#but don't feel obligated to give me podcast recs - I have plenty to listen to
inimitablereel · 4 years
Salty Pirates Day 1
tldr - if you don’t want to see rambling posts from me about cleaning and/or podcasts, blocklist naclyoho
I’m attempting to do National Clean Your Home Month (aka salty pirates) - a challenge where you clean for a podcast’s length of time every day in November. I’m hoping I’ll run out of backlogged maintenance cleaning reasonably quickly but I’m definitely going for just getting back up to the standard of cleanliness I’d have if there were ever any other people around. Anyways I’m bribing myself/creating accountability by blogging about it, at least today, possibly all month, so potential heads up for more posts.
I listened to the first half of the first? episode (Giants) of Fair Folk today, a folk podcast, which, given that I didn’t get all the way through it, you can perhaps tell I’m pretty meh on. From 30 minutes worth, it seems like it’s mostly music, with a little bit of commentary, and while I like the music, it’s not engaging enough for boring cleaning tasks. I’ve got another 11 hours of the audio book of Master and Commander to get through, so it’s my fallback listening material. (The Sophie got in a fight! Exciting stuff.) That said, I’m definitely taking podcast recommendations if you have any. What are the kids even into these days? I like fiction podcasts and enjoyed TAZ balance a lot, but I also like more conversation focused things. Definitely looking for something more fun than educational, since the real goal here is to have something compelling to bribe myself to clean. I’ve got another 30 days of podcasting, so that’s enough time to really get into something, but probably not enough time for something with a huge backlog, like critical role.
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