#but despite this - their core symbols are hope - rebirth - new beginnings
bala5 · 21 days
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There are 6 birds that wake me up in the early morning with their song. Bewick's Wren, Black Phoebe, American Crow, Song Sparrow, Oak Titmouse and the House Finch
Here is the Black Phoebe ✨✨✨
A Black Phoebe symbolize wisdom and hidden knowledge. They've also seen as life is ever revolving and ever changing, so to stay on your toes. They also remind us not to jump forward hastily to take your time and be patient. They also teach us to use our voice effectively.
When viewed through a spiritual lens, the Phoebe imparts sacred wisdom to those attuned to its lessons. Some of the core elements of Phoebe’s significance include:
Faith – unwavering belief despite uncertainty Optimism – embracing hope Rebirth – renewal after stagnation Patience – persevering despite delays Swift Action – decisively seizing opportunities Guidance – reliably orienting others
The Phoebe is a mentor for overcoming adversity through faith and fortitude. Where others may falter when tested, the Phoebe prevails by tapping into a higher power. The bird’s spirit reassures us that inner light illuminates even the darkest hour if we trust in the dawn. Its wisdom nurtures spiritual resilience. In many shamanic belief systems, animals can appear to individuals as spirit guides called “spirit animals.” Often, spirit animals showcase attributes and powers the person is called to embrace themselves.
As a spirit animal, the Phoebe signals a time of spiritual renewal. When the Phoebe visits you, it means you are on the brink of a new beginning, professionally or personally. While the path ahead may seem uncertain, your spirit animal Phoebe brings the gifts of optimism, swift action, and fearlessness.
By affirming your connection with the Phoebe, you harmonize your psyche with the bird’s ascendant energies. As you advance through unknown terrain, allow the Phoebe to lift your spirit and reveal invisible currents and thermals to ride. Through faith, all is possible. https://richard-laeton.pixels.com/featured/black-phoebe-richard-laeton.html
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oc-poll-tournament · 3 months
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💫Valerio Symbolism💫
Symbolism is my passion~ so this is one of the things of Valerio I made long time ago. These symbolic elements are the first name, animal, one of the four elements, plant, colour, number, stone, and last name.
Valerio means to be strong and healthy. For the whole course of his story Valerio overcomes obstacles on the way to be happy and to gain his peace.
Eagle is a symbol of freedom, strength, and wisdom. When he was a guard, his code name in the army was Eagle (there is another animal the symbolism of which suits Valerio a lot more but an eagle is also sort of “a forced symbol” since this is something his father chose for him)
Fire despite being a destructive force is a symbol of life, rebirth, and warmth. Valerio is a warm person always striving to help others, he learns how to live again yet he’s absolutely uncontrollable when he boils with anger due to his tendency to repress his negative emotions which made him do something he deeply regrets twice.
Dandelion is a symbol of hope, growth, and happiness. Hope, growing, and learning how to be happy again after he lost everything are the core parts of Valerio’s journey. Also people make wishes on dandelions which embodies Valerio supportive nature and his desire to guide everyone and help them with their struggles.
Blue is a colour of inspiration, peace, and reliability which also refers to his outgoing and people-oriented self. He inspires everyone around him and is someone they can always rely on which is the main source of his peace even when there’s a storm raging inside of him.
The number nine means enlightenment, kindness, and empathy which is a perfect way to describe Valerio in a nutshell. Plus, the number nine is a symbol of completion. By the end of his journey he puts himself together and finds his true destiny.
Moonstone is a symbol of intuition, new beginnings, and compassion. His late wife was into astronomy, the name of someone dear to him means “the moon”, so this is an important symbol both spiritually and story-wise.
Álvarez means guardian. There are many ways to interpret it, and I’ll say in the context of Valerio’s story guardian is a symbol of his secretive nature, his desire to hide his past from everyone, and his tendency to repress negative emotions.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
The Winter Solstice: Embracing the Darkest Day of the Year Shaina Tranquilino December 23, 2023
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As winter settles in and daylight diminishes, we reach a pivotal moment known as the winter solstice. This astronomical event marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time when nature seems to hold its breath, and we find ourselves drawn inward, seeking warmth, reflection, and renewal.
Historically, cultures across the globe have celebrated this celestial occurrence with diverse rituals and traditions. From ancient stone structures aligned with the solstice sunrise to festivals honoring the rebirth of light, societies have recognized the significance of this turning point in our planet's journey around the sun.
