#but dw he's like 20% ruthlessness
extreme-neutral · 1 year
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So this is wonderland Where all your dreams come true You gotta go get yours Before they come get you
So this is wonderland Where nothing's as it seems They toss you up and smash you down to smithereens
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if... they were teachers!
they are all high school teachers 
dream: stats - gives his class random stats facts about each exam they take - “the median was 25.8% and the mean was 50% and the mode was 72% andt he t-test showed the results were statistically significant” - wears a green button up formal shirt . every day. with different shades of green  - tries to tame his hair every morning but we’ve all seen that shit. its a mess its so fluffy - you try to fix it in the morning but by the time he gets to school its fucked - “whats the probability mr wastaken’s hair is gonna be tamed today? i bet 5 dollars on 13.2%” “...i hear you guys you know” - is always 20 minutes early - never more than that tho - speedruns grading tests  - if a kid is slacking in class, he makes sure that reflects on his grade - he has this big project each year where he asks all the kids to make a project that relates stats to their real life - his favorite thing ever - he’ll come home and be like “dear, tubbo had this amazing idea, the kids are so innovative”  - tearing up cause his students - best friends with sapnap - u make him a lunch every day and he just trades it with sapnap - everyone thinks hes in an affair with george but he tells them everytime that he has a lovely s/o at home  - one of the teachers everyone has a crush on  - is always standing at his desk like in front of it and leaning back - does not use the whiteboard he just has slideshows  - the room is sparsely decorated - its mainly old projects that people did - has a wall with all the cards and stuff kids gave him, its behind his desk 
sapnap: pe/ basketball + football coach - bro - he’s the type of coach/teacher that when he has one of his atheletes in his class he’s RUTHLESS - “pick it up tommy!! is this how you’re gonna be in the game on friday!!! i hope not!!” - jokingly ofc - if ur not one of his athletes he’s nice dw  - still makes everyone call him coach tho - how on earth do u spell athletes i think that’s right - will let you sit out if he can tell ur hurting - knows when a kid is faking it - BUT if you use the “im on my period” trick he doesn’t even question it - “coach im on my period” “okay ur good sit out for today” - likes giving romance advice for some reason - “coach :((( jared blh blah [insert problem]” “omg okay here’s what u do” - pretends he’s in a relationship with karl (u know about it ofc) - so when u show up to one of his games and kiss him all the players are like - “YOURE NOT DATING MR JACOBS” and he just laughs and kisses you again - wears shorts or sweats with a tshirt no matter what - “im a pe teacher fuck professional”  - makes fun of dream for like no reason  - his favorite unit is the flag football unit and his least favorite is the line dance one - but uses it as an opportunity to play country music and visit his roots amen - just imagine sapnap teaching u line dancing HAAHAH okay im done here 
george: comp sci - doesnt give a shit about lesson planning - shows up, glances at the syllabus and just jumps into it - it ends up working in the end - believes in a work to learn method - he doesnt teach, he assigns projects and helps the kids out - so if the kid is like comp sci EXPERT they can just pop off and george doesnt have to worry - but if the kid struggles a bit heres there to help :] - the whole room is blue cause thats all he can see - he looks so uncomfortable when he wears like long sleeve button ups so you unbutton the first one every morning before he leaves  - refuses to wear casual clothing to school ever  - unless its pajama day ayeeee - once he was teaching the whole class how to download something or some shit and forgot to stop sharing his screen  - so he went to text you he was like “doing good love? see you later :]” - and everyone was like - “MR NOTFOUND??” and he was like “wot.” “YOURE NOT DATING MR WASTAKEN??” “no ofc not mr wastaken is ugly” - cue the sounds of breaking glass from mr wastaken’s room  - he has a tv on display outside his classroom where he showcases his student’s work - for his final he just gives them a theme and says “go off” - they could make a video, a game, a simulator - whatever they want - 1) its less work for george 2) its more entertaining - once made them all code valentine’s day gifts for you - you teared up ngl  - seems like he doesnt care but wants all his kids to succeed - is REALLY good at being patient and helping a kid out but loses all that patience when it comes to other teachers (sapnap, quackity)
karl: chem - absolutely loves the science goggles look. has them on his head always - also lab coats with sweater vest period ahh period uhh  - only doesnt give a second shit about any other science but chemistry - loves lab days like on GOD - the man lives for the one lab where u put sticks w diff elements in the fire and watch the fire change color - guys i swear im a stem major - sapnap comes to watch that lab everytime. every period. even if he has a class - knows sapnap pretends to date him and reciprocates it all through the year - but theres that one kid who remembers his “get to know me” slideshow at the beginning of the year where he had a picture of you two - “mr jacobs..i dont believe ur dating coach sapanp” “whaaaat, pshhh, u lying” - makes so many chemistry jokes with you - “hey baby i think we got chemistry” *giggles manically* “why did you say that” “its literally my job”  - cue a thumbs up from u and an eye roll from him - genuinely loves being a teacher tho - the interaction he gets with students >>>  - he loves the feeling when a student comes up to him after class or even after theyre finished with his classes and go “hey what you taught me really helped” - loves it when a student keeps in contact with him, making him tear up and shi
