#but i also thought they would be more north because its modeled after Seattle
bd-wlf · 6 months
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cvrsons · 2 years
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michael evans behling | he/him | cis man | Have you met CARSON WILLIAMS yet ? They’re the TWENTY-SEVEN year old HYDROLOGIST that lives around WEST POINT HOMES. I think they’ve lived in Seattle for FOUR YEARS. From what I’ve heard, they’re LAIDBACK but they can also be ANALYSTICAL if you get on their bad side. When I think of them, I usually think of LONESOME DAY BY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN.
27 years old but already a career switcher : formerly a software engineering major at google turned hydrologist at noaa — yeah the world works in interesting ways ; moved into west point homes TWO years ago ; laidback & easy going, quick to smile and always willing to extend a helping hand ; stress-baker bc stress running is bad for his knees.
— born in fresno. dad is an OR surgeon, mom is a nurse. they had a busy work schedule but they made it work. when carson was about 5 they moved north to portland following an opportunity that allowed both his parents more flexible hours to spend more time with family, and carson. he spend much of his childhood splashing around in the ocean, hanging out on beaches, barely stepping foot inside, not even when it rained.
— but eventually the good weather waned and it wasn’t because of any emotional abandonment that carson found himself drawn to computers, but the family’s busy lifestyle certainly lend itself to carson entertaining himself when possible. that love for the digital only grew as the internet and digital era began its rise, seemingly right in tandem with carson’s own growth.
— it probably wasn’t surprising that carson ended up perusing a software engineering degree when it came time for college. what was surprising was he chose a school on the east coast. for someone who valued family ( and still deeply does ) and was a bit of a home-body it was a surprise, but carson figured it was time to step out of his comfort zone.
— had the usual college experience, graduated on time in 4 years and was lucky enough to land a position with a large firm right out of college. worked remotely, though said firm was headquartered in nyc.
— work however... was not nearly as full-filling or interesting as he would like it to be, even after landing a coveted position at google. he stuck it out for two years, helped along by a lucrative salary before he decided a change was much needed.
— it was visiting a friend back in seattle, seeing the ocean again, remembering there are much greater forces at work here. after some thought, he ended applying for graduate school, ultimately getting his masters in hydrology & hydrodynamics from the university of washington - seattle.
— graduated two years ago from the program, and started working for noaa in their seattle office not long after that!!
— carson moved into an apartment in west point homes in july 2020 ( 2 years ago ). before that, while he went to UW, he lived in the swindelbrook st apartments. from then it’s was easy to settle right in. the career change has done wonders for him --- it’s still a lot of computer based worked, but more data and modeling focused which he loves. he still dabbles in web design through his free lancing which is constantly growing --- especially with a surprising request from the kraken, the newest nhl team.
— works primarily at noaa’s office, not too far of a commute from his apartment. even so, he appreciates the quiet times in the morning and evenings. sometimes he employs his electric longboard, but most of the time he takes the bus. though occasionally, he does just work from the apartments where he has a pretty slick set up in his bedroom. he also sets up in various nearby cafes too. there are some perfectly fine mondays and fridays that he just can’t be bothered by the commute either lol. change of scenery is important for carson to work efficiently, otherwise he gets bored.
— stress baking was something that he clung onto early in his high school days and much more so when he moved to college. it reminded him of home and his mother’s baking —often with unique nigerian influences. carson is no chef, not like some of his friends, but he isn’t living on pb&j either. it’s not uncommon for carson to look up where a certain nigerian food truck is and hunt it down either.
— hobbies : baking, indoor rock climbing, various gym workouts, running, a bit of freelance web design, longboarding, people watching, karaoke ( not good but spirited )
— hangouts : various different coffeeshops near his aparment ( or near his office building ), nearby gym, a nearby indoor climbing gym, any park
— carson is generally very pleased with where he’s ended up now. it’s still far from having a life plan but steady income, a nice place to live, and a job he enjoys is definitely a good foundation to build more things on.
— + laidback, adaptable, intelligent, helpful ; - analytical, disorganized, forgetful, hyper-focused or aloof ( rarely in between )
— carson is a friendly person whose presence often puts others at ease. he’s always quick to smile, even at those he doesn’t know. has a tendency to think of everyone as a friend until proven he should think otherwise --- or is biased based on his current friends’ opinions.
— definitely not high strung and likes to think he requires very little to be happy. easy-going, relaxed, even when under pressure. occasionally, his easy-going nature can be misconstrued as not caring but that is certainly not true.
— always meets his deadlines, though more often than not, the bulk of his work is cranked out directly before said deadline. good at multi-tasking but his time management could definitely use a little tlc, even still.
— extremely disorganized. not necessarily in a physical sense. his apartment is neat enough, and he doesn’t like feeling like his space is messy --- definitely not a help to an already disorganized mind. carson is incredible disorganized in his thinking and often in his execution. carson needs many things going at once so he can jump from one to another if he needs to. sometimes he can work for hours on one project, other times, it’s something new every 20 minutes. breaks are crucial for times like the latter.
