#but he doesn't slow down and take time to examine them because of his rage and anger
danny-chase · 2 years
dang it i miss when jason was a self serving asshat of a character that was consumed by his desire for revenge and was willing to do whatever it takes to prove his point
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wombywoo · 13 days
🤝 1, 10, 18
💓 3, 20
all ears kicking my feet giggling
thank you boo 😘
🤝Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
I think they both generally prefer to stew in their aliments alone, but now that they have each other, they recognize the benefits of seeking out company for comfort--lots of sympathy and soup and hair petting, etc (I can attest because I'm sick rn 😔)
10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Vincent tends to emulate those around him, something he does subconsciously to 'fit in', so he often expresses sentiments or behaviors similar to those closest to him (considering his best friend is a 79 year old, this can potentially be a comedy gold mine)
I don't think Quinn has actively learned habits from others, rather he adjusts his own behavior out of spite--if he sees someone he despises behaving a certain way, he'll usually do the exact opposite on principle. He has tried to incorporate stricter and more professional practices from officers he actually respects, but his personal life doesn't really reflect that
18. What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Vincent really enjoys talking--this can be causal banter or long, deep meaningful conversations. He expresses his emotions most effectively when he can vocalize the issues at hand, so having someone sit and listen and engage is something he considers affection in itself. For physical stuff, he just likes being close; holding hands, leaning on each other, sleeping side by side, etc. To show affection, he loves pampering his partner; giving little gifts, one-sided sessions in bed, giving them all the attention~
Quinn's not an outwardly affectionate person and it takes him a really long time to even open up to that sort of thing. But, hypothetically speaking, he loves getting his hair played with. Also cuddles 😤. As an ordinarily 'aggressive' lover, in order to show genuine affection as opposed to lust, he tends to slow things down a bit; long, deep kisses, spending hours just holding each other and letting the passion speak for itself
Hmm. I see I took the horny route instead of saying 'they call each other cute names' or whatever... 🤷‍♀️
💓Mind, Body and Soul
3. Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Both are more inclined to fight. If threatened, I think both of them would instinctively try to attack and defend rather than retreat. Quinn has some anger issues and would definitely prefer to punch someone out in the heat of the moment than walk it off. Similarly, Vincent also has some uncontrollable bouts of rage, so yeah...he's a fighter 💪
20. Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
So..Quinn had previously been deadset on being a pilot (something he'd wanted since he was a kid), but at a certain point in his application process, he dropped out and joined the regular army. Turns out he has a real, deep-seated fear of flying (due to trauma, as per usual) Embarrassed and ashamed, he took measures to overcome this throughout his career--sure, he can jump out of a plane, but he still has this weird fear of being the one in control of an aircraft. Maybe one day Vince will teach him how to fly 🥺
Vincent has a rather valid fear of being used as a science experiment and thus stripped of all humanity. He'd been subjected to some gnarly examinations at some point (once vampirism was exposed, he was one of the first to admit himself as an 'example' and yeah--the British govt had no qualms in doing some pretty dubious shit to test his physical and mental capacities) As such, he still has this lingering fear of medical personnel and usually forgoes any kind of treatment unless necessary. He'd prefer to overcome this at some point, but it might take some time...
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atmostories · 3 years
Your Yandere!Terry Silver ficlet was positively amazing and just so very detailed, nuanced and in-character that I absolutely must request more if you're willing to write more. Really, whatever comes to your mind, doesn't even matter, so long as you grace us with more material (greedy grubby hands) - Reading about this dark, evil man just being so sweet for someone melts my heart. 🖤
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A gift to my dearest anon, @kingkarate and @villains-are-sexy​ ♡ ♡ ♡ The first time he noticed you was after Margaret had laid out your employee file in front of him. You'd been working in the logistics department for two years, your record was clean, all of your performance evaluations were very good, if not exemplary. Margaret had personally recommended you so really that was all the evidence he needed that you had at least some value. Her team needed an extra member due to an increased workload and a reorganisation of staff. Margaret was going to retire in a few years and needed to find a replacement before she left.
