#but everyone's yelling about Wizard Hubris(tm) and like. this isn't that
no look! look! sure we know asmodeus and hells and betrayer gods and the broad strokes of how this turns out. sure. but!! you see this guy in a dream and he’s about to get murdered, and you’re a paladin, jumping in front of people about to get murdered if you’re not sure it’s warranted is a little bit your whole deal. and you’re running around in this city at (socially) high level parties even though it’s the last thing you want to do and every minute you spend here reminds you why, and on top of that there’s something you can barely see much less understand threatening your city (because it’s still yours to protect, even if it’s not home). but you see a guy, and he registers as fiend, but divine sense is not detect evil, and especially if you rarely even hear about them fiend does not necessarily equate to evil- and even then, neither necessarily equate to the immediate threat (and honestly if you did run detect evil in a place like this. hm.), and even if you suspect things, there’s a guy and he’s dying and you can stop it- even if you suspect, there’s a person and they’re hurting and bleeding on the bed and you’re a paladin and a healer and whatever you think of gods and monsters and mages, you show a little kindness
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