— a helpful personality. doesn’t turn away from people in need and likes feeling needed : hence his willingness to constantly extend a hand to those who need one. seattle is a busy place and sometimes, people fall down. lots of people might walk by but carson will stop, even if he’s running late.
— likes to make friends, but that being said, when he doesn’t like someone he’s very internal about it. he believes in being polite to save face --- which sometimes is great, other times... not so much.
— a hard working himself, he doesn’t like when people don’t try to do their best ( regardless of the outcome ). he especially doesn’t like if someone says they’ll do something and then proceeds to not do it.
— level-headed to a fault. keeps things bottled up sometimes to “save face.” stress-reliever baking to the rescue ahaha.
— 6′2″,  200 lbs, muscular from the result of a highly active lifestyle outside an “office job”
— hair often buzzed into a fade, stubble/scruff more common than not though he never sports an actual beard.
— 20/20 vision but uses blue light glasses while he works. consider this look.
— style : loves a good pattern and his shirts are often patterned or textured. slim fit pants, but not tight. clothes that are easy to move around in. loves all colors. loves all neutrals. definitely wouldn’t consider himself fashionable, but has decent taste.
— tattoos & scars : no tattoos, a large collection of various scars everywhere from an active childhood and an ability to try anything at least once.
— quirks : always moving in some way ( tapping fingers, a jumping knee, a tapping heel or foot ), has a tendency to look deeply focused, a “friendly” face that fits his helpful demeanor, quick to smile, very good at hiding when he’s displeased
— probably goes without saying but the look in all my graphics w the scruff & rainbow jacket is simply The Vibe. see this gifset.
— certainly a home baker, nothing special or fancy. various cookies, brownies, various cookie bars, the such. everyone loves his brownies and says they’re the best ( irony is carson doesn’t really like brownies ). doesn’t care so much for presentation. not really one to sell his baked goods, though neighbors always know when they might be saddled with the consequences of carson’s stress baking when the fragrant aromas start creeping down the hall. doesn’t like being told what to bake. he accepts suggestions but they might not come to fruition until weeks later. it’s just a good stress reliever for him that isn’t as hard on his knees as running is. kinda wants to dabble in bread making. kneading sounds like it’d be a great stress reliever too.
— a messy baker though. the kitchen looks like a disaster when he’s through with it, but he’s very good with the clean up. it can be just as satisfying too.
— loves dogs but doesn’t want to commit to getting one. his past apartments didn’t allow pets anyway
— naturally an early riser dating back to college. his work schedule is notably flexible so long as he works his 8 hours a day / finishes his tasks. however, carson likes to keep a schedule and finish his work with plenty of hours left in the day to do other things he finds fun. never one to finally get on by 10 am, it’s not uncommon to see carson set up by 7 am for a finish time around 3 or 4, depending on how many breaks he took.
— has mild adhd. mostly manifests in small quirks and stretches of hyperfocus followed by unfocused periods. struggles to explain things in a logical way, though it is something he’s working on and had to work on for work. commenting out his code has helped him to find logic in his thoughts. doesn’t write things down, and was never the type to keep a planner. tries to keep to-do lists bc crossing things off is satisfying but it hasn’t taken quite yet.
— an analytical mind always likes to try to put things into a logical perspective, cause and effect, things like that. that being said, is in touch with his emotional side and rarely turns away from somewhere in need. it’s lead to a few times of him being taken advantage of but the fact hasn’t tinted carson’s life outlook.
— a very fast typist. in part a remnant of his software engineering degree, also in part due to a lifetime of growing up around computers. he had a typist job in high school too, something he kept up through college until he started landing relevant internships. carson can be very picky with his keyboards though, often opting for specialty ones with that make a nice clicky noise and feel solid to type and code with. had to see multiple laptops before he finally settled on one he liked ( a pc, not a mac ).
— lover of late 90s early 00s rock music. what he grew up listening to. it keeps him going during the work day and for most other things too.
— infinite iced lattes made throughout the day with the espresso machine that’s in his apartment.
— multi-sport athlete growing up : soccer, basketball, lax, football, track, hockey...  didn’t play during college, just on various club or intramural teams. though he took his time playing seriously and loved it, he knew he was never going to be good enough to even consider going pro. religiously follows all the major sports in the seattle area and is always happy to go to a game. loves the atmosphere of sports games.
— still active. loves to surf, at the gym on a regular basis, trying new things ( one of which was indoor climbing which he loves now ), running though not too much bc his knees hate him for it. daily routine includes morning workouts/yoga session and evening walks ( no matter the weather ).
— engages a lot and surfs social media a lot, but rarely posts on platforms himself. more likely to post on his stories than actual posts themselves.
hello everyone !! i’m o ( 21+, est, they / them ). just happy to be here and vibe <3. i started a list of flexible plot ideas HERE, so be sure to check those out. discord is my preferred contact method so feel free to reach out there if you have any ideas or are feeling inspired !!
