#but hey as least this piece looks alright so whatever >:') <3333
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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bored out of my mind
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opheliasbrokenmind · 5 years
new chapter - john shelby
requested by: anon said ‘3 from the prompt kiss for John Shelby ❤️’
prompt 3 : A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
word count : 2.7K+
a/n: well well well, so i made up the monastery and nursing education thing, don’t know there is something like that lol. btw this one doesn’t include martha and the kids bc i didn’t want to make the reader suffer much more hahaha. enjoy yourselves loves <3333
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When you heard a knock on the door, you jumped slightly and closed your book. ‘Who the fuck is that at the three in the morning?’ You murmured and wore your cardigan on your silk nightgown. The person knocked again but you wouldn’t say that knocking, he was hitting the door wildly. You frowned, a little afraid but didn’t worry so much because you knew people can’t dare to come to your house, knowing who you were. In the end, you were a beloved friend of Shelby’s. At least most of them. They knew you since you were a teenage girl, you moved to Small Heath when you were fifteen. After a short time, you became friends with Ada and of course, with the rest of the Shelbys. 
Ada was your best friend and you always got on well with Tommy and even his family thought you were something.. more than friends. You always see him as a friend, though and same thing for him. You two supported each other and gave advice, but nothing more. You also got along with Arthur and Finn, even with Polly and his son Michael. The only problem was John Shelby. You had to admit, things weren’t that bad before but now you hated each other. You were at the Shelby house when you first met him, he asked you if you were a whore. ‘Excuse me? You know nothing about how to talk to a lady, do you?’
You shouted and he threw a cocky smile in your way, ‘A lady?? You’re a teenage girl or a whore who looks so young, love. I’ll vote for the second, considering your clothes.’ He said the last part slowly and turned his eyes to your naked legs, you were wearing just a nightgown. You opened your mouth to talk and stop his glances but Ada burst into the room, ‘John! Stop looking at her like you’re about to eat her!! What the hell you thinking you’re doing? She is my friend you lunatic idiot!’ Ada screamed and Polly came in, ‘What’s happening?’ She turned your eyes to you, waiting for an explanation.
‘Well, last night I stayed with Ada and came here for a glass of water and I saw him, h-’ Ada cut off your sentence, ‘John was eye-fucking her when I came in! You need to do something Pol.’ Polly rolled her eyes, ‘You’re not little kids Ada, figure this out yourselves.’ You went upstairs, ignoring John’s eyes and Ada followed you. ‘I’m sorry, y/n.’ You smiled gently, ‘‘s okay, A. You’re not responsible for him, he didn’t know who was I also.’ She let out a heavy breath, ‘Thanks for not freaking out right now.’ You laughed and hugged her, ‘You’re my best friend.’
So your first meeting with John was not great but that didn’t stay like that. Soon, he apologized and when Ada went to a monastery for nursing education, you two got closer. You had blood phobia and you were definitely not a religious person so you didn’t go with her. John took you out of the country sometimes and you had so much fun with him. When that summer ended, you were like twins. Oh, but twins don’t have feelings for each other, do they? Feelings that make your heart flutter, you wanted to scream every time you saw him. You understood you fell for him when Ada asked you questions but all you could think was John.
‘From earth to y/n, what’s wrong with you?’ She asked and waved to get your attention, ‘Nothing, just thinking.’ She smiled, ‘Thinking about who?’ You looked at her, ‘John. No! I mean, Jews. What do you think about the Jews?’ You asked, trying to hide your stupidity. ‘My sweet y/n, you think you can fool me? Don’t tell me you fell for him. You’re not that stupid, he is arrogant.’ You grinned sheepishly, ‘Of course not. We spent some time together when you were away and he is a good guy. That’s all.’ Ada smiled but looked suspicious, she didn’t ask more questions, knowing you won’t answer.
