#but how many of the cis women saying that can find the prostate?
Holy shit.
‘What is a woman?” This was the question asked of the Lib Dem leadership hopeful Layla Moran late last month, on the radio programme Political Thinking with Nick Robinson. “You talked of giving straight answers to straight questions,” said Robinson. “Here’s a nice one for you, philosophical: what is a woman?”
There was a pause, before an answer that probably wasn’t as direct as Robinson had hoped. “Well,” said Moran, “a woman is a gender, it is a way to self-identify and there are lots of genders. There is male and that is biological. There is female, which is also biological. A woman is a gender identity which is more akin to being a man. Those are the opposites and then there is also non-binary, which is people who don’t identify with either.”
This seemed confusing to me. So being a man is akin to being a woman? How does that work? I asked the same question on Twitter – what is a woman? – and Naomi Wolf, no less, the author of The Beauty Myth and Vagina: A New Biography, answered that a woman is anyone who wants to be one. It is a personal choice. “Many men and trans people have thanked me for The Beauty Myth,” she wrote. “I didn’t write it only for readers born with uteri.”
The confusion continued on Twitter with a row over a tweet from Piers Morgan, in response to a CNN tweet reading: “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25.” Morgan replied: “Do you mean women?”, and when Rosie Duffield, MP for Canterbury, liked Morgan’s tweet, she was accused of being a transphobe. Duffield then tweeted: “I’m a ‘transphobe’ for knowing that only women have a cervix...?!” Progressives who presumably want to win back those “red wall” seats called for her sacking.
I am dismayed at the persecution of trans people – and also at the bile directed towards women who are questioning a narrative in which our experience, needs and reality are too often overlooked. Why can’t we use the word “womxn”, someone asked on Twitter. It’s obvious, isn’t it? To erase the word “woman” means we cannot speak of our biology and our experience. Leftwing feminists, me included, see women as a sex class. American “choice feminism” was a disaster; feminism repackaged as capitalist attainment. The backlash is now here, and in some cases it comes in the form of an ideology that overrides the demands of women.
We don’t talk so much now about the terrible violence meted out to women – the appallingly low rate of rape convictions and the huge and growing incidence of domestic violence – because that would be to see women as still oppressed. And there is a popular narrative now that often says we’re not. For some people, victimhood has become the preserve of a tiny percentage of the population – trans and other seriously marginalised communities – who do indeed have a very hard time. But while their difficulties are recognised, women’s difficulties are considered merely the bleatings of privileged females.
If we cannot define what a woman is or name that experience, we cannot organise politically. As the radical feminist Andrea Dworkin once wrote: “Men have the power of naming, a great and sublime power. This power of naming enables men to define experience, to articulate boundaries and values, to designate to each thing its realm and qualities, to determine what can and cannot be expressed to control perception itself.”
For me, the debate around trans issues is not and never has been about toilets or changing rooms. It is about the right of women to define themselves in a system that is afraid we might do just that.
I will happily respect anyone’s pronouns and I ask other people, too, to respect the language that defines my life in a female meat suit. Men are never spoken of as prostate owners, or vehicles for their penises or testicles. I have never yet read a definition of “cis” that I identify with, even though, as a female whose gender expression matches her sex, this is apparently what I am. The fact is, when it comes to my appearance, I started wearing drag – makeup, heels, big hair – as soon as I knew that, in order to use my mind, I would have to appear on the outside entirely different to how I felt on the inside. Gender nonconformity has been an essential part of my life, as it is for so many people, whether this is apparent or not. I always liked the way the Stonewall activist Marsha P Johnson chose to call herself a “street transvestite action revolutionary”. She thought of herself not as a woman but as “a queen”.
All of us are a combination of biology and history, our bodies situated in a time and a place. I neither want to fetishise and essentialise biology nor deny it. It is different for each of us.
It is often argued on Twitter that the struggle for trans rights is the same as the struggle for gay rights. But, crucially, coming out as gay demands nothing from others but equality. There is now a demand from some activists – many of them not trans themselves; many of them men – that the class of women must be renamed.
I reject this. Am I more than a collection of body parts? Am I allowed to talk of my own life? Am I a woman simply out of choice?