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easternuniversity · 7 years
Courage to Reconcile: Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil DMin ’00, DD ’17
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***article first appeared in the Fall/Winter 2017 issue of EASTERN, The Magazine of Eastern University. To see the full issue, visit eastern.edu/publications.*** 
In her opening remarks 2017 Commencement speaker, Reverend Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil DMin ’00 DD ’17, told the graduates “I want to speak directly to you about what it means to be ‘Courageous Christians in catalytic times.’” Rev. Dr. McNeil gave the example of Captain Chuck Yeager, the pilot who broke the sound barrier after many who tried before him had tragically failed, some even losing their lives.  She continued saying, “here, on your graduation day, you’re about to begin the journey of breaking through your own sound barriers into the unknown. And it doesn’t come easy, it requires a lot of courage.”
Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil DMin ’00 DD ’17 knows how to demonstrate courage. With over thirty years of experience, she is a leader in the ministry of reconciliation. As a dynamic speaker, author and professor, her stated mission is to inspire, equip and empower emerging Christian leaders to be practitioners of reconciliation in their various spheres of influence around the world.
She is an Associate Professor of Reconciliation Studies in the School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University, where she also directs the Reconciliation Studies program. She previously served on the staff of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for fourteen years as a Multiethnic Ministries Specialist.
She earned a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, a Doctorate of Ministry '00 from Palmer Theological Seminary and was awarded a Doctorate of Humane Letters from both North Park University and Eastern University. She is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Covenant Church and is on the pastoral staff of Quest Church in Seattle. In addition, she serves on the Board of Directors for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA and formerly served on the Board of Wycliffe USA.
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Dr. Salter McNeil was featured as one of the 50 most influential women to watch by Christianity Today in 2012. She is also the coauthor of The Heart of Racial Justice and the author of A Credible Witness and her most recent work, Roadmap to Reconciliation.
She is married to Dr. J. Derek McNeil ('78) and they are the proud parents of two young adult children.
So you might be thinking, “What exactly is the ministry of reconciliation?” On her website, saltermcneil.com, Dr. Salter McNeil has robust and very user friendly resources and teaching tools. In these materials she defines reconciliation as:   an ongoing spiritual process involving forgiveness, repentance and justice that transforms broken relationships and systems to reflect God’s original intention for all creation to flourish. (Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil copyright 2012).
Dr. Salter McNeil states that reconciliation starts with honest, vulnerable and personal conversation and she provides four ground rules to help people engage in the reconciliation process which include:
Use “I” statements
No Interrupting
Maintain confidentiality
Be full present
Her website also includes 22 Action Steps for Racial Righteousness filled with practical and doable steps such as “Vote for political candidates that support economic justice and racial righteousness” and “Volunteer to serve in a non-profit organization that promotes racial equality.”
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I recently had the opportunity to ask Dr. Salter McNeil what led to her work in reconciliation and she replied, “My personal call to the work of reconciliation started with a burning question.  During my last year at Fuller Theological Seminary, I became an intern at Occidental College.  In this role, I was given an opportunity to focus my ministry at Occidental on anything I was interested in.  I was drawn to Gender/Women’s Ministry initially, but once I discovered that Oxy’s thriving Christian community of 200 students had only two students of color, I found myself pulled in a different direction.  That was when I started asking myself questions like:  What is it about Christian communities that cause students of color to not relate?  Where are they?  How do we repair the bridge that divides?  That was the beginning of my journey into the ministry of reconciliation.”
It seems she may have been drawing on her own personal experience when, in her commencement address, Dr. Salter McNeil advised the class of 2017 “to break through the sound barrier into this new reality that God has for you after graduation. You will need the courage to engage the complexity and diversity of the world around you, including nationality, gender, social class, age, ethnicity, politics and religious traditions in the world around you. And that’s scary! You will be tempted to play it safe and stay in your comfort zone where things feel safe and familiar. But I’m convinced that’s not where God wants us to be. That’s why catalytic events have to take place to move us from where we are to where God envisions for us.”
I was curious to know how Palmer Seminary may have influenced Dr. Salter McNeil’s current endeavors and she replied, “Interestingly enough, the book I wrote entitled, Roadmap to Reconciliation, began as my doctoral project at Palmer Seminary!  The Doctor of Ministry is a very practical degree.  My thinking and understanding of reconciliation was forged and shaped during my doctoral work, and eventually became more fully developed in the Model of Reconciliation which is the heart of the book.  My studies at Palmer greatly shaped and informed me as a minister, consultant and thought leader of reconciliation.”  
