#but he doesn't dare let himself think about it any deeper than the surface level
anotherawkwardfan · 1 year
watching tm9/campaign 2 for the first time and listening to fjord's playlist... why have i seen no one mention that there's a song FOR jester
on the first playlist
and it's sunflower
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Can you write something with Terry Silver + hair kink for any and all eras? Seems like one that fits him well! Thank yooouuu 😍🥰
― Terry only ever removing his ponytail and loosening his hair, most exclusively, in the company of beloved, in this hallowed sort of intimacy, behind closed doors where nobody but they can see him in what he might consider a relaxed state of being. Of course, don't get me wrong, people have seen him with his hair down before. In fact, he is re-introduced to us with his hair down, albeit with people he isn't connected to on a level anywhere deeper than the sheer surface. I like to think he reclaims his own habit when he is in love by this time around attaching extra layers of meaning and specialness to his hair coming down, at the end of the day, when all his duties and tasks are concluded and he is in his private chambers with his love, shedding a piece of his armor for them and making his own hair undone a sign of innate trust and in opposition of his former lack of support system, of innate connection.
― Believing beloved enough to let them, no, insist, that they comb his hair, brush it, wash it, tend to it, play with it, caress it, gel it back, massage his scalp with some luxurious scented oil or conditioner as he leans back in his lavish tub and enjoys himself for hours at a time like some sort of Emperor, making this a daily or night sort of ritual where beloved would be the only un-trained, non-professional person who doesn't have some acclaimed hair styling set of credentials behind themselves to get even close to touching him, grooming him or even braiding him, which is something he actually very much enjoys when it is done by beloved and beloved only; something he would scoff at and outright react with the utmost anger if anyone else dared even try. Yet, beloved isn't just anybody. Beloved is allowed to do things nobody else would dream of doing. Like yes, French plait his locks.
― But, this is about kinks and fetishes, right? Does Terry get a sexual sort of gratification out of being tended to in an oddly domestic fashion and enjoying something that might as well constitute as a form of body worship where he is on the receiving end? Of course he does. He definitely does. Naturally, there is something undeniably erotic about one's nude beloved walking around the jacuzzi and sinking into the warm water behind him to shampoo his locks for him, sensually kneading the strands like a diligent, loving assistant. There is something sexual about the blatant Samson and Dalilah imagery at play too; where Terry might imagine himself to keep a part of his spirit and strength in his hair, giving up control of it and placing it into the hands of his significant other to safeguard. Not entirely out of the question Terry wouldn't roleplay something that sinfully Biblical in the bedroom either.
― Make no mistake, though, Terry is just as taken with beloved's own hair, in whatever shape, way or form they might have it. Long, for him to run his fingers through, pulling back on it like a reign while fucking them. Short, for him to easily sink his nails into it and roughly pull back, making them look at him. Curly, like his own used to be once upon a time before he started religiously gelling it down. Smooth and cascading, silky to the touch. Voluminous. Wispy. Blonde and brown and black and red and grey. Sweet smelling, so he can bury his nostrils inside of it and greedily inhale the aroma, undoubtedly cutting a lock of two off of beloved to carry around in a signet ring as a keepsake. Whatever kind it may be, it becomes the pinnacle of all desire and obsession for him, to the point of it turning the standard of beauty in Terry's eyes by sheer virtue of it being connected to beloved.
― Now, if Terry demands his own hair be meticulously cared for, beloved's hair goes through the same (if not even more overexaggerated) hallowed process where he legitimately might become vengefully enraged if some poor, unfortunate hairstylist (which was vetted like nobody was ever vetted before) nonetheless damages, mishandles or mismanages the routine of beloved's hair (and the stuff of Terry's fantasies), something he views as his own possession. Don't get me wrong, the injury done unto beloved's hair might be entirely overblown in in Terry's own mind, and beloved might even be okay with what was done, but I feel he prizes every piece of beloved so much and micromanages it to such a degree that someone is going to have a lawsuit on their hand for cutting two centimeters more than Terry greenlit.
