#but i also know we're both busy busy bees so energy + time is a bit of an issue
strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@endfought requested : ✏️
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tr: Alli, Admittedly , we've not known each other long , but I echo your sentiment by saying I am glad to get to know you regardless. Truthfully , I hope we get the chance to become closer ! So , don't be a stranger ! I always love our chats , gossiping about muses , talking about whatever ... You're very easy to talk to. I will also die on the hill of Jen / Kaen's dynamic ; sorry not sorry , I love them to bits and you can pry them out of my dead , gay hands. Just know , I would love to throw more of our muses together and if you want more plots or threads ... Literally come talk to me about them , dork ! >:)
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lastweeksshirttonight · 7 months
What is this?? Lee actually following up on promises of posting longform writing??? I know, I'm scared too.
Last Lee Tonight (wherein Lee quotes noted political commentator Olivia Rodrigo) Season One, Episode Nine
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(Original air date: 6/29/2014) Topics covered: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, LGBT rights and discrimination in Uganda
Trigger warning: discussions of homophobia
"That is why I, personally, refuse to pay for Mennonite cabinets. Because Jason Bourne could, conceivably, beat someone to death with one of those things."
Because the last time I posted one of these reviews was (checks notes) August 2023, a brief recap of where we are in terms of the season developing is in order. Episode Eight was the first time the entire main story was put on LWT's YouTube page, after a very... scattershot approach to uploading segments onto social media. The show is also coming into its own - although the recap of the week segments are bouncing between being extremely surface-level, sometimes only one joke long, and closer to the current iteration of a small yet rigorous dive into a relevant topic for a few minutes before the main topic, the main stories are beginning to take longer form, even though they are still tied to the idea of the show being immediately relevant.
This episode is one of the few I think is, with a few exceptions, almost completely available on the LWT YouTube page worldwide. Both major segments are uploaded, as well as an extended interview segment. Looking forward, they do experiment with the idea of breaking up most of the episodes and loading them onto YouTube for the rest of season one. At least they're actually, um, loading the main parts of the episodes on YouTube from here on out. As I've said many times before, no one had any idea what kind of show LWT was supposed to be or what it would become.
Another fun fact - apparently you can no longer screenshot these episodes I bought on YouTube on my desktop with PrtSc. What the fuck. Is up. With that?! (aaaah~) Fuck you business daddy you complete sack of daddy-shaped shit. (Clearly I have my ways of getting around this, even if the screenshots seem a bit blurry to me, but... fucking hell, I'm just trying to take a screenshot OF SOMETHING I PAID FOR.)
ANYWAYS. There's an episode of LWT we're ostensibly discussing!
Our first topic is the 2014 World Cup. England has been knocked out, so the tournament is dead to John. Oh John. So innocent. So full of life. You have no clue about the shitstorm you're gonna drop on FIFA's doorstep next season.
At the World Cup, an Uruguayan player, Luis Suarez, bit an Italian player, something I totally forgot about. He also bit TWO OTHER PEOPLE. John calls the Italian player "a delicious piece of prime Italian steak" - I forgot that chaotic bisexuality has been baked into this show from day one but I love it.
(Based on the only hate comment I've ever received, I know someone will probably deign to tell me that John is not bisexual, which... I know. But the writing of this show has chaotic bisexual energy - in some seasons, like the one where John begs Adam Driver to chokeslam him into a table regularly, energy honestly isn't a strong enough word to describe whatever's going on - and I like acknowledging that element of the show.)
John mentions the week has been awash with depressing terrorism news but leads into a segment about Boko Haram being driven out of their hiding places by snakes and bees, an incredible victory for the scariest parts of nature. John is furious that scorpions have instead decided to hide in bananas in supermarkets instead of fighting terrorism. John's grin after delivering that joke is effervescent. He loves this kind of stupid, "now THAT'S a sentence"-style joke.
