#but fresh start :> yehaw !!
francismosses · 3 months
rehab was supposed to be a fresh start but no matter how many starts I get there’s always the same ending,everything falls apart and I end up alone🐴🐎🐎🐎
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vynnyal · 4 years
Throwing random thoughts, headcanons, and a variety of pasta at the wall (but only those having to do with vessels and/or their biology this time): The Thrilling Third Installment™
...aka pretending i can be dark and dramatic jskhdfd
Thk's larger form is not the standard, but the exception. Thk was cited as being "raised and trained to prime form", which people take to mean pk assisted in the vessel's natural growth. However, that conclusion leaves a lot of unanswered questions, most important of which being “then what about Ghost?” In short, I think that train of thought is backwards. Vessels can't grow- they are ageless, and immortal. We know this due to Ghost, despite living as long if not longer than thk, being completely unchanged over the years. The only thing pk trained into "prime form" was thk’s mind and fighting prowess. Their body... well, I think it was mutated. Most likely either directly by pk, or ordered by him- and with the shenanigans happening over in the sanctum, I wouldn't be surprised if Soul was involved, too. In any case, it was in no means natural. Vessels are corpses reanimated by void; neither corpses nor void tend to make drastic changes on their own all that often. Whether pk predicted the vessel’s “issues” and intended to manually “upgrade” them from the beginning, it's hard to say. But... yeah. Unless Ghost goes out of their way to make themselves grow- if its even possible, now that pk is gone- its fairly safe to say, they never will.
...with that in mind, we are promptly gonna ignore that for the rest of this post lmaooo
Grown-up vessels wouldn't look like thk; while they are described as being raised into "prime form"... prime form, to whom? Rather than looking like an idealized pk soldier, it sounds much more fitting that they’d have an entirely different, natural adult form. Consider: their cloaks being longer and fuller, perhaps filling out into something with a more practical use to their “species”. Better yet, they could even grow up to be more beast-like. Feral vessels, YEhaW
The black egg temple is cited as being "built to sustain [vessels]", yet it can't be their lifespan that is sustained. Rather, it seems the egg is specifically designed to keep the radiance from tearing thk apart, physically and/or mentally. Ngl its p obvious, but worth noting.
Sorta-au where Ghost’s shade has 8 eyes, and/or is generally all-around more cryptid-looking.
@ the sharpshadow charm and the strange, 6-eyed creature their shade turns into: kudos to this post, they bring up something super interesting- the creature not only resembles the Shade Lord, but the lord outright becomes it during the Embrace the Void cutscene.
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makes me respect the ol’ civilization a whole lot more if a single charm can turn a baby shade into a baby lord.
The concept of finding ghosts unconscious body, laying next to a corpse, while they battle in their dreams. Alt: when ghost enters the dream realm, their shade leaves their shell... And protects their body from harm.
If steel soul mode is taken as canon, just how did ghost and the shade meet? Alt: Ghost may never have “met” it at all, as it technically doesn’t exist in that mode- instead, its more of a metaphor than an actual entity.
What the vessels looked like- or were supposed to look like- before the void. Alt: a story following a child, alive and untouched, that somehow managed to be spared. They could even have a gender. Alt alt: the void intentionally spared them for some purpose, or even out of simple kindness- or at least, something that resembles kindness.
Re: the shade inexplicably having a nail: all the vessel's swords are crafted from “will-bearing rock”- of which i’ve come to lovingly call living stone- and as such, are of void themselves. That's how the shade seems to conjure up its own copy; it merely shapes it, from the ground, using void. And, while more of a stretch, Ghost’s nail being some sort of living stone/pale ore alloy could explain just how Ghost can do seemingly pretty crazy things with an otherwise ordinary nail. Better, while 100% a baseless hc, its material might actually enable Ghost to build it up and modify it to suite their size as they grow older. finally, a logical reason adult Ghost has an adult-sized nail-claymore. hdsfghjfghdsjf
On that same thought: Ghost outright invented the "art" of manipulating- or creating- living stone to make their nail. ...gimme a sec. The other escaped vessels have nails, too, right? Either meaning they also discovered this ability... or that theres some legitimate ground for the “vessel gang” hc. Or, yanno, i’m reading too much into Ari’s sprites but sHHhh
How did all the vessels know to race to the top? They seemed to be falling merely because they had just been born and had literal, actual baby strength; yet not only did they inexplicably risk everything competing to the top, they somehow knew death was waiting if they lost. Alt: pk just, bringing a fucking megaphone and telling them like a sports announcer.
