#but god the choice at the end to choose morty instead broke me
the-maladjustedjester · 8 months
I probably think this every time but legitimately season 7 is my favorite of all time now. I loved the stories they had, I loved the character development Rick’s been inching through, I could’ve had more Jerry but that’s my critique every season bc I have a fucking problem… the emotional connections and relationships were satisfying and felt real, and I love seeing Rick getting his ass handed to him every episode. It finally feels like he’s slowly clawing his way out of the hole he’s spent his entire life digging. And damn if the last scene didn’t make me tear up with an unexpectedness I hate to love.
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verbumincarcerem · 6 years
The Fanged God
Parts: I.
The entire landscape had changed, becoming barren and desolate. Smoke coated the air, and bodies were strewn all over, crawling, clawing, doing anything they could to escape their pain.
Pain she could take, on others, on herself; she’d had plenty of exposure, plenty of experience. She wandered through the broken training field, which was now nothing but a den of suffering, and she was the only one immune to it and still standing. However the Fanged God had done this, it had been during the selection, and no one had seen him do it.
But that didn’t matter. All that mattered was finding a way to make it stop. As she staggered on, she felt his eyes on her, searing from some unknown point. She couldn’t focus on that, could only continue moving, searching desperately.
Before long, she did succumb to desperation. On some contenders, she acted rashly with her mercy, killing them quickly to end their pleading and suffering. But when she found Ventress and Savage, writhing in pain, darkness spider-webbing through the veins under their skin, eyes wide and close to insanity, she broke.
Now she was the one on her knees, pleading for it all to stop.
He hadn’t needed much cajoling. Wreathed in shadows, he was by her side in an instant, sympathetic.
“This is what will happen if my sister wins. Surely, you’ve always known that.” He strolled circles around her like a vulture lurking to swoop down and win its prize, his body language passionate and animated. 
And whether it meant Ventress and Savage’s corpses or gaining her pledged servitude, he would certainly win either way. “Her Champion will ravage the darkness and all who use it. None of us will be allowed to live. Even in peace, we would be hunted down and slaughtered, all in the name of security. All because you and I see things in a different way.”
“I don’t care,” she said, glaring at him with barely restrained fury. “You’re the one that’s hurting them now, and I’m not listening to another word unless you stop.”
“Of course I’ll stop.” He tilted his head, his grin full of charm and threat all at the same time. “But only if you join me.”
Melody’s body was shaking, with fear, with rage, with adrenaline, with every raw emotion and impulse that she had. She wanted to tear him to pieces—but she couldn’t. He was too strong and they both knew it. It almost made her sick to be this powerless again.
And in a burst of selfishness, she wanted to demand why. Why her? Why not Ventress or Savage or anyone else here who actually wanted to be his Champion? Why did she have to make this choice? She wasn’t anything special, she wasn’t—
“I may use the dark side,” she snarled at him in answer, “but we are nothing alike.”
“Mmm,” he hummed, kneeling down before her, over her, “that delicious hate of yours may prove otherwise.”
And even though it made him stronger, she growled, enraged, “Go to hell!”
He laughed, light and easy. “As long as you come with me.”
And perhaps it hadn’t been a lie after all, because in the end, she did choose the darkness.
But not before she tackled him and tried to burn him alive.
Indestructible, long-fingered hands choked her fire and gripped her tightly, and one lightly brushed its fingers against her forehead. Darkness of a different kind overcame her swiftly after that, and she knew no more for a time. Her unconscious state was so deep that she missed her arrival on Mortis as well as the flood of rage her master, Maul, unleashed when he was told his apprentice had been the one who was taken.
When Melody awoke, there was a crick in her neck and her arms were numb.
Sluggishly, she raised her head, slowly taking in her surroundings. She was in an oval shaped room with a high ceiling, a dark and unknown metal covering every surface. Feeble light spilled through select holes in the ceiling, and amber orbs were lit along the walls, their weak glow throwing dark shadows in the curves of the room. A heavy, arched metal door was locked shut directly across from her, and the only other possible exit was on her left where the room gave way to a hallway which curved sharply away, blocking her sight of the area beyond.
There was nothing and no one else in the room but her. The same unknown metal bit at her wrists, and a quick glance informed her that she was cuffed to the wall. Not utterly surprising, but she was wary.
