#but even the suggestion of losing them has left me permanently dazzled
nat-without-a-g · 2 years
Last night I learned I can cry in my dreams. Not just sobbing, full Wails, struggling to breathe and snot and tears and everything. No one else seems to surprised, but I feel like I always have to check after I saw people’s reactions when I told them I’ve died in my dreams before and they kept going without me. Turns out most people don’t die in their dreams (or nightmares! That one surprised me), and when they do they wake up.
I also entered sleep paralysis without waking up recently. I just collapsed into the position I was sleeping in within my own dream. I don’t even know how that’s possible. I am an anomaly to life.
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star-spangled-eyes · 5 years
Dirty Mind: Part 1: Simple Man
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Some dialogue and events in Book 1 of TRR are property of Pixelberry Studios. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: Drake’s perspective  
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this miniseries: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, angst, sex (including character’s thoughts and innuendos)
A/N: I wrote this miniseries in the first person perspective of Drake Walker. It follows events in Book 1 of TRR, but not everything is as you’d remember it from the story. Some things have been altered to better fit this fanfic.
I really enjoyed getting into the brain of Drake, and I hope you like it too. He’s a stud, and I love his sexual, angsty mind.
There are THREE parts to this miniseries. They will be released tomorrow and the following day. Enjoy!
Word Count for this chapter: 8707
Permatags: @burnsoslow @cora-nova @dcbbw @thorfosterlove @emceesynonymroll @edgiestwinter @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @msjr0119 @notoriouscs @drakewalker04 @pedudley @desiree-0816 @choices-lurker @kingliam2019 @loveellamae @drakexnadira @flutistbyday2020 @indiana-jr​ @yukinagato2012​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​
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My name is Drake Walker and I have a dirty mind. I know what you’re thinking. Of course I have a dirty mind, I’m a guy, right? Well, I have to concede that one for that very fact, but it’s more than that. To me, a mind consists of three major influences that can make it dirty.
First, are the things you wish you could say to people, but it wouldn’t be proper including the wide variety of curse words known to the world. Next, are all the crappy experiences in your life that muddy up your outlook. I can admit, I’m snarky, angry a lot and a real pill sometimes, but it all comes with the territory. And last but certainly not least is sex.
What an incredible experience. So incredible that it’s constantly on my mind. Countless dirty questions fill my brain like when is the next time I’m going to fuck someone, where will it be, what position will she be in? Oh, the thoughts are endless. Throw in a particular woman? You’re fucked — mentally. That’s me right now, in case you were wondering. More on that in a bit.
The female body is the most beautiful work of art that God ever created — of course there are exceptions. Like when a woman has a smoking hot body but her personality is so hideous that her sex appeal is lost. At least to me it is. There’s plenty of those around, but thankfully, there are some that surprise you. The ones that have it all — endless talent, sense of humor, dazzling personality, and such stunning looks that you have to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming.
My brain has been working overtime ever since she walked into my life. Well, butted into my life is more like it. And it’s been hell. Everything was just fine before she came along. Not great, but fine.
I live in the royal palace in a small Mediterranean country called Cordonia. I know what you’re thinking and no, I’m not one of those stuck up noble pricks. My best friend might be the Crown Prince, but he’s not one of those pricks either. If he ever tried to be, I’d damn sure call him out on it. I wasn’t born into this life with a fancy title or hundreds of acres of land in my name.
I was born to wonderful parents, who despite their status as commoners in the kingdom, made me feel like I was the richest kid in the world. Not by money, of course, but with life experiences and lessons only those who work hard for a living can impart to their children.
My dad was a part of the King’s Guard in charge of protecting the two princes before he eventually moved up to Head Guard watching over the King and Queen. He’s Cordonian, born and bred.
My mom stayed at home with me and Savannah, my younger sister. She was born in a small town in Texas in the United States, but stayed in Cordonia after meeting my father during a European college trip she took with her friends.
They fell in love almost immediately and were each other’s best friends. I’ve always looked up to them. Always thought how great it’d be if I could find that too. I often dreamed of meeting a beautiful woman who I not only was in love with, but we were as close as two people could be. Friends, lovers, partners. What a fulfilled life I’d live.
Of course, that meant I’d have to actually find a woman who was willing to put up with my sarcasm, moodiness, and the permanent scowl on my face. And to be honest, it wasn’t looking that great.
Back to the dirty mind thing — don’t worry, I didn’t forget. As I was saying, a dirty mind can develop over time as a result of many things. And I’ve been through a lot in the 27 years I’ve lived on this earth. Okay, fine. It’s not as dramatic and horrible as some people have endured, but I’ve had my fair share of shit thrown at me.
My dirty mind, in particular, consists of many dirty words. You’re listening, so you might as well get used to it now. I cuss... a lot. You would too if you had to hang around the palace every day dealing with snobby, rich assholes who think their shit don’t stink, and that it’s perfectly okay to treat people beneath them like undignified trash. These people have no idea what life truly has to offer. All they care about is their political status in the kingdom, and how they can make more money doing as little for it as they can.
As you can imagine, I have to keep a lot of my thoughts to myself. Unfortunately, you’re going to have hear them all. Consider yourself warned.
My dirty mind also consists of all the shitty things that’s happened in my life that’s left a bad taste in my mouth.
Remember my dad? Head of the King’s Guard? Yeah, well, he was killed while attempting to save the king during an assassination attempt. That sure was nice growing up without a fucking father. I was 13. A brand new teenager with raging hormones and in desperate need of a strong, male role model to keep me on the straight and narrow. It fucking sucked. My dad was everything to me. He was a friend, a teacher, and the best father in the whole world.
When he died, I had to step up to be the man of the house. Sure, my mother was strong — she’d always been strong. But she was having a hard time coping with dad’s death. Savannah was only nine at the time, and was made fragile by the sudden and horrific change in her life.
I didn’t want my mom and sister to worry or feel unsafe with my dad being gone, so I immediately filled that role. And it was fucking hard at first. There was no time for me to cry or grieve because I had to be strong for my family. I had to show them it was all going to be alright even though I had no fucking clue if that was actually true.
My dad’s partner in the guard was Bastien Lykel. He was a great guy. About half my dad’s age, but just as competent. He learned a lot from my dad, but also brought natural talent of his own to the table. Anyway, after we lost dad, Bastien sort of stepped in for us. Not that he ever tried anything with my mom or pretended to be our father — he knew better than that.
On his off duty time, Bastien would spend most of it with my family. He’d tell us stories about working with our dad and help mom with any chores around the house. As time went on, Bastien kept up with what he could, but got increasingly busy with work as he moved up the chain in the King’s Guard.
Mom never really got over dad’s passing. I don’t blame her. I didn’t either. I still miss him every day. But she handled it differently. Money was a real struggle after he passed. It was something she constantly worried about.
Liam, my best friend and prince of Cordonia, talked his father into letting us move into the palace. The king was more than happy to oblige. He was grateful for my dad’s sacrifice so that he may live, and must have noticed how we were struggling. It was kind, and not what I expected as a commoner.
I was 16 by the time we had settled into our new digs at the palace. Savannah was over the moon about it. She always loved hanging around the noble girls her age. She was into all that crap. Fancy dresses, gaudy jewelry, fake smiles. Not that she assimilated to them. Thank God for that. Despite adoring that pretentious life, Savannah remained down-to-earth and never forgot her roots.
It wasn’t long after that when Mom left to move back to the United States. Yeah... wasn’t that swell? Not even a full-fledged adult yet and both parents were absent. Dad died protecting the king, but mom straight up left us. Don’t get me wrong. I love her and will always love her. I know she had to do what she needed in order to deal with losing dad. So did I. But it was hell on Savannah and me.
Mom must have noticed we were strong and independent enough to live on our own. We had stable living quarters at the palace, and were well taken care of in regards to basic needs: food, warmth, shelter. So... she split. Went back to her family ranch in Texas. We talk on occasion, but there’s definitely more than an ocean that comes between us. Hopefully, someday, we can repair that disconnect.
Okay, now that you know a little bit more about me, let me tell you about this girl. Her name is Bragnae Bennett. I first met her in New York when Maxwell, Tariq, and I took Liam to the States for a guy’s only trip — a bachelor party of sorts. Liam would soon have to choose a woman to marry that would eventually rule at his side as Queen of Cordonia. This trip was meant to forget about all of that and have fun – just us guys. At least that was my plan.
On the last night of the trip, we stopped in a crumby bar for a late dinner and drinks. And there she was wearing a white collared shirt, black pants and a maroon apron ready to take our order. Listen, the first time she strolled up to our table, my jaw nearly hit the floor. Luckily, she was looking at the other two as she introduced herself, which gave me a chance to wipe the figurative drool from my mouth.