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He's so happy y'all
We take a hard left turn into discussing Syria, and that the US is looking to send money to "appropriately vetted" rebel soldiers. The obvious question is asked - how do you vet rebel soldiers? John suggests a trade-school-style commercial to recruit potential rebel soldiers. (The offer is open to bees and snakes!) One thing I like about the early episodes that does still come through from time to time on the show are these sorts of Daily Show-style fake commercials and PSAs. They can get repetitive after seeing the segments they're covering, but there's usually some fun twists and chances for some real absurdities and escalations you can't do in the show proper.
Our first real segment follows after this, on Burwell v Hobby Lobby. You may remember this as the court case that allowed for Hobby Lobby, a crappy JoAnn's knockoff run by evangelical Christians who also stole artifacts for a bible museum, to not pay for an employee's birth control through the Affordable Care Act because it went against their religion. As a corporation. Because corporations are people now. God this country sucks.
At the time of airing, this decision hadn't been made yet by the Supreme Court, so John is going over the details of the case, including the questions at the center of it - do corporations have freedom of religion, and are corporations people? John confidently says "no" before realizing he has to actually discuss this, and I really want to live in 2014 John World. This whole segment has a lovely capper extending two ideas to their logical, absurd extremes - government cannot be an a la carte system, something John demonstrates by showing a wild variety of things people don't want to spend their taxes on which starts fairly even-keel but spirals into Fox News talking heads saying that their tax dollars are being spent on Mexican prostitutes. And on the flip-side, if corporations are people, well, people die. Amongst other things.
Something that's been a bit lost about this case in the ten years since is that a Mennonite sect that owned a kitchen cabinet making company also sued the government over providing birth control. I totally forgot about that.
Our "And Now This" segment is on politicians misusing the word 'literally'. Chris Traeger literally adored this segment. (It's short and is exactly what you'd expect. Not much to say here.)
The next segment is on LGBTQIA+ rights in Uganda. Interestingly, John introduces this segment by saying "finally tonight..." despite being only 12 minutes into a 30 minute show. Definitely had me checking the clock in confusion.
I appreciate that John opens this segment not sugarcoating anything happening to LGBTQIA+ individuals in Uganda, even before he gets into the details of the anti-gay laws there. While there's been segments prior that have been obviously extremely serious, this is the first one that feels like John is coming from a place of seriousness first, jokes second. There are plenty of jokes, yes, lots of very funny ones. But when you compare how this segment opens, with no frills or equivocating, to even the Hobby Lobby segment earlier this episode, there's a pretty obvious difference.
People really didn't know how to react to the line "the moral arc of the universe is long, and it bends away from Uganda." There's like one scattered laugh at that. I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be a joke.
A lot of the details of this segment are deeply upsetting, especially post-Trump in a world where it feels like freedoms are rolling back everywhere and extremist hatemongers like Scott Lively are being treated more and more seriously. The fact that he was laughed at here in the past is refreshing, but knowing that he'd likely be a top senate candidate now is so distressing. There's a lot of things that can be seen in this show in hindsight, most of them so far more benign than this. Unfortunately, the exportation of homophobia now looks less like the death throes of a dying political position, as John posits here from 2014, and more like a big factor in sowing the seeds for this last decade's right-wing global surge.
That being said, Pepe Julian Onziema is a true portrait of grace under fire. The interview with Onziema in the show is extremely illuminating, the kind of interview that makes me wish John did more interviews. Onziema is a delight - I love his seriousness in speaking to the realities of living as an LGBT+ person in Uganda, and his bravery in fighting this fight despite the looming threat of severe prison time. Relatedly, "Sorry doesn't cut it" is such a great comeback to John apologizing for being part of two groups of people that brought this wave of homophobia to Uganda.
There is an extended interview with Onziema on YouTube that dives further into some of the specifics of certain social elements, like context into how Ugandan discourse took on elements of American homophobic talking points (like "gay people are recruiting children") and a timeline of Scott Lively's touring of Uganda. John manages to completely break him by singing part of an early hateful song about "the rainbow belonging to God" as well, which made me so happy. Turn those hateful things into ludicrously stupid ones to destroy them.