She was on Mortis. She knew only because she couldn't feel anyone or anything else like she could if she were somewhere in her own galaxy. She could feel the Force here—it was impossible not to—but it felt different. She had never been anywhere before where the dark side was so powerful and in such a concentrated place. Not even a Sith temple felt like this. Instead of giving her comfort, she felt dread building in her like an oncoming avalanche. Where was her captor?
Gradually, she worked on getting feeling back into her arms. It took all her concentration to flex even one finger, but eventually she was moving two and then her entire hand. That was the extent of her movement. The manacles clamped against her wrists were too tight to allow for even the slightest of twists, so she kept clenching and unclenching her fists. Needles pricked along the length of her arms as the blood began flowing through them again, and soon she had them awake, primed for escape.
But when Melody harnessed the Force to snap the manacles off of her, nothing happened. She glared at the cuff holding her right hand captive and tried again. The result was the same.
Deep, amused laughter suddenly echoed around the chamber, and Melody snapped her head up.
"I was wondering when you would try that," the Fanged God said, appearing out of nothing and stalking forward towards her. He looked the same as he had at the Choosing, utterly confident and completely irreverent. His red eyes glowed, bright pinpoints in the gloom, and she glimpsed fangs in his smile. “But I’d advise you to stop wasting your energy. Setting yourself free will be both easier and harder than you think.”
"I'm going to kill you," she snarled at him, jerking her body forward as far as her bonds allowed her to go.
"Are you so certain of that?” He clasped his hands behind his back and eyed her curiously. “Oh, I look forward to witnessing your efforts, but perhaps you missed the part where I'm immortal?"
“Let me out of these cuffs, so I can give it an honest try anyway.”
He shook his head and laughed again, but there was an undercurrent of anger that hadn’t been there before. “And here I thought choosing a dark Force user would be easier. But you are a Sith, aren’t you? Such a stubborn and arrogant bunch.”
Melody didn’t think he had any room to talk, but she held back insulting him further. He was moving closer to her, and she didn’t like how he was looking at her, like she was a broken toy that he was determined to fix. Her back hit the metal wall behind her before she realized that she had been drawing back from him. But it didn’t matter. Closer and closer he came, talking all the while.
"There's been a misunderstanding between us. That's why you're fighting me, isn't it? Because of what I did at the Choosing? A necessary evil, nothing more. Certainly nothing personal. Surely you realize I have no intentions of harming my Champion?"
"It's the dark side's nature to harm," said Melody. "Even when it's making you stronger."
"Even so, we are not enemies, you and I.” He stopped barely an arm’s length away from her, and her stiff neck shot pain down her spine as she strained to keep her eyes locked on his. He was seven feet tall easily, and that sheer fact caused her to tense, in rage or some other emotion she couldn’t say. A cold finger trailed down her neck, whimsical. “I feel like I've known you for a long time."
"What's my favorite color?" she shot at him, careful not to betray any reaction.
With a patronizing smile and a tilt of his head, he answered, "Black, of course. How endearingly predictable."
Lucky guess, more like.
"So if we're not enemies," Melody said, "why am I chained to the wall?"
His ministrations upon her neck stopped, and though he didn’t shift, his touch became heavy. "You attacked me. You deserve due punishment. Training you will be troublesome enough without you fighting me every minute. And you still have so very much to learn about the dark side before you'll be ready."
"Maybe I'll never be ready," she challenged. "Maybe you've made a mistake."
"No. I haven't. And either you do this willingly or…" His fingers suddenly wrapped around her throat, tight, and yanked her forward. She cried out, feeling the bones in her wrists close to snapping, but the sound that escaped her was garbled. He was choking her. He bent down, his cheekbones brushing against hers, to speak directly in her ear, as intimately as if he were her lover. "I'll make you succumb to me, completely. You'll certainly be willing then, though nothing but a slave to my whims, my desires. If that's what you want, then I can make it so. But if not…"
He pulled back to gauge her reaction, his thin lips quirking at the sight of her fear. He was close enough that, if she wanted to, she could bite him for being a complete prick, but she was too busy failing to keep her body from shaking.
“And what,” she half-whispered so she wouldn’t scream, “will I have to give up to make sure my mind remains mine?”
“I couldn’t say. Not until I train you.” He released her—at last—and stepped back. The endearing smile returned, and Melody hated that she found it so. “But doesn’t the prospect of endless power make up for any uncertainty?”