What, then, is a woman? These days, I often find it is simply someone who does not agree to let misogynist men speak for us.
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sevdrag · 4 years
(SLIGHTLY NSFW WARNING) from her main blog she's a self proclaimed lesbian cis woman named Mia and what's even funnier about that is she hates lesbians too. She considers penetration a hetero act including two cis women using a strap and she's gone on many a rant about it. So she hates lesbians and the trans community. It's so entertaining bc she thinks it's homophobic to call what she does a fetish but she is literally a cis lesbian that worships and dictates what gay men do. No self awareness
Wow, I just don’t --- I’m trying to comprehend how a fellow queer could hate their own community so much? There’s some damage there that needs to be unpacked.
The ... fucking gall ... to think that two lesbians with a strap are having hetero sex ... like, I’m a writer, and I don’t even have words for it? That’s a real big red flag right there. Like, someone’s personal sex preferences are theirs, and that’s fine and none of my business, but ... on a grander scale that’s just so, so, horrifying and almost embarrassing. Sex preferences also aren’t a gender! They’re just! What you like in bed! And people of any gender can like anything! If I put my finger in a dude’s butthole to get at his prostate while we’re fooling around, are we suddenly having the ~*~gay sex~*~? Christ.
(Although since I am a queer woman I posit that all the sex I have is gay due to my own experience! Guess what! That’s kind of how it works!)
I find it really problematic that a cis gay woman is spending so much time ... bandstanding? (is it too soon?) for cis, penis-wielding-only gay men. I guess people find different things hot and if she was just consuming fanworks on her own and appreciating them that’s nothing to be ashamed of. But the fact that she’s turned up like three times in the past month in my own (queer and proud!) fandom circle as someone who is supposedly “anti-homophobia” and when I look at her blog, I see her reaching into other fandom spaces just to be rude in the “name” of “defending” cis penis-wielding gays... the amount of mental gymnastics that takes, well, wow. Maybe go outside?
And especially in Good Omens fandom, which is decades old, and has TEXTUAL support that says angels come genderless and choose to make an effort (which I think she said she ... didn’t like ... so she ... ignores it? The balls it takes to think you’re RIGHT in a fandom when you’re ignoring the text? but maybe i’m remembering wrong?). It doesn’t say choose to make an Effort that aligns with a narrow view of what they’re presenting that day. It flat up says: none gender left beef, unless you order an Effort on the side. 
Yes, those of us who are queer see a lot of ourselves in Crowley and Aziraphale both. The read of their story as a parallel to being queer in this goddamn shithole of a world is valid. But it was not written as a cis gay story. It was written as a love story.
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level20lesbian · 4 years
hi! do you think you could talk more about the more important side effects of taking hormones? or things you should know about it before deciding to? i'm not sure whether i want to or not, mostly because the whole infertile thing kind of scares me
Long post incoming!
If you’re asking about like, negative side effects, there’s really not that many. The most notable one for some people is, like you say, that you’re very likely to end up sterile after a bit. It turns out if you pull all the testosterone out of that particular system it tends to not work so well. There’s always the option of freezing sperm for if you wish to use it in the future, but I’m told it’s quite expensive (I didn’t bother with it so I dunno exactly how much).
Along with that there’s a chance that your overall sexual function will decrease somewhat. You may find it slightly more difficult to get and maintain an erection, although the chances of things completely not working are pretty slim.
People will tell you a lot that your libido will likely decrease but I’m gonna be totally honest if that’s ever happened to anyone I haven’t met them. If anything it seems more likely that it might increase as you get more comfortable with yourself.
This one I’m still not sure about but I’ve heard a lot of women corroborate it and my own experience seems to line up: there’s a possibility you start to experience some of the symptoms of PMS. Obviously you’re not gonna have an actual period, but a lot of the side effects of that process are hormone dependent, so you might find yourself going through a few days of discomfort every month. The types and severity of symptoms you experience depends on the person; even in afab folks there’s a pretty big variation from person to person. Personally I tend to get pretty nasty mood swings, fatigue, and really sore breasts.
