#but having another Star Wars au kendall I owe you my LIFE
kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Jedi Master!Gojo x Mandalorian!Reader for the wonderful jjk star wars au collab, thank you my dear starlight @strawberrystepmom for crafting up this galaxy of a dream collab 🩶
:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.:
The ancient Jedi texts and archives painted the mandalorians as brute callous monsters. Though the Jedi respect their skills as warriors and trained fighters, mandalorians were seen as the oldest enemy of his kind for a reason.
The Jedi prided themselves in elegant finesse and civility that sanctified them as the elite protectors of the galaxy. It’s why, in comparison, Mandalorians were seen as wild reckless horrifying fighters and why the Jedi looked down upon them.
It was all bantha shit to him though.
Satoru is so thankful he doesn’t care much about what dusty old weak past Jedi or even current his current Jedi comrades had to say.
You’re all the tangible proof Satoru needs to shove those histories and perceptions up the council’s ass.
You’re elegant in your own way. Clad in your people’s ancient armor, you walk with a grace knowing you wear it.
“It’s a sacred honor,” you once told him and he sees that sacred holiness residing in you.
The beskar forged by your people, by your ancestors, carves you into a warrior. But you are not a monster in beskar the text painted your kind to be.
“Must be sad, to not know someone or see their face.” Shoko had once mused with a quiet sadness over a comlink chat on evening.
“Nah… not really,” was the answer Satoru had told his oldest friend.
He’s heard your giggle through the moderated helmet you wear. He knows when you roll your eyes at him by the way your helmet tilts in annoyance. The way your voice fluctuates so easily, how brightly it can feel just hearing it, how fervent you sound when talking about something you care deeply about, Satoru sees you, knows you.
But he wishes to still see you in a way that is too dangerous even for him.
He vowed to forgo all attachments, the one true honor he tries living within the code. But it’s so hard when you’ve become like a magnet pulling him in.
His mind is infested by you.
Questions rage in his head like wild rancors. What is your most precious childhood memory? What haunts you most? Do you have a favorite creature? He takes you as a lover of loth cats.
He wants to know you, wants to keep your secrets and your unarmored soul safe within his grasp. It dangerously dances the line of possession, of wanting to possess and love you in a way that’s damning not just to him, but to you.
You and your loyal beautiful heart.
You and your shining honor gilded existence.
“Well,” he grins bright and so alive that the force pulsates through his chest with a rapid wildness. “Good morning to you, shiny!”
The planet of Geonosis is a wasteland, an actual stretch of deserted danger. Yet under the warm amber glow of the planet’s sun you gleam. You shine brighter than anything in this whole damn galaxy as you emerge from the ship.
Through your helmet he knows you’re scowling at him because the exhausted sigh leaving you holds a prickly annoyance.
“Let’s get this damn day over with, di’kut.” You huff out already so exhausted with him and he grins wide.
Your nickname for him is way less cuter than the one has for you. But, he adores it.
The term literally translates to ‘one who forgot to put their pants on.’ Colloquially it's slang for an idiot, a useless fool.
He sees it as your very own beskar slice reminding him of how human he is. Strongest Jedi or not, you’re unimpressed by him. You maybe see through him more than anyone else has.
“Aw, come on. Let’s start today off on a good foot, yeah verd’ika?”
He calls you little warrior, another cute nickname he adores using for you. Your shoulders stiffen and your fist clench. Satoru still loves that he can pull this reaction out of you even though you know he understands and even lightly speaks mando’a.
“Shut up.” You snap out swift and already storm off from him to head into the ghastly trek among the jagged mountains. Satoru follows you without hesitation.
Recently more than ever he thinks about why his kind and yours are fated enemies. Now Satoru believes he understands why mandalorians are seen as such a danger to the Jedi. You’re a pure beautiful beskar spear piercing through even his strongest barrier, launched right through his heart and leaving him raw. No one but you has ever done that.
Because even as the strongest Jedi Master, the savior of the Galaxy and consecration of the Jedi prophecy, he is weakened by you.
Now Satoru truly wonders if he will be strong enough to win against you - his strong little mandalorian warrior, the one who might truly be his downfall.
And he finds he’s not upset over that possibility at all.
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