Long, silky black hair pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, naturally tanned skin, sparkling amber eyes, and delicious curves that would elicit an arousing response in any man. And it did. Maxwell and Tariq were just as captivated as I was, not to mention Liam, who stepped into the bar a minute later. Now it was her turn to be captivated. Of course she was. They all were.
Liam stood six feet and two inches tall – two inches shorter than me, I might add – and he was nothing short of a blonde Adonis. The ladies already swooned for him because he was the prince, but take that title away, and he’d still have no problem adding notches to his bedpost. With his ocean blue eyes and well-proportioned body, Liam was every woman’s wet dream.
So, you can see why Bragnae would immediately turn her attention to him as he made his way to our table that night. We enjoyed our burgers, drank a ton of whiskey, and all stole glances at the goddess that was our waitress. Then, Liam boldly asked her to join us after her shift was over. A part of me was more than happy to have more time to look at her, but a bigger part was annoyed.
Obviously, she was taken with Liam, so there went my chance with her. I never stood a snowball’s chance in hell with women when Liam was around. Yes, I can admit that the good Lord blessed me with attractive features. Brown hair that looked good at any length with eyes to match, a strong jaw line, and the ability to chisel well-defined muscles on my body certainly helped me get laid. It damn sure wasn’t my personality. But with Liam there? It was no contest.
You’d think it’d be easy for me to hate the guy, but I can’t. He’s my best friend. My brother. We’ve been friends ever since we were kids, and we’ve always had each other’s backs. I’d do anything for him, and I have. Dropped out of college, a life I was keen on living away from Cordonia, and came back to keep Liam company after an attempt on his life. I wouldn’t give up my own happiness for just anyone. There’s few people I care about in this world, and Liam is one of them. The rest can all fuck off.
So, as you can see, I put up with all the bullshit for him. He needs me. He needs someone to give it to him straight, to keep him humble, and to keep him safe from all the selfish vultures that lurk around the palace wanting more for themselves than for their Crown Prince.
So, when Liam showed interest in Bragnae, I had no choice but to back off. It was stupid as hell for him to get her hopes up for the one night. Then again, maybe that’s all she wanted. A hook up. From what I understand, none of that occurred. At least a kiss and maybe some light fondling if I knew my friend. But whatever transpired between them that night after they snuck out of the club together was enough to prompt Bragnae to make a life changing decision to temporarily move to Cordonia for the chance to compete in the Social Season to win Liam’s hand.
Ugh. The Social Season. Don’t even get me started on that. As if Liam didn’t already have a parade of ladies vying for his attention, the kingdom made it a season for the prince to choose his future bride.
And Bragnae accepted Maxwell’s invitation to take part in it. I have to admit. I lost some respect for her when I saw her climb aboard our private jet back to Cordonia. I thought she was just another crown chaser, but believe me, I didn’t think that for long. She proved me wrong almost immediately.
I won’t bore you with everything that’s happened since she arrived in Cordonia, for your sake – unless you want me to tell you how many pathetic times I stroked my dick thinking of Bragnae, wishing I was inside her instead. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the highlights though.
Obviously, I wouldn’t be telling you any of this if the damned woman didn’t mean something to me. With her being a suitor for the prince, I knew she was off limits. Maybe that made me want her more. I don’t know. But she was more than just a pretty face and a sexy body. God, the dresses she wears. I get hard just thinking about it. The way she elegantly walks into a room, swaying her hips in an unknowingly sexy way grabs my attention every time. I’m not the only one.
Being the exotic foreigner, Bragnae had captured the attention of many men and even some women with her alluring ways. She truly was the complete package. She knew how to have a good time, spoke her mind, and was gracious, even to those who didn’t reciprocate. And oh boy, did she give me the business. Still does. It’s like I’m her number one target that she attempts to crack. She always wants me to have a good time. What did I do to invite that kind of attention from her?
I’m quite set in my ways, but damn if she hasn’t already broken down some of my walls. I hate her for it. Okay, more like, I hate that she was able to do it. She makes me smile, damn it, and I’ve worked on this scowl for years. How could she do this in such a short amount of time? I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s some sort of temptress. She has to be. Someone with mystical powers of enchanting men, and bending them to her will.
Yeah, I’ve got it bad, but there were specific occasions that led me to believe she might also be into me as well. I know, I know. As I’ve already established, no woman passes up Liam especially for someone like me. So, I’m sure I’m fantasizing about this.
Aside from a few looks and smiles she had cast in my direction at the Masquerade Ball and derby, there were some instances that felt deeper. Like when we went to Lythikos, and that witch Olivia mocked me and my sister for no reason whatsoever except to be cruel. Bragnae stood up to her for my sake, which I wasn’t expecting. I hauled ass out of there wanting some fresh air and a chance to see a meteor shower. Low and behold, Bragnae followed me out.
We ended up having a heartfelt talk that came out of nowhere. I think this was the first time I really started to like her. I was attracted to her from the beginning, but it was when we were lying in a snowbank looking up at the shooting stars above us when I felt a twinge in my heart. I badly wanted to reach out to her, but knew that wasn’t appropriate. As the snow started the fall and we walked back to Olivia’s estate, Bragnae surprised me by slipping her hand into mine.
I instantly felt electricity from her touch. I was almost too stunned to speak. She told me it was for safety, but I could see the truth in her eyes. We had connected in that moment, and holding her hand felt right. There was no way I was letting go. So, we held hands until we reached the manor. Everything changed for me after that night.
Perhaps it was just me and my wishful thinking, but ever since we left Lythikos, I felt that Bragnae was intentionally getting closer to me – physically. It seemed she would find ways to touch my arm during a conversation or sit by me when the opportunity presented itself.
After the Royal Regatta, we went to the beach for a little fun in the sun. She insisted on rubbing sunscreen over my back. I protested only for appearances. Thank God only the ocean could see my face because I was having a hard time keeping my sanity as she rubbed her soft hands up and down my shoulders and back. It sent a shiver down my spine.
Then, she let me return the favor. God, it was amazing. I had a legitimate excuse to touch her… in public… and she was wearing a swimsuit. Up until that day, I hadn’t see more than flirty cleavage when she wore her dresses. She was so close to being naked that day that my heart nearly stopped. As I worked my hands over her back, my eyes traveled down to her glorious ass. Her cheeks slipped out a bit. As soon as I felt my dick twitch, I knew it was time to bail.
We jumped in the ocean soon after that. Seeing Bragnae dripping wet from head to toe quickly moved to the number one slot in my spank bank. The release I had later that day after remembering our shared touches, and seeing her so deliciously drenched by the ocean was amazing.  
And just a few days ago, after we arrived in Applewood, it was my birthday. Liam told Bragnae even though I asked him to not make a big deal about it, damn him. So, Bragnae took it upon herself to organize a night out at a country-western bar in town in honor of my birthday.
If it was anyone else’s suggestion, I would have heartily declined, but I was curious what she had planned, and definitely wanted to see her in a bar setting with a cold drink in her hand. When we arrived, she took me up to the bar and got me a free drink. She chose whiskey – my favorite. She didn’t make me suffer with some embarrassing girly drink. No, she ordered my most favorite libation on the planet.
I let it slip that I thought she was hot, and of course she called me out on it. There was nothing this woman missed. Later on, we found ourselves on the dance floor, and of all people, she shimmied over to me. Even though I told her I was a rotten dancer, she delicately placed her hands on my hips and told me it was as easy as swaying to the beat. She smiled up at me with a glimmer in her eye.
I could chalk it up to it being my birthday, and that’s why I received so much of her attention that night, but the vibes I was receiving from her was more than a friendly gesture. And as if that night wasn’t already better than I anticipated, I willingly shared a sappy story about my childhood birthdays with her, which prompted an unexpected embrace from Bragnae. She pulled me in tightly, her breasts smashed against my chest and her arms clutching my back as she stood on her toes to hug me.
I was stunned for a split second before my brain told me to wrap my arms around her soft, warm body too. She smelled like a fucking angel – citrusy and sweet. It’s my new favorite scent.
You’re all caught up now. Maybe you see what I do, and maybe you don’t. Either way, I’ve got Bragnae on my mind constantly, and it’s becoming a problem. I even began calling her by her last name in an attempt to seem nonchalant and casual on the outside, when I’m really about to hulk out of my own skin because I want her so badly. Hopefully, she couldn’t tell.
I’ve been trying to hide it for the past month now, and it’s becoming more difficult by the day. I don’t want to tell her how I feel, even though I really do want her to know, it’s not right. She’s here for Liam, and that’s that.