Your friendship with John didn’t end but you weren’t close when Ada came back. You were too afraid to tell him how you felt, what if he ridicules you? You couldn’t bear it, you knew this. He was only two years older than you and years went so fast as you turn to eighteen. You thought your feelings would disappear as you grew up, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Even looking at him became torture for you and seeing him with random girls... You didn’t believe life after death but if there was a place called hell, yours would be just like this.
Then your worst nightmare came, the war. You didn’t want to let him go, you thought of everything to stop him from going there, but you didn’t do anything. You wanted to tell him, write to him. The years were so painful, they were like centuries. You didn’t spend a day without thinking about him, wondering if he was still alive. You prayed to God you didn’t believe for him. You prayed for all of them, every fucking hour of every fucking day. ‘You’re really going.’ You said when he was leaving for the war. ‘I am, aren’t I?’ He smiled widely as your heart skipped. ‘Come back here one piece, alright?’ You told, trying to sound like you don’t care. ‘I’ll be here.’
He looked bemused, ‘You’ll be here?’ You frowned, ‘Of course I’ll be here. I’ll always be here.’ You whispered under your breath, he heard you anyway. You stepped closer and planted a kiss on his cheek, moved away when his hand touched your small one. You ran to the Tommy and hugged him, leaving a shocked John alone. He stood for minutes, his hand on his cheek you kissed. That little kiss was the only thing you did on purpose to show him your feelings, but in your thoughts, he’d think you were just like a sister for him. You never believe that he’ll love you back and maybe that was the reason why you didn’t tell him.
You couldn't sleep when you haven’t heard from him. You couldn’t sleep when you reminded yourself that what could he’s dealing with right now. You couldn’t sleep when the news wrote that there were bodies they couldn’t specify their identities. You couldn’t sleep when the war ended because you didn’t hear from the boys for a while. You couldn’t sleep, you were too afraid. But they came back, they came back to their family. You were helping to Ada and Polly with the business. You went with them to the train station. 
You saw the three eldest Shelby boys, you knew they changed before you saw them. They came back as men. When you looked into John’s eyes, you couldn’t see him. You couldn’t see the boy you loved for years, there was a broken man in his eyes. You didn’t know what to do so you greeted him simply and left there, saying that you didn’t feel good. You couldn’t sleep that night, it was like the boy you love was gone. You cried all night and didn’t go to work for a few days. Ada came to your house and found you in your bed, sobbing. She didn’t say anything but she understood you even though you said nothing.
The conversations you had with John was only formal, you didn’t speak to him unless it was necessary. His family noticed but didn’t say anything, Tommy tried to talk but you refused. You couldn’t sleep when you heard that John was going to marry Esme. You didn’t expect anyone to ask you or tell you but it was so unexpected for you. You didn’t go to the wedding, finding pretexts. You heard that he was happy, you didn’t do or say anything but when his lovely wife started to work in the betting shop.. that was too much, even for you. 
John was there when you rudely opened the door of Tommy’s office, ‘Can we talk?’ You asked Tommy, ignoring his brother’s eyes. ‘Yeah, I’m listening.’ He noticed you didn’t want to speak in front of John, of course. ‘Alone.’ You insisted. ‘Whatever you’re going to say, you can tell him.’ Tommy pushed you and you did everything to stay calm. ‘Alright, I’m quitting the job.’ John’s lips parted apart, a shocked expression covered his beautiful face. ‘What?’ Thomas didn’t say anything like he was waiting for this. ‘I want to start a business of my own.’ That was all you said.
You cried that day when you left the building. You didn’t bother to pick your things, you knew Ada would bring them to you. You had plenty of money, you bought a place near your house and turned it to a flower shop. There were women to help you and you weren’t so sad for a while. But one day the doorbell rang and you saw the man you never expected, John. He came in and walked to you slowly, you froze. ‘Hey.’ He said. ‘How can I help you?’ You asked like he was a stranger to you. ‘I came here to buy some flowers, for Esme.’ That was enough for you, you called a woman. ‘Can you help this man? I have some errands to run.’ 
