that one necessarily needed to have… But, Matt somehow did. Hell, Matt had direction by the time he was 3. This party that she was planning for his 12th birthday was something that you would hold for a college graduate… Because Matt showed that much initiative and was this important to the family and their legacy.
At 19… She still didn’t even have a major. It frustrated her mother, though Margerie never gave her a hard time about it. She was more relieved that she hadn’t simply gotten pregnant and given up on college altogether. She went to community college and spent most of her free time helping to keep her siblings. She barely even had a social life, so doing this for Matt didn’t even interfere with anything that she had going on.
“Dad, I maxed out the card that I was using on Matty’s party. Requesting permission to move on to the birthday backup fund?” Meaghan said, at the doorway of Matthew’s office.
“How could you have possibly maxed out that card, Meaghan?” He asked, reaching for his wallet, with a partially amused grin. “This is getting more expensive than your Sweet 16.”
“Well… He won’t have a sweet 16, so this is kinda like his Manhood Mainspring.”
Matthew smirked and nodded his head, “I like that. I like that. Do we have time to put it on a sign?”
“Matty’s Manhood Mainspring? I can make it happen.”
“Just put Matt. He told me that ‘Matty’ sounds like a little kid.”
“He’s hardly tiptoed into puberty and already thinks he’s grown,” she chuckled and accepted the card from her father’s fingers. “Gonna have to change the cake, too then. The things we do for love…” She left the room and called behind her, “Don’t spend too much more time working, Dad. Mom tasked me with telling you to remember to relax, until she gets back from this trip.”
Meaghan also helped to raise her youngest sibling, who was born when she was 16. Miracle was named Miracle because Margerie had no idea that 16 years after her firstborn that she would actually give life to another child, and more importantly, another girl! It was slightly unfair, but Margerie and Meaghan never bonded the way that either of them wanted to. They loved each other dearly, but never had even one similarity besides loving this family. Margerie secretly hoped that she and Miracle would be able to connect more. So far, Meaghan was the one who really got that connection. The 3 year old toddler clung to her for the most part and Matty (or Matt) for the remainder.
The nannying couple wasn’t as hands on after Meaghan got old enough to help out and babysit alone, and now, Matt was old enough, too. Miracle was heavily babied. She was honestly a living princess. Margerie even sometimes took her with her on work trips! None of the other kids ever had that privilege. Now, Meaghan was taking her with her to finish up details for this party.
You may be wondering, why on Earth in this, The Book of Matthew (meaning Matt Rutherford Jr.),  are we even looking at or thinking about who Matthew Sr., Margerie, Meaghan, Mark, and baby Miracle are?
Because, it was his connection to and the disconnection from his family that made him into the Matt he is today. All those years ago, he thought that he was becoming the Matt that he would be someday… He had no idea. None of them did. For the time being, they were just living their life and loving it.
The Rutherford Family was all adorned in peridot and sardonyx jewelry, accessories, etc. Gladiolus and poppies garnished the setting. A table was set and elevated above all of the others, and a roundtable was set near it, where his closest friends were seated. The rest of the guests were seated in other areas of the outside party area. The venue they rented was spacious, and the twelve families invited were all present, some of them bringing extended members and other close friends of the family - all had RSVP’d. Matt didn’t even know half of these people, but he did know that their presence meant a lot for his reputation. Matt’s Manhood Mainspring sounded… honestly corny to him, but Meggie put so much work and energy into all of this, from making sure that the August birthstones, flowers and such were included in the aesthetic, making it look like a royal feast, or something… She liked Arthurian legend and wasn’t sure if she would ever have her own children (this inspired look was likely a vicarious display of living on her part. He had friends there, so he wasn’t bothered about that.
There was more formality to the ceremony than he liked and he made his family swear that next time it would just be an enjoyable party for he and his friends. But for today there were several rich families there some of their children weren't even around his age! He'd seen toddlers and little kids, but hardly any teenagers or tweens, except for ones he didn't even really know that well - the Pierce and Fabray girls, then the Smythe dude and Motta chick… It always perplexed him when parents dragged their kids to social gatherings that held no significance to them. He hoped that he wouldn’t be expected to go to all of their birthdays! He didn’t even KNOW them!