It was the morning after the Apple Blossom Festival. Thank Christ that bullshit is over. Bragnae looked cute in her authentic peasant costume, but that was the extent of the excitement for that day. Now, it was time to blow off a little steam.
Liam was actually available this morning for a little work out before he had to attend a few meetings later on in the afternoon. It was nice to have this time with him. Liam had been my work out buddy since we were old enough to start using the gym equipment, which is why both of us are exceptionally toned and buff. I spend a little more of my time in the gym than he does – sometimes three times a day when I’m really bored.
“So, is your dad putting pressure on you to pick a particular suitor?” I couldn’t help but wish they were pushing him away from Bragnae.
“Yes, of course, he is. He and Regina both keep talking up Madeleine.” Liam continued his set of bicep curls.
“And what do you think about her?” I knew what he thought because I thought it too. Again, just hoping for his attention to be swayed to anyone but Bragnae. I focused on pumping up my own biceps as I waited for his response.
Liam gave me a knowing look through the mirror. “She wasn’t good enough for my brother, and she’s definitely not good enough for me. I hate that they’re pushing her onto me like this. I feel bad for her in a way,” he said as he returned the weights to the rack. “She was so close to becoming queen before Leo abdicated the thrown, and now she’s back to try again. It’s pathetic.”
I loved when he was candid with me. He knew he can trust that I wouldn’t repeat his words. That’s what best friends are for. Support and total discretion. “She’s passionate at least,” I laughed thinking about her desperate need for the political spotlight.
Liam wiped his face with a towel. “Passionate for the crown, maybe. But me? It’s all a fucking show. If she’s chosen, I doubt we’ll even fuck. She hasn’t once tried to kiss me when we’ve had moments alone. All the others have. I don’t even think she likes men.”
All the others have. I shuddered at the thought of him being with Bragnae. I hoped to God they hadn’t had sex yet. I haven’t quite figured out what type of woman she was in that regard. What I do know is that she’s smart and adventurous. She dresses provocatively, but with a certain elegance. Who knows if she’s promiscuous or not?
I’m torn on the topic. I love a bold woman who knows what she wants and takes it. It’s nice when a girl comes with experience, but she’s also not just giving it away to anyone who asks for it. If that’s how Bragnae was, I would be happy to know that. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to ask Liam if they’ve gone that far. We’ve talked about sex plenty of times, but this was different. It might be too hard to listen to Liam tell me about how she was in bed. It’s something I’d rather find out for myself.
“Yeah, Madeleine stands out to the masses, but definitely not your style.”
Liam took a swig of water. “I’ll tell you, though, I really like Bragnae.”
Fuck. “Oh, yeah?”
“Drake, she’s amazing. She’s not only beautiful, but she’s insightful too. I feel like I can tell her anything. The people seem to like her, the press too. I’m really hoping my father and Regina give her a chance.”
Damn it. He really likes her. Am I fucking surprised? No. She is amazing. No doubt about that.
“What do you think of her?” Liam asked.
How do I answer this without making it sound like I really like her too? “I think she’s great. She doesn’t seem to have her head in the clouds like most of these women, and she’s genuine. You know that’s always something I can appreciate.” Okay, that was good. Very Drake of me to say. I think that was good enough and wouldn’t blow my cover.
 “I’m glad you agree.” He said, taking a seat on one of the benches. He looked down at the floor with a smile on his face. “That body. She’s so fucking hot. I wish I could spend more time alone with her. I hate the fucking tight schedule they keep me on.”
I blew out a slow breath of relief. Sounded like he hasn’t gone all the way with her. Normally, at this point, he’d be boasting about his opportunity to be with her, but instead he was pining over it. But how long would it last?
“Yeah, I can imagine how rough it is.” They pull him in every direction they can. I wish he’d just tell them to shove it up their ass once in a while. “You’re the prince, man. Do what you want.” Why the fuck am I encouraging this? I hate myself.
Loud music was suddenly audible through the walls alerting us both. As we left the gym, Liam and I walked down the hall to a room where the door was cracked open a bit. Liam pulled it open the rest of the way, and halted in his tracks.
I noticed a stunned look on his face before I saw what was happening inside the room. I stepped up to the doorway, next to Liam, and saw Maxwell leading a choreographed dance flanked by Hana and Bragnae. My mouth fell open in shock as my eyes poured over Bragnae’s body.
She wore a hot pink sports bra top and black spandex leggings that were glued to her skin. Kevin Rudolf’s Let it Rock blared over the speakers as they danced in sync with each other. The beat was fast paced and lively. I actually liked the song – even more so now that I watched Bragnae dance to it.
She moved with ease, spinning, dipping, twirling in rhythm with the song, and it was mesmerizing. The way her hands explored her own body so seductively made my dick jump. Oh, fuck. She just bent over. Now, she and Hana were slowing it down, mirroring each other as they slowly dropped to their knees on the floor. Pumping their bodies on the ground and thrashing their long hair from side to side. Within seconds, the ladies slowly rose again.
I glanced at Liam briefly to see his reaction. He was enthralled, just like me. I was rarely jealous of Liam, but this was definitely one of those times. Not because he was the prince, and not because Bragnae was one of his suitors, but because he could watch her now – unguarded. He could look at her without suspicion as to why he’s fucking her with his eyes.
If anyone saw the way I was watching her with insane hunger and need, they’d think I was a creep or an asshole for gawking at one of the prince’s suitors. How I wished I could look at her openly the way I wanted to. So much of my life nowadays was kept in secret because so much of my life was consumed by Bragnae.  
I had no idea she could dance like this. It was like watching a strip tease, without the stripping of course. God, I wish she was taking off her clothes, too. Damn it. She was confident in her body as she thrusted her pelvis to the beat three times. And there went my dick again. I had to readjust because the pesky thing wouldn’t stay down. I was wearing athletic shorts. Thank God they’re black. My hard-on won’t be as prominent.
The song came to a close as the girls ended in a pose with their backs arched and an arm stretched above their heads. Maxwell did his own pose, not that I gave a shit about how he looked. My eyes were trained on Bragnae. My heart raced and I was breathing quickly all of a sudden. I hadn’t realized it until now. I wanted an encore… bad.
Liam started clapping, which got their attention. Fuck. I wasn’t ready to be exposed as an onlooker yet. My dick was still hard.
“That was phenomenal,” Liam said as he made his way over to them. The room they were dancing in was quite large. It was a multipurpose room used for collective work out routines such as their dance and whatever else the royal family wanted to use it for.
I watched Bragnae as she spun around to face Liam with a surprised expression. Apparently, despite the few times she turned around in our direction, she hadn’t noticed she had an audience. Then, her eyes focused on me. A brief smile crossed over her lips before she looked away. She was embarrassed? Why? That was unbelievably hot. If I could hit replay somewhere, I would.
My dick finally gave me a break, so I walked into the room to where they were standing.
“Are you three practicing for a show that I’m unaware of?” Liam asked with a sparkling smile.
Maxwell laughed. “Nah. The girls just wanted to work out in a fun way, so we put together a flirty routine. You know me. I’m always up for dancing.”
“Yes, and it was incredibly exhilarating!” Hana said with enthusiasm, albeit a bit breathless. “I’ve never danced like that in my life. My mother would have a heart attack if she saw that.”
Yeah, I bet she would. That dance was pure sex.
“And you, Lady Bragnae? Do you dance like that often?” Liam asked politely, but I knew he wanted to see if there’d be a repeat performance in the future.
We were both thinking with our dicks in that moment. And I couldn’t blame him. I was still in awe of what I just witnessed, so I was perfectly fine letting Liam speak to satisfy both of our curiosities. I did my best reconnaissance when I observed with my eyes rather than inquired with my mouth anyway – usually because my words would get me into trouble.
Bragnae nodded as she finished taking a long drink from a water bottle. Her chest glistened from the work out, and her quick and heavy breaths pushed her breasts out every time she inhaled. Goddamn. I raised my gaze to her eyes again in an effort to keep my dick out of the matter. No need to awaken him again. Not until I could at least be alone.
“I dance recreationally like this from time to time, but I’m not a part of a crew or anything. Just for fun.” Bragnae offered up a dazzling smile as she regained control of her breath again.
“I asked the other ladies if they wanted in on this, but Kiara declined saying she was too good for it. Penelope always mimics Kiara’s responses, so she was out. Madeleine acted like she didn’t even hear me when I asked, and Olivia said, and I quote ‘dream on, home boy’.” Maxwell shook his head and chuckled.
