#but he really went from a bully who turned out to be suprisingly sensitive and self aware to a steretypical cartoon bully who says
user-name-h3re · 8 months
If Nurf ever does ONE horrible thing or ever so slightly CONSIDERS hurting Preston in the new episodes i'm going to projectile vomit and gouge my eyes out the ENTIRE REASON HE WENT TO CAMP WAS TO BE BETTER WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE THATS HASN'T GOTTEN BETTER WH-
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reeceworth · 2 years
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NAME: Reece Abraham Worthington AGE:  24 BIRTH DATE:  July 27 1998 ZODIAC SIGN: Leo MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral MBTI: Isfp GENDER: Cis man SEXUALITY: Biromantic Bisexual PRONOUNS: He/Him/They OCCUPATION: Streamer/Youtuber/Musician
born to jalen johnson (a carpenter) and olivia worthington (a lawyer), reece never knew them until he was a fifteen. they had given up, leaving him at a fire station after he was born. they couldn’t afford it, already having a son who was three years older than him, and so he grew up at an orphanage in connecticut.
his early life was a routine he knew by heart. get up, get cleaned, have breakfast, playtime, avoid bullies, see other people get adopted out, eat again, have potential adopters, they don’t ‘like’ him, lose friends, eat, sleep, and do it all over again. 
after his final friend out of four - himself included - got adopted and left, their caretaker decided to enroll him into a preparatory school when he was fifteen. she saw that he was a good kid and wanted the best for him no matter what. it’s there that his life truly really began. 
he met his older brother and they got to talking. they weren’t as close at first but a couple years later they would be inseparable, especially after the car crash they were in. his brother was the go between with their parents but reece didn’t really want anything to do with them. not really, because he went fifteen years without them. because of reece’s sensitive nature, he annoyed his older brother brad but he knew deep down he loved him unconditionally. 
he also made new friends, whilst keeping his grades up, and found a love for the guitar and piano, eventually mastering them and finding his voice too.
aside from that, love came knocking. reece always knew in some shape or form that he liked both girls and boys, especially given the massive crush he had had on his best friend from the orphanage. so when a pretty boy with blonde hair and blue eyes vied for his attention, reece didn’t want to miss the chance.
it started off with practing guitar together, then spending more time outside of school together, to going on a ski trip together, to having more dates with one another, to getting dogs together, to writing back forth to one another, reece really thought he had found the one. but then his emotions got the best of him as he saw his boyfriend have a crush on another guy, so much so that he pulled away a bit. 
his boyfriend then cheated on him with an ex of his and reece has never looked at love the same way again. truly heartbroken, reece tried to move past it but never truly could. eventually he ended up dating one of his closest friends named justin and then having a fling with another guy named brody, all whilst his ex dated someone else. it didn’t last too long though before he was back with his ex. 
eventually down the road reece cheated on him (with the ex of the ex that reece’s ex cheated on him with, someone who he was also in a school shooting with and having witness him losing his leg), and then after things never were truly the same. reece became something he hated, having turned to alcohol most of the time during everything, and so he decided to get out of town. a huge part of his heart will always be there for his first boyfriend but he had to do what was best for him in the end.
moving to another small town, reece gained friends once more, but decided to lay low and not get into any drama (he has had enough for a life time) and almost falling in love once more but never really going all the way through so he was alone once more. which was suprisingly bittersweet and okay with him. he just knew now that he could fall in love again. 
focusing on youtube videos, music, and singing, he eventually grew a following. he’s not extremely famous but it’s enough to gain sponsors and be verified on social media sites. he loves the work that he does and doesn’t feel like doing anything else for the rest of his life. 
soon after he had his first album out and was flown out to LA and had an apartment there for a bit. keeping in touch with his best friend mitchy, he found out about barton point and decided to check it out. he’d been looking for a place for himself anyways and this seemed like the perfect fit. now he streams and creates youtube videos from the comfort of his apartment, looking for a home to own, and hoping this will be the last stop for awhile.
he’s very friendly and giving. reece has the habit of giving way too much and never stop to think about himself, so he gets used a lot. he thought he’d grown out of it but he hasn’t. he’s not one to shy away from anything either and is always truthful. he has the aura of someone trustworthy and kind.
along with that, he has trouble letting go of things. especially from his past. he’s broken in many ways but tries not to be. he’s still healing. he may not show it much - especially to people he doesn’t trust - but he’s damaged goods and just wants someone to understand and be there for him at the end of day, especially with his hectic life added in.
like any other person, reece can also get a bit moody. when this happens it’s almost always because he hasn’t had any time to destressed or he’s been sitting on something a bit too long. he is also selfish at times without even knowing it. stubborness also shows its rotten head many times too. he’s a leo, so he gets jealous and that’s not really a trait he likes feeling so he always has to voice his opinions on the matter.
he likes to play the piano and guitar more than anything else. when he first picked up a guitar, in his first boyfriend’s dormroom, it awoken something inside of him and he never wanted it to end. he likes the melody and the ease that comes with it. so it was perfect that somebody noticed him and told him to put himself out there, he wouldn’t know what he would be doing if they hadn’t.
besides music, and singing, reece likes to play video games and stream. the first two years weren’t anything special but he celebrated every mile stone. eventually gaining millions of followers. it also helps that he has a youtube channel where he uploads three videos every week. with sponsors and venues, reece travels a lot. he hopes that won’t ever end either.
friends, gamer pals, friends with benefits, flings, roommates, cooking class buddies, piano buddies, frenemy
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