#but deep down she and varric are soulmates and it takes her being left behind in the fade for her and varric to realize this
faerun · 7 months
ive been wanting to do a full playthrough of all the dragon age games with my canon girls and get my canon set up all nice and neat before dreadwolf comes out but thats hard because. my canon has morphed so much from what the games ALLOW you to do. i have two wardens. hawke has two love interests simultaneously but her true love is someone you cant even romance. rosie is the closest to inquisition canon but i have extensive ideas about what her post-Inquisition life is like that i just know dreadwolf is gonna mess up. wahhhhh
#to clarify#iris and thalia are my two wardens and theyre both elves but thats where the similarities end#thalia hates being a warden and pretty much hands the role of 'team captain' to iris without too much fuss#so i consider iris' decisions to be my canon ones for keep purposes#hawke has a thing going with anders and sebastian simultaneously (everyone knows about it and its cool)#she loves anders but decides she cant be with him anymore after the Incident so she runs off to starkhaven with seb#but deep down she and varric are soulmates and it takes her being left behind in the fade for her and varric to realize this#and rosie goes thru a deep depression after trespasser#i imagine her magic is weaker bc of solas taking the mark; that direct connection to the fade empowered her magic but now that its gone#she feels like she's weaker; like trying to read with a blindfold on or play chess with her hands tied behind her back#so thalia (!) visits skyhold and agrees to train her in Rogue Stuff so she has a backup if her magic fails her in a fight#while she's there carver shows up and joins the Seekers; stuff happens and he and rosie become friends#inspired by all of this rosie decides to mount a rescue mission to get hawke out of the fade#so rosie varric carver thalia and cassandra all rescue hawke and its great and whooo#hawke and varric reunite and tearfully (awkwardly) confess their love for eachother#and nothing really changes in their relationship except they kiss now bc they were already soulmates!!!!#what 10 years with no new DA games does to a mf ^
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
8. A companion teases them about their feelings
Thank you so much for this ask! It was too much fun to write! Obviously, Mathrras had to be in on this as well.
Rating - T (swearing and drinking)
Ship - Solas/F!Lavellan (pre-relationship)
Word Count: 1898
8. A companion teases them about their feelings
Going to the Tavern was not something that Tamaris had done many times since coming to Haven. It was loud, there were often too many people and Solas rarely went there. She had become his shadow in the past two months. If they were in Haven or even on the road if someone needed to find one. They only had to look for the other. He fascinated her and she intrigued him endlessly. Their conventions seemed to have no end. There were already whispers of a romance brewing but Tamaris tried to pay that little mind. Though she did little to stop them either. 
She thought Solas was a handsome man, who was also one of the most intelligent men she had ever come across. Was it terrible if she was developing feelings for him? Or was it the natural course of finding someone who understood her to her very core. How could that be wrong? Mathras had been concerned about just how much time she was spending alone with Solas, which is why he had retrieved her from his cabin. He was currently locked arm in arm with her forcing her to go with him to the tavern. 
“I really would much rather go back and spend my evening with Solas.” Tamaris protested softly, her hand gripping her brother’s arm tighter than it needed to be. She pulled back towards the small structure she had just left. “We were discussing the history of our people Mathras…”
Mathras was unfazed by her protest, he had seen worse from her when they were children. “You need to be social…” 
“I am..” Tamaris snapped back quickly, her lips pursed in a scowl.
“With Solas and only Solas..” Mathras pointed arrogance slipping into his tone. 
Tamaris stopped digging the heels of her boots into the half-frozen earth. “What is that supposed to mean… Mathras?”  Her eyes were wide as she snarled at her brother shoving him. 
Mathras laughed when he barely moved at his sister’s assault. “It means I know you are sweet on him and I do not approve.” His tone was hard for Tamaris to read, she could not tell if he was being serious or if he was joking with her. 
Her mouth hung open for a minute in shock, her eyes wide as she muttered. “What is wrong with Solas?” Tamaris’s voice was filled with confusion as Solas had never given her a moment’s doubt that he was a good man in the time they had to know each other. 
Mathras stood stoned faced for a few beats before the corners of his mouth twisted upwards and he started to chuckle deep in his chest. “You do like him! Shite… Cullen owes me an Ale.” Mathras continued to laugh as Tamaris stood sour-faced with her arms folding in front of her chest upset that her brother had all but forced her to confess her crush on Solas. 
To make matters worse, the last two men who needed to learn this information were nearing as they talked amongst themselves. “Lads! I was right… I was right!” Mathras exclaimed as he strutted over to Cullen and Varric who both were looking right at Tamaris. The moment she caught the stunned, almost hurt, look on Cullen’s face. Tamaris felt her cheeks flush red and quickly moved to hide her face in her hands. 
All she wanted to do was run, run straight to Solas and complain about how rotten her brother could be, but it was still the overwhelming desire to just flee the situation before things became even more awkward. “I am going to kill you in your sleep Mathras.” Tamaris mumbled into her hands before peering up to see if the men were still paying attention to her. 
They were. 
Cullen’s eyes were still fixed on her, his mouth hung open as he passively listened to Mathras recount the exchange a few moments before. “Then, she goes ‘What’s wrong with Solas?’.” Varric chuckled softly at the story Mathras told before patting him on the arm. 