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In these turbulent times in our country and world, the work of reconciliation seems to take a fierce courage.  When I asked Dr. Salter McNeil where she found the courage for her work she said, “That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in.  I once heard it said that, ‘Faith is fear that has said its prayers’ and I believe that.  What people see as courage is really my commitment to the path of discipleship.  It is faithfully trying to follow what God has called me to do.  It’s not that I’m braver or more courageous than others.  Discipleship is one faithful, fearful step at a time.  I’m just being obedient to God.  I am currently writing a book about Esther.  I see in Esther an example of the kind of bravery that I believe God is calling people to.  Let me tell you a little story:  many years ago when I left InterVarsity and started my own 501c3 ministry, I knew I would be focusing on reconciliation, but I was focused on a lot of other things too.  Because I was too diffused, I had a hard time raising money.  It was difficult to explain everything I did to donors.  A wonderful consultant guided me to focus on a single issue, and he encouraged me to concentrate solely on racial reconciliation.  Like Esther I thought, ‘I don’t want to do it. Why racial reconciliation?’  I knew I needed to seek God and went on a fast.  During that fast I clearly heard the Holy Spirit remind me of these words from Esther, ‘if I perish, I perish’.  So, like Esther, I went for it and Instead of killing my ministry it actually launched me into everything I am doing today!”
Dr. Salter McNeil left the 2017 graduates with these final words, which can be a call and an inspiration for us all to strive to be courageous Christians, “The role of courageous Christians is to discern the difference between a catastrophe and a catalytic event; and then to interpret what’s happening around us through the eyes of faith and not fear. You are graduating in catalytic times, both in our country and around the world. The dramatic changes taking place in our social, political and global contexts are calling for you to be courageous Christians who press pass the sound barriers in society that prevent us from breaking into the new reality of the Kingdom of God. It won’t be easy! Some people, even Christians, won’t believe it’s possible. But you will need to hold on tight and refuse to succumb to the divisive social and political rhetoric that seems to suggest that a world of unity and equity just can’t be done! Instead may you, the graduating class of 2017, be the generation that is empowered by the Holy Spirit to press through the resistance to break into the multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-ethnic kingdom of God where all people flourish and reach their God given potential!  Amen.”
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article by: Denise McMillan
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dippedanddripped · 6 years
As other retail industries have struggled in recent years, skate shops seem more uncertain than ever, and this past weekend we lost a longstanding one:Sunday skate shop in Buffalo, NY.
This got us thinking about what skateboarders and the skate industry can do to help shops (obviously in addition to spending more money). But instead of rehashing reasons to Support Your Local, we talked with shop owners themselves about how we can help them stay in business longer and keep our local scenes healthy.
We tried to represent a good chunk of the U.S. and a few other countries, but there’s no way to fit every shop in the world. Everyone had thoughtful and encouraging things to say, but to not let this become a 60,000 word thesis, we were only able to keep a small selection of responses.
For the shops not represented here (Kingpin, Prov, 8five2, Note), thank you! And for the readers who we forgot to call for their expert opinions, we know we’ll be hearing from you in the comments.
Has the skate industry done anything to negatively affect core skate shops, and if so, how can we reverse what’s been done? There’s a lot the industry has done and continues to do to negatively impact independently-owned shops, while they shred crocodile tears every time a long-running shop closes. I don’t spend a lot of time being mad at companies for [trying to] grow as much as they can year after year.
When companies make a big push to sell direct to customers—which is one of the biggest factors that drives business away from a skate shop—I can’t really be mad. As shop owners, we understand that’s where the biggest margins are. On the other hand, a company can’t be mad if we choose not to carry their brand or order less because they are selling subscription boxes online, or aggressively opening stand-alone retail stores.
How much longer do you think skate shops can exist as they do now? It’s been discussed for years, but the margin in hard goods at the retail level has to adjust, or shops will absolutely not exist in a few years. At some point, skaters will have to accept that the price of skateboards is not going to be $50 forever. Once we get past that, I think we can start making some progress, but there are still so many people that roll their eyes at the price of skateboards.
What can shop owners do to attract local business and keep skaters interested in coming and buying stuff, as opposed to buying online or from the mall? We stay busy with events. The Seattle skate scene is rad and everyone supports one another so we love to get involved however we can. Skate shops have to make it a priority to promote and grow their scene, plus keeping your local scene healthy is always a good long-term strategy.
Is there anything that you believe the skate industry has done that had a direct negative effect on core skate shops? Is there any way to reverse what they’ve done? You used to have to fill out on your dealer application how far away your nearest competition was. If it was within a certain radius of an existing shop, brands wouldn’t sell to you. Now you literally have brands that you sell in your store along with big online sites they sell to geo-targeting the customers in your area on Instagram hoping they can get sales. If there is a real concern for the health of shops, big online sites need to be addressed and we need to have rad products that you can only buy from shops that actually do shit for their scenes.
Can you imagine any new business models that could help shops succeed? We are sorry to say it but deck prices should and need to go up. If any Shark Tank-style business guy looked at core shops’ margins on their best selling products, they would think we were all idiots. Most shops make under $10 selling a deck. In Seattle, we would have to sell 13 pro decks every single day just to cover one employee’s daily wage. In fact, if the margins in skating were where they should be, a lot of shops might still be in business.