For many, however, modern life has disconnected us from these age-old practices and left us unaware of the profound symbolism behind this celestial dance. Yet, by understanding and embracing the winter solstice, we can tap into its transformative power and find meaning amidst the darkness.
At its core, the winter solstice represents a metaphorical death followed by rebirth. As nature withdraws into dormancy during this cold season, it reminds us of our own need for rest and introspection. The long nights offer an opportunity to turn inward, evaluate our lives' paths, release what no longer serves us, and envision new beginnings.
In Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway, people celebrate St. Lucia's Day on December 13th as a precursor to the winter solstice festivities. Young girls dress in white robes with candles adorning their heads to symbolize bringing light into darkness – a beautiful reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always hope.
Another tradition associated with the winter solstice is Yule. Derived from Norse mythology, Yule celebrates the return of light after a period of prolonged darkness. People kindle bonfires or light candles to honor this triumph over gloominess while feasting together and exchanging gifts as symbols of goodwill and unity.
Additionally, the winter solstice holds profound significance in Indigenous cultures. The Hopi tribe, for instance, celebrates Soyal, a ceremony that marks the beginning of their new year. Through rituals, prayers, and dances, they welcome the sun's return and offer gratitude for another cycle of life.
For those seeking personal reflection during this time, creating your own winter solstice ritual can be a powerful way to connect with nature's rhythms. Light candles or a bonfire to symbolize the returning light and write down intentions for personal growth and transformation. Meditate on what you want to release from your life and visualize the seeds of new beginnings taking root within you.
Moreover, spending time outdoors on the day of the winter solstice can deepen our connection to nature's cycles. Take a walk in a forest or near water bodies – places where stillness reigns supreme even amidst chaos. Observe how animals adapt to the changing season and find inspiration in their resilience.
As we celebrate the winter solstice together, let us acknowledge that darkness is not something to fear but rather an integral part of our existence. It is from these moments of darkness that we can cultivate strength, wisdom, and appreciation for the light that will inevitably return.
So as we gather around warm hearths with loved ones or bask in solitude by candlelight on this darkest day of the year, may we embrace the quietude it offers us. Let us honour our past experiences while kindling hope for a brighter future ahead.
In this dance between dark and light lies an opportunity for transformation – an invitation to grow despite adversity. And just as ancient civilizations celebrated this celestial event thousands of years ago, may we too find solace and renewal in its timeless magic.
Dear Divine Spirit,
On this joyous day of the winter solstice, we gather together to celebrate the return of light and the blessings of this season. We give thanks for the beauty that surrounds us, and for the love and warmth in our hearts.
As the longest night passes and daylight begins to grow, we are reminded of the infinite cycle of life. May this solstice be a time of renewal and rebirth for all beings on Earth. May it bring hope, peace, and abundance into our lives.
We pray for harmony among nations and unity among humanity. May compassion fill our hearts, and may we extend a helping hand to those in need. Let kindness be our guiding principle as we navigate through challenges and embrace opportunities for growth.
In this sacred moment, we express gratitude for Mother Nature's gifts. The sparkling snowflakes, crisp air, and cozy fireside gatherings remind us of the wonders that surround us. May we cherish these simple pleasures and find joy in every passing day.
On this winter solstice, we also remember all those who have passed from this world. We honour their memory by living fully and embracing each precious moment with love and gratitude.
May this solstice inspire us to seek inner wisdom and guidance. May it illuminate our path towards personal transformation, healing, and self-discovery. Let us release any burdens or negative energies that no longer serve us, allowing space for new beginnings.
Finally, dear Spirit, we offer our heartfelt appreciation for your divine presence in our lives. Thank you for guiding us through darkness towards light, offering solace during challenging times while reminding us of the eternal cycle of nature.
Blessed be on this winter solstice! May its radiant energy fill our hearts with happiness, love, and renewed hope for a bright future ahead.