Terry tried not to think about her being replaced, it irked him greatly to be losing such an asset, and a good friend. There was still plenty of time, for now. You were moved into Margaret's team on a trial basis in order to assess your suitability. Whenever Terry would look across the office, you were always working. You seemed to speak to other coworkers only when necessary. At first he assumed you were being studious and trying to make a good impression for Margaret, but he soon realised that that was simply how you were, quiet, withdrawn. You also treated people the same, no matter who they were or what sort of social rank they held, you would give the same polite smile to him as you would to one of the office cleaners. It was odd. He expected you, like most other rational people, to show him greater respect, he did own the entire company after all. A few words from him and he could render you jobless and homeless, begging for scraps out on the streets. And yet you seemed so unphased by the power he yielded. He got into the habit of calling you into his office for updates on the various projects you were working on. Margaret would always keep him informed of the latest developments, but he liked to hear how you would describe them. He also liked hearing you call him Sir. He'd corrected you when he first met you in person. "Thank you, Mr. Silver," you had said. "No. . .thank you, Sir," he murmured softly, hoping to provoke some reaction. "Of course. Thank you, Sir" you replied plainly. No one else called him Sir. He wondered how long it would take for you to notice that. During your lunch breaks, rather than head off with other coworkers or go to the staff room, you would leave by yourself to take a walk when the weather was decent or you'd eat at your desk. Before you were offered a position at DynaTox Industries, a background check had been carried on you to ensure that you would be. . .malleable if certain circumstances arose. If you found out something you shouldn't, you would be in a weak position, easily blackmailed. Terry requested a more in depth background check and was rather pleased when one of his private investigators handed him a sizeable file containing all of the facets of your life, along with a fortnight's worth of photos while you were under surveillance. It outlined where you went aside from work and as anticipated, it was all very dull. Your financial situation was practically destitution in Terry's eyes. What was most intriguing about your file was your ex who was currently in prison for assault and battery. You were the unlucky victim. As he read the police report and saw the pictures of your injuries, he ignored the swell of anger in his gut. The transcripts of your interviews detailed the abuse you had endured. Was this why you were so withdrawn? So focused on your work rather the people around you? While you were at the office, he broke into your apartment for further investigation. It was comically small. Your possessions were, he supposed, modest for someone so economically challenged as you. Your taste in music was not as sophisticated as his own, hardly surprising. There wasn't much food in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cupboards. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a hundred dollar bill. Perhaps you didn't see these very often. After scrunching up the bill, he threw it haphazardly onto the floor, wondering whether there would be a smile on your face when you found it. What was he thinking, of course you'd be happy. He made a note to bump your salary enough so that you could move somewhere else, somewhere safer, somewhere which didn't automatically make him want to shower and scrub himself clean. Rather than have Margaret give you the good news, you were called into his office. Terry explained that you'd be permanently assigned to Margaret's team due to your performance. He mentioned a report you did the week prior, highlighting that it was good work. Rather than thank him, you responded by saying that the conclusion needed to be improved and you weren't sure about certain aspects of the analysis. “I said it was good work,” he told you with blunt finality, giving you a harsh stare. Your lips parted open slowly, your eyes were wide, your expression almost one of disbelief. Was it so difficult for you to accept a compliment? To accept praise when it was given to you? “Did I not?” He asked, prompting you to speak. “Uhh, yes. I'm sorry, Sir,” you mumbled back, shoulders hunching even further. Something seemed to twinge in his chest and he wasn't exactly sure what it was. Was it pity? No, it wasn't that, it was almost disappointment, like seeing wasted potential. He invited you along to an executive meeting, his excuse to include you was to take minutes, but really he wanted your opinion on the people who were present, their behaviour, their opinions. Terry wanted to assess how observant you were of other people, and he also wanted to test how candid you would be with him. The meeting went on as usual, dull, insipid. At least your presence offered a little distraction. After it was finally over, he invited you to join him for lunch at one of his favourite restaurants. He could see you eyeing the place