He fortunately had friends here. Mike Chang, Anthony Rashard, and to a lesser degree Andrea Cohen and Jesse St. James. Actually, Andrea and he sometimes had to be around each other because their dads were old friends, and Jesse St. James was someone that he was interested in building a friendship with, but hadn’t yet had the opportunity. In fact… The guy brought a small entourage with him to this party. Who TF were those kids? Was that Paul Kurofsky’s son? Who was that other boy with the elongated face? Didn’t his father WORK FOR Jesse’s father? Hank… Maybe? Ugh. Why did Meggie allow this?
At any rate, after lunch and cake, everyone mingled and Matt hung out with Mike, Jesse and company. Hank Saunders was that kid’s name and Jesse made it a point to let everyone know that his family bought Hank’s party outfit. It was degrading, but he hadn’t stood up for himself, sadly. Matt felt bad for the kid. Nobody was going to ever embarrass him that way. Mike even commented, “It’s not really nice to tell people that, Man. It’s… Kinda gauche.”
Jesse wondered, “You think that’s gauche? What about this?” He pulled his eyelids back and began to make, “Bing bong, ching chong” noises, to his possee’s entertainment. Matt’s lip dropped and Mike just sighed, shook his head and left the group. Jesse called out, “Wait, Chang! I was just kidding!” He made more fake “Asian sounds.”
Dave chimed in with, “We love you long time!” And everyone immediately turned on him, “Whoa… whoa… It was a joke, like Jesse’s…”
“Yours went too far,” Jesse told him.
On that note, Matt announced, “I’m gonna circulate some more. You guys take it easy.”
Mike returned to his parents’ side, holding back rage and frustration. Anthony left with Matt, announcing, “I hate Jesse St. James.”
Matt shrugged his shoulders, “He’s alright.”
“I’m surprised he didn’t make any jokes about your parents basically paying for me to be able to be here,” Anthony commented.
“Jesse doesn’t know about that. Anthony, my family doesn’t speak about stuff like this. It’s better to help people out without some type of expectation of reward or attention. That way, if you ever find yourself in need of help, you’ve got somebody who might be willing to give it. And, I know that if I were ever in need of help, I wouldn’t want somebody just broadcasting how much I owe them… Not to say that I feel like you owe us anything. We’re friends.” Matt gave Anthony a squeeze on the shoulder.
“Speaking of friends, you think Andrea would be interested in me? She’s majorly pretty,” Anthony said. The two looked over at Andrea Cohen, dolled up in the necessary color pallette, complete with accessories, like she was part of the family, or something, and surrounded by girls that she seemed to be making laugh.
“I don’t see you liking her all that much beyond that, though. I don’t really know her like that, but her parents are super religious. Her dad is always telling mine to come back to the church for help, and her mom and my mom always seem to be competing. I think our parents dated in school or something. It’s weird.”
“Okay, but she’s hot, funny, and nice,” Anthony pointed out. “I don’t care about her parents.”
“Oh, Anthony. Poor soul. Here’s the thing, she does. We do. You see all these people that are here? They aren’t here because it’s my birthday celebration. They’re here for politics, appearances, social standing, and so on. I don’t even know Andrea that well, even though we have been at gatherings like these our whole lives together. If she dates somebody here, it’ll be one of these families that has whole tables to themselves. That’s just the way that it is around here.”
“I mean… I get that you’re all rich and popular and stuff, but I just like her as a person. She wouldn’t like me as a person?”
“What I’m trying to tell you is that it doesn’t matter whether or not she likes you as a person. She couldn’t date somebody that she can’t bring home or bring to these gatherings, even. She couldn’t date someone that other parents would call her parents, concerned about it over. She just wouldn’t be able to, whether she wanted to or not. Our parents treat us like… basically like we’re smaller versions of themselves. Our behavior and choices reflect upon the whole bloodline.”
“I get that. I’m just trying to see if she would think that I’m legit!”
“Rashard, anybody with sense and taste would love you, Man.”
“Cool. Then, I’m gonna go for it!” He rushed over to where the girls were, before Matt could say, “No, don’t!” But, moments later, they all laughed, except for a clearly embarrassed Andrea, who simply took Anthony’s hand and waved to her friends with it. Matt waited for them to come over to him and she handed Anthony’s hand to him, “I believe this belongs to you,” she said and patted Anthony on the shoulder. “Word of advice, Brother? Maybe, choose a more lowkey setting. Girls don’t like to just be put on the spot like that. At least, I don’t.”
“You handled it with beauty and grace!” Anthony said, beaming at her.
“Give me a few years, and it’ll be mase. Excuse me,” she said and returned to her friends. It took Matt a moment to realize that he and Anthony were standing there holding hands, but he grabbed his back from him and they both adjusted their clothing.