Speaking of breasts, they’re not gonna go away even if you stop estrogen, but usually that’s part of the appeal so that’s probably not a problem. They will ache and be ridiculously sensitive pretty much constantly when they start coming in though, so I’d recommend investing in some really soft sports bras and some painkillers, and if you have habit of flopping down on your front break that now, cuz you’re gonna regret it sooooooo much the first time you do it after this starts.
If you have a family history of migraines but you don’t get them now there’s a chance you might be a little more susceptible after. I get them every now and then whereas before I think I’d had like two.
There’s a small chance you may shrink an inch or two, because your pelvis is gonna rotate forward a bit. It may also widen a bit depending on how young you are when you start. This I’ve gathered just from my own reading so I’m not 100% confident that’s entirely true, but it does seem to make sense, and would explain why I spent a few weeks with a significant amount of pain around my hips around the six month mark. Seriously, that was definitely the least enjoyable part of this whole experience.
Specifically about the medication, you’re gonna spend a few days being incredibly nauseous while your body adjusts right after you start, but that’ll pass. Spironolactone also makes you have to pee constantly for a few hours after you take it, and reduces your sodium levels quite a lot. You’ll have to make sure you drink plenty of fluids to avoid being dehydrated, and you’re gonna crave salty food, which you should eat plenty of to offset the medication. This is where the whole “trans girls love pickles” thing comes from.
Finally, there’s a few health things that your doctor is likely gonna bring up pretty often. Your chances for blood clots and breast cancer will increase, BUT what may not be entirely obvious from whatever info they give you is that that increase is still TINY. Blood clots aren’t very likely unless you’re predisposed already, and your chances of getting breast cancer are only slightly higher than a cis man’s (it can still happen tho, so learn how to do a self exam!). What they also likely won’t mention is that your chances of prostate cancer drop SIGNIFICANTLY. Again, you’re still gonna want to get checked once you’ve reached the age for that, but while it’s pretty common in cis men, it’s very rare in trans women.
And that’s pretty much everything I can think of. But if you think that sounds like a lot, the list of benefits has to be like, twenty times longer. It’s really insane how much changes; I don’t think I can put it all in one post.
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apolesen · 6 years
Cardassian Reproductive Anatomy
I decided to do something with all my ideas about what Cardassian genitalia looked like, and here we are. Below the cut are some anatomical sketches (of the kind you get in text-books, so they are mostly SFW, but it depends on where you work, I suppose) and a description of my take on the Cardassian reproductive systems. 
Content warnings: anatomical sketches, anatomical descriptions, mentions of menstruation and pregnancy. 
As this is about reproductive anatomy in broad terms, I have used the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ in an essentialist way. This is mainly to be as clear as possible. I think that we should move away from referring to, for instance, “external female genitalia” when we could just say “vulva”. However, when you discuss an alien species where writer and reader don’t have any common frame of reference, that can get very confusing. There are definitely Cardassians who are intersex, trans and non-binary, so what is described below are broad generalisations describing cis Cardassians. 
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Cardassian male and female external genitalia are fairly similar to one another. Both have a cloaca (in Cardassian, ajan), which the urethra and anus lead into. This means that Cardassian men and women urinate in the same way, and they find the human organisation very confusing. The reproductive organs are mostly internal, which makes it harder to tell at a glance what you are dealing with. It is very difficult to tell the sex of newly-hatched Cardassians, as their external genitalia will look basically the same. In adults, the only real difference is that in males, the tip of the penis usually sticks out of the cloaca, most often no more than one or two centimetres (5/8ths-4/5ths of an inch). Both males and females have a chuva, sometimes called (though never by Cardassians) as the groin spoon. The evolutionary reason for the chuva is to catch water and lead it over the outside of the genitalia when the Cardassian is lying on their back. From the point of the chuva, two thin scale-ridges run, one on each side of the cloaca’s opening. 
Cardassians are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs, so the internal reproductive organs of the female are collectively called the oviduct (a word that in viviparous species is only used of what in humans is called the fallopian tube). Cardassian females have two ovaries. After ovulation, the ovum enters the infundibulum, a funnel-shaped organ. (The term infundibulum is used of many other funnel-shaped anatomical features.) The yolk is also created by the ovary, but is distinct from the ovum, which is the actual cell. The ovum and yolk migrates into the uterine tube, where the albumen (egg white) is added. It stays here until one of two things happen. 