Liam extended his arm to the three of them. “Well, why don’t we all walk next door and grab a protein shake. Drake and I just finished working out as well.”
Hana’s face lit up with excitement at the suggestion, and Maxwell put some equipment away before he started for the door. I waited until Bragnae agreed before I turned to leave the room. I was sure Liam was waiting to walk next to Bragnae as they left the makeshift dance studio, so I wasn’t even going to try.
It was convenient for me that Liam also enjoyed working out, and considered it as much of a hobby as I did. That meant that as we got older, the gym equipment got better and there was a small protein stand built into the estate. Here at Applewood and back at the palace.
I made it to the counter first. With chocolate and vanilla protein powders as options, they also offered a few other flavors as add-ins. I would shake it up from time to time, but my favorite was chocolate-cherry. I placed my order with Jean, the middle-aged woman that worked the counter, and stepped back for the others.
Maxwell ordered a chocolate-banana, Hana got chocolate-strawberry. Like I guessed, Liam and Bragnae strolled up a minute later in a slow paced walk. He offered for her to order ahead of him, but she declined so she could look at the options. Liam asked for vanilla-strawberry, his favorite.
Bragnae stepped up to the counter. “May I have a chocolate-cherry, please?” Jean nodded, and turned away to fix the drinks.
I looked down to conceal my smile. She ordered the same thing as me. I knew she had good taste.
“Drake? Here you go, honey.” Jean placed my shake on the counter.
I walked up to retrieve it. Bragnae was still standing there when she looked over at my drink. I removed the wrapper to the straw Jean had set next to the cup, and pierced the plastic lid.
Bragnae’s eyes met mine as I smirked. “You ordered the same thing as me, by the way.”
She beamed. “I did? Well, we have good taste.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Before I could think of what to say next, Jean had placed the other orders on the counter. I got out of their way and walked to a nearby table. The others joined me along with their shakes.
“You know, ladies, you’re welcome to work out in the gym, too, if you want. Here and back at the palace. I’d be happy to show you a thing or two if you need assistance.” Liam, the ever-willing prince. I chuckled at his invitation. This was guy code for, I’d love to see more of you in your tight clothes while working up a sweat. And then maybe we could take a shower together afterwards.
I knew my best friend, and I knew myself. We were both thinking the same thing. However, I doubt that comment was intended for Hana even though she was also beautiful and beyond talented in almost every capacity.
“That’s nice of you to offer, Your Highness,” Hana said before taking a drink.
“We got quite the work out in today. Full-body. Do you guys do that every time you’re in the gym?” Bragnae asked. She looked to Liam and then to me.
Liam had just taken a swig of his shake, so I answered. “Nah. We break it up. Today was just arms and abs.”
I kept my gaze on Bragnae as her eyes shifted down the length of my arm. She had her elbows on the table holding her shake up just below her chin. Her fingers absentmindedly moved the straw in and out of the lid as her eyes locked on my bicep.
I know I shouldn’t have, but I knew she was impressed, so I clenched my fist and flexed my bicep for a split second to gauge her reaction. I smiled inside as I saw her lightly gasp before taking a drink and looking away.
“Ooh, Bragnae, we better get going if we want to shower before the next event,” Hana said looking at her watch.
Oh, nice. A shower. Are they going to shower together? That’s what Hana made it sound like, or maybe that’s what my dirty mind wanted me to hear. Either way, picturing Bragnae naked in a hot and steamy shower was definitely an image I wanted to fill my mind with. If Hana happened to be showering near her, that’d be okay too. But I’d prefer to be in there with Bragnae instead.
“And what is the next event for you ladies?” Liam asked.
Bragnae and Hana stood from the table, prompting the rest of us gentlemen to do the same. “We are having tea with the queen. All the ladies are expected to be there and on time.” Bragnae emphasized the last part with a different inflection in her voice and widened eyes.
Liam laughed. “Yes. It’s best not to keep her waiting.”
“Oh, I know. If I’m late for another event, Bertrand will give me a very stern talking to for ‘besmirching House Beaumont’.” Bragnae spoke emphatically, and teased Maxwell by pinching his cheek.
“You and me both,” Maxwell told her. “Now, get going, so Bertrand stays off both of our asses.”
Bragnae laughed and waved before turning to walk away. My eyes traveled down to her magnificently presented ass. There should be a standing rule that Bragnae always be in tight, spandex leggings when she wasn’t wearing a dress. Jesus Christ, she could stop traffic. And I’m getting hard again. Time to go.
“Alright, I’m going to get cleaned up as well. I’ll see you fellas later.”
The next day was the traditional fox hunt for the royal party. Our ancestors used to hunt fox for sport, but today, the event only retains its name. Good thing too because I bet over half of these so-called nobles had never even held a gun, let alone knew how to use it.
This was actually an event I was happy to be a part of. We had to ride horses across a three mile trail through the woods and a bit of the mountains. This was my forte. Growing up with a mother who lived on a ranch in her youth, I was practically raised on a horse. I got up early and headed to the stables to pick out my horse for the day before the fussing nobles ruined the experience.
Since Lonestar, my mother’s horse, was at the stables near the palace, I had to find a different steed. Natalia was always my choice when we came to Applewood. We got along well, and she was better for more experienced riders anyway. She liked to run, so I thought I’d take her out to the field before the fox hunt to stretch her legs a bit.
After she was saddled up, I hopped on, and led her out to the field to trot, being sure not to tire her out too much before the trail ride.
Before long, the nobles had assembled and the fox hunt had begun. I was at the end of the procession, but I led Natalia to the sidelines, so we could pass a few people. There was no way I was going to be stuck behind Penelope while she was telling her hundredth story about her poodles that morning. Plus, I wanted to find Bragnae.
After seeing how she ogled the muscles in my arm, and not Liam’s, I figured it was time to stop playing this game. I needed to start being nicer to her, and explain myself. She deserved that. And out of all the people I wanted to be a prick to, she wasn’t even on the list. So, it would end today.
As I made my way through the trail, the crisp air was refreshing. The woods surrounded the manmade path. It was beautiful, save for the bickering nobles. I shook my head in disgust at them. It was a shame they couldn’t appreciate what was around them. Just shut the fuck up, and enjoy the ride.
I finally saw Bragnae up ahead. She was on a black horse – oh, wait, that was the horse who won the derby. Huh. I wondered how she happened to possess her. Bragnae was riding alongside Hana who was showing her some sort of dressage move. I smirked thinking about Hana’s plethora of talent.
I wasn’t going to intrude on their moment, so I kept my pace and position in hopes that Hana would ride off eventually. My patience had paid off as Hana rode ahead a minute later. Now was my chance.
I squeezed my legs around Natalia and gave her a slight kick with my heels to give her the sign to trot ahead. When she approached Bragnae and her horse, I pulled back on Natalia’s reins to keep up with Bragnae’s horse.
“Hey, Bennett. You look nice.” She did, too. She managed to find a rider’s outfit. A maroon jacket and tight, brown pants with knee-high boots.
Bragnae pulled back in surprise. “Wow. Opening with a compliment, huh? You feeling okay?”
I chuckled. “Yep. Just fine.”
“I’m surprised to see you out here today. I would have figured all the nobles would have repelled your desire to join us.”
“This is actually something I love doing. Riding horses, I mean. And it’s entertaining to watch the stuffy nobles fuss over their blazers. It amazes me how much they’re missing what’s around them, though.”
“Is that why you’re smiling more today?”
I couldn’t help but smile again as I looked at her. “It has more to do with who I’m riding next to.”
She feigned a surprised gasp, complete with a hand over her heart. “A second compliment!”
“If you’re lucky, you might get a third.” I loved bantering with her. It was always fun.
“Oh, then let me find a four-leaf clover really quick.” She winked at me with that dazzling smile I liked so much.
I sighed giving Natalia a couple pats on her neck. It was time to be honest with her. I needed to explain why I’d been such an ass to her. “You know, when we first met, I wanted to dislike you so badly.”
Genuine surprise highlighted her face. “Why?”
“Well, you were crashing Liam’s bachelor party. That was supposed to be our last night out together before all this nonsense. I don’t get to spend much time with him, and now, I’m lucky if I get to spend five minutes with him before a noble girl throws herself in front of him.” I also didn’t want to like you because I knew I couldn’t have you. Wish I could tell her that.
I looked over at her to see a somewhat pained expression. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“I knew what you meant.” There was compassion in her eyes. Thank God. The last thing I wanted was her thinking I was insulting her in any way.
“Anyway, I know we got off to a bad start, but somewhere along the way,” I paused to gather my courage, “…things changed.” I hope she could read between the lines.
“I wanted to dislike you too,” she replied.
