#but from when i was 9-13 they were hand labeled Dewey decimal. then i started having too many books
wikibutch · 2 years
just revealed SUCH a fact about myself in the tags to a random post. childhood jasperism that absolutely nobody is surprised about
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terselylove · 4 years
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30 Weird Careers You Never Knew Existed That Might Help You Find Your Calling
1. I work in QC (Quality Control) for media.
In one company they occasionally paid me to watch porn to make sure it was in sync and in good quality for video on demand distribution.
In another company I spent years watching movies before release in secure theater-like rooms, to make sure the files are ready for distribution (subtitles and audio in sync, no picture corruptions, stuff like that). I always got to watch the biggest movies of the year in a giant screen weeks before they were released (sometimes months!).
I got the job by going to film school.
2. I spend about 80% of my day designing those large overhead signs you see on the highway.
3. I design water parks. I went to college for Graphic Design and Advertising. In my last year I had to do an internship, so I took one at an aquatic engineering firm to help organize photos. 10 years later I am a project manager and create resort deck and water park programs.
4. My boyfriend is a high rise window cleaner. There are only 4 in our city. He loves his job! Sometimes when he is working, I will go to the city to the building he is cleaning and look up at him on the street. So cute.
5. I used to work on a lavender farm! It’s totally unrelated to my field of study and incredibly difficult in terms of manual labor, but man was it a beautiful place. I tended to the plants, took care of goats, and did processing for the herbs and honey. My grandparents are farmers and so I grew up with mediocre knowledge of field work and beekeeping and when a friend’s mom decided to start a business centered around lavender she asked me to help out for the summer.
6. You know when you’re watching a sports program and you see the little pop-graphic in the corner (ie. a baseball players stats, or an advertisement for easy-mac, or “stay tuned for Saved By the Bell @ 9!”)? Yeah. That was me.
7. I work in a lab where I raise moths! I got it by telling my lab partner that I love bugs and he hooked me up.
8. I’m a chyron operator. I trigger motion graphics on live TV. I was an art student and also was in stage crew in high school. These things got me jobs backstage in theater, which got me a job in TV doing normal stuff like cameraman and stuff like that. Since I was an art major I asked if I could do graphics and they let me on the weekends, and my specialty eventually turned to the chyron which ingests the graphics that artists make and plays them back through the switcher that controls the news broadcast. It’s not technically an art position but at my job specifically I could make the graphics in after effects and photoshop during the day (if I have a computer free) and in the afternoon I play the chyron. Usually you are one or the other, because chyron operators don’t need art skills, it’s just another tech job like audio operator or camera operator or stage manager or whatever. These kinds of jobs are getting rarer because they are being automated. But since I’m also an artist I get to keep my job because if someone leaves I can take their job.
9. I used to be a hand model.
Apparently I have really really good looking hands. Although they look completely normal to me.
People were always asking me how I got into it so it was fun to bullshit people I was “discovered” on the street, now I moisturize 15 times a day and sleep with my hands in plastic bags….
The money was great but I’d have to spend long days on set being careful not to wreck my manicure. (Which they paid for of course! Also paid for the time it took to get the manicure.)
Mostly did TV commercials.
Now I tell people at parties I’m a retired international hand model but gave up show business for the much more worthwhile and rewarding career of teaching kids to read….
10. I’m a Hostage Survival Trainer.
I was working in international development within IT, and was asked to go and sort out the finance system in Iraq back in 2007. The ministry I was working in got attacked by a militia and myself along with my 4 guards got captured.
Over time the guards were killed and I got released in an exchange deal after being held for over 2.5 years.
11. I spent a year on a team reclassifying the Duke University Library system from Dewey Decimal to Library of Congress. Had to learn like four different alphabets just to label them properly.
12. Official court stenographer. I type everything everyone says in court. I was told about it in high school and thought it sounded cool so I went for it. Took 5 1/2 years in college, but I’m nationally certified to type 260 WPM and regularly push above 300 WPM in court.
13. Cameraman for Live PD. Went to film school to make movies then slowly worked through Ice Road Truckers, Ax Men, Boston’s Finest, and Nightwatch. Found out I have a perfect blend of art and athleticism that can be hard to find.
14. I make whiskey. It took a shit load of time, luck, skill and perseverance to get where I am.
15. Stagehand. I set up everything from huge concerts and Broadway shows to small private events and interviews. It’s a wonderful job and I love the people I work with.
16. I was a puppeteer for many years and I actually got that job from an ad in the classifieds. It cracks me up that there is a scene in Being John Malkovich where he tries to find “puppeteer” in the classifieds and fails.
17. I have been an online Community Manager for over 20 years.
I started in video games and moved into technology companies. I’ve worked on everything from Star Wars to telecommunications networking equipment and software that help companies move data fast.
It started as a hobby. I was a web developer so very fluent with the web. Started a fan site and grew up it large. Moved on to volunteer for another game company who eventually hired me full time.