I do highly recommend watching this interview - it's one of the best things that LWT has ever done, still. This has stayed with me for 10 years.
Other notes:
Hey. Hey Lee. You gonna talk about the fit?: Yes of course I am, the meds didn't change my brain THAT much. We have a light blue shirt with a dark blue tie with lighter piping, and a gray suitjacket. This is a subdued look but I like the neutral slate color combination going on here. 8/10
I haven't mentioned the unique title cards for each episode of LWT yet, mainly because this is the first one I found really funny - it's a picture of Renaldo with the caption "Kickus Ballium". (New name for football ahoy!)
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Please enjoy this incredible "I'm so smooth" looking freeze frame that I took while pausing the episode to write. So smooth.
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"I've got to be honest, being British is sometimes a little like being an alcoholic. When someone says you did something awful, you find yourself going, 'Honestly, I don't even remember doing that, but yeah, probably, probably. I'm a dick, I'm a dick.'" He slipped so easily into that Ian Duncan mode for this line, I so hope he comes back for the Community movie.
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my-johnlockficrecs · 3 years
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it's finally here! after a lot of blood, sweat and tears thanks to tumblr being tumblr, i have finally managed to compile and format my feb 2022 reading list 😩 february absolutely flew by, didn't it? can't believe we're already facing the second week of march 😳 last month was rather busy for me, so i thought that i hadn't read many fics. boy, i was wrong. i read so much, that for the first time, i had to make two lists instead of the usual one. holy shit. last month, i read many, many short fics—so a special thank you to short form writers! i know short fics can sometimes get a bad rep in fandom spaces, which is ridiculous. it takes real talent to tell a story, and tell it well, in short form! plus, they're perfect for when you don't have the mental energy to invest in a long fic. go give your favourite short fic a comment! and now, without further ado, here is my feb round up, part one! part two coming soon 😉
key: ✨ elements of magic/fantasy • 🔍victorian era • 🐺 a/b/o • 🎆new years themed • 💌 valentine's themed • blue highlight: reread
spotlight rec
✰ A Quiet Murmuration by cathedral_carver (4k, teen) // Just pay me back with one thousand kisses.
i went back and forth about spotlighting this, partly because i thought maybe i should spotlight a fic i haven't read before and partly because i was spoilt for choice—i mean look at all the brilliant fics on this list! but in the end, i went for it because this fic is just. special to me. it's so soft and sweet and gentle, everything i adore 🥺 one of the things i really like about A Quiet Murmuration is that it really does pick up on the slightly odd, one-of-a-kind nature of john and sherlock's friendship/relationship. i mean, not many mates would ask for a thousand kisses as payback 😌 of course, that's a little to do with the fact that john and sherlock are in love, but also, they're just two funny little dudes with odd quirks of personality that complement each other and no one else. and i love that <3 i could read this fic a thousand times and still not get tired of it. and all that in just 4k! do yourself a favour and go and read this, as a treat 💖
bite sized (5k and less)
This Isn't About the Bathtub by cypress_tree (1k, G) John and Sherlock go to Angelo's for dinner. In both of their pockets are rings they are going to propose with, but the other has no idea. John proposes first, and Sherlock answers by pulling out his engagement ring.
Telling the Bees by @shiplocks-of-love (1k, G) He turns again to the cottage and takes a deep breath, his senses filling with the soft buzzing of bees, the rustling of leaves and the sweet aromas of wildflowers. He takes one step, then another. A short, soft epilogue to "The Death and Resurrection of a Beekeeper".
The Detective and the Demon by oreganotea (2k, G) ✨ “Every demon on record is described as either monstrously terrifying or breathtakingly beautiful,” Sherlock says. “I have never heard of a demon with a forgettable face and a propensity for ugly jumpers.” The demon looks down at his jumper. Okay, so it might not be the most flattering article of clothing in the world, but it sure looks a hell of a lot more comfortable than Sherlock’s two-sizes-too-small shirt.
Applied Linguistics by what_alchemy (4k, M) “He wants to shake John by the shoulders, wants to open his mouth and swallow John whole. Wants to marry him.” Sherlock searches for the right words.