curiously, taking in its lush décor and finely dressed staff. The purpose was to put you on edge, to make you feel abysmally underdressed and out of sorts. He had the whole corner of the restaurant cleared for just the two of you, he wanted to examine your every reaction without any disturbance. With drinks and appetisers ordered, he began his questioning. “Do you think Mr. Elroth would be suitable for the New York merger?” He asked, sipping some champagne. “I don't think he likes you,” you responded without hesitation. He pulled the glass away from his mouth, rather taken back by your honesty. “Why do you say that?” “He didn't like listening to you. He kept looking away, he even rolled his eyes a few times.” “And why do you think that is?” “Well. . .maybe it's because you're too young and you're too willing to take risks. He seems very traditional and set in his ways.” “Hmm.” Terry drank the rest of the glass, motioning to a waiter for a refill. He continued to ask questions throughout the main course and dessert. Your answers were always honest, you didn't try to soften any of your responses for him. He liked that. You reminded him of Margaret. Unblemished opinions were hard to come by for someone like Terry. They were always marred by people wanting to impress him, people trying to make the best impression possible, people looking for favours. He was beyond the grasp of normal society and yet you sat in front him, eating several courses which cost most, if not all, of your monthly salary, totally unphased and giving your opinions freely. He'd never once thought it possible for Margaret to be replaced by someone of her calibre, but perhaps he'd been too quick to make that assumption. When you moved into a new apartment, he had a forged deposit and contents insurance rebate drawn up and sent to you. The next day you had actually gone out and bought lunch rather than bring your own. He'd followed you to the little cafe and he noticed a small, satisfied smile on your face as you tucked into the food. How curious that something so insignificant would give you such joy? Was it really so difficult for you to get by? He bumped your salary again, you were supposed to be happy, but instead Margaret had told him that you went straight to the finance team to query it as a mistake. He scoffed out a laugh, incredulous at your behaviour. Was it so hard to accept when something good happened to you? He had you brought into his office, explaining to you clearly that any future queries regarding your salary would be directed to him personally. “But it's almost triple my original salary, I'm not sure that. . .” you trailed off when he stared down at you. He watched your throat as you swallowed nervously at his proximity. Raising an eyebrow at you, he waited for the proper response. “Thank you, Sir.” He didn't bother to stop himself from smiling. A few seconds later, a shy smile pulled up your lips. Financial security might have offered you some peace of mind, but Terry knew there was more work to be done. He looked over the police reports again, thinking about disposing that piece of trash who had hurt you. Surely that would make you happy? No longer living in the same world with the person who had almost beaten you to death? He had Dennis make some enquiries, found a trustworthy guy who was in the same prison as your ex. After that it was simply a matter of payment for services rendered. He had requested a slow, painful death and the photos from the autopsy showed just that. The unfortunate incident happened over the weekend, ensuring that you would have found out by Monday morning. Instead of happiness on your face, you seemed sad, lost even. He called you into his office, trying to hold back the rage growing in his gut. He had gotten rid of someone who had inflicted so much suffering on you, why weren't you happy? Why weren't you pleased? Surely you couldn't still care for that bastard? Did you really love so carelessly, so irrevocably? “You're distracted,” he stated. Your eyes were focused on the floor, you were making an effort to stop your leg from shaking. “I'm sorry, Sir. I received some. . .news yesterday.” “Bad news?” “I'm not really sure.” “Tell me what happened.” You looked up at him, your eyes were filled with hurt. This wasn't meant to happen, why the fuck were you upset? “Someone I knew. . . passed away. But he wasn't. . .he wasn't a good person.” “And you're grieving him?” “No,” you replied softly. “I should but. . .is it wrong to feel glad when someone's died?” “Not when they're bad.” You nodded a few moments later, a small grin finally lightening your expression. Terry had to repress a laugh. The only thing you were upset about was that you didn't feel upset, you didn't feel bad at all. The thought made him preen in delight, he'd done right by you after all. It took a while, but you were finally starting to lose that heavy burden you'd been carrying all this time. The change in you was not particularly obvious, you didn't start to suddenly make friends with everyone in the office. Your smile was a little wider, you walked with more confidence. In one of his meetings, as you sat right next to him, he whispered an amusing observation about one of the investors into your ear, and