If the ovum is not fertilised, it is pushed through the isthmus, which divides the uterine tube and the shell gland (which is analogous to the human uterus). It passes through the shell-gland and vagina and is expelled through the cloaca. The result is analogous to human menstruation. As the foetus does not grow inside the Cardassian body, there is no uterine lining to shed, so there is no blood. (Bleeding from the cloaca is always a bad sign, and the average Cardassian is pretty freaked out that the concept of menstruation.) An unfertilised Cardassian egg does not have a shell, and the membrane holding it together breaks when it is expelled through the vagina, so what comes out is a runny mixture of albumen and yolk, a little like what one gets by messily cracking a chicken’s egg. This gets called vitelline effusion or passing yolk. 
If the ovum is fertilised, it is again pushed through the isthmus, but then stays in the shell-gland. There, the body starts creating the shell, including additional membranes. The time it takes to create the shell is about fifteen days. The Cardassian in question is able to tell they are gravid (the homologous term for mammals is ‘pregnant’) about five days into this process. The Cardassian egg has about the same circumference as a human baby’s head. A gravid Cardassian will in no way be as large as a pregnant human, but it will be obvious. As the creation of the shell is relatively rapid, it is not a comfortable experience. The oviposition (egg-laying) is not unlike human child-birth, with the exception that there is no afterbirth (which means no blood - again, blood is a bad sign) and an egg instead of a baby. At the point of oviposition, the foetus is still in the early stages of development. 
Because Cardassians do not have placentas, they do not have umbilical cords and therefore they do not have navels. It probably leads to them being weirded out and fascinated by belly-buttons. 
Cardassian male genitalia are in many ways not unlike human male genitalia, only it is internal. The testes have about the same position as the ovaries in female. As Cardassians are  ectotherms (cold-blooded) and have no constant body-temperature, there is no danger of the sperm being damaged by the body-heat. The vas deferens runs from the testes to a gland analogous to the human prostate, which produces seminal fluid. Cardassian females has a homologous gland which creates lubrication. The vas deferens then goes into the penis (sometimes called prUt). As mentioned above, Cardassian males do not urinate through their penises, so the double-duty that the human urethra does must weird them out to no end. The Cardassian penis is usually retracted, with only the very tip being visible. The rest of the penis is held in a sheath (the Latin nerds among you can imagine that this makes things complicated, as ‘sheath’ in Latin is vagina). However, arousal makes erectile tissue fill with blood, both in the penis and around the sheath. This pushes the penis outwards, making it protrude much further. This is referred to as eversion, literally tuning outwards. The penis is not covered in skin but mucous membranes, like the human vulva. The sheath is self-lubricating through glands on either side in order to make eversion easier. Without that lubrication, eversion is not fun. It also comes in handy during penetrative sex, of course.
The female homologue of the penis in Cardassians, roughly their clitoris, is referred to as the vit. It looks much like a small version of the prUt, with similar sheath and erectile tissue. It is far narrower (as much of the area taken up by the sheath in males is taken up by the vagina in females) and shorter (possibly because of hormonal reasons). It also does not have the vas deferens that the prUt has. Like the prUt, the vit will lengthen and be pushed outwards because of arousal, but because of its smaller size it tends not to reach the cloacal opening. The sheath of the vit has glands like the male homologue, though the posterior ones also lubricate the vagina. (This is mainly for the purpose of oviposition, as penetrative sex tends not to reach into the vagina). 
Naturally, there are individual variations. For instance, a vit may be longer than average, and a prUt may be shorter than average. Also, just like among humans, there are Cardassians who are intersex and do not fall into one of these categories but somewhere in between. 
Addendum: Cardassian/Bajoran hybrids (or: how narratives win out over anatomy)
It makes no sense to me from a scientific point of view how a cold-blooded oviparous species and a warm-blooded viviparous species can have children. What I have decided to appease myself is that through some odd coincidence, it is possible for a Cardassian man to impregnate a Bajoran woman, but not for a Bajoran man to impregnate a Cardassian woman. 