Resolution by WritingOutLoud (1k, G) 🎆 There’s ten seconds until midnight, and Sherlock deduces some life changing information about his army-doctor. Will he finally have someone to kiss at midnight?
Eight Minutes by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 1 of the I Dream of Dying series} Sherlock dies three times in three years, and John makes a different decision.
The Roads Not Taken by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 2 of the I Dream of Dying series} Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. -The Road Not Taken
The Evidence Suggests by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 3 of the I Dream of Dying series} The evidence suggests that Sherlock is going to expire from sheer  boredom, pine himself into an early grave, and then claw himself back to  life just to haunt Mycroft for the rest of eternity.
Guardian Angel by Ranowa (5k, teen) {part 4 of the I Dream of Dying series} Sherlock Holmes is not an angel. John never asked him to be one.
five times sherlock holmes lied to john watson (and one time he told the truth) by miss_frankenstein (5k, G) 🔍 "Something in Wilde’s persecution has touched a nerve in Sherlock –  snapped that tenuous thread of hope holding him upright – and it feels  as if he has taken to bleeding internally." Set in "The Abominable Bride" universe, this piece adopts a  familiar format to chronicle Sherlock's quiet suffering in the wake of  the 1895 Oscar Wilde trials and the particular way they affect his  relationship with (and feelings for) John.
A Discourse on the Inadequacy of a Duvet by guns_and_poses (1k, teen) For a prompt: Sherlock keeps stealing the covers when  they share a bed because he wants John to move closer to him when they  are sleeping but of course doesn't want to ask. John gets annoyed at first until he realises what Sherlock wants and is more than happy to oblige. John looks over at the folds of covers gathered on the opposite  side of Sherlock's body, then glances up at Sherlock’s face. “You’re doing it again.”
Settling In by PorcupineGirl (1k, teen) For Selskia, who wanted "Asexual!Sherlock/Straight!John in a queerplatonic romantic relationship. It's a bit of an oddball, but  anything fluffy and loving and nonporny will be endlessly and forever  adored. It's always fun to see the two work out that hey, we're in love, we don't have sex, but it's still a wonderful and meaningful  relationship."
Like Any Other Day by wearitcounts (Sher_locked_up) (1k, teen) Just when John thought Sherlock couldn't get any more strange...
Conversations With Idiots by @scullyseviltwin (1k, teen) A huge gust of breath comes rushing out of John's lungs as he steels himself, checks his resolve, and then, “I’m… I’m gone on you.”
Assurance by belovedmuerto (2k, teen) It’s not so much the ‘you’re half-dead, you wanker,’ or  even the broken ribs, the hairline fracture of the pelvis, the  dislocated shoulder and knee, and the wrenched ankle.
It's a Dummy by Johnnlocked (Krullenbol2602) (2k, teen) What if Mary had taken the shot?
Homemaking by rageprufrock (4k, teen) The original plan for returning to England involved fucking around being shellshocked and suffering mandatory post-combat counseling and physical therapy to dissect the shattered mosaic of his feelings. That's not quite how it goes.
Crime Scene Procedure for Death by Drowning by paxlux (2k, teen) {part 1 of the proper procedure series}
He lies back in bed and listens to the notes and pictures them gathering around Sherlock’s feet like water.
Crime Scene Procedure for Asphyxiation by Living Burial by paxlux (3k, teen) {part 2 of the proper procedure series} He feels like there's a stone in his chest, maybe an albatross around his neck.
No Good Without You by textsandscones (4k, teen) A diverting new case surrounding musicians and stolen instruments captures Sherlock's attention, the consequences of which lead both detective and doctor to see one another in a different light. "There is a sudden twist of torso, an arm reclining impossibly far back that skims against the terrycloth of John's dressing gown. Sherlock halts, and turns to stand with both feet placed firmly upon the floorboards beneath him." Written for ughbenedict's dancing prompt.