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siremy-colors · 5 years
Green is the color of nature, life and it's associated with balance, harmony and growth. It reminds of spring and rebirth, hope and peace. A mix between yellow and blue, it's the color of people with a strong sense of right or wrong, those who always consider all the options and end up making the most appropriate choice, even though sometimes they can get too rigid or over-cautious. It's a color we see a lot in Simon, it's almost like his signature one (even his backpack is green). He's introduced as a teenager with stability and self-confidence. He's loyal and down-to-earth, a reliable friend. He has solid values, high moral sense and we can find all these meanings in green. But this color is also associated with immaturity and coming to life and for Simon this is particularly true related to his sexuality and his whole story arc. He tends to wear mostly olive green, color of peace, but also of deceit. It shows a strength of character and therefore the ability to overcome difficulties. In 1x02 he wears this color several times: first at rehearsal, when he looks anxious (but he hides it) at the idea of kissing Jeremy and again later in the episode when he and Jeremy rehearse the scene for the first time. Green helps calming nervousness and we see Simon's inner peace (and therefore his values and the image he had always had of himself) shaking. Then he wears an olive-green hoodie when he talks with Lilette about the study date with Jeremy and he overthinks, getting judgmental about what people might say about it. As mentioned above, olive green is related to deceit: despite having said yes to the date with Jeremy, Simon later asks Anabelle for a date on the same day (in a previous scene of this episode we see that she has some kind of crush or interest in him, while he doesn't). But this “deceit” doesn't mean Simon is a bad character or that he decides to intentionally hurt Anabelle; green is the color of inexperience, inner reflection and when he feels something new in himself he still can’t accept, he ends up doing everything he can to restore the lost balance and get back to his core values (being straight and have a girlfriend).
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Green is associated to healing and consolation. In 1x03 Simon wears again the long-sleeved t-shirt when he sings “Left behind” at one of the last rehearsals before leaving. The song is about mourning the death of a friend and someway it's like the other troupe kids are saying goodbye to him too (green is linked also to putrefaction and death). Always as sign of comfort he wears it in the scene with his sister, when she's sad to see him leaving Stanton High and he does his best to console her. Practical and down-to-earth, green speaks with clarity. Simon knows the reason why he's leaving is Spring Awakening, but he's strongly against any changes in the play, because the truth is sacred and nothing is more important than that.
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Green as indifference and illness (not physical, here) can be seen in Simon wearing a green t-shirt at dinner, in 1x05, when his parents asks him about St. Francis and he says he doesn't want to do theatre. He doesn't want to complain or fight, but at the same time he's clearly not happy. The light blue hoodie intensifies these feelings (see the blue post). Jeremy doesn't wear much green instead and, when he does, it's mostly a brighter shade than Simon's - linked to his more spontaneous nature. In episode 1x02 he wears bright jade green shorts at rehearsal, during the Spring Awakening vineyard scene. In a moment of anxiety for Simon, Jeremy wearing jade green inspires trust and confidentiality: they both realize something is blooming between them, but it remains unsaid. Jeremy also does his best to make Simon feel at ease, smiling and patiently waiting for him to do his part of the scene. He's sympathetic and encourages him without speaking. Jade green is in fact also the color of generosity of spirit. In 1x03 we see him first with a forest green t-shirt when Simon announces to the troupe that he's leaving for St. Francis. He's heartbroken to know that Simon won't be at Stanton High anymore and since green can be seen as Simon signature color, it's linked to him and the feelings he has for the other boy. His hope of getting closer to Simon and let grow what was just, perhaps, born between them crashes. The green is vivid and this is a sign of Jeremy's feelings being more intense and clearer than Simon's, but always with a touch of inexperience. We see this t-shirt again in 1x06 in the scene where the troupe is putting the set pieces together (growth, anticipation of things to come).
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Always in 1x03 he wears jade green pants when Simon is singing at rehearsal. This time the link between the two boys is clearer, since Simon is wearing green too and, even though it's a choral scene, they both have basically the same outfits of the vineyard scene rehearsal of the previous episode. In 1x09, during the talk between him and Simon, he's wearing pale olive-green pants, as symbol of peace, since it's the first time they really talk after the fight of 1x06. In addition, this shade of green here stands for understanding (he finally gets the reason behind Simon's behavior with him) and caring for the feelings of others – expressed also by the tartan pattern of this shirt (see the tartan post to know more).
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patienceyields · 5 years
I Need A Hero: Some Last Thoughts on Shiro the Hero
Before S8’s premier, I’m sitting here like a good Shiro stan, feeling proud of my boy’s development. And feeling so grateful that we met this Shiro through Voltron, and that they had to bring him back to us — this amazing character who represents so much as a symbol on so many different levels — a gay icon; a man of color main lead; a disabled action hero; a trauma survivor who overcame so much adversity. As someone who gets up and fights and fights and fights. 