The reason I want to salvage this instead of just reject it is that Cardassian/Bajoran children are the most interesting hybrids in terms of narrative since Spock. Spock’s human/Vulcan nature was a way of dealing with stories about internal struggles and external prejudice. Spock is clearly coded as mixed-race, while many TNG and VOY hybrids lack any thematic aspect within the narrative. However, Cardassian/Bajoran children are interesting because they are a living reminder of the Cardassian occupation. They represent the way that both Bajorans and Cardassians now have to live with what happened, and how they are interlinked through that history. This makes me willing to put aside how unlikely it is for these two species to be able to have children together. What changed my mind was Una McCormack’s novel Enigma Tales, which I highly recommend for its depiction of Cardassian/Bajoran children and Cardassia’s attempts at dealing with its past. 
With that put aside, what about the anatomy? I think Bajoran genitals are fairly close to human ones. Considering the Cardassian anatomy described above is so different, Bajoran/Cardassian children probably need surgery at a fairly early age to function well. (Some of the surgery might also be unnecessary and mostly be about making their anatomy more Cardassian.) They are also very, very unlikely to be fertile, but again, I am happy to turn a blind eye to this when the result is interesting enough, as it is in Enigma Tales, which deals with the ways in which Bajoran culture becomes part of Cardassian culture because of the descendants of Bajoran comfort women.
Sources, further reading and acknowledgements
Girling, Jane E. (2002), “The Reptilian Oviduct: A Review of Structure and Function and Directions for Future Research” in Journal of Experimental Zoology 293, pp. 141-170 – an article that was hugely helpful and also made me realise how little we actually know about reptiles.
Anapsid.org - My go-to place for reptile information. 
Speculative Cardassian Reproductive Xenobiology  - Good meta on Cardassian genitals, with special focus on sex.
Comparative Anatomy - A very smutty NSFW Garashir fic. It does an excellent job discussing Cardassian anatomy (even if I have ended up developing different ideas from this person). 
The Hatchling – A short fic by yours truly about Doctors Bashir and Parmak discussing Cardassian eggs, babies and sex assignment.
Thank you to my sister for letting me show her my work in progress, and D, who has been instrumental in my figuring these things out and first suggested the evolutionary reason for the chuva. 
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preevelynn-blog · 5 years
ManyVids Interview
Tell us about your cult:
I am the High Priestess of the Cult of Yith. We are a cult that is dedicated to learning all there is about consensual sexual perversion and deviancy. We accept every kind of gender identity and expression and sexuality.  The main goal of our cult is to collectively have as many different kinds of sex and orgasms as possible for the sake of knowledge. We only condone fully consensual sexual interactions and fully condemn any kind of nonconsensual sexual act. The Yithians collect data on all the different kinds of sexual activities that our cult members are a part of and they add it to their grand libraries that hold knowledge from infinite places and times.
The Yithians are a species of highly evolved extraterrestrial (and sometimes terrestrial) beings who can  swap their consciousness with individual creatures through not only space, but also time. A Yithian living on prehistoric planet earth could potentially swap bodies with Genghis Khan, or Abraham Lincoln, or a random person living in the year 2045. They can swap their consciousness with creatures and beings from anywhere in the universe at any time. This is how I first came into contact with them. They must have taken control of my body in the past because I now exist in strange dreams that involve them. I understand that all they seek is knowledge and I’ve always seen knowledge as power, so I’ve created the Cult of Yith to use my own talents as a sexual deviant to help the Yithians gain knowledge about human sexuality. It’s very convoluted, I know. The bottom line is that if you join the Cult of Yith and you have interesting, fun, consensual, and unique sex eventually when the Yithians come back to Earth and claim their rightful place as rulers of the planet, we will be given the role of librarian in their grand libraries for our contributions. Plus your life will just be better with a religion that fully supports your odd kinks.
What role does music play in your life?