A New Arrangement by flawedamythyst (2k, G) John and Sherlock aren't meant to have any contact until they're married, but how is Sherlock meant to plot a wedding without John's input? Arranged Marriage AU.
The Breath Between Us by fayfayfay (4k, E) 🐺 A simple romance that takes place in a traditionalist alpha/omega society. John is invalided home and finds himself an eligible bachelor; Sherlock is a stubborn omega who has refused all of his suitors. They take to one another.
The Breath Before Us by fayfayfay (3k, E) 🐺 A simple romance that takes place in a traditionalist alpha/omega society. John is invalided home and finds himself an eligible bachelor; Sherlock is a stubborn omega who has refused all of his suitors. They take to one another. Sherlock POV version of The Breath Between Us.
tea-mug distance by Anderl (645, G) Just a moment ago, Sherlock had been standing in his personal space, only the mug putting the distance between them. John should have leaned up and kissed Sherlock. It would have been so easy. John overcomes the distance of his tea mug.
A Metaphorical Gesture by cyparissus (1k, teen) "Sherlock, are you--" the words die in John's throat and he has to swallow and start again, "Are you asking me to marry you?"
The Two of Us Against the World by slashscribe (1k, teen) John is there to take care of Sherlock as he comes down from his overdose in The Abominable Bride. Set immediately after the tarmac, back in 221B.
Giveaway Fic #9 - Angsty Sick Fic/Sherlock is Sick by ConsultingPurplePants (1k, teen) The next time he awakens is even more chaotic. Two doctors are shouting at each other in the corner, and John is holding his hand so tightly Sherlock is worried he’ll break it. “—fever’s been like this for two days! He hasn’t remained conscious for more than two minutes at a time so far!” shouts one of the doctors. “I don’t care! We can’t do what you’re suggesting, it’ll just make it worse. Besides, according to his file, he’s already taken every drug under the sun, who knows what that man is resistant to—.” Sherlock flinches, feeling like all of his progress is being thrown in his face again. John’s head jerks up.
You Know, The Old Saying by songlin (2k, teen) "Marry me. I need to have you forever." Unrepentant husbands!Johnlock fluff.
Watson’s Anatomy by @calaisreno (1k, teen) 💌 John and Sherlock's first Valentine's Day as a couple.
Their Best by johnlockhedgehog149 (793, teen) John Watson was trying his best. Sherlock Holmes was  trying his best. It wasn't going very well. A little ficlet about coming  together to their best.
short fics (5k-15k)
Bread and Wine and Curry Once a Week by cwb (8k, E) "I am not agitated. I'm just tired of it. The insinuations, the comments, that I have no... no interest in relationships, or sex." "Oh. So you do, then?" "Maybe." "Which? Relationships, or sex, or both?"
Bakers with Benefits ficlets by @raina-at (6k, ch:4/?, E) A series of one-shots, ficlets and timestamps set in the Bakers with Benefits 'verse. You should probably read that first.
How to Sleep with Your Enemy in One Semester by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (9k, M) Visiting professors John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are longtime academic rivals — and now unwilling office mates — at a prestigious American university. When their tense arguments give way to an undercurrent of mutual attraction, their war of wits turns into something more personal — until it goes off course. A party, a phone number, and deserted office at night might just bring them back together.
A Hooligan's Game Played By Gentlemen by @scullyseviltwin (15k, E) In which John wants to get back in shape, does so, joins a rugby league and has sex with Sherlock Holmes. In that order. He was no spring chicken - as it were - and the extra stress of running and jumping and tripping and falling and climbing and leaping and - in one notable instance - swimming to the bank of the Thames was putting his body through the proverbial ringer.
Let You Kiss Me (So Sweet and So Soft) by out_there (8k, G) The first time Sherlock kisses him, John keeps his eyes open, and so does Sherlock, and mostly, he wonders what Sherlock could possibly be up to. There'll be some logic to this. Some ridiculous experiment about body warmth or respiratory rates or testing a new way of picking pockets. Sherlock does the unimaginable for bizarre reasons, but behind it, there's always logic and curiosity. Sometimes, it just takes him a while to explain it to John.