you snorted out a laugh, barely able to contain yourself. A week after that, something unexpected happened, something he still didn't quite know how to feel about. Mr. Elroth stood in front of Terry, blabbering on about nothing of interest. He'd gestured for you to come over to give him a point of interest. You stood dutifully by his side, but when Mr. Elroth reached out his grubby hand, about to touch Terry's forearm, you quickly stepped in front of him, blocking Mr. Elroth from touching him. You interjected yourself into the conversation, successfully distracting Mr. Elroth and causing him to lower his arm. Terry dismissed him a couple minutes later and pulled you to one side. “What was that?” “I thought you might have wanted a distraction, I didn't mean to be rude, Sir.” “Why did you move in front of me?” “Mr. Elroth was going to touch your arm,” you explained like it was obvious. “And?” “You. . .you don't like to be touched.” “Excuse me?” “You always initiate, you don't like it when other people touch you. I'm sorry if I've made the wrong assumption. It wasn't my intention to cause any offence, Sir.” He continued to stare at you, letting the words sink in. Margaret most conveniently called you away like she could read his mind and Terry nodded at her in thanks, thinking that he'd have to review her retirement plan, add in a couple more vacation options, maybe an extra masseuse for the weekends. He didn't know how he felt. He was agitated by what you had said, almost uncomfortable. That wasn't something you were meant to notice. Terry took great lengths to not show any kind of weakness, and shying from physical contact was certainly one. For you to not only see it, but then to try and protect him? Even though you’d been abused in the past? Even though you shied away from physical contact yourself? He clenched his fists, his heart aching in a way it never had before. That night, he broke into your apartment. It was thankfully a significant improvement to the last one. After looking over the kitchen and the living room, he went to your bedroom, watching you sleep soundly and peacefully. Part of him wanted to sink his hands around your neck, make you experience every bit of discomfort that you had made him feel. He slowly sat down on the mattress, his gloved hand gently caressing your cheek. You cared about him, but how much of that was the same sort of empathy and respect you'd show to everyone else? How much of it was just for him? He needed all of it, your heart, your mind, your soul. He'd been so used to taking everything he ever wanted, there'd never been anything worth his patience. . .but you? Watching you emerge from the shadow you used to be gave him a deep satisfaction that nothing else came close to. Destroying you would be too easy, you were already so broken, even now. Making you whole again? Now that was a challenge he'd accept, a challenge that he was going to excel at. No one else was going to hurt you again. He recognised the value of your devotion, craved it like nothing else. His fingers traced over your lips as he imagined the moment you were going to kiss him of your own accord. What a sweet, precious moment that was going to be, he would wait for it. He was going to wait for you. And when you were his, he was never going to let you go.
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raslolin · 3 years
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۞𖣔 𝗍𝗐𝗈 𖣔۞
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Silva walked through the hallway silently with his footsteps while holding the lightweight box in his hand.
No matter what's happening in the manor right now he doesn't care.
Even when his partner was calling for help.
The more he walked the louder Kikyo's scream is.
'Listening to her screeching is like satan propose her a marriage by torture.'
Thinking back about what Kikyo said and how she behaved.
Kikyo screams to his face to his back for a week after his son's runaway.
"Killua just ran away! At least do something instead of watching he ran off!"
"The hell were kind of thoughts are in your mind that time do something! Tell me at least!!"
"Hunter exam!? What is he doing there."
"WHAT?! There's for fun!?! What kind of-"
He shuts his mind off about his wife it seems to make him less stressful for now.
'About Killua.. Illumi will deal with him.'
'This will get more and more annoying..'
Narrowing his eyes slightly as he reached the outside in seconds.
'Time to visit.'
He feels the book was the main problem of it all when in reality it's the opposite.
'This must be solve.'
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Zeno fastly reach for the knob of the library door slammed it open as the butlers followed him inside.
To the butlers horrified expressions, he know it's time for him to step out and never mind about this business again or maybe just get out of this household full of nothing but his daughter in-law screams.
Ready to walk out of the library he stops.
'In the end I can't avoid it.'
Signing to himself he turned to the staffs and ordered them out.
"All of you get out."
His raspy voice were filled with nothing but dissatisfaction, disappointment and the irritation he's feeling began bubbling inside his body faintly.