Her eyes narrowed, and she didn’t grace him with a response.
Either he didn’t notice or he didn’t care. The Fanged God was back to preening over his victory again. "You need some time to think about what I'm offering you. I'll grant you that time. But reject me again, and I'll be sure those Dathomirian friends of yours pay the price for it."
He vanished, a mocking reminder of how trapped she was and how freely he could move and hold control over her fate.
But, she reminded herself as she tried to break free again, all-powerful and immortal though this god might be, everyone had a weakness—everyone—and she would find his or die trying.
Shatterpoint hadn’t worked against the cuffs. They were structurally sound, and she couldn’t perceive any other weakness.
Still trapped against the wall a few hours later, Melody awoke from her nap to the sound of distant clattering. She soon found she wasn’t as alone in her cell as she first supposed, nor was that curving hallway an exit. It led to another series of holding cells, from which a small alien emerged, all gray skin, glowing yellow eyes, and a bulbous belly.
No. Not an alien. A droid.
“Oh my,” he said in Basic, shambling forward on two tiny legs. His voice was prim and haughty but heavy with feeling. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here.”
The droid stepped closer into the room where the light was stronger. He could have passed for something like a gremlin if he wasn’t made of metal and adorable. But what was a droid doing here?
“Oh, no.” He approached her, rockets activating in his feet to levitate him in the air. He weaved slightly, taking her in. “You’re trapped here, too, aren’t you?”
She smiled, all teeth and grit. “For now.”
She learned his name was Todo-360. He was a service droid and was very proud of that fact.
“I feel like I was another type of droid at one point,” he said, confident. “Not just a service droid, but something else attached to that. Ah, I can’t remember now, and I can’t seem to access that information.”
"How long have you been here, Todo?"
"Truly? I don't remember. I’m sorry, miss. Many of my time logs are corrupted, I’m afraid."
No information she could use. That was fine. At least he was talkative. And friendly. “Call me…” She hesitated. What name would she use here?
The Fanged God didn’t deserve her accomplishments, and she wasn’t going to give them. She would also never relinquish her hold on who she was. “Call me Melody.”
Todo bobbed his head. “At once, Miss Melody.”
“Do you happen to remember how to get these cuffs off?” She smiled at him charmingly. The droid seemed to shudder to a halt for a moment, but then snapped back to himself.
“Oh! Oh, yes, of course! I’m so sorry!” Todo floated down near her face, inspecting the wall. “Although, forgive me for saying, but getting rid of these chains won’t do you any good.”
Todo shifted, and for no real reason she could discern, her arms came free. She hissed as they fell forward—stiff, heavy and sore—and slid down the wall in a sitting position. “Thank you,” she replied, meaning it almost as much as she had with Savage. Todo floated down and landed next to her, his large, round eyes watching her with a shadow of intrigue.
Misery loves company, so they bonded fairly quickly. Mutual hatred over their captor was another common factor, but Melody felt that she was more into expressing that hatred than the droid was.
"Perhaps in his infinite wisdom,” she called into the chamber at the top of her voice, “the Fanged God has forgotten us lowly mortals have to eat!"
Todo chuckled shakily. "You obviously don't know the Son well if you believe he pays you that kind of thought."
“The Son?” She laughed, sharp and biting. How amusing that he seemed to have as many monikers as she did. "That’s specific. But, no, caring about anyone other than himself isn't in his toolkit, that’s obvious already. But perhaps, after all these years, you've also noticed how incurably vain he is?"
"Well, I—um—" Todo fidgeted, clearly wanting to answer her but not wanting to speak ill of their captor. Melody guessed that the only reason the droid was still around was because the Fanged God had forgotten about him. But she didn't need encouragement to keep going.
"In the end, it's not about him paying attention to me. It's about me paying attention to him. That's how I know he's listening. Hanging on every word."
"Perhaps you'll wish he wasn't."
"That's undoubtedly true. But in the meantime, I'll focus on getting me something to eat.” She tossed her head back and shouted, “If that's not too much time out of your oh-so-busy day, Your Worship!"
But food did not appear, and she fell asleep, dehydrated and close to starving.
The next morning was a different story. She woke up to find a platter of food in the center of the cell piled with food of all types and states.
“Todo?” she called uncertainly.
His reply was flat. “You were right about him listening.”