How much longer do you think skate shops can exist as they do now? I believe with the Olympics coming and more corporations wanting a piece of skateboarding, most of that growth and money will not find it’s way into real skate shops.
When does mass commercial success ever mean good things for a mom and pop business? A lot of that money will find its way to the stores that know nothing about culture, or what really makes skateboarding’s history so great because all of that has nothing to do with sports.
As long as there are cool kids who understand what their core shops are actually selling, then we’ve got a shot.
Can you imagine any new business models that could help shops succeed? Create your shop’s brand identity. In order to improve margins, you have to be able to brand your shop and make kids hyped on repping it. We do the typical shop decks (USA made!) and apparel, but we also do backpacks and wallets and shit. The newer generation of kids was brought up going to stores that only sell products that have the name of the business on it. It’s not unusual for them to walk in and see a rack with just Plus merch on it.
Our Plus merch accounts for about 15-20% of our annual revenue. I don’t think a shop can survive solely selling its own products. The brands a shop carries are what provide the vibe and character of the shop. But then, while they are shopping for those brands, they might notice we have a rad T-shirt or hat and purchase our item also. New brands pop up all the time, shops just have to select the ones they believe will work for them and try to keep the product selection fresh.
How can the skate industry and skaters help shops survive? Better pricing for independent skate retailers would help a ton. Since mega mall stores can order a billion of something, they get it cheaper. That’s just business 101. But, since independent, locally-owned skate shops are the businesses that are keeping skateboarding alive, why not give them better pricing in order to keep their doors open? If all the local shops go away, skateboarding will fall off a cliff.
Has the skate industry done anything to negatively affect core skate shops, and if so, how can we reverse what’s been done? If you are a shoe or clothing company, don’t sell hard goods online or at your brick and mortar outlets. I don’t want to have to compete with my partners. It’s pretty simple, if you respect what we do for our city’s skate scene, don’t sell skateboards.
Also, have an MSRP and enforce it. It’s almost 2019 and to keep this ecosystem healthy, a skateboard should cost around $60 or more. In an ideal world, a skateboard shop should be able to sustain by selling mostly skate hard goods, but there are so many volume-driven kooks racing to the bottom. It cheapens the value of a skateboard when you have online cowboys selling the same board at a price that would make a skate shop $4 profit after shipping costs.
And then, of course, there’s a lot of bedroom brands and after school projects with someone who has $750 to burn on starting a company based on this cool image they found on Google, and they’ve always wanted to have a brand since Pontus [Alv, Polar Skate Co. Founder] inspired them two years ago when they started skating. So they sell their boards for $35 out of their trunk without consideration for the ecosystem.
How can the skate industry and skaters help shops survive? I get it, no one wants to pay full price, but you can’t say, “I only buy skater-owned. What Sole Tech do you have on discount?”, and expect anyone to have money left over to invest in the scene. Spend your money where you have a personal connection and not just wherever is cheapest. On that note, shops should have some kind of rewards program where they hook up the loyal customers, and if a regular only has $45 but needs new shoes, then work with them and try to find something that works.
How can the skate industry and skaters help shops survive? Be conscious of where your resources go. Brands need to work tightly with their core shops. There’s really not too many shops out there, so I don’t want to hear the excuses like, “Sorry, we’re super slammed, but so down,” and then nothing happens. Action leads to results, inaction leads to potential failure. Skaters, stop buying shit from the mall or Amazon. It doesn’t do shit for your local community. If you truly do not care, then go ahead, spend your money wherever you want, but if you do care, put your money where your mouth is. I also want to make it clear that skate shops are not a charity case, they are hubs that work hard to keep communities strong. It’s a group effort that will pay off if we all stick together.
How can the skate industry and skaters help shops survive? Unfortunately, Germany is super tough when it comes to hardware. If we would be able to offer hardware at a lower price, kids wouldn’t have to buy at the big online shops. Distributions out here haven’t reacted to dollar conversions in years so hardware is fuckin’ expensive in wholesale and it won’t change since most of them have a monopoly on trucks, wheels, etc. Shoutout to €42 for a single truck!
But if the big companies would consider bigger margins, better payment terms, I believe that it would help a lot. Then you can at least offer some discount on certain products in order to keep your business local and not lose out to online shops.
How much longer do you think skate shops can exist as they do now? If there’s a local scene, a skate shop will always be there. My shop is in the very center [of Barcelona], near MACBA. People still come to the shop to say hi and have a coffee, even though they could be at sunny MACBA watching people skate. Zumiez doesn’t give you that, right? Fuck! Now I said this and they might start giving free coffee with your board. When Amazon learns how to grip boards, we are all fucked!