quackity: spanish - this one was quite..obvious - chaotic teaching style, it doesnt work for everyone - but ITS FUN - lives on teaching through games - kahoots, quiz, scavenger hunt, anything to get out of a slideshow he’ll do - and he figures it out - his quizzes and tests are generally harder than what the games cover but hes a fair grader like he gets that he made it harder - LMFAO HAS A UNIT WHERE HE TEACHES FLIRTS AND SHIT IN SPANISH - brings u in to teach - LMFAOOO “hola amor” “hi?” “what does that mean class” “hi love” “wtf” - laughs maniacally  - also this scenario - “hey mr q can i get extra credit for this” “for what” “ *student swears agressively in spanish*”  “....yeah ill give u some points dont tell principal phil” - jokingly pines over both coach sapnap and mr jacobs - “guys coach sapnap *heart eyes* and mr jacobs *heart eyes*” “please just teach us spanish” - but everyone knows its a joke and ur it for him - he LOVES the food unit - he borrows the kitchens from the home ec room to teach people how to make traditional spanish foods - but GODDAMN he cant cook  - so it ends badly - also he has a thing on his wall for the fifa world cup where its like an elimination thing - face painted his face the mexican flag when the game happened - was this close to cancelling class when mexico was out
wilbur: theater  - i wish he was MY theater teacher in high school - one of the only non-toxic teachers - wears a long ass coat i forgot the name - TRENCHCOAT. for dramatics. its giving severus snape  - always wants to put on musicals but phil said  “you can only do one musical per year” - does that tik tok trend where he has a wall of musicals and rips one off each day and the last one standing is the one they put on - tries so so so hard to get the rights to hamilton, doesnt obviously - so he does stuff like in the heights, dear evan hansen, etc - IF A KID WRITES A MUSICAL AND APPROACHES HIM YOU BEST KNOW HES ALREADY SAYING YES TO PUTTING IT ON WITHOUT A SECOND *THOUGHT* - he loves supporting his students in stuff theyre passionate about even if it isnt music/theater related - once went to the schools water polo game cause one his student mentioned offhandedly in class that they didnt have anyone coming - tommy is his teacher’s assistant person  - he runs the improv lessons while wil observes him teaching - “okay kids youre all aliens and ur abducting mr soot” “tommy..” - its so funny when theyre together  - rumor has it theyre brothers along with mr blade and phil is their dad - “class please, philza minecraft is not my father.” “okay son” “PHIL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” - brings u in one day with the excuse of teaching them how to be in love - in reality just has a whole class sing a long to disney love songs while u sit there like why am i here - you pressure him to put on shows YOU want to see - “wil put on high school musical” “nO! WHAT AM I in high school thats so basic” “yes. you are in high school. technically” - puts on high school musical - HES THE TEACHER WHO SHIPS KIDS TOGETHER in the form of making them play love interests  - its giving mrs darbus from high school musical - i was in high school musical i played sharpay 
lmk if u want to see more members as teachers!! :D and what else u want to see period sorry it was so long okay BYEEE
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 2 months
Morally Questionable Anime Milfs Side B Round 2 Match 8
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Akito -
"As the product of a toxic and abusive upbringing, Akito sure does a lot of fucked up shit and inflicts a lot of trauma on the other members of her clan. However, in the sequel series, she is shown to have made an effort to grow past that and atone, breaking the cycle of abuse by being a warm and loving mother to her own son, Shiki. Maybe it's controversial, but I do find her very attractive, and a super interesting character."
Lee Sookyung -
"She… goes to great lengths to protect her child. She goes to prison to protect him!!! And later in the apocalypse, she risks the entire group she was leading in an effort to save her son's life! But she also gives him the silent treatment for like 20 years and also kills him to try to save his life (dw abt it). Her love is pretty ruthless - all action and self-sacrifice, but no emotional comforting, no vulnerability. She's willing to make herself into a villain to protect what matters the most, but when she finally tries to say sorry and I love you, it's too little too late. In the end, her son doesn't even hear the truth from her own mouth (which he wanted more than anything). As for her milfness, need i say anything?? She's an incredible badass, wears a cool mask for a bit, is all mysterious yet wolrd weary, a certified eyebags-and-cigarette type of mom!! Mother is motheringggggg."
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mageicalwishes · 4 years
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Read on AO3: here
Read the previous chapter (On Tumblr): here
Summary: “I’m egging your house for a dare, but you’re parent is a cop and now they’re yelling at me, so I told them you were my ex and you wronged me, and now you’re coming outside, so please just go along with this, I really don’t want to go to jail” AU When Simon Snow agreed to egg some posho’s house, he never thought he’d find himself here - The only thing standing between himself and a criminal charge, the word of a handsome stranger.
Chapter: 4/?
Words: 3,831
SS (20:14): What are you up to anyways?
ME (20:15): Well, I was reading a book. But now I’m talking to you ... Obviously.
SS (20:15): Oh shit, sorry. I can text you l8r if you prefer. I didn’t mean to bother you.
ME (20:16): No. Don’t worry, you're not bothering me. I wanted to talk to you … You’re far more entertaining than Austen, anyway.
SS (20:16): Okay cool :D
SS (20:16): Austen? Like ... Jane Austen? Is that for school?
ME (20:17): No. Just for fun.
SS (20:18): I had to read Pride and Prejudice for the GCSEs. It nearly killed me!
SS (20:19): I’ve never really been the best at reading, but that just took the piss! I swear to God, I didn’t understand like half of the words!
ME (20:20): That's understandable, to be honest. I will admit that the language can be a little 'flowery' at times. If you’re not really into reading, Austen isn’t exactly the most accessible literature. The stories are good though.
ME (20:21): Did you watch the film?
SS (20:23): Yeah, no kidding. I despised that fucking book!
SS (20:23):  And, kind of. We watched, like, half of it in class, but we never finished it - Ran out of time.
ME (20:24): That’s unfortunate, it's pretty good, as far as adaptations go. I have the DVD somewhere. If I can find it, we could watch it together when you come over, if you’d like?
SS (20:24): Aw yeah defo :) That sounds good.
SS (20:24): Are you free tomorrow?
SS (20:25): Not for me to come over dw - I know you want to wait till your dad is away.
SS (20:25): If not dw. I know it’s a bit short notice. Soz.
ME (20:26): Don’t worry. I’m free, as far as I know. Why? What did you have in mind?
SS (20:26): I was wondering if you wanted to come play footie with me?
SS (20:27): Josh and Nathan are out.
SS (20:27): So it would just be us 2.