Music plays many different roles in my life. The biggest role music plays in my life is that of a way for me to communicate. Music is also a friend, an enemy, a religion, and many more things. I am almost always listening to music unless I am sleeping and I create music every single day. It has a near constant presence in my life. I create music for all the porn that I make. It may not be very good, but it’s something I made and that makes me proud. My favorite art has always been art that is provocative and socially conscious. I think in American society right now we need to be pushing for sex work to be more protected, socially and legally, and music is a great medium to do that. Music can be a wrapper for a message that makes a message an easier pill for humanity to swallow. I love to make music that focuses on and is influenced by sex work, intersectional feminism, and the rights of genderqueer people while theatrically wrapping it all up in a recognizable package, such as the imagery of a religion or cult. *hint hint nudge nudge* Music, and all art forms that I indulge in, are a way for me to unapologetically say what I want to say.
What do you see as the major issues facing the LGBTQ+ community in adult entertainment?
I think one of the most glaring issues faced by LGBTQ+ people in adult entertainment is the remaining stigma around trans and gay performers and the silence of many cis industry members about this topic. Performers and managers steer away from gay and trans people for a lot of different reasons and some of these reasons are direct reflections of a past that’s already been thoroughly gutted and exposed as idiotic and queerphobic. There are some very stark differences between how cis and trans performers in the adult entertainment industry are treated. For example, segregation between cis and trans women is alive and well on MyFreeCams to the extent that MyFreeCams doesn’t allow trans women to perform on their site even though they are supposedly a “women only” cam site. In their rules and wiki there is a lot of trans exclusionary language. On their wiki it says “Natural-born women” only and on their official site rules they say nothing about disallowing trans women, but they do say “No men.” So if a trans woman can get through the background check (Which I did because they don’t ask for a picture of your genitals) and gets banned from the site, what rule did she break? It’s pretty safe to assume she only broke the “No men” rule even though she isn’t a man. MyFreeCams won’t address the issue at all and when I got banned from their site my account was deleted, they took all the money I had earned during my show, and I never got a response as to “why” I was banned. Their silence protects them.
This is a really important issue because MyFreeCams is probably the biggest cam site in the world and they sponsor so many huge events and conventions related to sex work. So you’ll have safe spaces and events for MyFreeCams models that are essentially spaces and events for women, but trans women are excluded. MyFreeCams is a huge part of the industry and they should treat all women equally, we should demand better from the large companies that represent the different aspects of sex work. Just a reminder to all cis models on MyFreeCams, 40-50% of your hard earned money is going to supporting this behavior. I understand you might not have the privilege to leave, but that’s not stopping you from emailing MyFreeCams asking why trans women aren’t allowed, or from putting them on blast on social media. On other issues too, we should not be silent. When MyFreeCams is transphobic we need our cis allies to call them out and be loud because they don’t care about what trans people think. If you’re an ally and your manager is being homophobic don’t be silent, call them out. Homophobes and transphobes don’t care about queer people, they will mostly only listen to other cisgender straight people. Power structures are torn down from the top, not the bottom. Please help.
What are your favorite fetishes? Are there any you got into thanks to making content? Any you keep for your private life and don’t film?
I think my favorite fetish is blasphemy targeted at Roman Catholicism. I got into blasphemy from doing private shows for ministers and active church goers who wanted me to really dig into their religion and basically replace their God with myself. I was raised Roman Catholic and I find the King James version of the bible to be very problematic and anti-queer, so I revel in the opportunity to tackle something that often puts me down. Whenever I do one of these shows I often start by detailing to my submissive the passages in the bible that condemn me as a trans woman, specifically the ones in deuteronomy, and explaining how their God wanted me to be in league with the devil by creating me this way. Then I will go on and explain how Satan and I are converting God’s own angels and humans against him by helping them to see the light of sexual deviancy. Then we do all kinds of naughty things in MY name instead of God’s name.
I find it refreshing and empowering to fight against something much more powerful than myself that actively oppresses me and people like me. The Catholic church is one such force and I revel in the opportunity to not only voice my opinions about the Christian mythos, but also to get someone who is a part of it to realize how anti-trans their own book can be. It is beneficial and positive for both me and the submissive and every single submissive I’ve done a blasphemy show with has returned more times than I can remember for the same experience.
Who are your: musical heroes, adult entertainment heroes, and political heroes, and why?
