#but frankly blions is just about the most miserable choice for him for how much it conforms to the status quo.
spearofruin · 2 years
   It is immensely freeing for him to be in the Beagles-Rebellion route, though. Not the greatest feeling to fight against former comrades, of course, but it is nice to be recognized as talented general and not the idiot we know who can make the Lance work right. Sylvain’s not the most religious to begin with, at any rate, definitely not a big Rhea stan, and the idea of abolishing the Crest system is very appealing. I suspect he’d have a very intense conversation with Edelgard after the Sacking of the Holy Tomb, but if she was honest with him, he’d be down. There are better-qualified people in Gautier to govern, anyway.
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