“What did you do?” Matt asked.
“I just stepped to honey dip and I said, “Excuse me, Miss Cohen. I seem to be lost. But, luckily I found an angel to guide me to paradise…” Matt turned red with secondhand embarrassment.
“You’re lucky she didn’t punch you in the face! I’ve heard that she does that!”
“Yeah, that means she’s feeling me, right?” Anthony asked.
“No. That means that she didn’t want Hannibal and Corina on the front page for their daughter punching one of the Rutherford Foundation recipients in the face at an event!”
“Hey… If I’m stepping on your toes, let me know. I want to know NOW, if you want her like I do!” Anthony insisted.
“What? No. I’m just saying… You can’t have her, so… Just leave her alone.”
“She’s gonna have to tell me to leave her alone. All she said was that I was too bold. Mike!” He began waving Mike back over and Mike came to where they were, curiously. “Ok, Mike. What do you think about me and Andrea?” To Matt he explained, “He’s not as sadidy as you.”
“I’m not as rich, either. You can’t go after the only Cohen girl. I can’t go after the only Cohen girl, and my parents are doctors!” Mike told him.
“Look, it’s like… If she was the one whose parents were doctors and my parents were hers, then yeah. She’s a girl. She has to date up.”
“Do any of you realize that we’re kids?” Anthony asked.
“What are these ‘kids’ you speak of?” Matt asked. “Look at that sign,” he pointed to the Matt’s Manhood Mainspring banner. “Look at these guests - Judge Fabray, CEO Robinson, Representative Schuester, Buddy Freakin’ Leibowitz! We’re here for our folks to show off that they’re building the future leaders of the world. Our childhoods are training sessions to become affluent, upstanding citizens who dominate how things are done.”
“That sounds stressful. I just want to go to the roller rink and buy a girl some ice cream.”
“The roller rink? What’s that?” Mike asked, jokingly.
Matt jokingly answered, “It’s sort of like where we skate at the country club, but smaller, and open to more people.” Anthony frowned, but Matt just put an arm around him. “Don’t worry, Rashard. Me and Mike will make sure you get hooked up with the best of the best outside of this ring. You’re lucky that you don’t have to normally think about all of this stuff whenever you just want ice cream and skating.”
“I tried to bring a girl for ice cream at the country club and Jesse St. James kept insisting that I was sponsoring a charity date,” Mike said, frustrated.
Anthony fumed, “I hate him! Why don’t you guys ever challenge him?”
“Well, it’s not that simple,” Matt said. “I mean… You see how difficult dating is. We know who not to send into a tantrum.”
“Matt could easily challenge Jesse and have very little backlash,” Mike said.
Anthony cheered, “Be the champion we deserve, Matt!”
Matt shook his head, “No, Man. He’s gonna introduce me to Representative Schuester. I might be able to get a recommendation from the Schuester family with the right rapport!”
“A recommendation for what?” Anthony wondered.
Mike and Matt both said obviously, “College.”
Anthony clenched his fists and looked at the sky. There wasn’t a need to try to remind them that they were just kids and that they were ONLY about to go into junior high. Obviously, whatever level that they were on in their “training session” of childhood had them already too far gone. “I’m gonna go get more of those big ass shrimp,” Anthony said and walked off.
Jesse was approaching, so Mike said, “And I’m going wherever he’s not.”
Jesse passed by Mike and reiterated, “You should learn how to take a joke, Chang!” To Matt he admitted, “Asians take themselves way too seriously.”
“Shouldn’t we all, though?” Matt asked.
“Ugh. Don’t you start, Rutherford. Come on, Preston and Will want to meet you. They’re trying to see what the big deal is supposed to be.” Matt shook hands for the first time with Representative Preston Schuester and his son, ADA Will Schuester when he turned 12.
You know how you never know just how much somebody is going to change your life when you first meet them? Matt didn’t have that problem, typically. Even at 12, he could always just sense when someone’s presence would make an impact. He didn’t waste his time on people if he didn’t feel that when he met them. And with the Schuesters, he wasn’t sure what the future held, but something told him that not only the Schuesters, but Jesse St. James were all going to be large components of change in his future.
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A/N: My first Astro fic! Ugh what door have I just opened for myself. I hope to try writing more oneshots to get back into the habit of writing. Kinda debating making a part two of this for the “party” they mention. Anyways as always this is fiction and should not be reflected on the boys in any way. Hope you enjoy! 