Now it was my turn to be surprised. “You did?”
“Well, yeah! I mean, you were a total dick to me.” She turned toward her horse, stroking its mane. I was a complete dick to her, and I hated that I did that. “But now…”
“Now?” My nerves were making my hands shake. I gripped the reins tighter as I waited for her response.
“It took time, but I figured out that you’re actually human under all those scowls.”
I shook my head as a smile crept over my lips. She wove a joke into her reply, and it was the cutest damn thing. Now the air was cleared, and it felt good. “Well, this has all been touching, but I need to rescue Liam from his family for a couple minutes. I’ll see you later.”
“I hope so,” she grinned.
Damn, that went well. I heeled Natalia again to get her to trot towards the front of the procession.
Soon, the trail led everyone to an old village where we would all have dinner. I was starving and very much looking forward to eating the giant feast. As everyone got in line to be served, I saw Tariq and Bragnae talking just ahead of me. His body language suggested that he was into her. I knew from the bachelor party in New York that Tariq was attracted to her, but he hadn’t done much more than mention it at the time. Not that I saw anyway.
As I moved forward in the line, I watched Liam trade places with Tariq. His body language was even more obvious. Liam had it bad. I could easily recognize when he was really into a woman, and there was no mistaking it here. But the stakes were even higher this time around. Liam was looking to pick a bride, a future queen. I didn’t know if he was in love with her, but he’d been much more preoccupied with her than any other girl I’d seen him with.
Later that evening after we got back from the ride, I helped the stable hands corral the horses and take their saddles off before I headed to my room. It had been a long day, but despite the length of the ride and being outdoors all day, I wasn’t ready to call it a night.
I needed to see Bragnae again. For some reason, I felt that I didn’t get my fill of her today. Then again, I felt like that every day even when I was with her. Maybe she’d like to go to the gym with me for a late night work out. Would that be too obvious that I wanted to spend time with her?
I decided I didn’t give a shit about that. Some of her signals made it seem like she was into me, so maybe she’d be happy to come along. I changed into a razorback tank top and athletic shorts and made my way to her room. I hoped she wasn’t asleep yet or otherwise busy. Her room wasn’t too far from mine. Liam made sure of that. At the beginning of the Social Season he had asked me to keep an eye on her. At first, I was unsure about it, but that quickly changed. If anything, I was grateful that I had an excuse to be hanging around her.
I came up to her room, and the door was wide open. Does the woman not enjoy privacy? I peeked my head in the door frame searching the room with my eyes before spotting Bragnae straddling the floor, resting on her knees. Her hands pressed against the floor in front of her as she slowly moved up and down.
My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. What the hell was she doing? She was still wearing her riding pants, but had removed her blazer and took her hair out of the bun it was in, and cascaded it over one shoulder. I was frozen. Only my eyes could move.
Bragnae’s eyes were closed, and I watched as her full lips transformed in what looked like agony to relief. It was incredibly erotic to watch her in this way. My dirty mind pictured myself underneath her. I wouldn’t mind at all if she wanted to ride me like that. Seeing her now made it easy to imagine her legs squeezing my hips as she felt every inch of my dick inside her.
My hardened and impatient cock brought me out of my trance. I needed to make my presence known before someone noticed I was just standing in her doorway watching her like some fucking pervert.
“Need a hand there?” Fuck. That was my dick talking. Why did I say that? Fuck.
Bragnae’s eyes snapped open, and an embarrassed smile crossed over her lips. “Hey, Drake.”
“Whatcha doin’?” I was genuinely curious.
Bragnae slowly stood up. “I was just stretching. It’s been a while since I last rode a horse.”
Hmmm. Could that also mean it’s been a while since she’s ridden a man that way? I know if she rode a stallion like me, she’d be sore. No getting around that. Her inner thighs would strain to hold onto me as I would thrust into her over and over again making her come so hard she’d struggle to breathe after her screams of pleasure finally subsided.
I cleared my throat to push the thought out of my mind. “I ride pretty regularly, so I’m used to it by now.”
“What are you doing for the rest of the night?”
I’d love for the answer to be you. “I was actually going to head down to the gym, and I was going to ask you if you’d like to join me, but I guess you probably don’t feel up to it being sore from the ride.”
“No, I can still go,” she said immediately with a smile. “Just give me a minute to change.”
Wow. Cool. So, she doesn’t mind working out even as sore as she is. I didn’t want to get too excited, but I was pretty sure it was because of me. At least I hoped so.
I nodded after processing her response. “Yeah, sure. I’ll just be outside.” I closed her door behind me, and leaned against the wall.
My heart was starting to race again, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I took a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves. After another minute, her door opened and Bragnae emerged wearing an electric blue sports bra top, similar to the one she danced in, and black spandex leggings to match. Her stomach and lower back were completely bare.
My dick took over again. It was making my eyes get lost in her body that was standing so close to me that I could feel the heat between us. I had a sudden urge to tuck the tip of my finger just beneath her waistband, and roll it across her pelvis, undoubtedly making her tremble. My gaze traveled up to her top where the most spectacular cleavage I’d ever seen peeked out.
The tightness of her outfit pushed her breasts up and together. If I wasn’t mistaken, I was pretty sure she had pulled that zipper in the front of her top down even more than it had been the other day. She was flirting with her clothes, and I was completely onboard with that. If she only knew what her outfit was doing to me.
Thank Christ my brain woke up in time to save me from myself as my eyes returned to hers. “Shall we?”
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dustinhendrsn · 5 years
ashes, ashes
mike wheeler/el hopper 2k - read on ao3 a/n: here’s an extremely soft scene set during s3 that I know will be canon-divergent in just a week (can ya’ll BELIEVE) but for now is completely canon-compliant!
“What about the Ferris wheel?” Mike asks as he and El stand in the center of the summer carnival – the Fun Fair, as the mayor called it during his speech earlier in the evening. Night has fallen on the fair’s very first day in Hawkins and now everything is bright and loud and lively. Rainbows of flashing lights shimmer and dance, joyous laughter rings out from the hundreds of people milling around, and the thick, sweet scent of cotton candy and funnel cake wafts through the air. With cicadas buzzing in the trees beyond the fairgrounds and the temperature just the right combination of summer’s heat and evening’s chill, it’s a perfect night.
All of it, though, would be utterly meaningless if not for the girl standing by Mike’s side. He looks over at El – she doesn’t seem to have heard his suggestion about the Ferris wheel at all. Instead she’s gazing wide-eyed around the carnival, absorbing it all bit by bit. Mike’s heart swells just by watching her. It’s almost painful to look at her; she’s so beautiful, always, and especially now, with the rainbow lights dancing over her cheeks and lighting up her eyes. Her sweet, pink lips that Mike will never grow tired of kissing are pulled up in a faint smile as she slowly turns in a circle, awe painted across her face. She’s wearing her hair loose, the soft waves brushing her shoulders, and Mike barely holds himself back from reaching up right then and there and running his hand through it. He remembers just yesterday, when she fell asleep on the couch while they were watching a movie and he was able to take all the time in the world to stroke her hair, hold her delicate hand, softly run his thumb over her knuckles. He marveled for hours at how she was truly there – he hasn’t been able to stop doing this ever since he got her back. She was there with him then, at the lowest lows of last autumn, and she’s here with him now, breathing and living and alive, her golden heart beating and her silver soul glowing.
He loves her. Of this, he’s certain. He loves her more and more with every second that passes, every time their eyes meet, every kiss and every laugh and every word. He just hasn’t had the courage to tell her yet.
A bit of powdered sugar from the funnel cake they shared earlier dusts the corner of her mouth and Mike, unable to help the ache in his heart and the ever-present pull he has towards her, softly brushes it away with his knuckle. She blinks, her priceless attention and her endless, sparkling eyes immediately focusing on him.
“Hey,” he says with a small smile, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks go pink and her smile grows into something radiant and oh, how Mike loves her. Tell her, you idiot. She deserves to know.
“Hi,” she says, her smile no longer as shy as it was when they first got back to each other and started this thing known as a relationship. It was hesitant back then, which Mike thinks was mostly his fault because all he could do was stare at her and wonder if she was real or just a ghost that his grief-stricken mind created for him. But they got past it, partly because El couldn’t stop kissing him whenever she had the chance (definitely notan issue) and because all Mike wanted to do for the rest of eternity was be with her, and he couldn’t do that if they were blushing and awkwardly stammering over their words every time they looked at each other. Of course, sometimes she’ll do something adorable like sliding wildflowers into Mike’s hair or enthusing about her soap operas, or something unbelievable like floating just a few inches off the floor so she can kiss him, and when those things happen, he melts into a clumsy, stuttering idiot. But he’s okay with that, of course he is. He wouldn’t want it any other way. And in any case, things are much smoother and more relaxed now, though Hopper might not be too overjoyed about it.