It was a pleasure seeing Shiro’s arc come full circle in S7 with him returning to Earth to captain the Atlas, with Shiro getting his own mech connected to his own quintessence/heroic destiny — one that he has a mental bond with much in the same way he had with Black. It is exciting to know that he is still a paladin in his own way, that he is still able to defend the universe alongside his old and new teams. Shiro is in his element again — a leader, a source of inspiration, a teacher, a mentor, a hero — a Champion of the universe (and not just in a Galra-run gladiator fighting pit). Going into S8 I hope this is something he can continue to offer those around him — both to the Voltron paladins and to his own crew of the Atlas as they go into this last epic battle.
Shiro as Atlas, the greek mythological figure that holds up the heavens; and Shiro as an atlas — a guide, a map, a template, a source of direction. Shiro has been a supportive hand, a guide and guiding light to his teammates, and his death and survival have been a fundamental part of his team’s destinies.
“I don’t know what’s more fulfilling than being a paladin.” — Kuron’s words carry the essence of Shiro’s heart, the fact that he gets so much fulfillment from his work to save others. What would be greater than being a warrior fighting for good in every universe? Being of service to a greater power/mission, helping people, defending people? Shiro’s journey toward the Atlas is his journey back toward his inner power, strength, and heart work, allowing him to take his own advice and to “Go. Be Great.”
I think a lot about Shiro as a survivor — of illness, of torture, of enslavement, of medical experimentation, of imprisonment. There are just some characters that teach you how to survive, how to keep going in the face of the impossible. Shiro is that impossible boy. The boy who never should have survived (was never meant to), and I think he understands this. Every day is a gift, and every fight is worth having if it can bring freedom to the universe.
I think a lot about how Shiro knew from the beginning that he didn’t have long to make his dreams a reality, knowing that Kerberos would be his last chance at piloting a mission (a dream he had since reading about the Calypso mission which made him want to become a pilot) — the three-year mission to Kerberos was his last chance to see the universe and to live life on his own terms. I think a lot about what that mission ultimately meant for Shiro — capture, death, resurrection. But also a life-altering bigger destiny.
I think about Shiro and his relationship to his body — illness, disability, visual sacrifice, as well as a place for summoning his reserves of unbelievable strength (physical and mental). Shiro’s body was/is a weapon — honed that way by the Garrison first, and then by Haggar and her Druids. Shiro’s body was always going to be something he would willingly sacrifice for the larger mission — space exploration or war. Shiro has been a clone, a double, and he’s been thousands of bodies falling through space — we may never really know what he feels when he looks at himself, knowing how his body has been used as a Galra gladiator and as a project by Haggar to infiltrate into his team. Shiro's trauma has always rumbled just below the surface but made itself visible in his physical/bodily scars (his missing arm/the stress changing his hair color) and through his mental scars — his manifestations of PTSD. And Shiro’s body has so often been out of his control — due to his illness, his enslavement, and his time in the Black Lion’s consciousness. But now having a new body (and a new arm), and having a new chance to enact his heroic calling through the mind-body-spirit connection he has to the Atlas, is so important. He can use his body to once again guide his team toward saving people.
I think about Shiro and worthiness — his childhood dreams of space, of making a difference, and then fighting to prove himself worthy in the face of his illness (to never thinking he would live long enough to follow his dreams, and to having to prove to himself and others that he could succeed despite his illness). I think later to his time as slave when he had all choice taken from him, when he was forced to hurt others to survive. I think of the moments when he doubted his worthiness as a paladin because of that time in the arena, to the moments when he thought himself broken or a monster for what happened to him (Sendak’s words echoing from S1). But now he has a chance to save, to prove his worth again.
I think about Shiro and his team — “I had help.” Those words always floor me. This show is about teamwork, found family, and the incredible bonds forged when people come together for a common goal. Shiro voicing that he couldn’t do it alone, that his team helped him to keep going despite all he went through is so important. And then we remember all the ways Shiro supported, protected, guided, and mentored his team. Shiro had to learn to forgive himself for the loss of his first team, forgive himself for any danger faced by the young paladins he’d been able to lead into battle during his time in Black. I love that moment in S7 when he’s so dang proud of the paladins after they were able to connect with their lions. And I am never not thinking about his life-changing, incredible friendship and mentorship of Keith, which set the stage for Keith as the current Black paladin. Shiro saw a leader in Keith and this, my friends, changed everything. Shiro’s belief in one boy and this one boy’s belief in him would change the universe. The interconnectedness of their leadership arcs and storylines are a core part of the overall Voltron story. Shiro’s leadership journey came full circle with the dynamic team-up between Voltron and Atlas, allowing Shiro to find his own path toward leadership again, one that mirrors his own rebirth/rebuilt nature and his own heroic destiny.