18. My parents are escape artists and escape consultants. My dad started as a magician doing birthday parties as a teen, then got really into escapes, then became the #1 guy designing and consulting on escapes for famous top magicians.
19. I have a job tracking rodents in restaurants. I set up cameras, movement sensors, IR sensors and other gear, and get an idea of the problem and how to fix it.
20. I used to cut pictures of weewees and hohas off packaging of adult toys. All day every day. I got the job by being able to pass a drug test.
21. I mix fire retardant for fighting wildfires. A lot of people know that airplanes drop retardant on fires but don’t think about the millions of dollars of infrastructure that is behind that operation. Everyone who works at my base started by working at the local ski resort. It’s a good way to earn enough money in the summer to coast all winter so we keep the jobs among fellow ski bums.
22. In the summer I guard and clean the toilet units (not the toilets) for festivals. I got the job trying to find a cheap way to go to the big festivals and this organization was looking for volunteers.
So all I have to do is stand in front of the units, make sure the ground stays clean, everyone had toilet paper and clear a block of units so the cleaning team can do their job.
Another part of the job is making sure no one dies or passes out in such a unit. You can’t imagine how many drunk (often naked) people we need to get out of these units and escort them to the First Aid.
23. I’m a potter. I used to be the manager for a museum art school, and began taking classes there years ago. Eventually transitioned into being a full time potter and pottery teacher.
24. I work as an Air Traffic Controller. Not weird but not many of us around.
I pretty much fell into it after passing an aptitude and it’s just been swell since.
Albeit, the classic phrase from strangers: isn’t that the job with the most suicides?
It might be, but I don’t know anyone. It’s actually super chill and rewarding when you get it right. (We always try get it right, but when you get it super right you’re dead pleased.)
25. I’m a welder. But what I do isn’t very common. I build Virginia Class Submarines.
26. Water Quality testing. I go around and collect samples for various testing to ensure the water meets the state standards. I got lucky and met someone who was volunteering at my previous job and she told me to apply. Was not the direction I saw my career going but it was definitely worth it.
27. I cleaned grills for super rich people in Palm Beach. Even got to clean Michael Jordan’s at one point. And it was recommended to me from a friend who was in sobriety with me after I got clean.
28. I’m a House Manager for a family of four, basically I’m a female butler. I’ve worked for them for 14 years starting as the kid’s Nanny, they’re my second family pretty much! I organize trades people, holidays, birthdays, daily meals, dinner parties, housekeeping, the list goes on… It’s challenging at times but keeps me on my toes and I enjoy that.
29. Concrete petrographer. I just started this month. I studied geology in college and now my job is to look at concrete using petrographic methods I learned at school and conduct ASTM tests to determine quality of concrete. Very interesting work because concrete is engineered rock and there’s A LOT more to it than you think.
30. I work in a clinical lab where I get to play with baby sweat for a bit of my day. We are testing for chloride level. Increased chloride in sweat is one of the diagnostic markers for cystic fibrosis. I am a clinical laboratory scientist. Not all clinical labs perform this test but I am lucky enough to work at a lab where we do a couple interesting low volume tests.
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russellthornton · 7 years
Characteristics of Millennials: The Give It to Me Now Generation
Millennials have been given instant gratification without responsibility. These 35 characteristics of Millennials pretty much sum them up.
Millennials are those born between 1982 to 2002. A twenty-year span, the Millennial generation is different from any other that came before. There are certain undeniable characteristics of Millennials that set them apart from other generations.
35 things that define the Millennial generation
With reason, the first generation to grow up on the internet, there are characteristics of Millennials that both irritate and inspire us. If you are a Millennial, don’t take offense, you are a product of your upbringing and society.
#1 They act like spoiled brats if they don’t get what they want. Why wouldn’t they? From the moment they were born they have been doted over and told how awesome they are! [Read: 36 shallow traits of the superficial person]
#2 They think they should start with the corner office. Because they have been told how amazing they are, they naturally should just start at the top.
#3 Manual labor of any kind is way beneath them. That is for people who are insignificant, not someone born in the Millennial era! [Read: 30 ways helicopter parents ruing their children’s lives]
#4 Everyone gives a shit about their status on social media sites. Everything they do is important and everyone cares. Sorry, we really don’t.
#5 Things should just be handed to them. Entitlement is the cornerstone of the Millennial generation. They deserve respect and good things without ever earning them.
#6 Nothing is ever their fault, like ever. Nothing is ever a Millennial’s fault. If it isn’t their mother’s fault, it is their boss, the kid next door, or the teacher. We conditioned them that they can’t possibly be wrong about anything.
#7 They think they know everything, and it is a wonder how we all survived before they came to show us the light. They are the smartest generation in history hands down, in their own heads!
#8 They don’t earn anything, they should get credit for just showing up. Well they got a trophy for showing up, or not, so why would they possibly work for it when it comes for free?
#9 Everything is offensive to them, like everything! Point out anything about them, like anything, and you either label, stereotype, or bully. Just hush and keep it to yourself.
