#but hm. candle light hair shoto. it's a not a bad vibe....
pocketramblr · 6 months
Inspired by the 'Tenya is All mights son', what about an AU where Shouto is a result of Rei having an affair with All might? For maximum drama Shouto still has half hot half cold.
1- "where the hell did the hot half come from" Toshinori's mother had a fire quirk. He got his quirklessness from his father. The fire skips generations but everyone is hot I guess. Maybe that's why Toshi's vestiges is flame-y.
2- Shoto is born with a mess of white and golden hair, like a little candle flame. One blue eye and one grey, and Enji would never suspect his wife cheated on him... Surely this kid will just have a mild fire that hopefully won't be too much for an icy constitution. This is Rei's fourth child. It seems all attempts have failed. Enji withdraws to work. Touya's half mad that his little brothers were too useless to get their father's attention back where he was, half glad that they've all be thrown aside.
And then Shoto turns four, and he doesn't just hold a warm flame in one hand, but a sharp icicle in the other. His blue eye seems to glow when he's alight, and there's clear power in the quirk. After a few days of trying, Enji actually comes out of the office to see what his youngest is trying to show him, and is almost afraid to believe what he sees. He doesn't want to wake up from the dream he had all but abandoned, and he's cautious, careful with training... at first.
3- Shoto, who's already bonded with his siblings, does not like to be pulled away from them now that he's not useless anymore, and he will say so loudly and at great length. It shames Enji... At first. Rei does her best but has long since realized who her son's father is. That there was any fire at all baffled her, but she can't reach back out and ask All Might. She can't even stand to see the heroes face on the news, or on the toys Shoto asks for. Her children assume her hatred grew with Enji's actions about his own. The pressure builds. Touya almost kills himself and Shoto in training one day when Enji is at work, and Rei is injured trying to stop them. At the hospital, she has a breakdown about how she hesitated, how she thought about if the house burned down there'd be nothing left of her children, no evidence of her own or of Enji's wrongdoings. Touya and Shoto return from the hospital. Rei does not. A nurse looks at Shoto's blood type, and then Touya's, and says nothing.
4- Training slows again, at first. Until Touya leaves, eighteen and burning up, and takes Natsuo with him. (Natsuo insisted. He already finished middle school, who cared more than that. Fuyumi can take care of Shoto, but none of them should be left alone, like Mom) Then Shoto continues training, refusing to use his fire. Fuyumi, her mother's secret keeper, who only knows because Rei wasn't seeing her when she spoke, burns to tell her brother the truth. But she can't. She waits, and when Shoto gets into UA and the news breaks that All Might will be teaching there, she nearly collapses.
5- so does Toshinori ever figure out that beautiful woman was in fact Endeavor's wife- yeah actually he did, Rei told him the morning after that she was married and apologized profusely then vanished, and he saw her a few years later on his arm at an event. He has said nothing but assumes this is the reason Enji hates him. He doesn't realize until the SF that Enji believes Shoto to be his son, even with the blond hair, and wonders if that's because of the fire but then realizes that Enji truly knows nothing. So, after the SF, Toshi decides the first person who deserves to know the truth is Shoto and pulls him aside, telling him that once, about sixteen or seventeen years ago, he knew a woman who turned it to be married- Shoto interrupts and asks if that's Izuku's mother, and if Izuku told All Might that he was on to him. Toshi, confused, says no- it's another student. He explains more. Shoto is in shock. He leaves school in the middle of the day and goes to the hospital to see his mother for the first time in years. The only thing he can ask is why she didn't tell him. He doesn't leave until visiting hours are over, the hospital staff called Fuyumi to come pull him from his mother's arms because they can't.
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