I think about Shiro’s words in S1 when Allura told him they didn’t have his Black paladin bayard — “I guess I’ll just have to make do.” I feel like this was something Shiro had probably done all his life. Figured out a way to make do, how to fight with what he had (grit, perseverance, hard work), even if he was limited in resources. For him to become one of the best pilots of his generation, breaking orbital velocity records!!!, and to become the youngest pilot ever to lead a mission into space (what could he have been: 21, 22, 23?!) — what sacrifices this must have taken, what inner strength/perseverance. The words he said to Keith in S7E1’s flashback say so much — “People can accomplish incredible things if they’re willing to put in the time and effort…” I think about how this alongside his mantra of “patience yields focus” must have fueled a teenage Shiro in his dedication to his role as a soldier, as a pilot, as a leader. To be the best he could be no matter what.  
I think a lot about Shiro and family and home and what comes next — about Shiro (seemingly) not having a blood “family” to send a video back to in S7, and not having an image to focus on outside of the Kerberos mission in S1 when everyone was envisioning something in their heads when they were trying to connect as Voltron. I think for so long Shiro had his mission(s), ones he didn’t think he would live beyond. So the idea of anything or anyone to return to on Earth didn’t exist. I think a lot about what it meant for him to have found family with Keith, with the Holts, and with the rest of the paladins, and what his greater role as a Captain (or Admiral) of the Atlas will be post-war and what his role as part of the new Garrison leadership could be, teaching and mentoring future pilots and leaders.
I think a lot about Shiro and his stoicism and his vulnerability — in many ways he is your fearless, ever-steady, stoic hero figure, groomed for leadership. I have a friend who served in the military who talks about how as males in the military they are taught a certain kind of masculine buttoned-up, silent stoicism, and they are taught to regulate emotions to the back burner, not to let feelings surface, and to be in control of their emotions at all times. I see this in Shiro as he works to present a calm demeanor to the world. We don't know much about Shiro's backstory before his early mentorship of Keith, and the end of his relationship with Adam, and the impact of his illness on his chances of going on the Kerberos mission. What we can see on screen is a natural leader, but also someone who tries his best to be level-headed, and to project a cool, calm, strong, patient, and self-controlled demeanor that can help his team focus on their mission. Shiro watches, observes, and doesn’t openly show much of his own vulnerability/fragility — he’s been shown to be hyper-vigilant at times, and some of his strong professionalism and guardedness are likely forms of protection much like his uniform can be seen as his outward protective armor (whether this is a response stemming from his military training, from his PTSD/trauma, from dealing with his chronic illness, we can only guess). For his team he aims to always appear strong and reliable, which is why it’s powerful when we see him with Keith, letting go of some of the outer “always together” facade, letting his guard down, allowing himself to be vulnerable, and finally feeling a sense of trust, safety, and security with someone else.
Shiro, the impossible boy. Who never expected to survive his most famous mission, but would go on to be a major part of the story of how the universe was saved. I am excited to see him in S8, with his new lease on life, his calling in full effect once again, fighting beside so many people he himself inspired and taught — all working together as a team to defend the universe.
“We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves. We can't give up. We are the universe's only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! We won't fail!” This speech he gave in S1E1 was probably the speech he gave to himself during his darkest hours growing up, during his time in the fighting pit, during his time in the Black Lion’s consciousness, during whatever moments he allowed himself to feel fear or doubt or any sense of insecurity. Words meant to inspire and propel into action. I am looking forward to Shiro’s inspirational words that will set his team off in S8. And I’m looking forward to him and the rest of the paladins winning this epic war.
Thank you Voltron for giving us Captain Takashi Shirogane, such a legendary defender.