Mike has found out so much more about love in the last six months than he ever thought he would. You’re fourteen, they say. You can’t be in love so young. If only they knew. If only she knew. Sometimes he thinks he loves her so much he’s going to burn to ashes with the intensity of it.
“Do you wanna go on the Ferris wheel?” he asks her again now, gesturing to the conglomeration of steel and colorful lights and swinging chairs towering nearby. “We’ve still got plenty of tickets left.”
El turns her gaze to it and then grins at him. “Yes, I want to! Yes, yes, yes –” Without wasting any more time, she grabs his hand and starts dragging him towards it. Mike can’t help his laughter at her eagerness – he’s so lucky. So, so lucky.
After a minute in line, the entirety of which El spends talking animatedly to him about the mall trip she and Max have planned tomorrow, Mike gives two tickets to the operator and then he follows El into the red, yellow, and white striped chair waiting for them. It’s a two-person chair, just wide enough for them to sit comfortably but close enough for him to be reassured that she’s still right there next to him. The operator latches the gate once they’re in and the wheel cranks up again, moving clockwise so that all they can see at first, as they ride towards the top, is the crisscrossing internal metal structure of the wheel and then everything directly to their left and right.
“Do they do this every year?” El asks, watching the carnival recede below them.
“Not this one. The new mayor made this up just this year, but usually there’s some kind of Christmas festival or Easter parade,” Mike explains. El turns to look at him, still smiling wide.
“Will you show me them, when they come?”
As if he could say no. As if he would ever refuse her or turn down the chance to spend time with her. “Of course I will.”
She grins again and takes his hand, holding it firmly in her lap as she gazes out at Hawkins while the Ferris wheel takes them higher. Mike can’t keep his eyes off her. They’ve been through so much, come so close to permanent loss. He knows that if something were to happen to her again, he wouldn’t be able to handle it. Where she goes, he will always go, from now on until the end of everything, and he doesn’t care whether their final destination is home or school or the Upside-Down or something darker and farther away. He will not lose her. Maybe that makes him crazy or stupid or hopeless or all three, but as he watches her right now, her hand warm and sure in his, he’s never felt a stronger truth. It’s laced in his bones and running in his veins and carved onto his heart.
Tell her, Mike. Just tell her.
What if he doesn’t get the chance again? What if fate decides to tear them away once more? What if, after tonight, everything falls to pieces and it’s too late? At least she’ll know, he thinks. She has to know.
“Oh, wow,” she breathes, pulling him from his reverie. They’ve stopped at the very top of the wheel and spread out around them is Hawkins, its lights glittering against the night sky. Directly below is the carnival, and then surrounding the fairgrounds is a thick forest with the town lying beyond, all of it cast in a crescent of silver moonlight. It’s an impressive sight but when Mike looks at the wonder on El’s face as she takes it all in, everything else immediately pales in comparison. A multitude of stars and constellations dot the sky, reflecting in her eyes, but all Mike can see is her. She is dazzling, magnificent, ethereal - and she’s his.
“I love it up here,” she says, glancing at him before looking around again. Her smile radiates pure happiness and it echoes deep in Mike’s heart. Ashes, ashes. He’s burning.
“It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”
She nods, and when the Ferris wheel slides back into motion a few moments later, she turns to him. “Thank you, Mike,” she says gently. She raises her free hand to cup his cheek and he’s frozen, paralyzed by her gaze full of starlight, and then his eyes flicker shut and her lips meet his. He feels her eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and his heart stutters. Everything is golden. She is so soft, so sweet, her kiss full of sunshine and courage and spirit and friendship and time. She holds an entire universe within her – as long as Mike has her, he has the world. She is all he needs and all he will ever want.
He just hopes she feels the same way.
“El…” he whispers once they pull apart, their noses still touching. She opens her eyes, and he has to swallow the lump of emotion in his throat.
“Mike,” she says simply, years of memories contained within his name. Tell her.
The words are right there on his tongue. They’ve been there for months now; never has he doubted them. Saying them will be just like stating a fact: the sky is blue, the sun is a star, Mike Wheeler loves El Hopper with every ounce of his being. It’s an irrefutable truth and there’s no better time than now. He loves her, and he’s pretty sure she loves him, and that’s all there is to it.
He takes a small breath, looking into El’s expectant eyes. “El, I lo–“
A sudden jarring screech sends them flying apart and El’s hand clenches Mike’s almost painfully. They’re nearly to the bottom of the wheel; all that lies in front of them for miles and miles is the dense forest where the sound came from, the colorful fair lights glancing and flashing off the closest trees. The wind picks up out of nowhere, sending the Ferris wheel chairs rocking and the forest rustling and shaking as the gale tears through it. Mike stares into the dark, his heart pounding staccato against his chest, all of his thoughts completely scattered. He looks over at El. She’s unhurt, albeit horrified.
“What was that?” he asks her even though he already knows the answer.
And there it is again, unmistakable and drawing everyone’s attention to the woods: a high-pitched, monstrous howl full of malice and promised vengeance. A cold, dead weight drops into Mike’s stomach, chills streaking up and down his spine.
“It’s here,” El says flatly, her hand tight around Mike’s as her eyes roam the forest, searching for the source. He can feel her rapid pulse where their wrists press together.
Mike shakes his head. It’s too soon. He needs more time with her before the world implodes again. “It can’t be. It can’t.”
“It is.” El looks at him intently, her euphoria from moments ago now gone and replaced with a well of sadness in her eyes. There’s a hardness to her expression, a sense of duty and purpose despite how much she might not want that burden. His throat closes up, his chest packed tight with cotton. This isn’t right. He feels like he’s holding on to a fraying rope about to snap. “We need to go, Mike,” she says.
“I just got you back,” he whispers, his breath ragged. He doesn’t want to accept this at all. He wants to stay in this chair with her forever, content in the knowledge that she’s safe, both of them too high up for things like mortality and loss and pain to touch them.
She cups his face with both hands and he can see in her eyes that even though she doesn’t want to leave either, she’s begging him to understand. “I know, Mike. But we have to go.”
Finally, Mike nods, ashes in his heart. Where she goes, he goes. His love will have to wait. It can’t, but it will.
tagging my mileven crying companions <3
@fatechica @calpurnias @mikewheeler @formerlyjannafaye @ericasinclairs @elshopper @elhoppers @summer-in-hawkins @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @wheelrs
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The pull is deep under your skin's surface to prevent your face from looking drew. The cuts are made along your hairline so the scars will not be visible. A facelift is cosmetic surgery that improves the reduced fifty percent of your face to make your face appearance fresher as well as younger. All surgical procedure can lug a risk of complications, although we will certainly guarantee that you are in health prior to you are permitted to undertake the procedure. Throughout your first consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will go over with you the possible dangers as well as the treatment itself, to ensure that you recognize exactly what to expect through the entire procedure.
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You may need additionally surgical procedure or various other therapies to maintain the outcomes of the facelift or necklift. Just like all operations, there are risks involved in having a facelift or necklift. Although the threats are unlikely, it is very important to consider them up versus the possible benefit of the surgical treatment. Talk about each of them with your plastic surgeon to make sure you understand the potential difficulties and consequences. A facelift is an operation to tighten as well as raise the loosened skin of your face listed below the eyes. ( Anything over the eyes is a browlift.) A necklift tightens up as well as raises the skin of the neck. It is entirely typical to experience some bruising as well as swelling of the face and neck, however rest assured that both of these signs and symptoms will decrease really promptly, just as long as aftercare suggestions from your surgeon is followed.
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If keyhole surgical procedure is the right option for you, your doctor will make a number of very tiny incisions into the skin on your face. A Traditional Facelift will entail your surgeon making a surgical incision along your hairline, down past the front of your ears as well as into the hairline behind the ears. Because of the careful positioning of the incision, your scarring will be hidden within the hair as well as all-natural creases of the face and it will certainly fade promptly up until it is hardly noticeable. When https://www.sciontiprostatecenter.com/hifu-pros-and-cons has been made the surgeon will certainly really carefully divide the skin from the underlying tissue, prior to repositioning excess fat and also tightening facial muscles. The skin will certainly then be raised as well as stitched right into location along the original cut as well as any type of excess skin removed. There are three major types of Face Lift surgery; Typical, Minimal-Access Cranial Suspension as well as Keyhole Surgical Treatment. Your doctor will certainly encourage you on which method is most suitable and also which will generate the most effective results - information of each treatment can be found listed below.