What if Ghost made it, and instead of falling, they managed to joined thk at the lip? What would pk do? Push them off the edge??? Or just adopt them both?? Oh fuck au where they're raised as twin sacrifices. Or worse yet, they’re raised unequally, and one is trained only as an afterthought. As a backup.
Alternatively, pk keeps all the vessels au, only a few years later when they're grown. Pk now has a literal army of pure knights. Radiance is fucked.
Hm. If vessels were fully coherent entities from the moment of birth, why was there a crib in the white palace? Did... did they use it? I have a feeling team cherry made that asset before the abyss scene lmaooo alt: they did, uh, use the crib. Cue a very awkward scene of thk, clearly not a normal baby, staring at wl with like... idk, the poofy baby hat and pacifier. I can’t tell if the image is more funny or more sad rn shdfgfjsdgg
The og notes that inspired this post, in case my rambling makes more sense (and w/o the awful comic hjsfgjsdfhj): Oh oh OH i GET it now. The void is all about "will" and whatnot, right? And shades are "fragments of a lingering will"- will, like the one you leave after your death, but instead of inheritance its the vessels' desires...last regrets.... DAMN team cherry, that symbolism is clever as heck. That took me a while. Kinda funny how a will is, technically, a person's last regrets Like I knew they were last regrets but I didn't understand WHY. Duh, it's because they're literally Made Of Will. They are the vessel's "wills". I'm so stupid.
Ghost, walking thru the abyss, getting increasingly fed up / freaked out, ducking into a crack in the wall. They follow the crack into the Scream Chamber, pause, then exhale in relief that this was EXACTLY what they needed.
Ghost's shade rolling up its void-sleeves like “fuck it, ima defeat thk myself”
Why was thk's sword there? Was its pedestal decayed? Did it fall from their body? Was it place there as an afterthought, or hurriedly? alt: taking thk's sword before freeing them, but doing the mom thing like you're grounding them hdhfjchjch
I can’t believe it just occured to me now, but... as objectivley stupid as the vessel’s test was, Ghost... technically came in second place. What if that whole scene was a metaphor? Because really, it’s just too silly to take seriously. To do so isn’t too far fetched, either; many other elements in the game’s story are better taken as symbolic or metaphorical, anyways. Take the PoP cutscene- while it could’ve been a literal moment, where they just happened to find themselves standing around and took the moment to appreciate each other... imo it makes much more sense to read it as the concept of their faint ~forbidden love~ and parental pride itself. Or, better yet, the scene at the end of the 4th pantheon. Sorry, but I severely doubt that was an actual event. What I’m trying to get at is the significance of “second place” in the cutscene. My brain is too fried to chase down any other possible connections to this theme rn (if thats even what the theme is), but even without proof, the theory smooths out a few interesting tidbits related to just how Ghost could tough it out when all others failed. All except for #1, anyway. Either way I’m just happy to take this as an excuse to pretend that cutscene didn’t literally happen because like, l m a o
The story of a small group of vessels as they work together to escape hallownest. (aka the aforementioned vessel gang hc... im sure theres a more formal name but you get the idea). Its impossible to tell how long it took them to discover that near-invisible hole, the last exit remaining after the king ordered the abyss to be sealed up. Once they did, however, the remaining vessels were quick to make a desperate scramble to escape- only for the entrance to suddenly crumble shut, far, far too soon. The remaining 8 slowly made their way through deepnest, their numbers quickly dwindling as the jouney started to take its toll. The group was nearly wiped out by those terrible, spiney-legged creatures that used their own kinship against them. Only three finally escaped the deep, yet only two made it through the basin- the third, largest sibling, left to fight alone againt a hopeless battle, just to buy the others time. It was in greenpath, so close yet so far to their goal, that the second succumbed to the infection. It was a mercy killing, that nail through the heart. The last, after all of that, finally made their way to the very precipice of howling cliffs, hesitating for just a moment to gaze out upon the still-fresh ruins of hallownest. But only for a moment, before Ghost jumps down to begin their journey beyond this wretched place.
A vessel running from its shade as it tirelessly pursues them, the vessel refusing to put it to rest.
tw: suicide, + personal on main
Ugh ugh ugh ugh Either thk was fully conscious and in terrible pain for all those years... or they couldn’t feel anything at all. The former is horrible, but imagining thk waking up, chained, unable to do anything but wait for Ghost to heed their call? Did they turn their nail on themselves to help Ghost, end the pain, or some awful mix of both? For someone who has personally dealt with close friends and family that struggled with suicide themselves, hollowknight is one of the worst horror stories I've ever seen. And the fact that the story is so personal, so open to interpretation? The fact that each character is so genuine yet vague enough to be read completely differently to someone else’s biases? Its why hollow knight- the game, and the character- will forever be one of the most powerful stories to me.