SS (20:28): If that’s okay with you? I know footie with just 2 is a bit difficult.
Pathetically, my chest surges at the sight of it … Just us two. It’s more than okay. It’s perfect.
BP (20:30): That’s okay, I’m sure it would still be fun - I’d like to come. What time were you thinking?
SS (20:30): 1:30ish. I can do later/earlier if it’s better for you tho.
BP (20:31): No, that won’t be necessary. 1:30 sounds fine.
SS (20:32): Okay good :) The pitch is a few mins away from the home. I could come and pick you up if you like? We could walk down together?
BP (20:32): Is my house on the way?
SS (20:33): Nah. Not exactly. I don’t mind tho it’ll only take, like, 15 mins more.
BP (20:34): I can just drive down to your house. There’s no need for you to go out of your way.
SS (20:34): Oh okay, sure. Sounds good :)
SS (20:34): Lazybones ;)
SS (20:34): Do you need my address?
BP (20:35): Yes, Snow. As talented as I may be, I’m not a psychic.
SS (20:35): Aha lol. Bigheaded much?
SS (20:36): I live on Pallot Road. Number 61.
SS (20:36): Do you know where it is?
SS (20:36): Idk the postcode off the top of my head. Soz.
BP (20:37): Yes, I know it. I’ll be there at 1:30.
SS (20:38): Cool. Can’t wait :)
I falter, unsure of how much of myself I’m willing to give away. I’ve never been good with openness - Hiding behind sharp words, and a false air of indifference. In that respect, I’m Snow’s antithesis. He’s a boy without walls - Open and forthright, to a fault. Defenseless, yet not afraid. I don’t believe that he’s ever tried to conceal any part of himself, around me - Even when we were literal strangers (Which, despite how it may feel, was barely a week ago). And, we’re certainly more than that, now (Well, I hope so, anyway). So why should I keep pretending? Why not just be real? Why not be a little more Simon Snow? I mean, he could hardly fault me for it - That would just be immensely hypocritical.
I type out my response in a rush, staring down the screen critically. Realistically, all I’m doing is parroting him. And while I know that, it feels like something much more. It feels like a partial admission of another truth. Another, much more frightening truth … That Simon Snow appears to have found himself in my affections, in a way that nobody else has before. That being with him makes my heart pulse, and my soul sing … That I’m a helpless, lovelorn fool.
Nevertheless, I scrunch my eyes closed, and hit send quickly (Before my courage, inevitably, dries up).
BP (20:43): Neither can I. It’ll be great to see you again.
He’s already standing outside when I pull up to his house. His bronze curls whipping around in the wind, messily, and a hand tracing the hem of his hoodie absentmindedly.
Shyly, I slide out of the car, and pace over to him.
“Good morning, Snow.”
“Hey, Baz!” he chirps, smiling over at me.
“You’re actually ready on time, this time. Congratulations!” I toy.
“Hey! Piss off!” He gruffs, sweeping his hair back, out of his face. “I was three minutes late. That doesn’t even count!”
“Au contraire - It most certainly does count. I was deeply inconvenienced by your casual approach to promptness. I had to sit on the stairs for a whole five minutes ... I looked like a complete prat.”
“Not my problem,” he shrugs. “You didn’t have to wait right by the door, you moron. That is completely on you.”
“Whatever,” I scoff, my face flooding with heat.
He lets out a laugh - Deep and rumbling. “You know for a smart guy, you really are awfully dumb sometimes, Baz”
I roll my eyes dramatically, unable to think up a comeback. Stumped, I decide to move the conversation forwards ...
“Have you got everything you need?” I ask, nodding my head towards the backpack in his hands - Not even bothering to question why he’s chosen to hold it that way.
“Yep. I brought a ball, and everything!”
“Perfect,” I mumble, nudging my hand against his, and pulling the bag from between his fingers. “I’ll just put this in the boot, and then we can go ... Hop on in, Golden boy.”
Baz is ruthless on the pitch (Just like I’d imagined he’d be) - Pelting across the grass at a breakneck speed, and booting goal after goal into the back of the net. Truly, He’s a sight to behold - All straining muscles, and wicked grins. I’d be basking in it … If I wasn’t so bloody annoyed.
He’s absolutely thrashing me (Of course) - 5 to Nil. It’s an absolute disaster on my end, having, apparently, lost any sort of scoring capability. And, to make matters worse, he’s not exactly coy about it - Assaulting me with a constant stream of ' Are you even trying, Snow 's and over-exaggerated, false yawns. Utter prat.
In my desperation, I stick my leg out in a particularly botched attempt at a tackle, accidentally clipping the back of his ankle, and sending him tumbling to the ground. Shit.
“Oh my god,” I breathe, squatting down onto the floor besides him, and flipping him over with a tug to his shoulder. “I’m so, so sorry. I was trying to get the ball, I swear I didn’t mean to do that.”
He glares up at me, his full lips twisted into an acrid scowl. My stomach sinks at the sight of it. Shit. I’ve really fucked this up.
But then, he’s chortling heartily (Apparently incapable of maintaining his cruel act, any longer). His face scrunching up delightfully, as his eyes well up with joyful tears.
“What the fuck even was that, you complete barbarian,” he laughs, clutching at his stomach, stupidly. “Couldn’t stand losing, so you thought you’d just try knocking me out instead ... That is definitely a foul, Snow”
“I know, I know. It was an accident though, I swear,” I whine. “Just ... Shut up, and let me help you, you dick.”
I stick a hand out, pulling him up into a sitting position. He’s a mess - Small clumps of mud and grass clinging to his face, and a nasty, bloodied scraze disfiguring his knee. Yet somehow, even with all the marks of my stupidity, he still manages to look infuriatingly good.  
I take his face in my hands gently, tilting it towards mine. The laughter dies out, suddenly - His face falling marginally, as he goes eerily quiet. Unperturbed, I continue my ministrations, brushing my fingers across his face, sweeping away the debris as I go.
