#but hey I'll take any excuse to write Cora taunting Scott with his own clothes
scottharper · 5 years
MERW - Day 01, Prompt 01
Pairing: Scott/Cora Prompt: 'Finding the other wearing their clothes .'
Yeah I've technically done this kind of prompt before. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
He wakes up to an empty bed, but the aroma of coffee wafting through the air is quick to assure him that his better half is still nearby.
Scott sits up with a soft grunt, taking a moment to stretch his arms back over his head before he slips out from beneath the warmth of the comforter to look around for the clothes he’d discarded the night before. He finds his boxers and pants soon enough but his shirt is nowhere to be seen, though Scott already has a good idea of where it is.
He takes the time to pull his boxers on before leaving the bedroom (no need to repeat the ‘Liam’s surprise visit’ incident anytime soon) to cross the threshold of his Nexus apartment, and sure enough he finds Cora in the kitchen area, wearing his t-shirt and sipping at a fresh cup of coffee. Another steaming mug sits on the counter, and Scott knows it’s already prepared just the way he likes it.
“What a sight to wake up to,” Scott says, stepping around the kitchen counter and smiling when Cora looks up from the data pad she was reading. “Morning, babe.”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Cora replies with a warm smile of her own, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips as he retrieves his mug. She tastes like sugar. “Sleep well?”
“Better than I have in weeks..” Scott replies honestly, taking a long sip from his mug. As much as he enjoyed his work, most of the time at least, night shifts on the Tempest after a day of battling Kett were rarely restful. It seemed like there was always something, whether it was dealing with Drack’s late-night grousing or listening to Gil and Kallo arguing over the latest upgrades or – one time – having to chase Jak-Jak all over the ship after he’d stolen Lexi’s data pad. Scott never knew until then just how elusive the little pyjak could be. “So, any exciting plans for the day?”
“Just have to look over a few reports Addison forwarded over. She was looking for you earlier, by the way.” Cora replies, turning her gaze back towards the data pad in her hands and Scott grimaces. “She seemed irritated, even over text. I told her you had to deal with an emergency back on the Tempest.”
“Lying to an Initiative Director?” Scott grins, setting his mug down before he walks over to slip his arms around Cora’s waist, and he pulls her close as he turns them both to settle back against the counter. “Naughty girl.. Also, thank you.”
“I just figured you didn’t want to deal with Addison first thing in the morning.” Cora shrugs lightly, leaning back against Scott and closing her eyes as she rests her head against his shoulder. “Plus it’s nice to know that you’ll owe me a favor now.”
“You and your ulterior motives,” Scott huffs with a smile, extracting himself from the embrace just long enough to pluck the mug and data pad from Cora’s hands. She raises an eyebrow but doesn’t protest, and Scott sets them down on the counter beside his own mug before hugging her to his chest once more. “But I don’t know about me owing you one. You are wearing my shirt after all, I say that puts us on even ground.”
“All right then..” Cora shrugs, this time pulling herself out of Scott’s embrace, and he watches wordlessly while she tugs the shirt off in one easy motion, wearing nothing but a smile now as she tosses the shirt carelessly to the side. “How about now, sweetheart?”
Scott decides in an instant that both the bed and the couch are too far away for his liking, but he’d been meaning to break in the kitchen counter anyway.
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