But the food, which should have filled the chamber with its various, strong scents, gave off no smell at all. Melody found an orange, plump and firm, and stared at it curiously. First, she was chained in a tower, then she had a gremlin-like roommate, and now food had appeared from seemingly nowhere.
“If I eat this, will I be forced to stay here forever, like something out of a fairytale?” she asked Todo, who’d come to inspect the food with her.
He emitted a startled chuckle. “I don’t think any food could be that powerful, but I am just a service droid. But, no, I’d say you’re forced to stay here regardless. The food makes no difference.”
He was right. And, Melody supposed, it was either this or starve.
She peeled the orange using her nails and bit into a slice. Her face screwed up instantly in disgust. Not only did it not have a smell, it had no real taste, no juice, no flavor. All she chewed on was a lumpy, bland, indistinct something, and with great effort, she swallowed it down.
It was the same for everything else. Melody ate her fill only because it was difficult to plan an escape on an empty stomach. On the other side of the mass, Todo was watching her, silent.
With a sharp roar, Melody wound up her arm and hurled yet another ball of fire at the door. Sparks and flame burst on its surface, adding scorch marks but nothing else. The door remained stubbornly whole and jammed shut. She rested her hands on her knees, catching her breath from her exertions for the past several minutes. At least she’d gotten the brunt of her aggressions out. All they did was distract her.
It bothered her, though, that even after testing brute Force techniques, nothing had been accomplished against the prison’s enforcements. Just what was this place?
"Are you done?" Todo asked nervously from his safe location farther in the cell, wheeling himself closer now that she was finished. (She shook her head at that. His feet could turn into wheels, and how was it possible for him to get more adorable?) "I told you. The door is impenetrable. No one ever escapes."
"Don't give up on me just yet." She threw a look at him over her shoulder. "I do some of my best work frustrated and pissed off."
She could make short work of this damn door if she just had her lightsaber, but a quick survey after Todo freed her told her it was gone. She hardly dared to hope that the Fanged God was taking good care of it.
Still, a lightsaber didn't make a Force user, or a Sith for that matter. If sheer force wouldn't blast the door open and send the Fanged God a message, then something else would. Everything had a weakness. She just had to find it.
Melody straightened, her rage and frustration evaporated with her fire, and studied the door with clinical eyes. She ran her hands over its surface, along the seams and the bolts, searching for failings in the structural integrity. The cuffs had been made perfectly, but they were small; there was much less room for error. The door in comparison was a mammoth structure, so surely, this would work.
 It was insanely lucky that she could perceive shatterpoints and her captor had no idea… It was a technique she’d slowly developed, maturing it under the tutelage of Darth Plagueis. Maul, though, was the one who taught her how to weaponize it, stressing her the important of subtlety.
Shatterpoint was an edge she would always have against opponents, but only if they were weak in the Force and she struck first. As Inferna, she’d learned to rely on it as both a last resort and her trump card, surprising enemies with attacks they didn’t survive long enough to report.
She considered this moment, trapped in an immortal god’s fortress, the pinnacle of last resorts.
Melody poured the Force into every crack and crevice she found along with each bolt holding the door closed. At first, nothing happened, and Todo stared between her and the door curiously. Then, as if the door were made of crumbling, rocky sand instead of refined metal, it burst apart and out into thousands of pieces, leaving nothing but a jagged, gaping hole behind.
Gingerly and alert, Melody stepped over the debris and crossed the threshold out into a hallway, which was as dark as the cell she just left. No guards. And she didn't hear anyone or anything approaching.
Stars, but the Fanged God was arrogant, wasn't he?
"So," she said to Todo, jerking her head toward the open corridor. "Ready to leave this place?"
"H-how did you—?" Todo hovered in the air, head bouncing from the door to her in wonder. "Wait, you mean—you want me to go with you? I thought this was an escape, not a rescue."
"Don't read too much into it," she quipped. "We just so happen to be heading in the same direction. Tag along or don't. Either way, I'm leaving. Now."
She took off at a jog down the corridor, looking for doorways, stairs, anything to get her somewhere other than where she was. A quick survey out a slim window told her she was extremely high up in the tower. She had a lot of trekking ahead before she reached the bottom.
Melody wouldn't admit it, but she was relieved when she heard the boost of Todo's rockets behind her. The droid had chosen to follow her.
She wouldn’t have lost sleep over it, but she would have felt bad about leaving the little guy behind.