“I really am sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”
“It’s alright, Snow. I was only teasing. I know it was an accident. It’s fine, really, it’s just a little scrape - Nothing a wash and a plaster won’t fix.”
“Okay,” I huff, relieved. “I didn’t bring any with me, though ... But, there’s a first aid kit back at home. We could go and patch you up there?”
“No. If it’s alright, I’d rather do it back at my own house. It’ll be much less awkward that way”
“Oh,” I drone, my voice weak with disappointment. “Sure.”
How the fuck did I manage to mess things up so quickly? We were supposed to spend the rest of the day together (I mean, neither of us ever actually said that, but it was definitely assumed), and now, within one poxy hour, I’ve managed to kill all chances of that. I'm such a bloody idiot.  
“Cheer up, misery-guts,” he giggles, “There’s no need to strop - You can come too. You might just have to sneak in through the window, or something.”
“Okay, sure,” I beam, stupidly elated. “I can handle that.”
As it turns out, he really can't handle it.
“Christ, Snow,” I hiss. “You’re being way too loud. Shut up.”
“It ain't my fault! I don’t know why the fuck you thought I would be able to climb up this thing properly. It’s made for flowers Baz, not people!”
He has a point, to be honest. I knew that getting him up the trellis would be a challenge, but we didn’t exactly have many other options.
I thrust my hand out of the window, gripping onto his forearm tightly, and shifting my weight to support him properly.
With that, his body starts shaking violently, a poorly concealed chuckle escaping his lips.
“I told you to shut it, moron,” I scold (Although, there is no real malice in it - The smile is clearly audible in my voice).
“I’m trying, really. It’s just - It’s just this is like some shitty version of Romeo and Juliet, Baz. You can’t blame me!” He laughs. “It’s funny!”
“Yes well … Romeo was much more graceful about it than you!”
“Shhhh. I’m doing my best. I’m almost up! You should’ve gotten me a rope or something, it isn’t my fault!”
“Oh yes, Snow,” I deadpan. “Sorry. Let me go and grab the ten foot rope I keep under my bed at all times”
“Hey! I don’t know what kind of kinky shit you’re into! You could've had a rope lying around somewhere!”
I don’t even try and justify that with a response, choosing, instead, to focus on helping him up.
Eventually, we manage to pull him into the room - Snow plopping down onto the floor, with an unceremonious thud.
Laughing hysterically, he props himself up against the wall besides me, and rests his head against the side of my shoulder.
“Thanks for helping me up. I was so scared I was gonna fall back into that stupid rose bush.”
“It’s no problem. I didn’t really fancy having to explain to Father why you, of all people, were sneaking into my bedroom.”
“Hmmm,” he hums, his throat vibrating distractingly, against my shoulder. “You need me to help you with your leg?”
“No. I can handle it … I was going to have a quick shower, actually, if that’s alright with you? Get it properly cleaned up and everything, you know."
“Oh yeah, that’s fine,” He murmurs, lifting his head up, and shifting his body sideways (Away from mine). “What - I mean what am I supposed to do, though? Do you want me to hide somewhere?”
I puff out a breath, amused by his sincerity. “No, Snow,” I drawl. “You don’t have to hide yourself away in the wardrobe. You can just wait around here. Nobody is going to come in - Don’t worry.”
“Oh, right” He mumbles, glancing his eyes down towards the floor. “Cool.”
“Yeah. There’s plenty here to keep you entertained, though. You could play on the PS, or watch some TV … Or, you could read something, I suppose. Although, I know you’re not big on that.”
He smiles over at me, his freckled cheeks puffing out wide. It’s frustratingly adorable.
“Yeah, maybe not that. I’ll probably just watch TV, if that’s okay?”
“Of course it’s okay. I wouldn’t have offered otherwise,” I say, jumping up, and treading over to the en-suite door. “I won't be long, though, honest - I’ll be back in half an hour, latest.”
It definitely took me longer than half an hour. Although, that was Snow’s fault entirely - His lovely tackle, had left awful clumps of mud matted into my hair, so I had to give it a proper wash.
When I step back into the room (My hair still annoyingly damp), Snow has got himself starfished out across my bed, his chin propped up in his hands. He looks completely at ease, laid out in my bed like that - Even with the, admittedly, rather intimidating decor of my room.
Stepping besides the bed, I scoop his legs up in my arms, and swing them over to one side of the bed - Making room for myself besides him.
“What are you watching then, Snow?” I ask, laying myself down onto the duvet.
“Dunno. Some crap cop show. I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“No?” I ask, gasping with faux incredulity. “Would you like to play some FIFA instead? That way I can thrash you again, without sustaining any serious injuries.”
“Don’t be a wanker, Baz,” he scolds. “You know I didn’t mean to do that!”
“I know, I know,” I coo. “I’m only messing with you. Don’t stress.”
He glares at me, pouting his lips out, slightly. “Okay then,” he agrees, a sly smirk spreading across his face. “I actually play a lot of FIFA, you know. So, I reckon I’m going to enjoy beating you … Would serve you right for being such a cocky bastard!”
I raise my eyebrows in challenge, punching out a quick, mirthless laugh. “I’d like to see you try, Snow. Do your worst … We’ll see who comes out on top!”
For all my arrogance, I will admit that Snow was actually a very worthy opponent (Although, I’d never tell him that).
Considering that I’d been playing everyday for the last two months, I had assumed it would be an easy victory - But, as it turns out, I was wrong. He put up a more than admirable fight - Actually leading for the majority of the match. But, of course, I still managed to beat him - Hammering in a goal on the ninety-third minute (Much to Snow’s dismay).
“For fuck sakes!” He fumes, throwing the controller down onto the bed, childishly. “I almost bloody had it, as well!”
“There, there, Snow,” I tease, pressing a hand to his shoulder in a mocking comfort. “There’s always next time.”
