#but he also has an estranged little sister (and her himbo qpp)
cygniavenue · 6 months
holy shit!!! mj posts art???
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it’s oc stuff.
these r my guys Foster (left) and Cleaver (right) more about them below the cut ig. this is cropped to be tumblr safe even tho the full isn’t even rly that lewd lmao but im not taking chances
i won’t go into like. specifics of the world they live in bc honestly i could make an entire post about that in itself. all you rly need to know is they live in a post-post-apocalyptic world where kingpins/other crime ring leaders basically run the show.
Foster used to be one of these kingpins until he was overthrown by his two exes who are lesbians with each other now. sucks for him. anyways they tried to kill him and assuming he was dead they kinda just dumped him somewhere far away out in the forest. power hungry asshole gets humbled 💯
Cleaver is kind of a Jesse Pinkman character ngl (i wasn’t thinking of him specifically when i created Cleaver and they are very different but i was watching brba. so.) in the sense that he used to be part of the crime and was thrown around the ringer but managed to fuck off somewhere in the middle of the woods traumatized as hell but ultimately unscathed. anyways he finds Foster hanging within an inch of his life and takes him in and patches him up and stuff.
but they kinda just live their domestic lil life in the woods and Foster gets his sorry lil redemption arc. also they fall in love but it takes a hella long time
ok post concluded there’s my guys if this has somehow piqued ur interest feel free to slide into my askbox i like to ramble
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