#but i also love the angst of roxas being pretty much IDENTICAL to ven
madeimpact · 1 year
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Mmm thinking about Ven's eyes being green before connecting to Sora's heart
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effervescible · 4 years
Trick or Treat 2020 letter
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my letter! First, I want to note that while I hope my likes & prompts are helpful in sparking ideas, optional ideas are optional, and I'd rather you go with a premise that you feel really good about and are jazzed to create rather than something that checks a lot of boxes but you don't feel strongly about.
General likes: adventures, complicated relationships, loyalty/BFFs being rock solid in the face of adversity, canon divergence/"for want of a nail" AUs, time travel, exploring the setting beyond what's shown in canon, outsider point of view, established relationships, found family/unusual family arrangements, in-world texts, amnesia, exploring identity issues, supernatural elements, characters wrangling with past mistakes without demonizing anyone, close friends forced to fight, missing scenes, post-canon events, characters being very competent DNWs: AUs other than canon divergence, omegaverse, cheating/infidelity, non-canon gender identities, major character death, hopeless endings (anst is fine though), excessively saccharine fluff (but general good feelings/happy stuff is fine) If you're interested in writing smut, please no scat, watersports or dubcon/noncon (though bad idea sex that characters might kick themselves for later is absolutely fine). More detailed stuffed regarding my requests: KINGDOM HEARTS I only requested Roxas as a character because I'd really like something where he is either the main character or has a strong role, but feel free to include whatever other characters you like! I adore the sea salt trio to the moon on back, but I also enjoy seeing him interact with characters he had no or few interactions with in canon. His relationship with Sora and how complicated it can be is also endlessly fascinating to me. I also enjoy bouncing him off Riku, Ven, the BBS trio and his former Organization comrades, especially those who only knew him as a dazed clueless kid and not an angry ball of pointy fury. A few canon-specific requests/notes: -If you write something post-KH3, feel free to fast forward slightly and assume Sora's been brought back somehow, you don't even have to explain how. -Please no post-KH3 resurrected/redeemed Vanitas; I felt satisfied with the resolution of his story in KH3. That said, if you wanted to include him in some other way, that's cool! -Also please no dad!Isa. I think their relationship becoming something more positive is interesting and complicated, but I just can't buy that he'd ever have that kind of emotional authority over Roxas. (Using him as a Fake Parent for plot purposes makes me chuckle though.) As far as ship stuff goes, please no Axel/Roxas (nothing against it, it's just not how I see their relationship) or Namine/Roxas (KH2 leaned too hard into the Sora/Kairi parallelism for me to enjoy it romantically.) Platonic friendships with both of them are A+++ though. tbh I'm not super shippy about him with anyone, but if you have an idea that includes a ship, I'm pretty okay with all other characters, male or female. Spooky Scary ideas: -Delving into the nature of Nobodyhood and being half a person and just being different from standard humans has a lot of potential here. And of course Roxas has identity issues ahoy. He might be in a much better place post-KH3 but that doesn't mean everything is 100% great now. -Visiting creepy places. Maybe a missing portion from Days, or something post-KH3 now that he can travel as much as he wants? -Canon divergence AUs/time travel/supernatural stuff where Stuff Goes Wrong is always interesting. Sweet Treat ideas: -Post-KH3 ADVENTURE TIME. Suddenly Roxas has a lot of free time! He and some friends deserve to go exploring. -Roxas meeting and getting to know the Twilight Town kids for real. What was that like? -General trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life now that it's his own. Getting to know the other wielders outside of a crisis situation. -Terra and Aqua dealing with Ven's sudden non-evil twin also has a lot of potential. ASSASSIN'S CREED Similar to Kingdom Hearts, I only listed Altair because I like him so much, but feel free to include most other characters! He became one of my favorite Assassins because I'm really fond of the Huge Jerkass Learns To Not Be a Jerkass and Becomes Kinda Cool Actually trope, as well as his boundless intellectual curiosity and extreme competence (while still being very flawed.) Sweet Treat ideas: -What about some slice of life, even if that life is mainly in an Assassin stronghold? The mundane side of being a mysterious stabby brotherhood is alway fun to explore, along with Altair having to actually run Masyaf once he takes power. Would especially love to see Malik by his side for the latter, because I'm sure there's a lot to mine there. -Maybe a look at younger Altair hitting some milestones as he grew up, before he became an arrogant dick. -I'm pretty fond of dad!Altair because I doubt it would come naturally to him but he'd care so much. Spooky Scary Ideas: -The Pieces of Eden are always really creepy when they activate in-game, so inventing new ancient artifacts that facilitate creepy shit happening would be a lot of fun. -An Assassination gone wrong in some way? I do enjoy angst and whump. Also, not sure which this would fall under (maybe both), but finagling time travel (either real or simulated somehow) so Altair can meet other AC characters is something I enjoy a lot. Caveat - I have not played Oddysey, so please nothing after Origins if you want to give this a try. Character-wise, I love how his relationship with Malik evolved from bitterness to ride or die. Altair and Malik as either best friends or a couple are both excellent, but if you write them as a couple during a time period when Maria Thorpe would be around, I'd prefer you just pretend she doesn't exist rather than finagle a breakup or infidelity. (I also like them as a throuple but please don't feel pressured on this - I'm mainly looking to avoid a 'Altair never really cared about her' scenario.) OVERWATCH NGL, I ship Mercy/Moira like burning, but very much as a complicated thing where their differing ethics present an insurmountable barrier between them yet they're incredibly drawn to one another both personally and intellectually, and a lot of angst ensues (well, for Mercy; I'm not sure Moira actually cares about the ethics division.) They're especially interesting to me when Moira's edges aren't smoothed down - I LIKE that she could take some really dubious actions and still be someone Mercy can't quite get over. That said! If you don't feel them as a ship, pretty much everything I just said also applies to them as professional peers/onetime friends/science rivals, just without the sexual tension. Sweet Treat Ideas: -Pre-Overwatch shutdown/Talon era where they're actually working on a project together or sparking cool new scientific ideas or just smoochin' if you go for a ship. -Likewise earlier in canon - Mercy and Moira both want to woo the other one but have VERY different ideas about how to go about it. (Babe, I did some mad science for you, isn't it romantic?) -Surely Overwatch had at least one obligatory office Halloween event -Epistolary fic feels like it could be really fun. Spooky Scary ideas: -I mean, Moira is the evil/amoral scientist trope, I feel like you could get a ton of creepy stuff just from there. -Bad idea ex sex -General clashing of ideals + angst Also I'm explicitly counting Dr. Junkenstein-verse AU fic as being the exception to my request for only canon divergence AUs. That would be a ton of fun, for either a trick or a treat.
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