Sentiment, she could almost hear Sidious spit at her. She cut off the thought before she could envision Maul’s face, displeasure written upon it.
Melody and the droid canvased down the first few floors without an issue. By the time they reached seven floors down without a sign of trouble, Melody’s suspicions were running rampant, and she jerked to attention at every little flickering shadow.
On the thirteenth floor down, she was overjoyed when something finally interfered with their progress, glad that she was right about being vigilant towards the shadows in the corridors.
Non-sentient shadows of indiscernible shapes descended on them, attempting to separate her from Todo and corner her, but she managed to keep them back with flashes of fire and Force lightning when it was appropriate. In the corridors, the floor was a dark marble, and the fire melted and marred its surface as it lingered to burn in her wake. She had to be careful with her lightning, making sure not to let it touch any metal surface lest she wanted to test how effective of a conduit the tower as a whole was. She hadn’t come all this way just to fry Todo and herself.
“What are these things?” she asked Todo, backhanding a shadow aside with a fist wreathed in fire. “His sentinels?”
“Something more like a security system—ah!” Melody whipped around to see a shadow bearing down on Todo. She flicked her wrist and sent Force lightning into its center, effectively blasting it into nothing. Todo flew closer to her. “Oh, that was close, thank you. Ahem, from what I understand, they’re more or less extensions of the Son’s will, but I’m not certain how it all works.”
“Right,” she said, leading them further down the hall. She could see the floor’s atrium, which marked that they were in the tower’s center. Fighting would be easier there. “You keep calling him that. Why?”
“Oh—well—” Todo moved his hands in little circles, fingertips almost touching. A sign that he was nervous. “That’s just what I’ve always known him as. He’s the Son and his sister is the Daughter. There was the Father, but he was kill—AAAH!”
A shadow surged up from the ground between them, and Todo was swallowed.
“TODO!” Melody screeched and rushed forward. But she stopped, torn. She couldn’t attack without possibly hurting the droid, too.
“Dammit,” she growled. Everyone had a weakness. One of hers was droids.
And it was for that reason that when the shadow rushed her, expanding with the intent to capture her, she let it.
She waded in total darkness, blind and deaf. If it weren’t for the Force anchoring her, guiding her, she would have been utterly lost and afraid. An indeterminable amount of time passed, but she trusted the Force. It was good that she had. It led her to Todo, and she found him through touch alone. She drew the droid close to her, shielding him with her body. Then, she unleashed hell.
A shockwave of light made of fire and lightning both blasted the shadow off of them and destroyed every last inch of it. She hadn’t realized how hard it had been to breathe until it was gone, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself kneeling over Todo, and they were somewhere else in the tower entirely.
“Todo, are you alright?”
Melody pulled back, expecting for the droid to give her some sarcastic quip and a word of thanks. But his normally bright, yellow eyes were absent of light and his small frame was limp. He was offline.
“Okay,” she breathed, gently turning the droid over to get at its circuitry. “Okay, it’s going to be okay.”
She was reassuring both of them. Though his design was unfamiliar, she found a panel at the back of his head and loosened the screws with the Force. She levitated the parts in the air while she examined the wiring. Nothing was wrong that she could see. Perhaps he’d shut himself off in a panic?
Static crackled from her fingertips, and she sent small jolts of electricity through the wires. A nearly silent whirring sounded from him, and his body jerked, eyes flickering from gray to yellow as he came back online.
“Oh! Oh, my maker, what happened?”
“Easy,” she said, levitating his panel back into place and securing it. “You’re okay.”
Todo spun around, looking at her with eyes bright and round. They were permanently set that way, but it was hard not to detect the shock and awe in them. “You—you came for me? You—” He seemed to choke on his words. Disbelievingly, he continued in a small voice, “You fixed me?”
“Like I said.” Melody grinned and leaned back. “Don’t read too much into it.”
But though Todo’s physical expression remained static, Melody could tell that he was unhappy. He drew back from her, head shaking to and fro. “Oh… Oh, no. No, no, no. This is terrible. What have I done?”
Melody’s brow furrowed, but before she could ask what he meant, another voice—male, sultry, and chillingly familiar—boomed throughout the room.
"You've done beautifully, Todo. Exactly as planned.”
Melody at last noticed her surroundings—far too late.