Amenably by Resonant (6k, E) You certainly never forgot who you were kissing with Sherlock.
Four Funerals and a Wedding by Susan (12k, E) The story of John and Sherlock or Nothing worth having is ever easy. John fit himself neatly into Sherlock, his arm curving over his  back, his hand tucked warmly under Sherlock’s body. John thought  Sherlock had fallen asleep when the feather-light breath of Sherlock’s  whisper drifted across his skin, “Stay with me.” John understood then that Sherlock had always been there, in the  corner of his mind, in the tracks of his memory, right there close  enough to touch. He held onto him, trying hard to steady his voice.  “Where else would I go?”
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (15k, E) 🔍✨ Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
No Such Person by @calaisreno (11k, teen) ✨ Sherlock takes the case of a missing man, an army doctor whose sister believes there is something sinister about his disappearance. It's actually a bit more complicated than that. His case haunts me. I picture his smiling face in the photos, open and ingenuous, and wonder where he is now. The options are not happy: held against his will somewhere, in hiding, or dead. The notion that I might find him has possessed me; I am loathe to give up my search.
February 15th by prettysailorsoldier (8k, teen) 💌 After a difficult breakup years earlier, Sherlock has decided that  romance is something he can do without, but a blind date with the handsome, charming, funny (did we mention handsome?) John Watson might  just prove him wrong--if he's willing to take the risk again.
The Death and Resurrection of a Beekeeper by @shiplocks-of-love (12k, M) Sherlock escapes London for a quiet, solitary life in Sussex, exhausted after the whirlwind of drama following Mary’s death. One day, a letter arrives.
The Zebra Sheets by agirlsname (13k, M) Sherlock is back from the dead and he's exhausted. So is John. They go on a holiday to a faraway cottage and unexpected truths are revealed.
mid length (16k-50k)
The White Lotuses by @silentauroriamthereal (20k, E) One day John realises that he just isn't where he belongs, which is back at Baker Street with Sherlock. So he goes back and Sherlock, in his own way, courts him. Romance.
26 Pieces by Lanning (28k, E) Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Lifetime Achievement by Mad_Lori (47k, E) John Watson has just won an Oscar and gotten engaged in the same day.  Now what? (Sequel to "Performance in a Leading Role")
Perfect Match (if you squint a bit) by orphan_account (30k, M) "Look at us! I'm straight, you keep severed heads in the fridge, it's hardly a match made in heaven." From the prompt: "In a world where people report being generally unsatisfied with their romantic lives and divorces are at an all time high, the quality of relationships are plummeting. Healthy relationships lead to happy citizens, which ultimately help form a better society and country. So, the British government has decided to take matters into hand by setting up a program to match a person with their best possible romantic partner."
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mmilkbreadd · 4 years
Chapter nineteen: “The Long-Awaited Date”
Masterpost - Prev - Next
(These links might not work so I recommend you looking at the post linked on my profile for new updates)
Warning(s): none
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Thirty minutes later Bokuto sent you a message saying that he had already arrived at the hotel to pick you up. Emiko jumped off her bed with a big smile on her lips. When you told her about your date, she was too happy for you. Her plan had finally come to an end. 
“Have a lot of fun, y/n!” she said as she walked you to the exit. “Don't worry, I'll keep Tendou busy while you're on your date. Do not be late!”
Emiko hugged you and you walked out the door to meet a nervous Bokuto, who had a bunch of broken flowers in his hand. Seeing you, his face flushed, and looking down he handed you the flowers. 
“Thank you... They are beautiful, but what happened to them?” you said with a small smile, taking his gift with both hands. 
Bokuto laughed as he remembered what had happened. Then he began to explain the situation to you while walking towards a destination unknown to you. 
“It's really a funny story,” he laughed. “There is a flower shop on the corner of my house, I bought some that seemed very nice, as you can see. But when I was walking towards your hotel, I noticed that there was a bee inside them! I got so scared that the flowers fell to the ground, and someone accidentally stepped on them.”
