#but genuinely throwing dex and kabru into the same room and shaking it would result in some incredible double-talk dynamics
greenreticule · 4 months
Haven't read the manga yet, so am relying on the anime, and it might be too early to call it...
But Kabru feels like he fits one of my favorite character types: when someone is cunning and compassionate.
Like I've said about another character that I adore, it often feels like a character being cunning means that they have "permission" to be an asshole because they're smart. And being overly compassionate means that they're naive to how the world works. Or with the likes of morally grey characters, they struggle between doing the cunning thing or the compassionate thing; the qualities are at-odds within themselves..
Kabru's cunning, however, is a result of his compassion. He saw something horrid occur and wanted to know how to prevent it from happening again. So he listened. So he watched. So he learned. So he strategized. He is cunning because he is compassionate.
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