#but even though her friends arent with her- they still somehow manage to influence Tia’s thought process.
cozymochi · 10 months
Hey! Just dropping in to say i love your yuu! She kinda inspired me to revive my own tiana yuu.
Also, I was curious, does your yuu have her own Charlotte? Or is she in twst alone?
Thank yooou 😭💕 AND NOW A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY HFGFGD. SHORT ANSWER: Yes, there is a Lottie equivalent, and her name is Lisette! She is Tia’s oldest childhood friend. BUT, she’s back in Tia’s homeworld, so Tia no longer has contact with her or any of her other friends— which, is not great. Part of Tias whole “pre-life in twst” ordeal involved her incidentally distancing herself from her friends and not ever spending time with them anymore after a very personal event that led her to engross herself completely in her work, so she has a lot of regrets now. Especially, since there is no guarantee she’d ever get to see them again. (All of this is paraphrased hhhhhh, but yeah Tia herself is alone in twst.)
SPEAKING OF WHICH HERE THEY ARE because long ago I made reference material for myself (so its not exactly fully rendered)
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i love them a lot, even if they are just people who are from her homeworld.
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