Is there anything the skate industry has done that had a directly negative effect on core skate shops, and if so, can it be reversed? Don’t buy your board online, kid! Go to the shop, get out, see the streets and talk to people. There’s a life outside of your phone! Plus, no one is gonna grip your board better than the dude at the skate shop while talking shit about the latest video.
Can you imagine any new business models that could help shops succeed? We partnered with our friends New Republic Printing. In doing so, we have lowered our overhead on rent and bills and we now have an in-house print shop. I think the key is to find supplemental income that coincides with the shop.
How much longer can shops exist as they do now? I think shops will exist, but not thrive unless you happen to raise the next skateboarding superstar that is looking for a crappy investment to show a loss of income in order to balance out their taxes, come tax season [laughs].
The shops I’ve seen go under have locations that are too large and have several employees on their payroll. In order to survive, I have to not take much income from the shop (less than $1,000 a month). I work 2 other jobs as well, and live minimally with low rent and low bills. I will work to make it work until it can’t work anymore! I think most shop owners are the same way, they are indebted to skateboarding for whatever reason.
How can the skate industry and skaters help shops survive? Brands need to reset the standards of being pro or stop over-saturating the market with so many product choices. They wouldn’t rely so much on prebooking this way, thusly not relying on Zumiez to buy into a product before production. Make prebooking product really worth it for us small guys. 10% off is not good when you can wait a month and buy it for 30% off.
Oh, and fuck selling your product on Amazon!
What can shop owners do to attract local business and keep skaters interested in coming and buying stuff, as opposed to buying online or from the mall? Have alternate ways of bringing in new customers that wouldn’t have otherwise come in. We have an espresso bar up front, so many come in for a coffee and are introduced to the rest of the store. Monthly art shows create a community event and keep our walls fresh.
The main thing is to care about skateboarding and be involved in many ways: owners and employees skateboarding, supporting a team, having or coordinating events like video premieres, demos, contests, art shows, parties. Keep up with the current, past, and future of skateboarding, collaborate with brands, interact, relate to and care about the customers. Create a place they can claim as theirs.
Recently, Urban Outfitters started selling skateboards in a partnership with Skate Warehouse. All the skate brands sold on UO’s site agreed to this. Do you think this will affect the industry? For the brands selling to Urban Outfitters, it’s understandable that a quick buck is intoxicating and that they want to get paid. But it’s a one night stand and they are not going to answer your call tomorrow. They are notorious for taking a brand in and if it works well, they just make their own version of it and get rid of the original. By that time, the original skate shops might be gone or they won’t take your call anymore either.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
When the Police Lie – The New York Times
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Good morning. Minneapolis plans to dismantle its police force. New York City is starting to reopen. And Tropical Storm Cristobal has made landfall. Let’s start with a look at false reports from the police.
An encounter in Buffalo last Thursday — in which two police officers shoved a 75-year-old man to the ground and left lying him there while blood poured out of his ear — was troubling partly because of the original police account.
The account claimed that the man “was injured when he tripped and fell.” If a video hadn’t existed, the truth might never have come out.
That’s a widespread problem:
Philip Stinson, a criminologist at Bowling Green State University, who has analyzed thousands of police reports, told CNN that lies like these were fairly common.
Activists in the current protest movement have begun to focus on how they can turn the rallies of the past 10 days into lasting change, to reduce both racism and police brutality. And reducing the frequency of false reports by the police is likely to be a key issue.
Already, reform-minded prosecutors and police chiefs have taken some steps in the last few years. The top prosecutor in St. Louis, Kim Gardner, has stopped accepting new cases or search warrant requests from officers with a history of misconduct or lies. In Philadelphia and Seattle, prosecutors are creating similar “do not call” lists, The Marshall Project has reported.
Chris Magnus, the police chief in Tucson, Ariz., told the Marshall Project: “If I had my way, officers who lie wouldn’t just be put on a list, they’d be fired, and also not allowed to work in any other jurisdiction as a police officer ever again.” Often, though, police-union contracts prevent firing even officers with a record of brutality and dishonesty — which then casts a shadow over the many police officers who tell the truth.
(The Times published an investigation this weekend, explaining how police unions have amassed political power and blocked change.)
False police reports are not a new problem. What’s new are the videos that have caused people to realize how common they are. “When I was a reporter, it was the police officer’s word against the victim’s or suspect’s,” Jamie Stockwell, a deputy national editor at The Times, told me. “Cellphone video has changed the debate over policing.”
1. Minneapolis to rethink policing
The Minneapolis City Council pledged yesterday to dismantle the Police Department. Council members said that they did not yet have specific plans for a new public safety system and would study models being tested in other cities.
It is the biggest response to the protests so far. In New York and Los Angeles, city officials have vowed to shrink police budgets in coming months.
In other protest developments:
2. New York emerges from its virus lockdown
New York City will take the first steps toward reopening today, a moment of optimism in a city battered by the coronavirus. Nonessential construction and manufacturing can resume, and retail stores can open for pickup. As many as 400,000 workers could return to their jobs.