#10 They think the world should be fair… hello? The world is fair in their eyes ‘cause they always got what they wanted or someone took someone else’s and gave it to them. Equal all the way, baby. [Read: 25 memorable life lessons to perfect your life]
#11 They name and label everything. They label everything: cushioning, Chad Thundercock, ghosting, it never ends. News flash, things have been around forever, we just didn’t feel the need to label and give everything a name.
#12 Their biggest problem is which selfie to post for the day. Since everyone cleans up after them, all they must focus on is which selfie to post for the day.
#13 They don’t ever clean up after themselves physically or metaphorically. That is someone else’s problem, not mine!
#14 They have no command of the English language and shorten things as if writing the entire word is such a hardship. God help communication going forward or the English language. The dumbing down of society is in full swing.
#15 They spend more time creating a social media persona than caring about their real one. They care more about what their social media persona is like than what is inside their soul. [Read: Why is everyone easily offended these days?]
#16 They hang out with each other, but really all they do is sit next to each other with cell phones in hand. No communication skills whatever, there is always something better to do than waste time chit chatting.
#17 They think a hard day’s work is for suckers. They always spend the majority of their time figuring out how to get out of doing something instead of just doing it and getting it out of the way and over with. A whole lot of wasted energy, guys!
#18 They wait for the lottery to cash in. No climbing my way to the top. Since they started at the top of the family food chain, the same should be true of their social and work status.
#19 They believe in causes that aren’t real because someone told them so and didn’t take the time or care enough to figure out what is real. They love a cause because it allows them to post to social media. They might even get a super cute t-shirt out of it. [Read: 10 simple ways to be a more socially conscious person]
#20 They don’t even know what the word objective means. It is all about what they think. They create their own reality but not with anything objective or real.
#21 They have an overinflated sense of self. That’s what happens when everyone tells you how special you are all the time.
#22 They have no social graces or respect for their elders, authority, or anyone, really. In my day, you called an adult with a label like Mr. or Mrs. The Millennials never learned the difference between authority because they ran around calling adults by their first name like they were on the same level.
#23 Equality means no one is supposed to compete. Competition is bullying and leaves people out. Making money is bad because there are some who don’t have it. Never give someone a poor grade, it makes them feel bad.
#24 They believe that things like gender, debt, and kindness are all optional. You aren’t going to label a Millennial by things like genetics or gender!
#25 They aren’t interested in hearing anything you have to say unless it is in their favor. They have an uncanny ability to shut anyone off if they don’t agree and go to great lengths to do so.
#26 They have no idea what it is like to wait for anything. Instant gratification is what it is all about.
#27 Since they had everything handed to them, they have no idea what it is like to “earn” something. Their first car waited in the driveway on their sixteenth birthday, and they registered for their birthday gifts, need I say more?
#28 They believe everything traditionally male like competition, aggression, and getting ahead are all bad and “immoral” things. Anything that takes away their feelings of superiority are bad. [Read: Should men embrace male femininity?]
#29 They hate conservative ideology, but they have no idea what it even is. Conservatives are evil villains trying to take everyone’s free stuff.
#30 They think if you have any opinion opposite of theirs, you’re mean or not respecting their rights. If you disagree with them, then you are mean and not caring about their feelings.
#31 They have a right to everything. Seriously, like everything, just because they are them.
#32 They are creative and imaginative, they just don’t use it to get anywhere. They are highly imaginative and creative. Instead of opening up their own company, they would rather spend their talents making cool posts for social media.
#33 Working is a waste of time for them. Posting to social media? Totally worth it.
#34 They behave like babies when they don’t get what they want. Temper tantrums weren’t squashed in the Millennial generation. Things were “reasoned through” so that they understood why their parents did what they did. But, the problem was that parents didn’t ever reason through things because they never said no. [Read: Why Millennials are choosing puppies over babies]
#35 Stereotypes of ANY kind limit and label. Stereotypes exist for a reason and are typically true and real. They aren’t to limit people. They are a survival skill that helps the human race create predictability in a random world. Get over it!
Millennials are the first generation not to have to wait for or want for anything. Unlike the generations before who went to the library to use the Dewey decimal system, wait for the paper to come every morning, or save up money to get what they wanted instead of charging it on Amazon, you can’t really blame them for thinking that the world revolves around them.
Hopefully, when they have children of their own, they will grow up and realize that they aren’t the only ones on earth. It is going to be a super hard reality for them when Mommy and Daddy finally say no, and they are left to pay their own taxes, get health insurance, and pay for their own cell phone. But, as a Generation Xer, the older generations have no one to blame but themselves. Well, and Al Gore who “invented” the internet.
[Read: Weird trends millenials have to explain to their kids]
The most entitled generation in recorded history, at some point, they are going to have to step up to the plate and put someone before themselves, or the species just might not survive because of these characteristics of Millennials.
The post Characteristics of Millennials: The Give It to Me Now Generation is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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