― Furthermore, if Terry's hair is tied most throughout the entirety of his life in public, beloved's will be much the same because he will absolutely have it be so; in a ponytail, braided, up and away in some fancy bun, covered beneath some glamorous sunhat, Old Hollywood type headscarf or fascinator for all we know, regardless, much like his own loose hair is an exclusivity given to his partner, beloved's own hair in its loose state (and any state) belongs to him alone and he much prefers it if it is simply tied for the commonplace, typically Terry-esque reason that if people notice the beauty of it, eye it a little too much, complement it or god forbid touch it, the venomous, jealous seething that might come of it on Terry's behalf could have him losing face and control and barely hold back from breaking someone's fingers off.
― And to conclude, Terry's fixation on his hair and beloved's hair goes well beyond just a kink, although it has shades of that and while his other conquests could wear their hair in any manner they did, beloved is a different breed. With them, it is a fascination. A focal point. Bordering on assigning it qualities that aren't there, yet are for Terry, in Terry's world. Giving it shades of magical realism and sexualization. Kissing and smoothing the strands of beloved's mane after a rough session in bed and talking to it like it is a person or an entity entirely of another variety, noticing every change, bit of growth or transformation in texture on it, no matter how small. Acquiring products that cost a small fortune only because it deserves the best care. Seeing to the development of it. Loving it fiercely. Being turned on by the sight of it. Being welcomed by the sight of a beloved with their hair down in the bedroom and wanting to consume them on the spot.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ~(˘▾˘~)
Hi hi, anon! ❤🥰🦋Here is ya matchup dear! Sorry for the loooong wait! 🌻☺Hehe, honestly, life has just been so busy lately! 😱🙈Anyways thank you so much for the request, and I hope you have a super good day❤🦋🙌! 
So at first, I was thinking Ieyasu, but then after I continued to read on, I couldn't help but think that his sneki boi would be perfect for you.
So I match you with............... Mitsuhide
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The first time you come face to face with Mitsuhide he is absolutely captivated by your ocean blue eyes. After you were named as a princess of the Oda forces, you took a seat opposite Mitsuhide who couldn't take his eyes off you. Everything about your intrigued the man, from your shy demeanour, to your standoffish vibes. However one look into those ocean blue eyes had this fox thinking there was more to you than just that reserved demeanor you showed the world. He decided to test his theory after war council ended, and started teasing you mercilessly alongside Masamune. Honestly your reaction was better than anything he ever could have hope for.
Away your shy demeanour melted and to the surface came a witty confident woman. He was absolutely captivated, it was not often that he could find someone who could keep up with his witty banter. And so having captured this kitsune’s attention, he started pestering you more and more every day. 
He would often sneak up behind you while you are reading and give you a fright. Of course, this would usually lead to a witty battle between the two of you. 
Mitushide loved your sense of humour, he honestly couldn't get enough of it. Your jokes would truly always leave this man in stitches with laughter. And you had come to quickly befriend this sneki boi. Even though you hate to admit it, you really enjoyed his company. He would often make time during the day to come and see you, even if it was for a quick five-minute chat. These chats and little visits had become part of his daily routine, and he found himself waking up every morning excited to visit you. Sometimes he would take you out to a teahouse for tea, while other times he would visit your room with a bag of candy as you make the two of you some tea. These little chats would last for hours and hours as you have come to realize that despite appearances, Mitsuhide is an incredibly intelligent man. You loved to pick his brain about all sorts of topics, learning as much as you could from this sneki boi.
You especially loved to sit and rant about anything and everything with Mitsuhide. You would legit show up at his manor, unannounced, plonk yourself down and start ranting about some horrible maid or about Hideyoshi that was babying you too much. Mitsuhide honestly loved it when you would just sit down in his room and start opening up to him about your horrible day. He would always make the two of you some tea and listen to your every worry and thought. He would often offer you a little head pat as comfort, as he secretly plots, how to make all your troubles disappear.
One day as you were peacefully sipping on some tea in Mitsuhide’s manor, two assassins burst through the ceiling and drew their weapons. You were honestly so shocked, as seconds ago you were busy joking around with Mitsu and now these random men were in his room with the intent to kill Mitsu, and kidnap you. You acted on instinct. You spotted Mitsuhide's rifle leaning against his desk, and before you knew it, you had it loaded and aimed at the attackers. Mitsuhide’s eyes gleamed in delight, and he couldn't help but fall more in love with you. Naturally, he disarmed the assassin and put them in the dungeon. However since discovering your talent for shooting guns, the two of you would occasionally go to fields to have shoot-offs and hone your skills. He absolutely loved that you could shoot, as it gave the two of you another thing to talk about.