Upon a black throne on a raised dais sat the Fanged God, fingers steepled and legs spread, the picture of control. His dark eyes were half-lidded, and he gave her a slow smile, a predator who had just caught his prey.
But Melody wasn’t going down without a fight. Snapping her arm forward, she sent Force lightning screeching in his direction—but it only struck an empty throne. Before she could search for him, hands stronger than any manacle seized her wrists and she was jerked forward, staring up into his far too expressive face.
“A valiant effort, but pointless,” he said, almost like an apology, as if he were sorry for what he was doing. “Todo’s showed me demonstrations of your powers. Though in truth, I hadn’t expected that little trick with the prison door. That’s very useful. I’ll certainly remember.” He spared a glance at Todo and nodded at the chamber entrance. “Leave us."
Melody shot the droid a look so full of accusation, of rage and hate and hurt, that he flinched away, metal fingers twiddling more agitatedly than ever. Todo didn't look at her or the Son as he said, "Yes, master," and glided hastily, guiltily, away.
The second Todo left, Melody regretted her actions. It wasn't the droid's fault. He could only do what he was ordered. No, the object of her hatred had much more agency than a droid but clearly less conscience.
Melody attempted to jerk her wrists from his grasp, hissing all the while. "You vile, sick, despicable, evil—"
"You're far too kind." Trapping her wrists in one hand, he brought the other up to grip her chin, forcing her to keep eye contact with him. He suddenly narrowed his eyes and frowned. “No, really, you are. You’re a Sith, you use the dark side, you could have made it if you’d just kept going. Yet you risked yourself for a droid? Why? Why would you do that?”
His fingers bit into her, but she couldn’t move. He drew her closer, trapping her hands against his abdomen. His red tattoos were stark against his pale skin, his eyes burning with terrible knowledge. “The light side still has a hold on you… That’s very interesting.”
He knew. Her body grew cold, and she stared at him with wide eyes, shaken. He knew.
Everyone has a weakness.  
"But still, look at those eyes," he purred in approval, tilting up her face to get a better look. And Melody knew, sickened, with the amount of the dark side she'd used in such a short time—and all for nothing—that her eyes were no longer a slate blue but a darkening, bloodthirsty red. Like his. "What a pair we make."
Melody wasn't certain what she was going to declare about that. That he was deluded, that he was insane, that his princess, champion, or whatever was in a different castle, and that she wanted nothing to do with him. She could have renounced the dark side in that moment, anything to make it clear that she was done with him playing with her like he owned her, that she wasn't his—but that was in that empty space of a moment. That was before he drew her up to him and kissed her.
There was both the promise of absolute power and pleasure in his kiss, and she could feel the strength of it surging through her veins. Unlike his skin, his mouth was hot, and he consumed her with a lust that was overwhelming. He kissed her like he'd been dying to do it for longer than she'd even known him, longer than she’d ever been alive. Much longer.
Her feet no longer touched the floor, but she didn't care. She was weightless in his arms, the strong band of one holding her to the length of his body and the other clutching the nape of her neck. Her hands gripped his shoulders—those powerful shoulders—before she wrapped an arm around his neck with abandon, urging him closer.
One of his fangs skimmed her bottom lip, teasing her, playfully asking her for permission for something he could so easily take. Let me have you, he seemed to say with each graze, every nibble. It wasn't venom that was stored in those fangs, but darkness, pure and unadulterated, and she could feel its shadows whisking across her skin. Let me have you in every way, completely and forever.
All it would take was for him to bite down and pierce her skin, and she could stay like this for eternity. Beautiful, invincible, desirable, terrible, uninhibited—and good, so very, very good…
He laughed against her lips, wicked and smug, and the rumbles coming from his mouth, his chest sent shivers coursing down her spine and over her flesh, and she was aching for him—
Her eyes snapped open, shocked and horrified, and she Force pushed him so strongly that it would have sent an ordinary man flying.
But the Fanged God wasn't an ordinary man. She managed to break his grip and send him stumbling back a few steps, but that was all, and he didn't look the least bit bothered by it. He smiled and smiled as she reclaimed her balance and backed away from him, spitting and wiping her mouth furiously.
"Am I to understand it wasn't as good for you as it was for me?" He goaded, red eyes lit with delight.
She was somewhere beyond rage. The words cut out of her, each of them amputated completely from the other. "There isn't a word for the hate and revulsion I feel for you."
