#but he'd still stink like a demon but Tanjiro before Muzan would have zero idea why he would smell like that
swimmingferret · 1 year
I can't wait for Inosuke and Kanao to meet in your Iron and Blod fic because their relationship might have differed from the canon. Or it could be the same with just Douma being a dad and Tanjiro and maybe his family dealing with their family because they think some of the stuff they do is weird but don't call it out because they are kinda too nice for that.
You mean the main crew? Tbh I can actually see Zenitsu being really afraid of Kanao from my fic, since she's basically dead inside except for being around her family. Zenitsu would pick that up with his hearing and be really put off by her, since at least Inosuke still behaves like a person ya know?
The idea of Douma and his two deranged kids coming across the Kamado family before Muzan happens is a hilarious idea ngl 'cause they would be rather polite even if its wildly obvious those three are all 'Off'
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