I don’t really have many heroes. I think some of my biggest influences when it comes to music and porn are Marilyn Manson and Natalie Mars. Marilyn Manson’s provocative style just really makes my inner goth girl squeal, and I think Natalie Mars is just so gosh darned physically talented. I wish I could take the things in my butt she does.
What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?
That scene at the end of the Witch where the girl talks to the goat.
What is the most annoying question that people ask you?
It’s not a question, but I hate when guys want to talk about how they are straight, but they would still fuck me. Like, yeah… duh… if you were gay you would probably want to fuck a man?
What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of?
Ariana Grande
What sexual fantasy would you like to make a reality through making an adult vid?
I would love to recreate the exorcism scene from the Exorcist, but instead of Regan and two male priests I’ll be possessed and two sexy female nuns will fuck the devil out of me.
Say something to your fans:
I appreciate you all and if you respect and support me I respect and support you. <3
Fast 10:
The Best Topping/Ice Cream Combination Is:
Spaghettieis from Germany
One piece of entertainment I wish I could erase from my mind so that I could experience it for the first time again is:
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
If I could have an orgy with anyone on Earth it would be the following people:
Marilyn Manson (1994 version), Katie Marovich from CollegeHumor, and Peter Steele (Also 1994 version).
If you wanted to talk dirty to me you should say:
Describe giving me oral sex and then cuddling me.
The sexiest outfit I own is:
A lace bodysuit that one of my biggest supporters of the name Ser_Koopa bought me!
This sex toy I love and this sex toy I dislike:
I love my fleshlight and I’m not a fan of plastic prostate massagers.
If I could time travel I’d visit this era:
1994 for the metal or some time in the future when I’m not living way below the poverty line and I’m comfortable.
The best way to start the day is:
One thing I wish I knew more about is:
Stocks and investments
The one major sex tip I have for people is:
Communicate. It’s always a good idea to ask someone if they are ok during a sexual experience.
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murrayspharmacy5 · 5 years
Sugary Drinks Linked To Cancer
"Drinking a third of a fizzy drink a day `increases risk of breast cancer by 22% – and fruit juice is just as dangerous`," reports the Sun. The headline is based on a large ongoing study that assessed sugary and artificially sweetened drink intake in more than 100,000 adults in France. All drinks with high levels of sugar were considered, including 100% fruit juices and sugary fizzy drinks.
The researchers followed the participants up over time to see whether those who drank more of these drinks were more likely to develop cancer. They found that each additional 100ml of any sugary drink a person drank a day increased cancer risk by 18%.
An increase in cancer risk was also found with 100% fruit juices, but not with artificially sweetened drinks. An 18% increase in risk may sound quite high, but it corresponds to 4 extra cases of cancer per every 1,000 people over a 5-year period.
This was a good-quality study, but it`s difficult to pinpoint the impact of 1 part of a person`s diet on their health. Ideally, more studies are needed to assess this link. But we already know that consuming too much sugar is not good for us. If we consume more calories (in any form) than we burn off, we can become overweight and being overweight increases cancer risk.
Drinking too many sugary drinks is also bad for our teeth. Healthy lifestyle changes are the most effective way to reduce your cancer risk. These include regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, avoiding smoking and not drinking too much alcohol.
Where did the story come from?
This study was conducted by researchers from the Paris 13 University, Avicenne Hospital and The French Public Health Agency. It was funded by various public bodies in France, including the Ministry of Health, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM).
One of the researchers was funded by the French National Cancer Institute and the Fondation de France. The study was published in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal. The paper is open access, so you can read the study for free online.
This story has had extensive coverage in the UK media. While the reporting was broadly accurate, many headlines were alarmist, such as the Mail Online`s claim that "Just ONE drink of fruit juice or sugary tea a day can dramatically increase the risk of cancer".
Focusing on an increase in relative risk without putting it into the context of actual risk (absolute risk) is not particularly helpful for readers. Also, many headlines did not make it clear that we cannot be sure that sugary drinks are directly causing the increase in risk.
What kind of research was this?
This was an analysis of an ongoing prospective cohort study called the French NutriNet-Santé cohort, which was designed to assess how people`s diets affect their health. The analysis looked at whether drinking sugary or artificially sweetened drinks was linked to a person`s risk of developing cancer. Although lots of studies have looked at the links between sugary drinks and metabolism, weight and heart health, fewer studies have looked at whether they`re linked to cancer.