He clucked his tongue, bored with her. “Back to your cell it is, then. I have other matters to attend to.”
Another shadowy mass appeared and she was transported back to her cell. The door she’d shattered was back in place, perfect and whole as if nothing had even happened to it.
She surged toward it, intending to bring it down again, but whatever weaknesses it had before had been repaired. The Fanged God learned from his mistakes.
It didn’t stop her from trying to blast it off its hinges, incensed with everything and everyone.
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nanabeats · 7 years
Stealing a thing!
Stealing this from @a-kitsuneet-and-a-cybele, but instead just answering things down the list that I can or feel comfortable enough answering
1:Full name Alice Armstrong.
2:Age 22, last I checked
3: Fears? Mostly anxiety-related things, but something you might not expect is a fear of silence. Better dead than deaf, imo
4: 3 things I love I’mma be a dork and list @daxreythaak here. Also, music and good  food
5: 4 turns on Nope! Try again later.
6: 4 turns off Bad grammar, low intelligence, persistent clinginess,  and big egos.
7:My best friend Not answering this because it’s not a competition
8:Sexual orientation Yes.
9:My best first date Uhm. Dates? Right, people do those...
10:How tall am I 6′3
11:What do I miss Headshots. Every time. 
12:What time were I born Grammar o’clock. 3:44 AM, I think?
13:Favourite color Purple
14:Do I have a crush No, though I might go get one from the gas station. Orange sounds tasty right about now
15:Favourite quote This changes based on the day. Give me a topic, I’ll come up with something quotable for it
16:Favourite place My bed
17:Favourite food Knowing that Dax is reading this right now, General Tso’s chicken is fucking delicious
18:Do I use sarcasm? Never. Is there any other answer to this?
19:What am I listening to right now: Ga1ahad and the Scientific Witchery by Mili. @grexion just put it on in Plug. https://plug.dj/makais-shipyard
20:First thing I notice in new person: Hair
21:Shoe size Big
22:Eye color Blue with hazel flecks, or hazel with a blue ring around it. Depends on who you ask
23:Hair color? Very very brown
24:Favourite style of clothing? Simple.
25:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “R”? No/
27:Meaning behind my URL I wanted Foxy-thoughts but it was taken. Also foxes. And thoughts. And personal blog. Pretty self explanitory
28:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “M”? Teeeeeeeeeechnically?
29:Favourite song: At the moment, Zenmajikake no Kami wa Kaku Katakiri by Automata Girl. If I haven’t posted it yet, I will tomorrow
30:Favourite band: Depends on the day, but Alstroemeria, Shibayan, and RD-Sounds are my top three
31:How I feel right now? On a scale of 1-10? Ask Ana mains how they feel about onetrick Genjis stuck in low Silver, and convert that to a number. 
32:Someone I love: Already tagged @daxreythaak
33:My current relationship status Taken by ^
34:My relationship with my parents? FUCK NO
35:Favourite holiday: yule/Winter Solstice 
36:Tattoos and piercing i have: None
37:Tattoos and piercing i want: None
38:The reason I joined Tumblr: Long story short, @the-cursed-swordsman is a fucking cool blog.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? Normally? No. Presently? Fucking pissed at him for something that happened an hour ago
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? The latter, occasionally
41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? EW NO! She has 44 years on me and I could go on for ages ranting about why that’s a bad idea
42:When did I last hold hands? Either this morning, 8:30 AM or last night, 8:00 PM
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends on how long I’m given. On a day where I have nothing to do? Three to five hours. Emergency? Three to five seconds, depending on how quickly I can get my legs over the edge of the bed 
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? No
45:Where am I right now? Work
46:If I were drunk &; can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? The morgue. I don’t drink.
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable. Normally.
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? I’d murder the former and the latter hasn’t been in my life for twelve years now. Thank god. No.
49:Am I excited for anything? POP|CULTURE 6, Alstroemeria Records
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? Nope!
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? Today, 9-ish AM
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I’d be confused as hell...
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Probably
55:What is something I disliked about today? Everything but Plug and so far, this list
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Nah, I’m content as I am
57:What do I think about most? Anxiety things!
58:What’s my strangest talent? I guess I can kick myself in the face if I want to? Don’t ask how I learned that or where I got a prize for it?
59:Do I have any strange phobias? Silence
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind.
61:What was the last lie I told? “Fine, I won’t drag you into this discussion”.