You left the shop, went to your house and after drinking some alcohol, you allowed yourself to break into tears. You wanted to die, to disappear. You’d be thankful if someone came in and killed you. Someone actually came, but he was Tommy. He knew, of course, he knew. He took you into his arms and you cried, stopped holding the tears. The pain you felt made you feel sick, you couldn’t take it. ‘I’ll kill myself.’ Your voice cracked, Tommy held you tighter. ‘That’s not happening, love. Not as long as I live. John was there because they fought. I don’t think they can continue this.’ He explained and you asked, ‘What?’
‘When I forced him to marry Esme, I thought he’d love her and I’d win. I didn’t expect him to act wild, he hates her. I mean, he always tells that he can’t be with a woman he doesn’t love and I’m tired of this, you know. If he doesn’t want this, I can’t control him for years. I just want to ask you one thing, are you going to tell him how you feel?’ You looked at Tommy and gave a shaky breath, ‘No. I stayed silent for too long and I’m not willing to reveal my feelings now. Do they even matter, to him? I don’t think so, Tommy. This is a thing that should have ended years ago, I’m just being childish.’ He didn’t say anything and left after comforting you. 
It’s been two weeks since all of these happened, you continued to work and Ada came to see you nearly every day. You didn’t see the other Shelbys, at least you didn’t see John. Finn brought you some pastries from the cafe you used to go when he was a little boy and Michael asked you if you needed anything. You also spent some time with your other friends but you weren’t expecting anyone. ‘Hello?’ You asked as you opened the door and you were speechless when you saw the person outside your door. Your jaw dropped to the floor as you stared at him with wide-open eyes. ‘W-what are you doing here?’ You forced yourself the speak.
‘Can I come in?’ was all he said before stepping in, you closed the door behind him. He walked and sat on the big sofa you were reading on until he came. ‘What’s happening?’ You talked again, trying to put a stern expression on your face. You walked to where he sat slowly, dragging your feet. You stopped when you stood in front of him and couldn’t speak when you saw his face. John Shelby’s beautiful face was covered in tears, you brought your hand to your mouth as you stepped back. A new feeling attacked you, fear. What could make him came to your house at the three of the morning and cry? ‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered as a tear fell down from his cheek. 
His hand reached for you and then you saw that his wedding ring was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t protest when he pulled you to sit next to him. ‘Why are you sorry?’ You asked but didn’t wait to hear an answer and hugged him shyly. ‘Jesus, y/n. I’m so sorry. I should have known.’ He cried softly on your chest and you squeezed his shoulder, tried to show that you were here. ‘Shhh, you don’t have to talk if you don’t want. You can tell me later.’ You spoke kindly, reaching for the thin blanket without leaving him. ‘No. I have to speak, you have a right to know.’ He stopped you and you gestured him to speak. 
‘I.. I don’t know where to start. You probably don’t know, we divorced with Esme cause I couldn’t stand anymore. Tommy told me something... something that I should know before. I thought you hated me y/n. You always seemed nervous whenever I came. You didn’t even look at me, you didn’t speak to me when we came back from France. There was always a distance between us and I thought that was what you want. I wanted to be with you, I wanted to tell you that I love you but I was scared! I was scared because I thought you saw me as a friend, as a brother. How could I be so stupid? I should have talked to you. We lost years, y/n and I broke your heart countless times, didn’t I?’
You couldn’t say anything when he stopped talking, you were stunned. You knew that he was telling the truth and the truths... are bitter. You didn’t realize that you were crying until a big hand covered your cheek and his thumb wiped the tears away. You tried to stifle a sob but you couldn’t.. You sobbed as he took you in his arms and hugged you but you escaped from him. ‘I can’t believe.’ You whispered to yourself and closed your eyes, ‘I love you, John. I loved you since the day you took me to picnic the summer when Ada wasn’t here. But... I don’t know what to do right now.’ Then, the first time that night, you looked at him. You saw the deep meaning behind his ocean eyes, you saw how different he looked.