“Piss off, Baz!” He whines, flopping back against my pillows with a dramatic sigh. “I’ve had enough of this shitty game!”
“Alright,” I breathe, slowly laying myself down besides him, as I desperately try to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside me. “Do you want to play a different game, then?”
“Okay,” I drawl, my voice rising with uncertainty. “So … You want-”
“Just wanna stay here for a bit,” he gruffs.
“Okay. We can stay here, then.” I agree, my voice hushed.
As silence settles over us, I steal a glance over at him.
He’s got an arm stretched out over his face (The synthetic material of his football shirt, straining against his broad shoulders, perfectly), and beneath it, I can see the hint of a smile playing at his lips.
Unobserved, I take my opportunity to scan my eyes over him, appreciatively. Sprawled out against my bed, he looks positively obscene. His hair mussed intoxicatingly, where it rests against my pillow, and every revealed inch of skin decorated with constellations of moles. For a moment, I envision pressing my lips against them, lavishing each and every mark with the attention they deserve, but I quickly restrain myself. Allowing my mind to wander now, when he’s so close to me, would be an irreparably idiotic move.
In an attempt to cool myself down, I flutter my eyes shut, and shift my focus onto the steady puff of his breathing - Slow and constant. In and Out. In and Out. In and Out …
Embarrassingly, I’m halfway to sleep when he speaks next.
“Baz?” he whispers, poking my arm lightly. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” I mumble, my voice deep and lazy with tiredness.
“Okay. Cool,” he sighs. “Can - I mean, can I ask you something?”
“Hmmm. Of course” I hum.
“It's just that, I’ve been thinking … Did - Did you mean what you said the other day?”
I scoff, quietly. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific, if you want me to answer that, Snow.”
“Right yeah. Obviously,” he huffs, clearly frustrated.
Opening my eyes, I tilt my head over to look at him - Our eyes meeting immediately. His deep blue boring into my grey. This close, it’s far too intense.
Caught off guard, and humiliatingly wonderstruck, I avert my eyes, focusing my gaze on the canopy of my bed, instead. I feel my face flush with heat, once again, and pray to God that he doesn’t notice. That would be the last thing I need, right now.
“I just - I mean what you said to your dad,” he continues, stammering slightly.
“What bit?”
“When you were all like - 'Oh don’t worry Father, he's one of mine',” he explains, making an absolutely atrocious attempt at mimicking my accent. “I just mean like - Do you really have lots of, like - I don’t know ... Guys?”
“No,” I drone. “There’s no one else ... Never has been. I just said that to get him off of your case. He doesn’t really like talking about that stuff, so I figured it would be effective.”
“Oh,” He breathes. “Okay.”
I pause, unsure of what else to say. The silence stretches between us painfully - Tangible tension flooding the air. And then, I feel it. It’s barely a brush at first - Easy to play off as a simple accident, given our close proximity. But then, he continues. Pressing our hands together more fervently - His skin impossibly warm against mine. It’s searing - The contact lighting me up from within, as hopeful sparks ignite within me.
I gulp, audibly. “Why?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.
“Just - I’m just like … Curious, I suppose,” he murmurs, his finger tip tracing it’s way along the side of my thumb. It’s feather-light, but it weighs like lead in my heart. And I think that, maybe (just maybe), he might be trying to tell me exactly what I want to hear.  
He presses on, nervously, his voice wavering slightly. “It’s just that -”
Suddenly, there’s a banging at the door - Loud and insistent.
Panicked, I shove him off of the bed, sending him flopping onto the floor with a girlish yelp. Biting back a laugh, I rush over to the door, and pull it open ever so slightly.
“Basilton. Dinner is ready. I don’t know what on earth you’re doing in here, making all that racket, but you need to come downstairs now,” Father chastises.
“Of course. I’ll be down in just a minute.”
“Alright. Hurry down though. Please don’t keep us all waiting. We don’t want to start without you.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Father,” I taunt, my tone laced with sarcasm. He’ll definitely lecture me about that later (He’s never impressed with my 'petulant attitude'), but, right now, I don’t particularly care.  
Closing the door behind him, I scurry over back to where Snow is sat.
“You have to leave,” I whisper, rushing out the words with a frightful urgency. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time. You just - You really have to leave. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone ... So, you can't really stay.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he hushes. “It’s fine. Don’t stress. Do you want me to go right now?”
“No,” I cry. “Just - Wait until I’ve been down at dinner for a few minutes - Then you can leave … That way, you can be certain nobody will be creeping around outside.”
“Okay, sure.” he says, smiling over at me.
Looking at him - I hesitate. “But - Are you sure you’ll be okay climbing? If you’d rather wait, I’m sure that I can find some other way to sneak you out, a little bit later. I could say I'm going out to the bin, or something. If you were quiet, we might be able to get away with it.” “Baz,” he sing-songs, teasingly. “I’m sure I can climb down without your help. It’s only one floor.”
“Yes well,” I deadpan. “Forgive me for thinking it may be best to find an alternative route. You didn’t exactly dazzle me with your speed or grace in getting up here.”
He snickers, squinting his eyes at me daringly.
“Yeah, but it’ll be easier going down. So chill. I can handle it - Trust,” he reassures. “You’ve seriously gotta go and get your dinner now, though. If your dad comes stomping up here to yell at you, it’s game over for me! And then fussing over this would've been entirely pointless”
“Okay,” I huff, standing and pacing over to the door, reluctantly.
Flashing him a quick smile, I call out a quiet “Message you later, Snow,”, and then, I leave him.
I’m just tucking into my dinner, when an almighty crash tears through the hush of the dining room. Of course, I know what it is immediately - Simon bloody Snow falling off of that god-forsaken trellis.
Fucking hell. I knew I should’ve tried to sneak him out another way.