Koutarou let a laugh out of his mouth. Hearing him laugh, you did too. By laughing, the uncomfortable atmosphere had already vanished, the conversation was much more fluid, and there were no more silences that could cause more discomfort. 
After fifteen minutes of walking, Bokuto stopped and pointed to your left, indicating that you had already reached your destination. Looking where he had pointed, you found a large building. A sign at the entrance indicated that you arrived at ‘Fukurodani Academy'. It was the school where Koutarou went.
“Don't tell me we're going to play volleyball. I didn't bring suitable clothes to do it!”
Bokuto laughed once more, shaking his head; and with great courage, he took your hand to start leading you into the school. 
It was not yet night, it was almost six in the afternoon so the sun was still in the sky. The school was quite bright, but there was no one on the grounds. Which scared you a bit, maybe you were trespassing. Like, you were doing illegal things. Forbidden things! 
'I don't want to go to jail! I am very young!' you thought looking back and forth looking for the blue and red lights, which would indicate that the police were nearby. But despite frantically searching, no one was there besides you and Bokuto. 
Koutarou was ahead of you, guiding you through the entire school until you reached the gym. He turned to see you and noticed your scared face. 
“Are we trespassing?” you asked. “Look Bokuto, I like you, but I don't want to go to jail. I'm barely seventeen years old!”
“Oh y/n, sorry. I should have told you before” he said releasing your hand and opening the gym door. “They let us come to train whenever we want, that's why we were able to enter. The police won't come to take us, I promise.”
Once inside the gym, a bit calmer, you saw a table in the middle of it, with two chairs next to it. On the table were two plates of food, and also a large pink cake. 
The two of you walked to the middle of the court and sat on the chairs. 
“I didn't know you were so romantic, Koutarou.” Just like the other time, Bokuto blushed when he heard his name come out of your mouth. Then you looked at what was on the plates: a large portion of your favorite food. “How did you know that this is what I like the most?”
“Emiko told me... Well I asked her actually” he said pouring water into a glass, and then he served you too. “And with the romantic thing, I don't think so. Akaashi, and the whole team as well, helped me do this. I also made this strawberry cake! It's not going to be as delicious as the one you made the other day, but give it a try!”
You blushed. You were flattered that not only had he done all this for you, but that he had also filled out your recipe, and tried to recreate it to surprise you. 
Dinner flowed smoothly, the two of you laughing the entire time, talking about everything but volleyball. Just as you promised. 
After finishing the meal, Bokuto cut the strawberry cake that he had made. To tell the truth, it was horrible. Raw on the inside and burned on the outside, your stomach wanted to vomit. But instead of spitting it out and expressing how disgusting it was, you decided it was better to try really hard to swallow the piece of cake and encourage him to keep practicing so that you could improve; even if you could tell that the kitchen wasn't Bokuto's strongest field.
It was getting late now, and the moon was already looming in the sky. It was time to go back to the hotel.
Of course, Bokuto accompanied you to where you were staying. Upon reaching the entrance, Koutarou took your hand and turned you around so you could see him. 
“So, I guess this is the goodbye…” he said with a little blush, but with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Yep” you didn't know what to say to him. You didn't want to leave yet, these days hadn't been enough to really get to know him. 
“I…” “I think…”
You both said at the same time.
“You first,” you said quickly. You needed a little more time before you could say something that comes from your heart. 
“Okay… I know we don't know each other very well, but I do know that I want to. I want to know you even more, ” Bokuto began, looking down more and more. All the courage he had inside him had been exhausted by taking you by the hand twice already. “Maybe I could come to visit Miyagi in a few weeks, or you can come here again, you can stay at my place! Only if you want, of course.”
Now you were the one blushing. Energy went through your body. You have never felt something like this before.
“Seems right to me. You can also stay at my house if you come during the weekend. You might not know this, but I live inside the school from Monday to Friday” you said and Bokuto raised his head. “I think I should go now. Thanks for everything, Bokuto, I've had a great time.”