John looked at you, your lovely eyes still shining with tears but they were looking at him directly. His stares fell from your eyes to your lips, your mouth parted slightly as he licked his dry lips. He thought how vulnerable you looked before talking and then, a breathy demand fell from his lips, ‘Kiss me.’ You felt the feelings in his voice and you didn’t hesitate for a second before touching to his lips with yours. You kissed him softly at first but passion took you over and he responded to you, capturing your lips. You took off his cap as his hands cupped your cheeks and he deepened the kiss. When you parted away, both of you were breathless. You didn’t open your eyes and John rested his forehead on yours.
He moved away from your face a little to see you better, he was mesmerized with the sight. That was the face he wanted to see every morning when he opened his eyes. ‘I love you since I saw you that morning, in the kitchen. You were the most natural and innocent girl I’ve ever seen in my life and I was captivated. I want you since that day, y/n. I’m sorry for not telling you how I felt earlier.’ You opened your eyes and smiled brightly, ‘I’m sorry, too. But we wasted enough time.’ He looked nervous and you continued, ‘I told you I’ll always be here when you were leaving for the war. I’m still here and I won’t leave.’ A small smile played on his lips, ‘What do you want me to do now?’
‘Now? Oh, kiss me.’ You said and he attacked to your lips as his smile widened and you laughed into the kiss. It was like you were sixteen again, the boy you loved was in your arms and kissing you. Yeah, you waited for too long but it worth it. It was the beginning of a new chapter and both of you were ready for it.
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
Hi! I have a headcanon request- how would Sincerely Three interact with their soulmates in the AU where whatever one person writes on themselves would show up on the other's skin? Thanks so much!
omg this is cute and u said soulmate au and im automatically in love
gonna put this under a readmore
also im assuming u mean x reader but if u want like, actual ship Sincerely Three (because i love them a lot tbh), just ask again and be like ‘tris ur dumb’
evan hansen
alright so u met evan once after u kept scribbling little notes to yourself like “work on english paper” and “buy more pens” 
eventually that stuff got smudged and u forgot until all of a sudden there was a “did you do your english paper?” in small, neat handwriting
no, but thank you!
it basically becomes just little reminders to each other and then u just kinda realize
u dont even know ur soulmates name
so u introduce urself and evan responds back with his name and
its kind of familiar???
where do u know this oven handsoap evan hansen
oh my god what the fuck he’s been in ur math class all year how the FUCK did you not notice
‘uh, here’
evan and u make eye contact because wait.
‘it u’
after class u two introduce urselves to each other formally tbh
jareds jealous btw because wow evan found his soulmate wtf
evan sometimes scribbles on his arm sometime to remember stuff
sometimes u doodle on urself and evan finds it cute like, no matter how good or bad it is??
imagine like
in the future
moving in together
sometimes u go grocery shopping and u just have evans neat lil handwriting on ur arm of everything u need to get
sometimes u get lil ‘i love you’s on ur arm after a while??? and its rly sweet??? bless
evan tends to write in blue ink btw
usually light blue if he can but dark/regular blue ink is also fine
u caught him once doodling a tree on his arm.
why was he doodling a tree? heck if u know
u just caught the tree on ur arm and ur like ‘fuck thats adorable’
jared kleinman
u and jared probably met when u two were like, 13, since jared was probably drawing on himself or some shit and u were like ‘kleinman i fucking see u, stop drawing dicks’
he snorted a lil and then had to pretend he wasnt doing shit when ppl looked his way
13 year old boys tho, guys gals n nonbinary pals.