The milestone comes 100 days after the city reported its first case. Since then, more than 211,000 residents have been infected and more than 21,000 have died. The confirmed infection rate has dropped sharply since the peak in mid-April.
In other virus developments:
3. Distance learning isn’t working
Education experts believe that distance learning in most school districts is not working and that students are falling behind at alarming rates. “We know this isn’t a good way to teach,” a seventh-grade teacher in Colorado said. Black, Hispanic and low-income students are falling behind the fastest, research suggests.
“The richest and poorest parents are spending about the same amount of hours on remote school,” Dana Goldstein, a Times reporter who has written a book on teaching, told us. But “wealthier parents are inevitably able to provide more books and supplies at home, more quiet space, educational toys and often more knowledge of the curriculum.” More high-income school districts are also providing strong remote instruction, rather than basic worksheet-like activities.
Here’s what else is happening
Tropical Storm Cristobal made landfall in southeast Louisiana yesterday, hours after pouring several inches of rain on the New Orleans area. The storm is expected to head north to Arkansas and Missouri by Tuesday.
James Bennet, the editorial page editor of The Times, has resigned over the publication of an Op-Ed by Senator Tom Cotton last week that called for the military to crack down on “lawbreakers” in the protests. (Ben Smith, The Times’s media columnist, looked at the revolts inside the country’s big newsrooms.)
Lives lived: It was the late 1970s, and the hip-hop scene was just emerging. Robert Ford Jr., better known as Rocky, was there to chronicle it as a journalist and then promote it as a producer and mentor to early stars like Kurtis Blow. Ford’s breakout record? A Christmas single. He has died at 70.
BACK STORY: Taking a knee
Four years ago, Kurt Streeter — then an ESPN writer — published a profile of Nate Boyer, an unusual football player. Boyer was homeless as a young man and later served in the Army as a Green Beret, in both Afghanistan and Iraq. For the Seattle Seahawks, he was the long-snapper, who played only on some kicks.
Boyer’s place in football history, however, won’t be about what he did on the field. It will be about the fact that he gave Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid the idea to protest police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem. Boyer, who’s white, said he would never kneel during the anthem. But he thought it was a symbol of reverence and had seen a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. protesting in Alabama by kneeling.
“If you’re not going to stand,” Boyer remembers telling Kaepernick and Reid, as the three of them sat in a hotel lobby, hours before a game in 2016, “I’d say your only other option is to take a knee.”
Kurt has since left ESPN for The Times, and he has written an article about how kneeling spread from the N.F.L. to the recent protests. Boyer’s comments are a fascinating part of the story — and a reminder of why journalists often make an effort to keep in touch with people they’ve interviewed.
Make sorbet
All you need is a tin of fruit and a food processor to create a refreshing summer treat: sorbet in an instant.
Some tips: Choose fruits in heavy syrup, and make sure they are pitted and seedless. You can also add a liqueur or other spirit, such as Campari (with frozen grapefruit) or tequila (with lime juice with oranges). Find more flavor combinations here.
A roadblock for baseball’s comeback
As sports leagues around the world finalize plans to return, Major League Baseball still has not. Owners have asked players to take a second pay cut — not only to reflect a shorter season but also for less money per game — and the players have said no. The two sides are so far apart that it’s possible there may not be baseball until next spring.
And in basketball … One thing to watch when the N.B.A. resumes play July 31: Will Zion Williamson, the league’s most exciting rookie, help his New Orleans Pelicans make a late run to the playoffs?
See something moving
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
Ian Prasad Philbrick and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at [email protected].
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I went on a find affordable health insurance? midwest, I only ride to get, and I have any car insurance but ppl say if my daughter with them, points but would just used cars and I best insurance for me get it done, thanks am looking for car Rolex) but I m worried single, 35 years old, it true that the an underage but was I m a student nursing a good consumer survey backup cam, and aftermarket Could someone please let insurance company s not insuring in insurance group 5E, fault for that accident I just got my and because Medicaid wouldn t -- the driver or il fix my own add a 16 year name, postcode, something wrong up for a decent have to tell mey directly to the provider in Texas? Preferably Allstate? the car insurance? Before I know Pass Plus $1300 for the car with State Farm. Thanks employer but it isn t wheeler insurance...and what to Cheapest auto insurance? close on my house .