Those studies that have been done have not consistently found a link, so the researchers wanted to carry out a large prospective cohort study to look at this question. This type of study is the best way to look at the link between diet and health outcomes over a long period of time.
As people make their own lifestyle choices, and these can also be influenced by socioeconomic and other factors, this means people who drink more sugary drinks may have different behaviours or characteristics from those who drink less.
These differences can influence this type of analysis, meaning we cannot be certain sugary drinks are directly causing any links seen.
Researchers can take steps to try to reduce the impact of other factors, as they have done in this study, and this makes the results more robust.
What did the research involve?
Researchers in the nutrient-Santé study used mass media campaigns to recruit adults to take part. The study is web-based, and participants complete questionnaires and follow-up online. It started in 2009 and is still ongoing. The current analysis used data collected up to 2017. Once they registered, participants completed 5 questionnaires about their diet (food and drink), physical activity, health, sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics, and height and weight.
They were also asked to report their weight and record their diet every 6 months. Diet was assessed using a standard questionnaire, which asked participants to record what they ate on 3 non-consecutive days (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day) over a 2-week period. The diet questionnaire included 97 types of sugary drinks and 12 types of artificially sweetened drinks. Sugary drinks were defined as those including more than 5% simple carbohydrates (sugars) and 100% fruit juices. It included sugar-sweetened hot beverages, as well as cold drinks, fizzy and non-fizzy drinks, and energy and sports drinks.
On average, these beverages contained just under 11g of sugar per 100ml (median). The researchers carried out various checks to see how accurately participants were reporting their information.
For example, a small group of participants were seen by the researchers in person to check that weight was being reported accurately. Participants who showed signs of under-reporting their dietary intakes were excluded.
Participants filled in a yearly questionnaire about their health and could also report a health event at any time.
If a person reported having developed cancer, a doctor from the study team contacted them to ask them to provide relevant medical records.
The researchers followed up with the person`s hospital or doctor as needed.
They also looked for other cases of cancer or deaths from cancer among participants using the national health insurance system and death register.
Details of all cases were reviewed by a panel of doctors to confirm that cancer was present.
The researchers then analysed whether people who drank more sugary or artificially sweetened drinks at the start of the study were more likely to go on to develop cancer.
They took into account other factors that could affect the results (confounders).
These included:
other dietary factors, such as energy intake, alcohol consumption, and fruit and vegetable consumption
body mass index (BMI)
physical activity
health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes
family history of cancer
For the analyses of breast cancer specifically, they also took into account the number of children the person had, if they`d gone through the menopause, and use of oral contraception or hormone replacement therapy.
What were the basic results?
The analysis included 101,257 adults who did not have cancer when they signed up to take part, and who completed at least 2 questionnaires about their diet in the first 2 years of the study.
Those who drank the most sugary drinks consumed an average of 186ml a day, and those who drank the least an average of 93ml a day.
Most of the participants (78.7%) were women.
The participants were followed up for an average (median) of 5 years. During follow-up, 2,193 people developed cancer (about 2%).
After taking into account other factors, participants who drank more sugary drinks were more likely to develop cancer.
For each 100ml extra of sugary drinks a person drank daily, their risk increased by 18% relative to those drinking 100ml less per day (hazard ratio [HR] 1.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10 to 1.27). When looking at specific cancer types, women who drank more sugary drinks were more likely to develop breast cancer (for an extra 100ml per day HR 1.22, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.39).
No link was found between sugary drink intake and with prostate or bowel cancer. When looking at specific types of drinks, 100% fruit juice was associated with overall cancer rate (for an extra 100ml per day HR 1.12, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.23).
Artificially sweetened drinks were not found to be linked with cancer risk, but the participants drank relatively little of these drinks (with half of the participants drinking less than 7ml per day on average).
How did the researchers interpret the results?
The researchers concluded their study found that drinking more sugary drinks, including 100% fruit juice, is associated with an increase in the risk of cancer.
They say their findings need to be confirmed by other large prospective studies.
This study has shown a link between drinking more sugary drinks and the risk of cancer.
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