Honestly, the more time this boy spent with you, the deeper and deeper he fell in love. 
He loves your blunt no filter personality. He loves that you can pretty much sum up a person just by taking a glance at them, and he loves that you have to research a topic that interests you and won't stop until you have found out every single little thing about that topic. Naturally, at this point, he can't ignore his feeling for you any longer, so he decides to confess them to you.
He knows from your various conversations that you have a hard time opening up to people as you are afraid that they are going to leave you. So he decided to make a grand gesture, one that proves that he is yours forever and that he would never leave your side. 
He invited you over for dinner that night *cough which Masamune made cough* and tells you the story of a kitsune and their precious ball. He told you that whoever possesses the kitsune’s star ball, has the power to command the kitsune and that that kitsune will be bound to serve them forever. He then smiled his sneaky smile at you and handed you a gift. 
You eyed it curiously and opened it. Your eyes widened in shock the second they glanced over the gift. It was a beautiful blue crystal orb that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. He smiled and told you that Nobunaga had found the sphere during one of his travels and gifted it to Mitsuhide as a joke. But he was now giving it to you, as a declaration of his love for you and as a way of saying that he would never leave you.
Since that day, you and the kitsune were joined by the hip. He was the yin to your yang, and the two of you complimented each other perfectly. Not many know this, but Mitsuhide is incredibly ruled by his emotions, especially when it comes to you. He has a rather high empathy level, and sometimes he can let his emotions run away from him, especially if someone is threatening you. 
At times the two of you may not see eye to eye, as you are a very realistic person who is guided by logic rather than emotion. However, the two of you are able to learn from each other, and balance each other out. As each of you are able to offer the other, a valuable differing perspective on the things in front of you. Together you help each other learn and grow and to become better people.
Mitsuhide knows you hate being vulnerable and will never cry in public or around anyone for that matter, so he will make sure to be there for you whenever you need comforting. If you are feeling vulnerable or on the verge of a panic attack, he will sweep you up in a warm embrace and hide you from the rest of the world, as he helps you to get your breathing and focus under control. He will be there throughout all your panic attacks, softly whispering words of encouragement while holding your hand and tracing soothing circles on your back. And you best be sure he will hunt down anyone who dares cause the love of his life to cry!
He absolutely loves that you get flustered at little romantic acts like a kiss on the cheek or brush of the shoulder. This man lives to tease so; naturally, he will tease you mercilessly just to see you get super flustered. He knows you have a strong dislike for PDA so he will keep the heavy teasing for when the two of you cuties are out of public. However be warned he will insist on holding your hand when the two of you go out, cause let's face it he doesn't want anyone to get any idea about stealing the love of his life away, from right under his nose.
Mitsuhide loves that you are a reliable pillar in his life that he can lean on when things get too tough. You are always there to support him through his darkest moments and lend him a friendly ear. Loves it when you help him with his work when he gets overloaded or cooks him food when you notice that he hasn't eaten for a few days. 
He will always be sure to cherish every meal you make him and every act of service you bestow upon him. He, like you, is also not very verbal with his affections instead, choosing to show you how he feels via action. He doesn't need you to tell him you love him as he can see it in your eyes and through every action.
Loves to spend hours with you in his arms. His absolute favourite is to sit behind you while wrapping you in his strong arms, with his chin propped up onto your shoulder as he watches you draw. Loves to just spend quality time with you, even if neither of you are talking.
If you want to make his heart melt into a puddle, let him rest his head on your lap and pull your fingers through his hair, while you read a piece of your newest writing to him. He will legit close his eyes and relish in the sound of your soft, soothing voice, and feeling of your gentle fingers playing with his hair. It's during these times that Mitsuhide completely lets his guard down and allows himself to relax.
Otherwise, the two of you lovebirds are usually found spending a peaceful afternoon in each other's arms. If you have had a long day Mitsu will insist on holding you while he pulling his fingers through the soft strands of your beautiful hair, as you tell him all about your day. He could honestly sit for hours and hours with you in his arms as he plays with your gorgeous hair.
Other potential matches…………… Ieyasu
I hope you have a super good day dear and I hope you enjoyed this! ❤🌻☺
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