After all of them out of room he waited and waited.
'Where's Milluki? I heard him I'm sure..'
Milluki arrived with sweats and breaths hitching every seconds his eyes still on the ground.
It took a minute to bring himself back together again. His eyes widened in surprise.
"She's dead."
His grandfather said his face still the same as ever.
"What do you mean grandpa? Mama's still breathing."
Milluki's voice sounds relieved after he saw his mother's body twitching for help.
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Silva's now arrive in front of the destination he supposed to be visit two time years ago.
Ready to knock on the door only for the door itself opened by a mere maid.
"Master is expecting you mister Zoldyck."
Without anymore words the maid leads him to the beautifully decorated detail wooden door.
Hands up to knock on the door.
No answer.
He knocked again three times louder.
Still no answer.
Without hesitation he opened the door only to find a grey haired man sitting in the chair facing his way to the door.
"Why didn't you open the door?"
Silva asked clearly still confused and not used to his friend's weird behavior.
"Why? Well if you came here before marry that hysterical unstable bitch everything would go fine!"
"That golden child of yours won't runaway from home if you were here six years ago but.. something important must be an exchange for an unfit able heir."
The man slowly whisper the last part quietly that Silva can't make out other than his stupid endless rumbling insults for the pale blonde hair's man.
'He needs to stop saying this.'
Sighed to himself disappointingly seeing his old friend look interest or with suspicions to the object in his hand.
"That's what you want me to talk about?"
The grey hair man stood up from his chair walked past him only to lock the door behind Silva.
In the blink of his eyes only to see his friend sat on the same chair again with another chair on the opposite side of the table.
Walked up to the another side of the table by his large two steps pulled the chair out and sit.
"Have you had any breakfast yet?"
"Great you god damn son of a bitch!"
"And tell your wife to learn her manners about getting into people business and being persistent."
"Of course."
"Let's have some breakfast first before we get to the point."
His friend whose seemed happy after leashed out his raged to him for not teaching his wife step out of the line.
Silva could only nod in agreement hoping his friend wouldn't talk about much he himself made wrong choices in his life.
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A needle man face who's running at steady speed in the boring looking group of people.
The sounds of the man's phone ringing loud enough only for his ears, as the crown he's in spilt up suddenly.
What a luck he has today! The perfect time to report as he feels the vibration of his phone ringing once more.
He slows down his running as examiners in front of him all vanished to the air.
Leaving him and the other boring looking examine who looks ready to give up on everything.
Pulled out a needle from his ear suddenly appears in front of the young girl who barely feels her surroundings.
'Perfect around my height.'
Pierced a needle on her head as he speed up taking out all of his needles around her neck to her whole face.
"Follow the examiner-"
"Oh! And use the radio when you're near the destination act your best behavior."
Throw the radio at the zombie like pose person as she catch it.
The disguise girl who walked like a zombie slowly developed to humanly robotic running.
He walked to the other side of the forest find a perfectly spot for a private talking in the trees.
Pulled his phone from pants pocket he push the round button accepting his family's member call.
"Oh finally you answered!"
"You do know where I am right now. What is it?"
"Uhh we need you to be here as soon as possible after the exam."
"That's doesn't matter after the exam I have business to go."
"Well forgot about your business with that annoying clown or with the brat, mama's not in good shape however it's like god's favor her a miracle she's survived."
"Of course Killua went too far with her than you."
"That's not what I meant, her neck literally twisted to the other side and still breathing."
"What do you mean mother's neck was distorted but she's still alive?"
The monotone voice were hinted with confusion.
"That's what I mean. I don't know how she's alive either-"
His younger brother voice filled with fascination.
'Mother's not in good shape, Milluki shouldn't be thinking about that cartoon show he always watch and compare the situation with it.'
Frowning to himself dissatisfaction clearly showed what kind of emotions he felt.
Before he open his mouth tell his brother to get straight to the point.
"And don't worry she's in good hands."
The sounds of the younger one voice now filled with relief.
"Really? Thank god, tell me more."
"Well yes while mama's screeching were covering someone's chanting."
"Yeah, grandpapa said it was like echoing the hallway if it's possible the whole mountain could hear it."