I mean, what if he’s hurt himself? It’s not exactly a steep fall, but it’s certainly enough to do some damage. And the only reason he is even here, is because of my stupid, desperate plot to get to spend more time with him - And now, he's probably laying out there with a broken leg, or something. God. I'm such a selfish dolt.
Anxiously, I slide my phone out of my pocket, beneath the table, and hurry out a quick text.
ME (19:27): Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Do you need help?
I wait, holding my breath as my leg bounces under the table, impatiently.
SS (19:28): Nah. Don’t worry. I’m good.
SS (19:28): I might’ve killed your flowers tho :/
SS (19:28): Sorry!
I smile to myself privately - Doing my best to hide my grin behind my hand.
That bloody disaster is going to be my undoing, I swear.
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PSTD- 20 years ago in duckberg, a young duck was getting ready for Halloween, he was putting on his costume, he dressed up as his favorite superhero.
Young drake: DARKWING, let's get dangerous, bye ma, I'm going out
Ms. Mallard: ok but be safe and be home by 9
Young drake: ok
The young drake Mallard was rushing outside, shutting the door and jumping outside. As the sunsets it changes to a full moon.
20 years later, darkwing and launchpad were in the motorcycle. That memory of Halloween spin around in his head.
They were heading to the diamond exchange bank, where a familiar foe was robbing.
The swans eye a famous white diamond was in the hands of F. O. W. L'S most ruthless and dangerous roaster.
Steelbeak: ooh so shiny and so small, yet so valuable and powerful (evil laughter) oh man, but why take one, let's take them all, egg men grab them all.
As the henchmen grabbed the rest of the priceless jewelry. Steelbeak held on to the swan's eye and awed how beautiful it was.
Steelbeak: ohh you are going to do very well and fowl will be impressed
Darkwing: your not going anywhere you fowled crock
Steelbeak: huh
He looks around and sees Darkwing and launchpad on top of a building.
Steelbeak step back and glares as the eggmen did the same.
Darkwing: I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the coal you find in your socking on Christmas-day, I am DARKWING DUCK
Instead of admitting surrender, he smiles sinisterly.
Steelbeak: well if it isn't Darkwing dope and crashpad (evil laughing)
Darkwing didn't get intimidated by him so He ignores his insults that glares at him, then launchpad gets involved.
Launchpad: it's pronounce Darkwing Duck and launchpad, you-you steel bird
He tries to think of a better comeback as Darkwing gives him a serious look, then steelbeak laughs.
Steelbeak: not as sharp as you look, huh how do you end with a worthless partner like him (laughing)
As he laughed at launchpad, his henchmen joined in and Darkwing got offended as he ran and punched his steel beak.
Darkwing: ugh
Darkwing/Steelbeak: AH
He falls back, grabs his beck and glares at Darkwing angry as Darkwing grabbed his hand and looked back.
Steelbeak: eggmen get them
He points at them and while they all ran at launchpad, darkwing ran after steelbeak as he saw him running away from the diamond.
Darkwing: launchpad quick you deal with the hench-ducks, I'm going after steelbeak
Launchpad: ow, ow, ow ohh ah, ok good luck ow
As he was being piled and being ouch and kicked by the other henchmen.
While steelbeak was running, he turns to see Darkwing getting the jump on him.
Steelbeak: OW
he gets up and glares at him.
Darkwing: now hand over the diamond; you steel feathered chicken
He looks at the diamond then backs at him and puts it in his front pocket.
Steelbeak: you want it, your gonna have to take from my cold dead feather fingers
They get ready to fight, fist up. They stared at each other.
Then steelbeak took the fist hit, he swing his giant fist at him but missed every time Darkwing
Darkwing: (laughter)
Although he was enjoying it, it only made him more angrier. And just then as he was about ready to have enough, darkwing kicks his face with his leg and he gets up and raises his fist up.
Steelbeak: AH!! You'll pay For that you little Rat"
Darkwing: huh
Then something happened as if he got a glimpse of his past.
Darkwing: (gasp)
Steelbeak's image turned into a ten-year old fat duck with a baseball cap and a orange jersey.
Steelbeak: I'm gonna break ya you little twerp
Big bully: (evil laughing) I'm gonna break ya you little twerp
All Darkwing could do was stare at him all terrified, he couldn't do anything because he was paralyzed in fear.
He was so scared that he didn't see steelbeak seizing the opportunity and knocking him out as hard as he can.
Steelbeak: ah
Darkwing: ugh
He collapsed on the ground, his hat flying off, launchpad watched as the henchmen were still pinning him on the ground.
Launchpad: AH DW
Steelbeak then bend down to him and smiles sinisterly.
Steelbeak: (evil snickers) looks likely your not as tough as you look
He then raises his foot up and kicks his head, launchpad though he heard his skull crack.
Launchpad: DARKWING NO, ugh
Launchpad gets up and the henchmen all fell over and as he ran to Darkwing, the eggmen followed Steelbeak.
Steelbeak: (evil laughter) so long darkdead duck
After they left, launchpad bend down to Darkwing, turned him over and saw how badly wounded he was.
That kicked left a foot mark and he had a big bruise on his face.
Darkwing: ah
It scared launchpad, so he scooped him up and carried him home.
And while he was being taken home and in his mind a blast from his past starts to haunt him.
A flashback of his childhood plays with a younger him running around after doing some trick or treating.
He was running until he ran into a alleyway where a fat duck and two more that were dressed in costumes. One wore a cowboy costume and the other a skeleton costume.
They all looked at him and the fat one (the leader) smiled at sinisterly.
Tank: well, well, well if it isn't the dorkwing duck, drake Mallory
Little backed away slowly when the bullies walked towards them.
Young Drake: it's Mallard tank
Tank/bullies: (evil laughing) whatever loser
Drake rolls his eyes in annoyance and tries to walk away but was stopped by the fat duck's hand.