They will certainly then discuss the sorts of face lift treatments that are suitable and also suggest you on any other treatments such as an eyebrow lift, cheek implants, chin implants or liposuction that will certainly help you achieve your objectives. At The London Clinic, numerous plastic and also reconstructive specialists provide face lift surgical procedure.
Preferably, patients desiring facelift surgical treatment need to have some elasticity left in their skin, even if it is sagging, and a great bone framework can additionally aid. Most of people are aged in between 40 and 60, though there are several older, healthier patients that undergo facelifts. A conversation with your professional will allow you to determine whether this sort of surgical treatment is best for you. Our faces are our most primary attribute and so play a large part in exactly how positive we feel in our look.
Her glowy skin, cheekbones as well as tight jawline were sufficient to make me call her skin physician and also publication in. The dazzling feature of these new treatments is that you still look exactly like you-- simply fresher, smoother and also a lot more airbrushed. This surgical treatment includes raising sagging dewlaps and also the neck with the excess skin being gotten rid of. At your initial meeting with your professional, they will examine your face as well as neck carefully and also ask you concerning your expectations.
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CoolSculpting is clinically proven to produce permanent results. Once the treated fat cells have been frozen through cryolipolysis, they die. The body's natural reaction is to remove these dead fat cells through its natural elimination process.
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However, as we mature our skin begins to sag as well as one location where this is most remarkable gets on our faces and also necks. A facelift assists to attain a smoother and firmer appearance by tightening any kind of loose skin. For the most part, people are thrilled with the results of their facelift procedure. However it's extremely vital that you have reasonable assumptions of the result as well as your specialist will describe which functions which can be enhanced and also by just how much, as well as those which can not.
Why Do results depend Upon the Amount Of therapies I Have?
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Usually, you do not require a General Practitioner referral to see a surgeon for an initial consultation. Nonetheless, if you choose you wish to go ahead with the procedure, your specialist will require even more comprehensive information on your medical history. In this instance, they may call your General Practitioner for this info, with your permission. We have actually compiled a few of the most typical facelift Frequently asked questions concerning the treatment listed below. It works to review them through as there may be some inquiries that you had not thought of. On the various other hand, if you still have even more concerns don't worry! Your BAAPS/BAPRAS cosmetic surgeon will more than happy to address them throughout your examination.
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Resting La-Lipo.uk’s landing page as resting with your head propped up with cushions for the initial 10 to 14 days can also help to reduce any swelling. If you were put to sleep with a basic anaesthetic, you will slowly wake up adhering to surgical treatment under close guidance. You will certainly have dressings around your face and you may likewise have drainage tubes in position. The registered nurses will usually remove any type of drain tubes before you go residence. If regional anaesthetic was made use of, you may really feel a modification in sensation in the cured area of the face. Your surgeon or the nurses in the recovery area will use you pain relievers which you can take if essential. As part of your facelift aftercare, your specialist will likewise organise a follow-up appointment with you.
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This tightens up the underlying muscular layer in addition to the skin, offering a boost in tone that is longer lasting. As UK market leaders in cosmetic surgery, we offer advice you can rely on, therapy based upon your individual needs, and assistance throughout your trip with us. When people take a look at us, the extremely first thing they see is our faces. So, if we're unhappy with the method our faces look, this can have a huge influence on our self-esteem. As we age we lose muscular tissue tone, which can trigger the skin in our face and neck to droop. A facelift is a surgical procedure whereby the skin is tightened to develop a stronger, smoother appearance. A facelift is an operation to eliminate excess face skin as well as any type of undesirable fatty deposits.
The initial reported HIFU facelift therapy for aesthetic usage remained in 2008.
20% of the outcome can be seen right away after the treatment, nevertheless the full outcome of the face lift HIFU treatment are shown 3-- 6 months later.
The HIFU facelift procedure involves highly concentrated ultrasound waves permeate deep right into the skin and promote collagen and also elastin production.
At Elite Looks, it is not advised to obtain energy-based therapies such as HIFU or radiofrequency skin tightening while pregnant.
People had the ability to see results in a couple of months after treatment, without the risks related to surgical treatment.
A lot of our customers only require 1 therapy as we make use of the most recent kind of HIFU modern technology by 3D Lipo.
Nevertheless this may be based upon the level of skin laxity, the biological action to ultrasound power and also the person's collagen-building process, some customers might benefit from extra therapies.
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If the problem is extreme, i.e. a very extreme turkey neck, total modification may not be feasible. A facelift procedure can reverse years of ageing by raveling excess skin of the neck, under the chin, along the jawline and also across the cheek. Fat is removed from below the jawline and also under the chin where it is undesirable yet preserved and also rearranged from the jowl to the cheek to bring back quantity where it has actually been shed.
prepared To reserve a Therapy?
This is common around the cured area for the initial number of weeks after a facelift surgical procedure. Usually, this will be at its worst 3 to 4 days after the procedure, and will certainly then progressively begin to work out.
Can you poop out of your mouth?
It's possible to poop out of your mouth It's called fecal vomiting, and aside from being utterly disgusting and terrifying, it's an indicator of a major health problem. Though if you're vomiting your own poop, you probably know you have a major health problem.
For lots of people, combining a Face Raise with Neck Raise Surgery makes sure that the total look is revitalized and also clients who undertake this combination of treatments have actually reported looking ten years more youthful. Face Lift surgical procedure, likewise called Rhytidectomy, is just one of the most typically asked for procedures by both males and females that intend to look as young as they really feel. It is executed to get rid of or minimize the skin that has lost its all-natural flexibility - typically around the eyes, mouth and jaw line - smooth the skin, decrease lines and wrinkles and invigorate a tired-looking look. All independent clinics as well as health centers that supply cosmetic surgery in England should be signed up with the CQC. The CQC publishes examination reports as well as performance rankings to aid individuals select treatment.
Which is better for double chin Kybella or CoolSculpting?
Kybella and CoolSculpting each have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. Kybella can treat small areas of fat, does not require a capital investment, and can be done in a small exam room. CoolSculpting, by contrast, can debulk bigger necks, treat lateral areas, and involves less downtime than Kybella.
Clifton Park Healthcare facility is devoted to supplying exceptional cosmetic surgery results for every one of our patients. to even more improve your outcomes you facelift might be incorporated with a neck lift, blepharoplasty, nose job, and/or face implants such as chin implants. -- for individuals that have extreme face sagging, and cheek and also neck aging. Cuts are made under your Shallow Musculoaponeurotic System layer that manages your face as well as this muscular tissue layer is raised along with the fat and skin.
Throughout this consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will certainly check your wounds to see how they are recovery, eliminate any kind of non-dissolvable stitches, as well as remove or change any dressings if essential. Your Medbelle BAAPS/BAPRAS doctor might be able to provide you even more facelift preparation suggestions along with even more certain info on your surgical procedure, on the day of your examination. Ensure you follow their instructions to accomplish the best arise from surgical treatment.
At what temperature do fat cells die?
The optimum temperature for fat cell death is actually just above freezing at 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The threshold for damage to your skin and other tissues is a much lower temperature that CoolSculpting machines will never reach.
It leaves only faintly noticeable fine lines to make sure that others will not understand the reason that you 'look so well'. As we age the skin on our face and neck begins to droop from a loss of muscular tissue tone. A facelift is an operation to tighten the skin on the face, producing a stronger and also smoother appearance. A wonderful split second glow and an extra defined jawline, raised eyebrow as well as cheekbones. Yet due to the fact that this is functioning from within the full-lifting and also skin tightening result is visible after regarding 4 weeks. Great deals of people say they do not need to top up their Botox as regularly when having this treatment, as well as some individuals stop entirely. There's no demand to." Surprisingly, given that having a mix of these brand-new treatments, she has actually stopped having Botox as she feels she doesn't require it.
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johnhardinsawyer · 7 years
Thin Place Transformation
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
2 / 11 / 17 – Transfiguration Sunday[1]
 Mark 9:2-9
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
 “Thin Place Transformation”
Where is your thin place?  Just so you know, when I say “thin place,” I’m not talking about the gym or Weight Watchers or that restaurant where you can order a single roasted carrot for $10.[2]  No, in the Christian spiritual tradition, a “thin place” is a place where it seems like the barrier between heaven and earth – the sacred and the secular – becomes thin.  In a thin place, the line that might seem to separate the holy and the human is blurred. A thin place is a place where – for some reason that you might not be able to explain – you feel closer to God.