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kyecupio · 5 years
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*  NAMES :   as it’s mayhaps known by one or the other,  xeha.nort is an anagram of both words / phrases  “no heart” & “another” simultaneously, with an X thrown in at the beginning, to highlight his obsession with the greek letter χ chi and his personal interpretation to its meaning as he explained in bbs “ death / the ending of things ” but more about this later.   in my personal view, ‘tis more likely a code-name for his lifelong project of shattering himself & overtaking bodies & gathering 13 vessels ( yet “another” one ) to let them absorb his idividual ability to channel darkness & anti-matter in the soul thru the veins and flesh, in such a way that they’ll be able to live with it, without turning into a heartless, but with “heartless” execution and intend, so to speak.  spreading parts of his own heart / soul , for the clash of his aspired keyblade.war re-initiation and to re-create the true key to the universe. 
we do know that this man has no qualms whatsoever to change his own name , steal and apply foreign ones to himself  (  such as when he stole the name of anse.m the wise as his “apprentice” in terra’s body, and by extension his nobody re-arranging it to xem.nas, which is an anagram of said name but with an X yet again . it is also worth mentioning that he could habour signs of an identity crisis as presented in the very beginning of DDD where he declined xe.hanort as his name / quote: “ that’s not my name, i’m not xeha.nort. ” despite the fact that its the same entity in a foreign body / and immediately replaced it with another in order to have one.  )  thereby he decided on a point in his youth to bend his identity from the ordinary boy who’s grown on destiny’s islands, to a person who’ll change the world, a poisonous butterfly that broke out of its cocoon --- but does this only at the day when he was confronted by his future incarnation, informed of the plan he will craft in the next few decades.  but to be successful he must travel into the future to collect his subjects, in case his other branches of this plan fail.  after he was defeated in sora’s era, and returned to his own, the exact point from which he formerly departed, he does not remember the events he experienced during this journey through a multitude of points in time and a history that has yet to happen for him ;  but his goal, the purpose he’s given to himself in strong faith for it to be his destiny, will now lay dormant, branded into him, and with that, he will maintain his altered identity as xeha.nort from this point on.  the boy he’s been, the boy who could laugh clearly, is long dead,  the obsessed man has been born and thrives with his desire for knowledge, and he demanded to be called by this name only, by anyone, without exception. i consider his abandoned and forgotten birth name, in this headcanon at least , to be αρχίσει / archísei (  greek for “to begin” or “to start”  )  yet if he ever was to shed his code-name, he’d never be archisei again.  he’d have no name.  call it a wink of destiny, to be baptized after a reference of beginning, of introducing struggles and a first stage of apocalypse after the world has been already split.  a name he got, that also includes chi.  an inborn longing for a repeat of the ruin that began everything once a long time ago.   a destined fragment of himself that shall spark his obsession furthermore. his fate has been ordained and calculated from the start.  that is why he kept being drawn by his want and desire for destiny, and did not defy it.  he is paradox, through cosmos, through time, through himself, and he’ll be the start over and over, in an endless loop.
* χ  /  CHI :  as previously mentioned, he sees the letter of kye / key / chi / X as one that represents death and the end of things.  however, there are quite a few interpretations of its symbolism:
 “  in plato's timaeus, it is explained that the two bands that form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ “  //  “ the world soul ( greek: ψυχὴ ) is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. plato adhered to this idea and it was an important component of most neoplatonic systems: therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence . a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. “  //  it is also noticable how the crossing of the bands, as in two sides overlap and become one ( light and dark )  and it is seen in the crossed blades of the x-blade which is the key to the core of the universe .
“ chi, when fused within a single typespace with the greek letter rho Ρ,  it is called the “labarum” and used to represent the person of Jesus.Christ. “ //  christ is the ultimate sacrifice , and not only the born son of god, but also god’s respective incarnation as figure, fulfilling miracles, guiding his pupils  (  as example of cleansing mary.magdalene from the sins she was possessed by. imagine darkness as the manifested form of corrupt mentality and sins, if everything lives  )  christ is also seen as the lamb of god "behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" in John 1:29, a key to deliverance breaking seven seals  //  now, given xeha.nort’s stated motivations in the ending of kh.3 , to remove everything in this universal purge to a point of null, remove all sin and wash the world clean. ruin brings about creation, death gives new life to rise from, a fascination for the hope after the doom.  death = salvation = rebirth.  it is that he sought to be a leader, or a wrong messiah, in this newly created paradise with his wisdom gained, to correct the misdeeds of the fatal corruption the world has been tainted by. 
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