u two probably clicked pretty quickly
u dont end up dating until like, sophomore year tbh
but after that u two are inseparable
“charge ur phone, idiot”
“shut up kleinman”
“love u”
“love u too dumbass”
jared would 100% be the person who would just start writing on himself and then he sees ur not replying so he just texts u 
“write back”
he has drawn at least one (1) meme on himself
u fuckin look down and theres a fucking meme on ur arm
“jared im gonna fucking kill u”
ok but just casual little messages to each other
ur going over to jareds? u get a note on ur arm thats basically “get more gummy bears” or some shit
evan just watches u and jared furiously writing on urselves
what are u two even saying
he doesn’t know
he just knows that u two go through pens rly quickly
everyone knows
u two go to the store and argue about what color pens u wanna buy
playing lil games like hangman on urselves tho
connor murphy
can i just link maia’s soulmate au because nothing i say can top it because its a really realyl fucking beautiful piece of writing and i love it a lot and y’all should read it. heck, ask me and i’ll link u to it and her account if u dont know her already (she’s on hiatus as of rn i believe but her writing is
no? okay
so connor strikes me as the kind of person who just draws on himself because paying attention??? no
who pays attention anymore
not connor
so u just get doodles. so many doodles.
u dont rly mind
its cool
connors surprised that he has a soulmate bc eventually u write back a ‘i like ur art’
connor’s actually in ur english class.  which is the only class he doesn’t doodle on himself
ok do urself a favor and stop reading and go read maia’s soulmate au because its a thousand times better than anything i can come up with
thank u
dumb 3 am talks
dumb reminders to each other
dumb doodles 
u write little reminders to him a lot more than he does u
ok but seriously go read maia’s soulmate au because its perfect
ask me
and i will straight up link it to u
bonus! all three ;)
so one day u notice theres writing on your hand. it’s a little smudged and it’s basically like “ask mom for refill on pills” or something small like that and ur like ‘huh’
u dont write back to that specific one at first but later u looked at ur hand and saw that whatever ink the person had been using is much more smudged and ur like ‘huh i wonder if they ever got their meds’
so u write down ur forearm asking
immediately theres a ‘what? i dont take meds’ in very quick, neat handwriting
and ur just like ?? before theres… more handwriting that actually matches the question from earlier
‘no, i didn’t! thank you’
‘wait evan what the fuck’
‘that wasnt you?’
‘or connor?’
… evan??? connor????
theres a brief period where no one writes anything
then all of a sudden u get a “so who the fuck are u”
yall kind of assign ink colors just so u all know whos writing what sometimes
like, yeah handwriting but its easier just to know ‘oh, connor is trying to say something’ bc theres purple ink on ur arm
connor is purple, jared is green, evan is blue
ur ink tends to be red
dumb writing at 2 am
its mainly between u and connor and sometimes jared
but sometimes evan writes
usually he’s asleep tho
why dont u kids text
for the au.
thats the only reason
its basically chaos
u… actually live away from them and one weekend ur like ’fuck it, im driving out to meet these losers’
so u tell em
holy shit ur coming to meet them
:0 so they offer to meet u somewhere???
a la mode
best ice cream 
so u punch it into google maps and an hour later u see like
three fucking nerds standing around outside
ur sitting in ur car
so u just write
‘hey fuckfaces’
they just
all look around like ‘wtf’
u get out of the car
formal introductions
they’re all???? cute??? is this fuckn legal
they… look like how they write?
does that make sense
like. evan’s handwriting is small and neat and kinda smudgy at times - and he just… looks like a nervous bean to you. jared’s is quick and sloppy and ends up taking more space than a paragraph from connor does - and jared looks like the sort of dude full of personality. connor’s handwriting is small and runs together and kinda unreadable sometimes and it just
they look like how they write
its weird idk
u all end up getting ice cream and talking
finally u guys actually like
exchange numbers
since u keep getting shit about ink poisoning
so sometimes u will drive out to see these dorks
what kind of luck did u have that you ended up only a town away tbh
general headcanons
warmest cuddle sessions
dumb notes to each other
includes memes
‘jared just text it-’ ‘no’
u just get ‘come visit us u fuck’ on ur arm once
writing on urselves when ur all int he same room
and literally sitting right next to each other
zoe walked in and she’s just like ‘… okay.’
u have a bad day? u take a nap
u wake up and theres a lot of just lil lovely things written on ur arms???
sweet dorks
(and at least 1 meme)
(because theres always 1 meme)
thats all i got
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