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montanacreative · 6 years
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I was Up super early! Cloths washed and on the line. A warmed blueberry saskatoon pie filling my kitchen with it's glorious fresh-baked smell. That alongside the morning smells of coffee greeted my guest. Mission accomplished, warm #pie For Breakfast, coffee in hand and of course my western boots dusted off and ready for the parade day. Day 1 of the #calgarystampede off to a brilliant start. #yehaw #calgaryfood #calgaryeats #yycfood #calgarylife
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
happy girthday
Summary: when chuuyas villainous twin brother cyuya murders his weed dealer ranpo, chuoya attacc, but he also protecc
Notes: crackfic won the poll so i figure what better way to celebrate fanfic writer appreciation day or whatever its called than with some good ol fashioned meme fuckery and bagel ass eating, have fun kids
“romeo no homeo, wherefore art that tight little ass romeo?” chuuya grunted hornily as he jacked himself off over a balcoeny. he’d gotten drunk off his ass watching the 2004 phantom of the opera movie adaptation with jerard butler in it again which always put him in teh mood 4 dicks n secks. unfortunely for chungus nobody loved him enuff to squeeze his sweet summer sausage. chyuuya began 2 cri.
“o woe is me” he sobbed, sadly storking his half-limp shrimp dick “i wish I had a romeo of my very own 2 take big hits off my beef bong and/or fuck me senseless on top of a shandeleer”
ranpo appeered out of NOWHERE with 3 bongs up his ass and 2 to seven blunts crammed in each arousedly quvering nostril. “did sOMEBODY say WEED????”
“i sed bong” chuuya repleyed angrily crossing his arms and also his dick
ranpo poked chuuyas dick with his extendable flexible sexily bendable scrotal snake. “IS THAT A WEED” he shrieked as his noot-noot started doin the shoot-shoot.
kermet the frog burst thru the door like the cool aids man and shanked rabpo to deth with a giant ass green crayawn that was actuelly his frock (frog cock). “ITS NOT WEED U PEACE OF SHIT STONER” he scremed as he beat the shit out of ranpo
ranpo dragged  his bloody pulp of manggled flesh toweard chuuya useing his weener like a grappleing hook. “o daddy” he whimpered tragically. he coughed up blood, nut, and ten to pounds of the devils lettceplay. “i am the ded” he died.
while chooya was crieying/nutting over the smushed up corpse of the artest formerly known as ranppo, kermot creped toerd the bodey and snagged up the weed with his long veiny tongue.
“YOU IGNORANT FOOLS” he cried swelling to his magestic height of 5’3” as his boner swelled to ITS majestic height of 6’8”. his frog skin slid away to revel a green tracksoot with wite stripes and he tore off a rubber mask so his radient orange hair could flow freely except it couldnt cuz it wass matted with nut and also the blood of his enemies. there was no noddle. “ITS FITNESS TIME MOTHERFUCKERS!”
chuuya GASPEd. “cYUYU HAKOSHO??!??” he exclammed. he remmaried the clam and then exclaimed “HOW UNFORESKINNABLE”
“thats rite slut!” said cyuya smugly as he shoved each tender leaf of mariagge iguana up his tite little ass. “trembol in fear, for u and ur loose buttholed compainon rampo never stood a chance! its time for u to fitness gram pacer test-“ he wipped out a glock and also his erecktion “-DEATH” cyuya stuck his sexin’ noodle into the trigger and flexed it to shoot chuuya in the hed
“YALLDVE GONNA GET REKT PARDNER” yelled chuoya angerly as he leapt in front of chuuya and proteccted him  from cyuyas rath. the bullet rebounded off chuoyas rock hard erection and hit cyuya in the dick hole. cyuya collapsed in a heap of corpse.
chuoya cradled chuuyas head in his bara tiddys. “yehaw buddy youve been thru a rough ridin’ rooty tootin’ ready for shootin’ kinda day aint ya pal?”