"Then- uhh I can't tell you because I don't know. I meant we don't know and after the exam we need you to be here."
"What's the hurry?"
"I don't know okay! At least act like the brat is now your second priority that's dad's order!"
"Of course if what that's father says so, anything more?"
"Grandpa said it himself and he said he heard me shouting before I'm at the library. He said my voice were either inside the library or outside but not too far from the room and I can't shout too loud or my throat gonna be sore."
The younger sibling spoke fast but enough at least for him to catch on.
"After Gotoh investigated the others it seems only everyone's heard my shout not what grandpapa heard."
"You know father said to not believe in what grandfather says."
"I do. What about Killua?"
"He's fine."
The call between two eldest siblings ended.
'Oh I forgot to asked about father. But from Milluki's voice I think it's enough.'
'If it more possible instead of what something unbelievable like a woman who dressed in laced as they say. It's just illusion but what if it's not? There's proofs especially the ones that had been confirmed by Nen-users and science.'
'The time Killua ran from home I wasn't there.. From what I heard the wounds are deep enough but he only managed to hurt her face. Killu's height are not enough to reach her face probably her neck and chest.'
He then took a deep breath long enough to relax his body after the news he had been informed too.
'I wasn't informed correctly am I? I'm sure I am. The butlers aren't stupid enough to break any rules. If her neck twist to the other side but instead like almost cutting down a tree and Milluki always use words that's not fitting the meaning when he's angry.'
'As much as I remembered grandfather conversion between chairman's Netero...'
'Looks like it's something more important than Killua. Impossible. Unbelievable.'
'If he knows Nen before mother could've die.. and possibly Milluki too. A double edged sword situation.'
Lean on the tree he's been standing for almost 10 minutes letting out a hot breath from his mouth.
"This is troublesome than I thought."
His attentions is now on the bright pink haired man who just carried the other man on his shoulder steadily.
'Killua's friends? Not good.'
"Looks like your house is full of problems now ❤︎ "
The clown magician whose now full of joy seeing his motionless friend struggles.
"Do you need any help, Illumi?"
The bright pink hair man chuckles loudly.
"Can you not interfere my business?"
"Well I can't help it when you talked about that."
Sounds of multiple footsteps past them quickly, Illumi took it as a sign to give himself privacy somewhere else.
"Hisoka, we will talk about that later private matters."
With that the jet black hair man gone only to find him running in the crowd of examiners blending perfectly.
'Time to pick new toys ❤︎ '
Hisoka looks up the sky only to find the weird cloud shapes display to his own golden eyes.
He pulls out a card from his pocket pants flip the card pattern side to his eyes.
The beautiful pink pattern make him feel at ease like it always was in the past.
Slowly life his hand up to sky challenging himself by keeping the card's pattern blind his sights.
As his arm reached it's limit stretch he flipped the card symbol side to his view.
Slowly slide the card to the other side of his view comparison seeing the shape hearted cloud in white to black colored that's above him everywhere he stands.
'Will it be other shape next time I wonder..'
A card were sent to his way fastly but not fast enough to hurt him.
'Someone's watching!'
'First time every been attacked by a card..'
'But who would use it as a weapon against me?'
He pull the card that's stuck in the tree he’s leaning on.
"Oopsie~! almost hurt you ❤︎"
He glanced at the unconscious glasses man whose on his shoulder.
"But-! You're not important that much right now ♠︎ "
Pull out the card by his hand that support his arm holding the small glasses young adult.
Throw the beautiful pattern card to his other hand's up to the sky.
Much to his expectations eyes widened in shock.
A person wearing a lacy card symbols dress swaying on the swing happily.
The ropes that's on both of person hands are torn suddenly by pulling down the forced to the ground.
Gender of the person fastly revealed as the cloth from her head can't keep up sensitivity falling from the sky.
There's no scream of panicking. No laughing. No crying. Nothing just nothing.
As the woman falling now nearing Hisoka she's use her two hands cover his eyes before her head smashed to the soft grass ground.
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𝙶𝚘 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔? 𝚈𝚎𝚜 𝙾𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝? 𝚈𝚎𝚜
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