62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Chatting online. I hate phone calls.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? If they exist, they exist. If they eventually matter, they eventually matter.  However, they do not matter to me at this moment, therefore they are not something I am concerned with
64:Do I believe in magic? To an extent
65:Do I believe in luck? Aye
66:What’s the weather like right now? Cloudy
67:What was the last book I’ve read? The Iron Druid Chronicles book two, Hexed, I think?
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? No?
69:Do I have any nicknames? Plenty
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Rolled my ankle once. Hurt worse than the road rash from ditching my bike when a car cut me off, so probably more severe. I don’t get injured. I get sick.
71:Do I spend money or save it? Spend...
72:Can I touch my nose with a tounge? With someone else’s, yes
73:Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Grammar. And no.
74:Favourite animal? DO YOU HAVE TO ASK?
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Getting ready for bed. The night before that? Talking to people
76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Zhou.
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7xai5u_tnk
78:How can you win my heart? Nope!
79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Something that other people will see as fitting
80:What is my favorite word?
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83:Do I have any relatives in jail?
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
86:What is my current desktop picture? I have entire folder of these that I could share sometime if anyone wants me to.
87:Had sex? Yes
88:Bought condoms? Yes
89:Gotten pregnant? No
90:Failed a class? Only once, when sabotaged by my mother. I was still one of the best students in that class
91:Kissed a boy? Aye
92:Kissed a girl? Yup
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? I think so?
94:Had job? Kinda
95:Left the house without my wallet? Who needs a wallet when you’re broke?
96:Bullied someone on the internet? Yes
97:Had sex in public? Kinda
98:Played on a sports team? No
99:Smoked weed? Not actively, though my stepdad was a dealer and the house always smelled of it
100:Did drugs? HELL no
101:Smoked cigarettes? Nope
102:Drank alcohol? Kinda, leaning no.
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No.
104:Been overweight? Aye
105:Been underweight? No
106:Been to a wedding? Once
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Frequently
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When younger
109:Been outside my home country? Yes
110:Gotten my heart broken? Kinda?
111:Been to a professional sports game? Twice
112:Broken a bone? No
113:Cut myself? Never intentionally. I’ve cut myself ON things, but I’ve never self-harmed
114:Been to prom? And hated the picture from it
115:Been in airplane? No
116:Fly by helicopter? No
117:What concerts have I been to? I’d rather not...
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? What part of “Sexuality? Yes.” do you not get? Yes.
119:Learned another language? Partially
120:Wore make up? Yes
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? No, actually
122:Had oral sex? Yes
123:Dyed my hair? It would kill me
124:Voted in a presidential election? No, the only one that I’ve been old enough to vote in was the most recent one, and at that point I was stuck in legal limbo between two counties and couldn’t get to where I was registered
125:Rode in an ambulance? No
126:Had a surgery? Not yet
127:Met someone famous? Kinda?
128:Stalked someone on a social network? Kinda
129:Peed outside? Yes
130:Been fishing? Yes
131:Helped with charity? Yes
132:Been rejected by a crush? Kinda? But not really.
133:Broken a mirror? Yes
134:What do I want for birthday? A “my” in this question. Also for people not to pay attention to it. Or maybe a new laptop would be nice
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Five. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not gonna happen. Never. And Fat Chance. Really though, please no kids
136:Was I named after anyone? No
137:Do I like my handwriting? No
138:What was my favourite toy as a child? I don’t remember
139:Favourite Tv Show? Presently? Rick and Morty, though I watch it online.
140:Where do I want to live when older? Somewhere peaceful
141:Play any musical instrument? No
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? Set my hand on a broken mirror.
143:Favourite pizza toping? Topping. Bacon?
144:Am I afraid of the dark? No
145:Am I afraid of heights? Kinda?
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Gotten caught? Almost. Once. Though it wasn’t “bad”, per-se. My mother walked into my room unannounced during my first ever orgasm. That was... Interesting. She still doesn’t know about this.
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Aye
148:What I’m really bad at: Lots of things
149:What my greatest achievments are
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I don’t really hold on to things like that
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery Invest
152:What do I like about myself: Well, I’m a fairly influential person when I choose to be, and I’m fairly good at pulling through tough spots
153:My closest Tumblr friend Not a contest, so not answering
154:Something I fantasise about: [REDACTED]
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