chuuya sniffled and wiped his nose nut onto chuoyas hair noddle as he fondled the tiny sheriff badges chuoya wore over each perky nipple. “i most certainly have good comrade” he whimpered sexily. “pls, wipe of my tears with ur cowboy crotch cable”
“ill do ya one better m’pardner” chuoya replied tipping his hat and winking with all three eyes, “ill make ya brekfast”
“just dont make it tWO fast if u now wat i mean” sed chuuya seductively as he spred his noddle limbs wide for his cowboy compainon. one of his legs brushed over ranpos ded bodey so he moved it back. “take ur tim daddy”
chuuya was dissapointed when it turned out chuoya actuaely ment that he was making brekfast. “o” he sighed disapointedly “so when u sed u’d make brekfast, u ttoaley ment it”
chuoya took 8 bagels out of the toster. “wat else could i possibley hav ment? now shov these up ur ass”
“now ur talkin dady!” chuuya shrieked exceitely as he opened up his buttholeio with glee
chuoya slowly and tenederly insulted the bagles into chuuyas ass. “get in there u punk bitch motherfuckERES” he roared “ur bagel mothers never loved u! that outfit makes ur bagle ass look too flat for a rap song!” the bagels sobbily lept into chuuyas anus
“i am packed to the brim with bagely goodness” chuuya whimpered satisfiedly “now pack me with ur schleen queen 2017!”
chuoya tenderly inserted his titanic tallywacker into chuuyas fresh young asshole so preceisly and smartly that it went thr the holes in the bagels and pulled them all out at once like a shishkabob. “happy girthday bitch” he whispered sexily into chuuyas poop chute.
chuuya nutted 17 times at once! chuuya and chuoya ate bagels rosted on a fire they made out of cyuya and rnapos corpses and they all fucked happily ever after the end
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nwbeerguide · 6 years
Western Themed New Year's Eve party at Boundary Bay Brewery and Bistro
On New Year’s Eve, Boundary Bay’s Tap Room and Bistro will transform into a Western themed dance hall, complete with line dancing and BBQ food.
Doors open at 9 pm.  The fabulous Charlene Lenn, of Lynden Line Dancers, will get the dancing started at 10 pm. There will be a champagne toast and Boundary Bay’s traditional keg drop at midnight.
““Boots, Buckles, beer and cowboy hats!  Yehaw!” said Charlene. “I can’t think of any place I’d rather be than boot scootin’ the night away at Boundary Bay.  A little stomp and shuffle and you’ll all be line dancing the night away!”
Tickets cost $35 per person or $60 per couple, and can be purchased in the Tap Room at Boundary Bay, or online at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3174400.  Tickets include admission and BBQ style cuisine.
Boundary Bay Brewery is an independently owned and operated brewpub located in downtown Bellingham. Since 1995, they’ve been making handcrafted beer and fresh, local food for the Bellingham community. Boundary Bay Brewery houses a Taproom, family-friendly Bistro, outdoor dining with a patio and a beer garden.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
a tale of three chuuyas
summary: chuuya, chuoya and cyuya have some real neato-completo sex while dazai watches. dazi likes to watch.
notes: I FUCKING HATE MYSELF THIS IS ALMOST A THOUSAND WORDS KILL ME anyway i hope u all enjoy pls like comment and subscribe ;))))
“hot bals i am the hron” chuuya moaend as he stroked his massive girthy horse cock. “is there not anyone out there who could help me beat this succulent [a/n: hehe succ] piece of meat dangling between my thicc thighs?”
“i could help” suggested dazi. dazi liked to watch.
“mcfucck off u used bandaid” chuuya snarled. he beat his meat even harder bc he was annoyed with dazais stupedness. he almost tore his own dick of!!!! but he didnt. “like i would let your disgusting yaoi hands anywhere near my massive girthy horse cock. my supple peen demands the finest touch- a touch only i, nakahaira chuuya possess”
“WHAT ABOUT ME” proclaimed a voice that was coming from the window.
chuuya opened the window. “CHUOYA!????” he ejaculated while ejaculating simultaneously from the penis.
“what in graviation” chuoya replied, tipping his fuckin’ sweet-ass cowboy hat. “yehaw bucko ill ride yall like the stallian yall are”
“o yes please n thx i would enjoy your strong but delicate hands all over the shaft and balls of my fun-time pleasure hose” chuuya replied, tenderly slapping his thunderous erection against chuoyas stone-cold martini weenie.
“harder dady” chuoya panted, whipping his sweaty hair noddle over his shoulder for a e s t e t i c   as he panted. “yall know i lov it when we slap r dicks together”
“why does he keep saying yall” dazi asked. dazi was still there. he liked to watch.