I"I swear to god Bin if you try to steal Sanha’s candy one more time I will turn this car around and drop you off at home!“
“But Jinwoo-hyung I’m the joker.  I’m supposed to be his enemy. I’m just playing my role by stealing his candy.” Moonbin made another move to lean across Dongmin and steal candy out of Sanha’s pumpkin bucket, causing the younger to let out high pitched screams. Jinwoo was really about to turn around before Dongmin managed to get Bin to stop. Right in time too, as Minhyuk had been prepared to launch himself across the seat to protect Sanha’s treasured sweets.  
Jinwoo let out a sigh of frustration. The youngest four were all currently seated in the back of his car and they had not been able to go even ten minutes before someone started screaming. They were all college students so they really should be able to behave themselves, but they had all been friends for years so Jinwoo knew not to expect much.
I mean look at them, they were a bunch of college kids out trick-or-treating!
The fact that they were all practically on each other’s lap back there may also have had something to do with the amount of arguing.  
Myungjun gently patted Jinwoo’s thigh as some form of consolation, barely even able to attempt speaking before more arguing could be heard from Bin and Minhyuk. The two complaining that they were being pushed up against the car doors.  
“Yah! Stop complaining! We are supposed to be having fun!” Myungjun yelled as he turned around in his seat.
“Tell Dongmin to move his big butt over!” Minhyuk retaliated.
“Hey! It’s not that big…”
“Yes it is.” Bin said matter-of-factly.  
Dongmin hid his face in his hands in a poor attempt to hide his blush. Meanwhile Sanha stared at his lap, thinking the situation over.
“Hyungs….maybe we should just go home.” Sanha mumbled as he made eye contact with Jinwoo in the rearview mirror.  
Myungjun turned back around in his seat and looked at Jinwoo expectantly, awaiting his decision. The only reason they were even out here was for Sanha. Well, for Minhyuk too, but mostly Sanha. The two had expressed sadness over not being able to do anything for Halloween with their families together like they used too. It was their first year of college, the other four having entered college earlier. All of them were too far from home for a quick visit, and the holiday had fallen on a weekday this year anyway. Myungjun had decided last minute that they should all paint their faces and head out into the small town to celebrate Halloween ‘correctly’. It was a bit weird, but it was worth it to see how happy it made the maknaes, though Minhyuk would never admit it aloud. He didn’t need to anyways, his reserved nature melting away in favor of acting like the big dork they all knew he truly was.  
The locals had initially seemed a bit put off in seeing two adult men walking up to their homes along with the children to beg for candy, but after seeing how absolutely excited they looked they couldn’t help but give them at least something. The eldest four simply watched them from the sidewalk, standing among the parents. They weren’t in it for the candy, well Bin had wanted to but he was denied seeing as how he had already purchased several bags of candy for himself earlier that day.  
They were doing this for their friends. The two youngest were still trying to get used to being away from home. They had seemed so gloomy a mere two hours ago when they were all in Jinwoo and Myunjun’s shared apartment watching scary movies. They hadn’t seemed this excited all semester.  
So no. Jinwoo was not about to take them back to their apartment complex.  
“No Sanha, we’re already out here. And Myungjun-hyung already painted our faces, so let’s just head over to the next part of town and keep tick-or-treating, okay?”
“Okay…” The response was quiet, but the smile was evident in Sanha’s voice and that made it worth it to Jinwoo. Everyone was quiet after that, trying to keep the mood light.
“Well,” Minhyuk began, “Hyung actually forgot to paint his face. He just looks like his normal self.”  
“Listen here you brat, I’ll let you get away with that because in insinuates that I’m funny since I’m a clown.” Myungjun huffed from his seat, but it was obvious the joke was meant to be lighthearted.  
“Why are we all something scary-ish besides Jinwoo-hyung?” Dongmin asked, ever observant.  
“Because he is pure unlike the rest of you little shits.” Myungjun retorted while patting Jinwoo’s head like the puppy he currently was. “I made you into a makeshift Jigsaw because you’re really manipulative and cunning when you want to be and it’s honestly scary.” The statement earned him a glare but everyone else still agreed.  
