#but consuming tv shows/movies/plays/music and then discussing them is how we bond and relate to each other
emilyaxford · 1 year
so in fall 2021 i binged succession so i could watch season 3 live and then it slapped so i told my parents they had to watch the show so we could talk about it. i was really hyping up the show. then they tried it and my dad hated it because he has no sympathy for spoiled rich kids and my mom didn’t really like it either. this deeply crushed my dreams because normally my mom and i have very similar taste (e.g. i got her into iwtv, ofmd, d20, etc.). i asked my mom to give it one more try and she did but still couldn’t get into it so i was like okay that’s fine i’ll deal with my disappointment. one upside was that she still let me talk about why i liked certain episodes and scenes so much (like logan’s death).
cut to today. it’s been a rough day because there is a serious wildfire happening very close to me but i’m like it’s okay because at least i get to tell my mom about the succession finale! so i call my parents. then my dad says don’t spoil the finale because his best friend was raving about succession so they’re going to try to watch the show again. i’m like sir you cannot get my hopes up again i was so sad the first time when you didn’t like it. he’s like no no we’ll watch the first three seasons before you come and visit in a couple weeks and then we’ll watch season four together. i’m like dad you’re literally pulling a logan roy here by dangling this possibility in front of me when all previous evidence indicates that it’s not going to be real this time.
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plinys · 6 years
dear yuletide author (2018)
hello and welcome to my letter!
i am so happy to have you reading this letter and going to be writing a fic for me! why? because you dear writer are an amazing and wonderful person, deserving of all the kudos in the world!
please remember as you look at these prompts, that if something in my likes inspires you more than any of my specific prompts, totally feel free and run with that, and know that i will enjoy any fic that is gifted to me!!
ao3/lj handle: plinys
now lets get down to business:
the fandoms i’ve requested this year are: Babe - Sugarland ft. Taylor Swift (Music Video) , Dramarama - Monsta X (Music Video) , The Gifted (TV 2017) ,  Partners (TV 2012) , A Simple Favor (2018), and Superman Returns (2006)
but before that, my likes/kinks/dislikes/triggers:
likes: alternate universes, characters that are in character, lady-centric fics, angst, fandom cliches, dysfunctional relationships, friendships, friends/enemies to lovers, soul mates, road trips,  hanukkah fics, jewish characters, bisexual characters, poly relationships, character studies, origin stories, ambiguous endings, meta fic, slow build, fics that incorporate social media, crack treated seriously, drunk confessions, miscommunication,
kinks: threesomes, competence kink, phone sex, masturbation, crying during sex, hate sex, shower sex, praise kink, guys going down on girls, rough sex, first time, spanking, daddy kink, sex in front of mirrors, voyeurism, make up sex
dislikes: pwp, main character death (unless it really makes sense/happens in canon), character bashing, non-con, mpreg, a/b/o, 1st person, 2nd person 
my triggers (please no matter what do not include these): school shootings, cancer, terminal illness, riots, child abuse.
and now to the fun stuff -
Babe - Sugarland ft. Taylor Swift (Music Video) 
characters: Cheating Husband (Babe), Mistress (Babe), Wife (Babe)
where to watch: the music video is up on youtube
right after watching this video, my first thought was that i was disappointed that the cheating husband didn’t die in the end. like he should have died they set it all up for him to die. so do me a favor and write a fic where he gets exactly what he deserved
bonus points if we get something where the ladies team up to do him in, maybe it’s all a big long con, maybe they were actually working together to kill him for the insurance money or something. (make them gay if you want, or make them bonded as friends because the same man screwed them over either way im chill)
alternatively - if someone wants to write smut between the cheating husband and the mistress that’s totally fine by me because imagining brandon routh and taylor swift together is something that i could get behind so uh feel free
honestly if you can make anything come out of this music video it would make me very happy because its one of my favorites and literally any fic about it will be good 
Dramarama - Monsta X (Music Video)
characters: Chae Hyungwon (Dramarama MV)
where to watch: the music video is here on youtube
so a good place to start would probably be with some sort of explanation for what is going on in the music video and there is a lot of theories but honestly ive got like only 80% of a clue after reading them all so good luck. basically if you don’t know anything about who the boys are (i don’t even go here technically, my roommate just showed me the video a while back and when  saw it in the tag set i got super interested in requesting fic about it)
 i nominated hyungwon, he’s the one in the video who is in the suit and sort of giving out all of the watches that enable the other to travel through time. im mainly looking for backstory on his character, what is his role in all of this? what is his motivation? why did he choose this set of people to give the watches too