“its none of ur btich ass business u jelly-filled motherfuker” chuuya growled as he dicked chuoya down. they were fucking on the windowsill but that was ok bc those bitches could fly, yo. chuoya reached around chuuya with his extra-large neato-completo super dong 9000 and turned on the radio. taylor swift was playing so they fuckt to taylor swift
“i dont know about u” chuuya groaned, licking his lips that were moist with spit and seed. “but im feelin 22 inches of man-meat pounding into my liver oh fukc yEAH”
chuoya thrusted at chuuya so hard is dick broke of inside chuuyas dickhole and got stuck “oh no yall” he said sadly shaking his head. he took off his cowboy hat in shame. the cowboy hat had been on the whole time they were making that real good secks. chuuya was wearing his hat as well bc he liked to ocasionally tip it while climaxing and say “mlady”, anyway the point was chuoyas dick got inside chuuyas dick
“your dick is stucck inside of my dick chuoya” said chuuya whose ignrorant ass didnt even fuckin know that the narrator had literally just said that exact and very same thing seconds before. “whatever shall we do now”
“ya know what else gets progressively harder as it continues” chuuya smirked. “DEEZ NUTS”
“he said it gets more difficult not harder” chuoya corrected “also balls dont get hard”
“bitch u bout to see how hard these balls get when i use them to bitch slap ur tootie fruity ratatouille ass the fuck out this window” chuuya SCREMED “also who tf let cyuya out of the basement”
“it was me” said dazi who was watching the whole thing. he liked to watch. he also recordeded on his n00b ass iphone 3. what a fuckin pansy. his gotdam yaoi hands are bigger than the phone smh. “i wanted to see u guy(fieri)s have a hot and sweaty thresom on the window”
“THE 20 METER PACER TEST WILL BEGIN IN 30 SECONDS” SHRIEKED CYUYA, bursting through the floor with the force of his 20-meter tallywacker.
“shit dude u just fukt up my floor u HOE” chuuya said angerily, crosing his arms. ‘but that is okey bc im hrorny as shit my dude, lets make the sekcs please”
“LINE UP AT THE START” cyuya yowled as he crammed his massive length of grade-a all-beef organic farm-fresh sausage into chuuyas ass. the dick was so long it went thru chuuyas entire body and came ouf of his mouth then baCK up his ass and out again but thru his dickhole this time where it dislodged chuoyas dick out of the dickhole and back onto chuoyas body then went up into chuoyas dickhole and came out from his ass.
“fuck the start” chuuya grunted. it was hard to speak with all the dicc crushing his internal organs and cyuyas seed filling simulatenously all of his orfices. “imma finish” and finish he did, exploding into a massive tidal wave of MANnaise (like mayonaisse but man bc man juces… . wat im tring 2 say is there was alot of semen u guyes) also since it came out of chuuyas dick it tasted like fine wine mm slorp
chuoya and cyuya lapped up the delicious seed from the floor and they were so busy tasting the fruit of chuuyas supple loins that they didnt even notice when chuuya str8 up murdered them both with a fuckin glock.
“there can only be one bitchez’ he snarled at there corpses. and then he went right back to stroking his massive girthy horse cock like nothing had ever happend.
dazi was still ther. dazi liked to watch.
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montanacreative · 6 years
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I was Up super early! Cloths washed and on the line. A warmed blueberry saskatoon pie filling my kitchen with it's glorious fresh-baked smell. That alongside the morning smells of coffee greeted my guest. Mission accomplished, warm #pie For Breakfast, coffee in hand and of course my western boots dusted off and ready for the parade day. Day 1 of the #calgarystampede off to a brilliant start. #yehaw #calgaryfood #calgaryeats #yycfood #calgarylife
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montanacreative · 6 years
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I was Up super early! Cloths washed and on the line. A warmed blueberry saskatoon pie filling my kitchen with it's glorious fresh-baked smell. That alongside the morning smells of coffee greeted my guest. Mission accomplished, warm #pie For Breakfast, coffee in hand and of course my western boots dusted off and ready for the parade day. Day 1 of the #calgarystampede off to a brilliant start. #yehaw #calgaryfood #calgaryeats #yycfood #calgarylife
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montanacreative · 6 years
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I was Up super early! Cloths washed and on the line. A warmed blueberry saskatoon pie filling my kitchen with it's glorious fresh-baked smell. That alongside the morning smells of coffee greeted my guest. Mission accomplished, warm #pie For Breakfast, coffee in hand and of course my western boots dusted off and ready for the parade day. Day 1 of the #calgarystampede off to a brilliant start. #yehaw #calgaryfood #calgaryeats #yycfood #calgarylife
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montanacreative · 6 years
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I was Up super early! Cloths washed and on the line. A warmed blueberry saskatoon pie filling my kitchen with it's glorious fresh-baked smell. That alongside the morning smells of coffee greeted my guest. Mission accomplished, warm #pie For Breakfast, coffee in hand and of course my western boots dusted off and ready for the parade day. Day 1 of the #calgarystampede off to a brilliant start. #yehaw #calgaryfood #calgaryeats #yycfood #calgarylife
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