Young drake: ugh
Tank: ah where do you think your going
Young drake: somewhere far away from you
Tank: your not going anywhere
Young drake: what do you want from me, tank
Tank: what we can't spend time with our favorite nerd
He pulls his hat down and pulls his cape over his face.
Young Drake: Ah
Bullies: (laughing)
Then the fat duck snatches his bucket, young drake pulls his cape back and his hat up and was shocked to see that they took his candy.
Young drake: hey!!
Tank: and thanks for bringing us some candy, it was so nice of you
Tank: (evil laughing)
Young Drake: hey give that back
He tries to take it back but felt the fat duck's hand on his chest and pushed him back.
Young Drake: AH
he fell hard and saw how the bullies were laughing at him and then he looked up to see the fat duck stepping on his stomach with his left foot.
Bullies: (laughing)
Tank: (laughing) or what your gonna beat me (mocking) you need to remember that your small and weak, you can't fight back cause your a loser and that's all you ever be, nerds need to know their place (laughing)
The Young drake looked at them like they were about to cry as they continued to laugh at them.
Tank: aw (baby talks) are you gonna cry, are you gonna go home crying (laughing)
But there cruel laughter only made him stronger. He clutches his fist then he snaps and fights back, he kicks him off.
Tank: AH, ugh
he picks up his bucket as the other two walked towards him and he swings his bucket and whacks their heads.
Bonk, bonk
Bullies: ugh, ah
He smiles at them all proud with confidence but the big bully gets up and towards him.
Tank: ugh that's it I am gonna rough you up good hero boy
He picks him up by the shirt and brings his fist up.
Tank: you'll pay for that you little rat
But before he could punch him, young Drake kicks his beak.
Tank: AH
it cause the bully to let him go and grabbed his beak, he fall in style, landed and ran.
He points at him and they all chased after him, young Drake looked and see that they finally got up to him, he ran out of the alleyway, crawled through a small hole through a fence and he saw that the streets were filled with lots of kids in costume.
He smiled as it gave him an idea.
Tank: where is he, go get him, you can't hide forever twerp
He looks back as he heard the bullies coming in closer to him.
He jumps out and blends in with the crowd. The bullies finally got up with him but saw that he has gone, mixed in with the crowd.
The three split up but behind a bush, he popped out and breath in a sigh of relief.
Young drake: phew
He gets out walks around to go find more houses. His flashback end to him lying in bed, his head wrapped in bandages.
Drake: (GASP) (panting)
He saw that he was in bed, bed sheets covering him and launchpad sitting on a chair across the bed and watching him.
Launchpad: oh good you're awake, I was afraid that steelbeak might've killed you
Drake smirks at him and pulls the sheets off.
Drake: as painful I may be in, nothing can kill Darkwing du-uh ow
He nearly collapsed from his head hurting, if it weren't for launchpad catching him in his arms on time, he grabs his head.
Launchpad: whoa DW be careful it took me a hour to  bandage your head
drake gets up and he helps him up and they stared at each other.
Drake: no time for rest, we need to get steelbeak
He tries to go for the door but launchpad grabs him.
Launchpad: I don't think so DW, I think we better let the shush handle this
Drake: but he's got a important diamond, do you have any idea how dangerous it is
Launchpad: DW as much as I want to help take him down, your still wounded and you need to rest
Drake: launchpad I'm fine, it's just a few bruises, I get hurt all the time
Launchpad: but that kick and punch nearly broke your skull
Drake: it's fine, It's all apart of the kinks of being a hero
Launchpad: you had a concussion
Drake: but launchpad!!!
He tries to reason with him but he saw how worried he was when he grabbed his shoulders.
Launchpad: we'll get steelbeak another time but now you need to take a break for a while
He gave him a sad look.
Launchpad: just until your head is healed
He finally gave in.
Drake: ugh ok fine
Launchpad smiles as he helps him up to bed.
Launchpad: alright let's get some rest, I have to go somewhere tomorrow, so I need you to promise you won't be Darkwing until your concussion is gone.
They were going to deal with steelbeak another day but over the time, when launchpad has been gone.
Drake started to suffer from PSTD.
He started to have unpleasant memories of his childhood, bullies beating him up, his uncle touching him in places that made him feel uncomfortable.
He was sitting on his bed, in his normal clothes, twiddling with his thumbs and horrible flashback plays in his head.
Young drake: AH
drake: (gasp) ugh
He hugged himself, ridding his arms up and down.
Then he gets trouble falling asleep due to him having nightmares of his past.
Drake: ugh, no no no, STAY BACK, AH
he wakes up, looks around, sweating and shaking in fear, he lays his head back on the pillow but refuses to go back to sleep as the thought of falling to defeat steelbeak and the horror of what he might do to the city haunts his mind and his bully's words repeatedly over in his head.
you need to remember that your small and weak, you can't fight back cause your a loser and that's all you ever be (3 times)
Drake: ugh
he never knew how much he needed launchpad more then ever by his side.
And that's when launchpad realized he needed help, he tried calling drake but he keeps ignoring him, and blocking his call.
One day he came back home, he walked through the door and saw gosalyn on the staircase looking upset. She looks yup at him as soon as he walks and bends down to her.
Gosalyn: there's something wrong with him, I think he's hurt, you need to go talk to him
Launchpad nods at her and walks upstairs and when he gets up his door he opens it. And he finds him still sitting on his bed looking ill in the dark, he walks in and shuts the door behind him.
He slowly walks towards him.
Launchpad: hey you haven't talked to me in a while and I was starting to worry that you don't care about me anymore
Still ignoring him, launchpad starts to take matters in his own hands, sitting next to him, he awkwardly stays quiet then place his hand on his shoulder.
Launchpad: ok now I can see this is serious what's wrong drake, your not usually this isolated and you know that worries me
Still not talking, he runs his arm then launchpad gets upset and pulls him up to his face.