“Alright, alright… don’t scare her off now that you actually stole her away from Chuckles lets get her having a little real fun before we drive her away.” Varric said brightly before turning to Tamaris and sauntering over. “Come on Bubbles, you want a drink? Talk about all your complex feelings for Chuckles while we play a game of Wicked Grace?” He teased with a soft smile extending a large hand to her. “I promise I will only use some of it for my book…” 
Tamaris peaked at him from behind her hands mumbling “I do not want to talk about Solas…” 
“Fine, we will and you can listen but you can’t stand out here in the cold and snow.” The shorter man tapped his boot on the crusty snow that had compacted on the dirt path through the down. “Now you can either come willingly or I am sure we can persuade the Commander over there to pick you up and toss you over his shoulder and carry you in.” Varric glanced back at Cullen who’s cheeks blushed deep red as he hid his face behind his hands. “I mean I do believe he would toughly enjoy throwing you over his shoulder..” 
Tamaris cut him off with scowl as she stormed bast the shorter man and towards the Tavern. She paused she passed Cullen and looked at him for a moment. He began to stammer. “I swear, it’s nothing of the sort…” 
“LIES” Mathras yelled with a laugh as he pushed open the door allowing Tamaris to walk in. She gave him a stern glare as she pushed passed him, her hand roughly shoving him into the heavy wooden door. “Oy, da’len…” 
“Do not dare ‘da’len’ me, Mathras.” She scolding sounding painfully like their late mother for a moment. “You are just horrible! You are lucky I am even staying!” There were few people in the Tavern as many scouts were out looking for any new Templar or Mage activity. Tamaris took a seat by a window, Cullen and Varric went to the bar to get their drinks. 
Mathras joined his sister and for a moment the bravado faded away. He placed his hand between her shoulder blades as he sat down. Once seated he turned to her with a warm, apologetic expression. Tamaris continued to scowl.  “Ir abelas da'asa'ma'lin,” 
“matel'abelas,” Tamaris retorted quickly. She was about to unleash on him in their native tongue but Varric and Cullen were making their way back to the table. “Ass.” Tamaris settled as Varric set the tankard of ale in front of her. 
“Now… Level with us Bubbles, you really got a thing for Chuckles or is it just you don’t like the rest of us?” Varricquired as he sat down next to Cullen who was already downing his drink. 
Tamaris sighed, she knew that either she answered their questions or she was going to be hounded all night by Varric and Mathras. Out of the corner of her eye she glanced at Cullen. If the other two kept things up Cullen wouldn’t last the night. “Alright. Fine..” She started softly as she took a sip of the ale. She didn’t like the taste but she was not accustomed to discussing her feelings. “I like him, we get on better than I get on with him…” She pointed to Mathras who just shrugged as he took a drink. “He is a Dreamer like I am. I have never met anyone else like me…” 
Cullen looked up, “In the Circle, they said they were rare enough, to begin with. Then, most that were heard of died or were made Tranquil before they reached adulthood…” Cullen looked down into his tankard and mumbled. “I mean… shit…” He cursed as he realized how he had come off. 
Varric chuckled as he reached over and placed his hand over Tamaris. “Don’t mind him, take the boy out of the Templars…” He mused softly before patting the young woman’s hand. “So he is creepy powerful mage like you are… I see the appeal… you can do dangerous mage things together.” Tamaris pulled her hand away and scowled. “It wasn’t meant as anything mean, Bubbles… come on.” 
Mathras cleared his throat as he set his now empty tankard down. “If I can be honest, the idea of you do getting involved… Mythal’s Mercy… have… “ He fakes nearly vomiting. “Sex… and you end up with child…” Mathras sat back in his chair as he folded his arms in front of his chest. “I mean… no… that would be crazy powerful magic and the world doesn’t need more of that.” 
Shifting in his seat uncomfortably by the turn the conversation had taken Cullen looked away as downed the rest of his ale. “Another round? Another…. yes… “ He mumbles as he stood up and sauntered over to slowly taking time to collect himself. 
Tamaris scowled she pushed her drink away from her. “There is nothing going on between Solas and I…. and you are already talking about children. What is wrong with you?” She was annoyed at the teasing and constant questions. She was uncomfortable with the fact that she wasn’t the only one with a crush. That apparently there had been other motives for inviting her out that night. She pushed her chair back from the table and stood up. 
“Hey… come on… we were just playing Tamaris…” Mathras leaned forward and grabbed his sister’s hand stopping her from leaving. “We just… don’t get it. You know Cullen likes you right?” 
“He is a Templar!” Tamaris exclaimed louder than she was expecting. “Why would you ever! UGH!” She snatched her hand away and stormed off leaving Cullen standing redfaced at the bar hanging his head in shame while Varric and Mathras tried to chase after her. 
Tamaris was faster than she looked. By the time Mathras and Varric had exited the Tavern, Tamaris was standing at the top of the stairs already feverishly recounting the events to Solas.
Mathras groaned and tossed his head back. “They are going to get married, have babies, I mean Solas is the perfect match for my sister.” 
Varric nodded beside him. “You aren’t wrong there, I mean I have seen all kinds of relationships play out but that… that is something I have yet to see my friend.” He folded his arms in front of his broad chest, settling back on the heels of his boots. 
“And what would that be, oh wise Master Thethras?” 
“Soulmates my friend…” Varric mused sounding far more romantic than his usual self. “Look at them, they were made for each other.” He gestured toward the pair who were standing at the top of the stairs, Solas appeared to be trying to calm Tamaris down and doing a better job of it that Mathras has ever seen. “He is the Bubbles whisper… even more than you…” 
“Shut up…” Mathras snorted. “I really don’t want to think about spending the rest of my life being related by marriage to Solas…” He hung his head, he wanted to be happy in some way for Tamaris but he knew that there was never going to be a happy ending for her. 
Varric reached up and clapped Mathras on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go drink your problems away…” 
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