Bokuto said goodbye to you and finally released your hand. Which caused a weird reaction in your body, you didn't know what it was, but you wanted his hand to be close to yours again. 
“Koutarou, wait!”  you yelled at him before entering the hotel, and when you came running to where he was, your arms wrapped around his neck. “Maybe we are both the losers of the Nationals, but we won something much more important than a stupid trophy.”
And when the two of you broke the hug, you planted a big kiss on his cheek; then quickly returned to the lobby. 
'I shouldn't have done that' you thought as you passed the doorway.
“That was the cheesiest thing I've ever seen in my life,” said a voice that came from next to you.
Turning your head you found Tendou, watching you with crossed arms.
Now your worst nightmare had come true: Satori found out that you went on a date with Bokuto.
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Taglist: @nataliahaslosthershit @softesyoongi @allofycurlove @iwaizumi27athletictrainer @quiche-inoya @lukeyaccount @melodiamore @bokutowo @Aideen00 @amgoldena
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quolant · 3 years
tee & bee on sports night (1.03)
hey we're tee & bee and ur reading abt sports night on tumblr — where @thxngam live reacts to sports night in 2021 and sends me stuff and i post it
sports night 1.03 — the hungry and the hunted
Casey and Isaac are watching, IMO, a football game in a rather father-son way
“I don’t care if he’s got the wind in his back and the song in his heart, he doesn’t have the leg.”
This type of no nonsense sarcasm is why I love Isaac
“You’re a crazy, crazy man from St. Louis and you have no business being in sports.”
This camaraderie seems not at all professional
I love a found family tho
“I don’t like to guess.”
Isaac and Jeremy yelling over Jeremy's level of fun is rather entertaining
Casey’s face is just amusement/exasperation and it’s very cute
Jeremy is rattling off a bunch of technical shit and I wonder how long it took Josh Malina to learn all this
The look on both Casey and Isaac's face as Jeremy's right is hilarious
Their smiles are just slowly sliding off their faces
Why the hell does Dan like offshore yacht racing?
Dans just (kinda smugly tbh) quoting something and the look on Casey’s face as he pretends to care is hilarious
Casey’s kinda mouthing it tho or maybe it’s the angle
If he’s mouthing it I wonder how many times Casey’s heard it lol
Well I love this semi unprofessional banter about the poem's author
What’s the call?
Dan and Casey look amused about it and now I’m curious
Also Dan and Casey bickering about what Thursday it is with Dana is peak married couple energy
Also them just using ‘we’ is also married energy
This laugh track is driving me nuts
Also it’s just a weird pierce of information that Dan knows a weird amount about designer shoes
What’s Jeremy's problem with hunting?
Jeremy seems to get very anxious when he doesn’t know a thing and tbh mood
Natalie brought him snacks 🥺
She’s adorable
Also Dan seems weirdly mad that they’re setting Dana and Casey to be in the same car so “they fall in love”
Also I like that the whole group is aware and trying to set them up
I’m with Dan
Soccer is boring
Dana really is very pretty in that dress
Casey FELL OVER god I love a disaster
“On your feet partner let’s go”
Dan I love u
Fuck what happened to Jeremy
Also Dan the disinterest u have in Casey and Dana is rather not platonic
Casey and Gordon is driving me nuts too Dan
It’s also very funny
Casey ur losing it
Also Jeremy looks tired
What happened?
Oh fuck he went to the hospital? Also maybe they shouldn’t be having this conversation out in the open
Ok Jeremy has some pretty fucking stron feelings about hunting
Ok then
“not fitting in is how qualified people lose their jobs!”
“That’s how they end up working here.”
That is so sweet
I love Isaac like ten times more now
The smart people who disagree with u appears to carry over to tww too
Isaac, my angel, I love u
Jeremy, sweetie, I want to give you a hug
Dana like stroked his cheek in a very sweet way and I love this found family
Also Jeremy's argument about student loans is the most valid reason I’ve ever heard to keep a weird job
Awwww he’s calling his dad
That’s so sweet
The ending of this ep was very wholesome
I love it
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