#but fr bokuto as akaashi’s best man would be the cutest thing
ellewords · 3 years
Ok listen Bokuto would simultaneously be the best and worst best man ever. He would throw the biggest ranger for the bachelor’s party, complete with a stocked liquor cabinet, strippers, the whole nine yards right?
He would also be the best hype man the day of. Like say Akaashi is getting married. This mans would be hyping him up before the main event, would be like “You got this, she’s gonna see you at the end of they aisle and burst into tears.” Then when they’re on the altar, he would be silently but somewhat obviously cheering his man on.
But when it comes time for the best mans speech, you already know that thing is gonna be an experience. He is probably already slightly intoxicated, just enough to lower his already low inhibitions, so he’s just rambling about how they’re best friends and how he and Akaashi made the best team in high school and then goes into an embarrassing story about how one of the teammates stole his pants once and he had to chase them around the campus in just his boxers.
And dont even get me started on drunk Bo on the dance floor stg this man tries to break dance and do the worm and just blows everyone’s minds bc he can actually do it incredibly well but almost puked afterward. Ugh I could go on and on about this boy
— from elle ! aaah bokuto 🥺 wait i love this, he’d be pretty much the life of the party, wouldn’t he? also just the world’s greatest hypeman and would just generally be running around trying to help everyone and make sure things go as smoothly as possible; definitely takes his best man role really seriously. like if the bouquet had suddenly gone missing, he’s driving to the nearest flower store or if one of the groomsmen had a loose button on their shirt, he’s suddenly googling how to sew. i love him sm—- as usual, short lil scenario under the cut. tysm for this and i hope you are having a wonderful day <3
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bokuto was exhausted, practically crashing down on his assigned seat, taking the his first breather for the entire day. his coat had been gently folded across the back of the wooden chair, the first two buttons of his shirt undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and tie loosened. a quiet exhale moves past his lips, briefly closing his eyes to take a moment’s reprieve from the brightly coloured lights that flashed across the room.
he practically made a home in the dance floor the second his speech ended, but the alcohol was now wearing off, the excitement that carried him throughout the day slowly dissipating. the music is low, the wedding band now playing a much more gentle sound as the night finally begins to wind down.
“how are you doing, bokuto-san?” akaashi pulls up the seat beside him, giving him a small smile in the process.
bokuto shook his head, leaning back, “i feel like i should be the one to ask you that.”
he turned to face akaashi, clapping a hand on his shoulder, shaking it slightly. there’s a tired grin that spread across his features as he exclaimed, “you just got married.”
“i got married.” akaashi breathed out, like he hadn’t been able to process it himself. “time’s just a little too quick, isn’t it?”
“it is.” bokuto nodded, there was a hint of solemness in his tone and features. life was moving much quicker than he had hoped, change didn’t always frighten him; more often than not, he found it to be most exciting part of life. but it had finally fully sunk in now, that they were no longer two teenagers in tokyo who spent all their time on volleyball practices in the afternoon, whose greatest concern was whether or not they’d pass their math exam.
they were adults now, with their own lives, very much different from the other. truth be told, bokuto was surprised that they managed to maintain their friendship. but he was grateful for it nonetheless. 
and as much as bokuto loved the life he lived, all the fame and glory that came from playing volleyball — the thing he argued he was pretty much born to do — he couldn’t help but want just a little more.
his eyes are now trained on the dance floor, at the two or so couples that swayed to the slow beats of music, the bright multicoloured lights finally dimming down to a much softer tone. 
“what are you thinking about?” akaashi asked, noticing the faraway look in bokuto’s eyes.
he turned back to face akaashi once more, noticing the peacefulness and serenity that surrounded him. bokuto couldn’t help but want that for himself too.  but he could only shake his head, not wanting to put a damper on akaashi’s big day, especially since he spent so much of his energy making sure the day had gone well.
but akaashi knew better, he would’ve prodded forward if he hadn’t heard his name being called. a family member of his spouse’s was waving him over, hoping to get a few words in before they left. 
“they’re calling for you.” bokuto smiled, waving a hand to signal that he was truly feeling fine. that akaashi had absolutely nothing to worry about.
akaashi frowned, but found himself having no choice as the calls of his name got more impatient and incessant, “i'll talk to you soon.”
he nodded, shooing his friend away to the direction of whoever called for him. a wistful smile makes its way to his lips, gazing around the romantically decorated reception hall. maybe someday, he’d get all of this too. but for now, seeing akaashi holding his spouse’s hand, or konoha and sarukui laughing it up at their table, or komi and washio holding their respective partners on the dance floor, seeing everyone together once again after all these years, that was more than enough for him. 
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a question: what would the hq characters be like at a wedding?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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