The rest of the night thankfully held much less bickering and much more happiness. Well, except when Minhyuk would accidentally scare the small children because of his skull painted face. Both he and Sanha actually managed to get their buckets filled with candy, and Bin actually left them alone after Dongmin promised to buy him a bag of candy tomorrow on clearance. It was still early but it was clear they were getting tired from walking around several neighborhoods. So they headed back to their apartment complex to continue their scary movie marathon. This time Dongmin sat in bin’s lap in the back seat, “Since my butt is apparently too big.” He claimed. Sanha joked the same option to Minhyuk, since his own tall stature would lead him to be crushed against the hood of the car much like Dongmin currently was (though he definitely didn’t seem to be complaining), and was surprised when Minhyuk actually did move to sit on him. Turned out it was mostly to crush Sanha under his weight. Dancing constantly leads to some pretty heavy muscles. Myungjun still turned around in his seat once again to tell them all to keep it PG. Their responses were to all yell different iterations of how it wasn’t anything like that followed by very unconvinced utterances from him and Jinwoo.  
They didn’t even get through one whole movie back at the apartment. Jinwoo and Myungun having fallen alseep leaning on each other about thirty minutes into it. Dongmin and Bin weren’t far behind, though Dongmin fell asleep curled in Bin’s lap, Dongmin claiming his butt was too big to share on the couch now too apparently. No one mentioned how the couch had easily fit all four of them before. Sanha and Minhyuk were seated on the floor, eating and trading their candies. Minhyuk turned around to make sure the others were all still sleeping before speaking.
“I can’t believe they did that for us.” He whispered as he leaned in towards the other.
“I know! The plan was to get them to buy us candy and maybe go to a university event or something. Our hyungs love us so much! I kinda feel bad for tricking them now…” Sanha mumbled before stuffing another chocolate into his mouth. He promised Dongmin he wouldn’t eat too many, but it was easier to get away with it now that he was sleeping.  
“First off, it was your idea–”
“But you–”
“Shhhhh! You’re going to wake them up! And second, we didn’t lie. We just…fluffed up the truth. It was really nice that we all went trick-or-treating like we used to years ago.” Minhyuk admitted, not looking the other in the eye.  
“Aw hyung!” Sanha giggled.
“Shut up! Not a word to the others or I’ll tell them about that stunt you pulled in the car. Myungjun might think Dongmin is the manipulative one, but I know better. Your innocence doesn’t fool me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure Sanha. Sure.”  
When the movie ended Minhyuk went about making sure everyone woke up and went to their respective beds. They still had classes tomorrow so everyone needed their rest. They didn’t have to go very far, they all lived on the same floor of the complex. Dongmin, though barely awake, still managed to scold Sanha for eating too much candy and made sure to remind him to brush his teeth. Sanha merely reminded him that he was an adult™. He still had to be reminded to do so later by Minhyuk.
As they walked down the hall to their own apartment Sanha suddenly had an interesting thought. “Hyung, do you believe in soulmates?”
Minhyuk would deny even years later that he choked on his own spit at that very moment. “W-wha? I mean why are you asking?”
“I just mean…like soul mates, but for friends? Friend soul mates!”
“Ah, that sounds dumb doesn’t it? Sorry.”
“No! It doesn’t sound dumb. I’m just not sure where you’re going with this.”
“We’ve just all been through a lot, and really care about one another and wow this is getting weirdly sentimental. I just feel like I see everyone else change friends a lot through the years, but we always managed to stick together! I like that.” Sanha continued before unlocking the front door.  
“What about romantic soulmates?” Minhyuk hadn’t really meant to voice the question, it was an inner thought that had slipped out. Thankfully Sanha didn’t seem put off, or surprised, by the question.
“I think people can be romantic and friend soulmates at the same time! Who says there are rules anyways?” The two boys smiled at each other before moving into their apartment to go about their nightly routines.
New message in groupchat: “The one without the children”
MJ: I told you guys they were lying!
Eunwoo: I’m the one that said that….
Moonbin: But did you hear what they were saying in the hall?! We’re soulmates guys…
Eunwoo: Binnie are you crying?
Moonbin: …
Moonbin: yes
Jinjin: It’s ok MJ is crying too
Jinjin: Shut up and come to bed
Moonbin: Dat’s gay
Jinjin: Bruh we’re all gay.  
Moonbin: SinCE WHEN?!
Jinjin: …wtf
MJ: So are any of you saying that you’re not gay?  
Moonbin: *raises hand*
Eunwoo: WHAT
Moonbin: I’m bi
MJ: Ohhhh! Guys we should have one big coming out party for just ourselves!
Jinjin: No.  
MJ: 🙁
Jinjin: …fine
Eunwoo: We don’t even know if the other two are gay!
MJ: You’re joking right?
Eunwoo: Obviously.  
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