Depending upon who you are and what your life has been like, any place could be a thin place for you, but there are some places that – based on the sheer number of people who visit them – just seem more thin – more holy – than others.  When you go there, with hundreds, perhaps, thousands of people, there is a collective reverence that just seems to be in the air you breathe.  The Vietnam Memorial and Arlington Cemetery in Washington, DC, the 9/11 Memorial in New York, the edge of the Grand Canyon, the great cathedrals of Europe, the island of Iona in Scotland, Stonehenge in England, the banks of the Ganges River in India, the Kaa’ba in Mecca, the Western Wall and the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem – all of these places might be considered “thin places” by the people who visit them and come back changed.
The Bible is filled with thin places – places where God and humanity interact – and, it would seem that a large number of these Biblical thin places are on some kind of mountain.  God meets Noah on Mount Ararat, Abraham and Isaac climb Mount Moriah, where they encounter God, God meets Moses, and then, Elijah, on Mount Sinai, Jesus preaches his most famous sermon on a mountainside and then he goes to Jerusalem and climbs the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion.[3]  It makes sense that these stories take place on mountains because most of the land in which the Bible takes place is covered with mountains.  If you’re not going down one mountain, you’re going up another.  And, for some reason, God has a way of appearing more frequently at higher elevations.  In today’s story from the Gospel of Mark, we find Jesus and three of his disciples – Peter, James, and John – going, guess where. . .   up a high mountain – apart, by themselves (Mark 9:2) – where they experience something holy that almost defies description. 
This holy event, commonly called the Transfiguration, takes place at an interesting time in the story of Jesus and his friends, the disciples. You see, after teaching and performing many miracles and bringing wholeness to many people  in the towns and countryside surrounding the Sea of Galilee, Jesus starts talking about going down to Jerusalem, where he will, “undergo great suffering, and be rejected. . . and be killed, and after three days, rise again.”  (8:31) Peter, one of Jesus’ friends, responds to this shocking news with the Biblical equivalent of, “Nuh-uh Jesus!!  That can’t happen!!,” to which Jesus says, “Uh-huh!! This is going to happen.  Don’t try to stop it.  You are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” (8:33)  Then Jesus goes on to say, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.” (8:34-35) 
So, as Peter, James, John, and Jesus hike up the mountain, I imagine that the conversation might have been awkward.  I mean, what do you talk about when a friend says they’re going to die and you say “no” and they say “yes”?  What do you talk about when your friend asks you to lose your life, too?
As the story goes, they climb up the mountain where Jesus is “transfigured” before them.  In the original language, Jesus undergoes a “metamorphosis”[4]  His appearance changes.  His clothes become “dazzling white.”  Suddenly, two ancient figures from the past – Moses and Elijah – appear and start to talk with Jesus.  Peter, who is so terrified that he doesn’t know what else to say or do, suggests that they build three dwellings – one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. He wants to commemorate this “thin place moment” with something permanent.  Suddenly, a cloud overshadows them and voice speaks from the cloud:  “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!”  The word for “beloved” used here is the word that describes the kind of love that can come only from God.[5]  “This is my Son,” the voice says.  “I love him as only I can.  Listen to him!” (9:7)
Have you ever tried to wrap your mind around something that was very difficult to understand?  I can remember walking into my high school pre-calculus classroom every day for a whole semester.  As soon as I walked through the door, it was as if a great cloud of unknowing descended on my head and didn’t go away until I walked out the door at the end of class. The teacher would be up at the board teaching, my friends were be able to hear and see and understand him, but all I heard and all I understood was “wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-X=2? Okay, if you say so?!?”
I can imagine Peter, James, and John hearing Jesus say that he would suffer, and be killed, and rise again and that if anyone wanted to become like Jesus, they must take up their cross and follow him – losing their lives in the process.  The news seemed so incomprehensible and strange and sad.  If you were to think how unclear or fuzzy your own thoughts might be in the wake of getting bad news, you might get a sense of how dazed and confused the disciples must have felt.  Jesus might have just as well have been saying “wah-wah-wah-wah. . .  cross. . .  death. . .  rise again.” But, in this heavenly vision in this thin place, God gets the disciples’ attention in a shocking way and gives them a clear vision and a clear purpose.  Their friend and Rabbi Jesus is suddenly seen, in full, for who he really is and they are told to “Listen to him!”  Suddenly, all that Jesus had said prior to this thin place moment and all he would say after it – all that he would say with his words and his actions – took on new meaning.  The disciples might not have fully understood all of it, but they knew that they had better pay attention because time was short and Jesus was going to be on the way to Jerusalem.
When you find yourself in a thin place and have one of those thin place moments, God has a way of helping you see and listen and understand in ways that you had not seen or listened or understood before.  Some people think of thin places as retreats or refuges – like a lake house or mountain house away from the busyness and dangers of the world – but thin places, the places where God meets us, are really places of transformation, not recreation.  In a thin place, God changes our minds and hearts in ways that help us to see and hear and think and feel in fresh ways, with a renewed purpose and commitment which might cause us to become busy for the sake of the gospel, or face danger, or take up our cross and follow, or even lose our lives, all for the sake of God’s kingdom.  You can’t stay on the mountaintop forever, after all.  You have to come down and put what you learned there to use for good. 
Sometimes we are fully aware of thin places in the moment, but sometimes we only realize it when we look back on our lives.  One of my thin places has always been Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.  I can’t point to a specific moment in the three summers I spent there in the wilderness, but I know that when I left for the last time, I felt a call to serve the church.  
You don’t have to go to the wilderness of New Mexico or the White Mountains or Timbuktu to find thin places, though.  God can surprise and change us with a thin place moment, a holy encounter, just about anywhere.  Someone at school or at work is going through a hard time and they get a hug just when they need it.  Something holy happens when people are comforted.  Someone who is hungry or a stranger is invited in for a meal and made welcome and something sacramental happens around the table.  A friend is going through a hard time and there are long pauses on the other end of the telephone where you can tell that tears are being wiped away and you don’t know what to tell your friend except, “I love you.” Moments like these are thin place moments.  God meets us in thin places and they can happen anywhere. 
A friend of mine works at a hospital, getting patients out of bed and making sure that they can move around and walk safely before they go home.  Sometimes when you are walking slowly down a hospital hallway with someone you get to talking to them – listening to them.  Anyway, my friend was walking down the hallway with an 80-something year old man. In all his years, the patient had never spent any time in the hospital until the previous couple of days.  His wife was in a nursing home nearby and he missed her – he wasn’t able to go visit her and it made him sad.  He said all of this to my friend as they walked slowly down the hall.  When they got to the end of the hallway, there was a bench, so they sat down to rest. The patient talked about his wife, whom he loved dearly, and about his family, he talked about his life and how thankful he was.  My friend was thinking, as they walked back to the patient’s room, about what a nice conversation it had been.
About an hour later, a code was called over the hospital intercom, which meant that someone had died.  My friend checked the computer, and sure enough, the 80-something year old patient had passed away.  He died as his family was actually on their way up to his room to tell him that his wife had just died.  His love had kept him alive just as long as he needed it to and the last meaningful conversation of his life had been with my friend.  This was a transformative, thin place moment.  My friend will never look at any patient the same way again.
Any place can be a thin place if our eyes and ears are open to seeing and listening for God.
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the day that Christians put ashes on themselves and remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return.  Some people don’t like thinking about. . . you know. . . death.  Some folks think it’s too morbid.  The reason we do this in the church, though, is because it is healthy and it is honest.  You know, it might be surprising to you, but none of us are getting out of this world alive. This is not bad news.  And though we might wish it were, it isn’t even fake news. It is just news.  The good news, though, is that you and I, and every person who has ever lived – or will ever live – is loved and cared for by the One who breathes life into the dust and meets us where the holy and the human meet, in the here-and-now and in the yet-to-come, the One who meets us where we are and transforms us.  Jesus came down the mountain of transfiguration and set his face toward Jerusalem – toward the cross, which was and is the ultimate thin place, where the holy power of God’s grace overcomes the reality of death.
Where is your thin place?  It actually could be the gym or Weight Watchers or that restaurant with the $10 roasted carrot.  It could be a hospital bench, a classroom, a mountaintop – just about anywhere.  Wherever it is, whenever it occurs, God meets us and changes us – transforms us.  This is good news.
Sisters and brothers, be transformed.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.
[1] Scout Sunday was also celebrated as part of the worship service.
[2] http://www.grubstreet.com/2013/10/expensive-side-dishes-new-york.html.
[3] Noah – Genesis 8:4, Abraham – Genesis 22, Moses – Exodus 3 and 19 ff., Elijah – 2 Kings 19.
[4] Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1979) 511.
[5] Walter Bauer, 6.
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