Launchpad: DRAKE whatever's bothering you, you can tell me please, you know I care about you, I want the old drake back, I want my old drake back
He pulls him close to his chest hugging him, drake teared up and hugged him back, then another flashback played, it starts with young drake still avoiding the bullies, he decided to go home when...
Young launchpad: (crying)
He heard someone crying, he turns around and sees a young kid, like his age, was sitting on the streets between two pumpkins all alone, crying. He had orange hair, a Jean jacket, a pink shirt, blue shorts and a baseball cap.
Seeing how distressed the kid was, he walks up to him.
Young drake: hey are you ok
Young launchpad: (sniffs) huh?
He looks up at young drake, tears still in his eyes.
Young launchpad: yeah (sniffs)
He sits next to him as the young kid wiped his eyes. Still avoiding making any eye contact with the young drake.
Young drake: why are you upset
The young kid looks back him and looks the other way in Shame, kid drake then touched his hand.
Young drake: hey it's ok you can tell me, you can trust me
He then looks back at him to see him smiling.
Young launchpad: I was riding my tricycle when these bullies pushed me and stole my bike, I tried to chase after them but then I was these Halloween decorations, horror mask and scary pumpkins and I got so scared I didn't know what to do (sniffs)
Kid Drake felt sad for him as the kid brawled his eyes out, he pats his back, looks down at his bucket and shared his candy.
Young Drake: here
Young launchpad: huh
He hands him a lollipop, he smiles at him and takes it, he takes out another candy and eats it, then the young kid noticed his Darkwing costume and smiles.
Young launchpad: hey are you dressed up as Darkwing duck
He looks at his costume, gets up and does his pose.
Young drake: why yes I am
Young launchpad: are you a fan of Darkwing duck
Young drake: oh please I'm his #1 fan
Young launchpad: so am I
Young drake: really
Young launchpad: yep
Young drake: oh cool I was worried I might be the only one
Young launchpad: where'd you get the costume
Young drake: I made it Myself pretty cool huh
Young launchpad: yeah, I wish I could be Darkwing
Young drake: it's good to finally meet another Darkwing fan
The two stared at each other and smiled the moment felt great until...
Young Drake: AH
He felt a giant hand clutching on his shirt.
Young launchpad: (gasp)
Tank: there you are, you thought you could escape from me
It was the big bully.
The flashback ends to drake pulling away from launchpad as he faced him.
Drake: (sigh) ok launchpad I'll talk
Launchpad: good cause you know how much I late begin kept from secrets
Drake: it happened when I was fighting steelbeak, I started to have a flashback of my childhood, launchpad do you remember what I told about me being uncool and kids beating me up
Launchpad: yeah
Drake: well people still beat me up a lot
Launchpad: I know you told me that too
Drake: I mean a lot it was non stop but I keep fighting back and stood up for myself and then one Halloween, I made this bully so mad, I ran away from him and tried to avoid him, I was hoping he would leave me alone
Launchpad: well think of it as this way, if he haven't stop bullying you, you would've never learned how to defend yourself
Drake: (soft chuckles) really
Launchpad: really,
he then smiles at him.
Drake: you know launchpad, you remind me of a kid who was nice to me
Launchpad: really
Drake: yeah, we both liked darkwing duck
Launchpad: what did he looked like
Drake: well he had orange hair
Launchpad: like mines
Then it hit him, he got one good look at it made him resized.
Drake: exactly like him
Launchpad was the boy from Halloween night. Launchpad then just figured it out.
Launchpad: (gasp) your the kid from Halloween
They walked up to each other, shocked to just find out that they met each other. Drake placed his hand on the side of his cheek, launchpad turned his eyes to his hand, then back at him, place his hand on top of his. And as they continued to stare at each other, he moves his hand down and they hugged again. Drake held on tight and whispered.
Drake: thank you for the rescue
Launchpad looks back and smiles as he buries the bottom of his beak into his back. And as the moment lasted forever, Drake looks up and another flashback of how young launchpad rescued him.
Young launchpad watch terrified as the bullies were about to attack young drake.
Young drake: ugh, ah
Tank:you just don't know when to quit do ya twerp, then next time why don't you stay down
He throws him hard on the ground.
Young drake: AH!!
He looks up and young launchpad saw how scared and distressed his was, so instead of running, he wipes his tears off and picks up the pumpkin.
Tank: (evil laughing)
And before the bully could do anything bad to him, young launchpad smacks his face with a pumpkin
Tank: ugh, hey
Young drake then gets up and swings his legs, kicking the bully down.
Tank: AH
the two then punched the pumpkin and it split into two and the bully fell back.
Thud, splat
Tank: AH
the other two bullies looked at them and when they turned towards them, they Both ran away.
Bullies: AH!!
They both then walked towards the big bully and when he looks up, he saw how young drake was smirking at him and pulls his head down to him.
Tank: AH
he quickly got up and ran off, he looks back and crashes into a trash can, he then quick gets up and ran as he looked back at them.
Young drake bend down to pick up his bucket then looks back at young launchpad who was looking bashful.
Young drake: thanks for the help
Young launchpad: no problem, thanks for letting me have some of your candy
Young drake: were they the same bullies that stole your bike
Young launchpad: nah the bully that took my tricycle was a young roaster baby
Young drake: you mean a Cockerel
Young launchpad: yep that's the one
They then smiled at each other, the moment seemed special and quiet for a minute until...
Young Drake: well I better getting going now
He looks at his Darkwing watch as saw how it was getting close to 9.
Young drake: it's getting late and my mom gets worry
Young launchpad: oh ok
Young launchpad made a sad look and before he could leave, young Drake felt bad and after the way he saved him, he felt like he owed him.
Young Drake: say why don't you come walk me home, you know Incase anymore bullies attack
Young launchpad spirit then roses up and he ran next to him.
Young launchpad: ok
Both: (laughing)
The two then walked home and although they didn't realized it, they were gonna meet again.
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