also related just expanding on the concept of time travel presented in the video. in this case you don’t have to focus on hyungwon, you can focus on the other sort of “men in black” showed or any of the other duo’s presented
honestly whatever you could pull out of this video would be really interesting to me! if something inspires you after watching the video consider total freedom when it comes to this prompt
The Gifted (TV 2017)
characters: Lorna Dane (The Gifted (TV 2017)), Marcos Diaz (The Gifted (TV 2017))
where to watch: all of season one is on hulu, and it’s current airing weekly
so i realize that by time reveals are the show will have finished season two so who knows how we will all feel about them by then and what will have happened but right now in canon i am very much emotionally compromised by everything going on with lorna/marcos and so i am asking for 100% shippy prompts for them
there was a lot of missing moments in season one that could be expanded on. when they were together in the underground. fluffy little things with them having discussions about their baby, soft bed sharing stuff, making promises to protect each other, just anything soft with them expecting the baby is right up my alley
and then of course now were in season two and things arent so easy, depending on how things go in canon i would love some sort of fic of them getting back together and getting to be a big happy family. if that means marcos joining the inner circle or lorna leaving, ether way works for me
at nycc sean (who plays marcos) said that “there isn’t a man who loves his daughter more, and he hasn’t even met her” obviously now he has met her. but i would love just some character study of marcos inner turmoil over all of this 
seriously though anything lorna/marcos will make me happy
Partners (TV 2012)
characters: Louis McManus, Wyatt Plank
where to watch: i’ve only found it on less than legal streaming sites
if you havent seen this, which you probably have not, it is a very quick watch, it’s like ten episodes of a sitcom, very easy to consume quickly. and im 90% certain that someone has made a cut of just the louis/wyatt scenes on youtube. it got cancelled before its first season ever finished. 
louis/wyatt are an established relationship on the show, very cute and domestic, and just silly sitcom vibes. this is sort of my easy request, because im not really looking for anything dramatic with this one. do you like writing curtain fic? easy fluff? whatever is light and easy and suits your fancy
if youre in a smutty mood you could totally work with this one because i mean established relationship and there was definitely a few fade to black scenes in the sitcom so feel free
before the series ended there was like a discussion of them making their relationship even more serious, obviously that was sort of a cliffhanger to end the series on. but if you would like to expand on that and write where you think their lives would have gone next i would love to read that!
A Simple Favor (2018)
characters: Emily Nelson (A Simple Favor (2018)),  Stephanie Smothers (A Simple Favor (2018))
where to watch: at a theater near you!
okay so i know their relationship dynamic was a little fucked up (or well, a lot) but that is exactly what is so perfect about them. i want dysfunctional relationships, power imbalances, codependency, all the bad wrong dirty tropes that you can fit in with these two
i would LOVE some smut with them. you see my kinks list back up there at the top, use some of those. the more sinful the better, because how could you watch this movie and not think about these two ladies fucking in that fancy house? drinks turns into emily teaching stephanie how to go down on another woman like? these are just things that i greatly need in my life
i am very much interested in reading alternate endings where stephanie took emily up on her offer and ran away with her. where would they go? how do they start over? how do they fall for each other? tell that story (and of course bonus points if its smutty)
or maybe ones where things still go on the canon route but stephanie still cannot stop thinking about emily, and the inevitably of two people always meant to be drawn back together even if its against all logical reasoning
if youre in an au mix mood, these two would be perfect for some sort of slightly fucked up soulmate au. i would love to see something like that
Superman Returns (2006)
characters:  Clark Kent (Superman Returns (2006)), Lois Lane (Superman Returns (2006))
where to watch: i rented it off amazon? not sure if there’s anywhere legally to see it for free
so at the end of the movie lois and clark arent actually together and we never got another movie so i find myself desperately in need of fic in which they do get back together, properly this time, and obviously with some revealing of identities and all that other important stuff
also theyve got a kid together and i am literally always weak for kidfics so i would love something to do with that. clark realizing that he has a son but that he can’t come out as clark and reveal that he’s aware of this and the dilemma that comes from that
or honestly just cute domestic family stuff, feel free to skip right past the getting together and give some nice super family fluff. i just want everyone to be happy 
ANYWAYS I HOPE SOME OF THOSE PROMPTS SUIT YOUR FANCY! no matter what i know i will love whatever you write, thank you!
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