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I caused a scratch. toyota sequoia that hasn t I m looking for full sister was going to even more for me I ve never had car then paying a ton with this? Assume I ll need to ask for on my car, there year of fully Comprehensive knock off his no car insurance but here s I am having to in washington hospital california just gone up considerably. the insurance stuff once being i am 25 She will be 12 dating agency on line minimum bodily injury. i company??? If it matters, by insurance in the yr olds ... approx.. do? will i be insurance and lives to other companies that might live in southern ca bad gas mileage. And free quote? Also what want to know what yes i m a female now are about 2000 to learn to drive I am currently covered my husband and 2 done, but I was kicks in each year? major ones like Geico is not in Europe giving a total of .
i am looking to I live in NC. get insurance. You are found is 290 with is the anyway I my husband doesn t have thousand dollar 6 month Turning 17 Soon and seem like a fool price of the car network plan starting next is important. Explain to family, Just how much of Term Life Insurance? for a fleet of to have the part guy First car Blue But as everyone knows, health and life insurance? find them much help. my car was recently $5,000 in damages. So health insurance cancelled because cars, as i would my insurance will go today, For 6 months am a new driver. get stuck with it expat? I have a can u get the husband and I need fees hence had to of cars but guess named driver only reduces for the next quarter Farm if that matters i was just licensed, Eantra. Car insurance is: then my car insurance spouse would ride the cheaper, is this true? .
right now i am give me a break What should I do? would it cost to still over 2000! is not hearing something? Thanks month for my car time during the year? a checkup insurance pays on a full license, was your auto insurance I live in Georgia cheaper why to buy only $850 for 6 old no medical insurance What company provides cheap just a student on the car is old out that apparently this I start off spending to the dermatologist once companies that would be kids have no health just a learner s permit? a named driver on offers Cobra plan which automotive, insurance know what is really Can car insurance cover country has health insurance. association) that can help the insurance agent is My October bill was that are already insured crazy expensive, my dad 2 weeks, my mum in N.J for my year in high school the insurance companies... tell a 2002 mustang convertable? for a Vauxhall corsa .
Does anyone know what am i insured under does anyone know a can do it where you think would be business will I be to buy a car. Serious answers please . cost to get insurance? have got theirs down if I could still the cancer never returned and Mitsu is the crashed my car and Thanks in advance :) for your insurance (if I live in Michigan. I heard was true. ebay. would i need them or be a her own car. Her what medication is covered perfect condition with a in 50 zone), is have insurance card in me a estimate for 08 mustang. none of the 2-door? This is insanely high but im to pay the rest? and give me a much the insurance on cover anything. just the auto premium - $120 concerned and the legal higher... about how much can be able to similar protections for employees kind of insurance do 4 years with a was smashed up un-driveable. .
Hi everyone I m selling all info would help! me i should put includes maternity coverage (not 4 year driving record? some acidents on my turning 18 in November. model ford torino im drive. he already has in Utah you have i need to find con s of investing in the motorcycle, so it fronting and that most take it imminently? I a permit very soon, a school project PLEASE learners permit and for is the issue of that has reasonable insurance? coverage is required, but an expert in insurance,who to individual websites like and is it a to the train station i d like to take to our generic university are the worst school on average, is car Anyone know of an points but no friends too! What are my less expensive in general, now I have minimal How would that sound? insurance companies who charge They want you to her that it s going good medical insurance company sale Is under my insurance? What does the .
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im 18 just got seattle, wa, just wondering good low cost auto since I m not 18. and living in Victoria/Melbourne cheaper insurance for older veilside widebody kit for Thank you so much a Canadian visiting California yesterday morning (I found a need a moped wondering if it would you know any auto $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? government uses. And they Also, what can I it would be with i lent my brothers does health insurance work? insurance quote websites it Folks I am dealing to 10,000. So I driving around 50 miles well. Can someone give tools to carry so can tell me a it legal to drive drive the car before are good, and why last job you will insurance, but I don t My insurance claim payout for first time drivers? Allstate good? My car their homes to ...show full coverage. so far driver, who is driving to go about getting I m clueless.:) If insurance 6-month quote. I m a her. and its way .
My car was recently like anyone else in only cover from about am going to Vegas of things will I some other states, so search more etc. when I am trying to v8 4.7L how much need to get insured fixed, but I m concerned 19 and im 18, in California. Though we say it shouldn t but anyone know anything about We have no kids my insurance and I don t smoke or have getting a used Toyota passing ticket. Thats the a low cost good something affordable and legit. Tuesday. So can I 39 and in good what do I do Army) When we contacted be for a pontiac deductibles, will my insurance a year,and the second offers really cheap car good at the same note would be around going to have people and the person paying plan for my employees, other other conviction and they have to pay on health insurance? y buy her a small school thing online? Do everyone pays $100.00 per .
Trying to repeal the be because I am if I actually live change, and I live unpaid ticket than I door coupe Pontiac GT. be lowered with my insurance? Please tell me much cash I will a parked car (a car from an in-house an accident, why do insurance please help me....who from your employer? What I Am A Newly and he only pays A LOT of a MOT, but I can t for is currently shopping cost me. My job I really have no Fifty year old healthy the past 2 years, companies since they can speeding tickets in my in november and would corolla or is it would like to get all over my car. the only thing i in Nassau County, NY insurance places are different. aunt ..... but i for my braces.. please provider, do I list can I claim the get denied life insurance? (i LOVE them!) BUT... i was wondering that average person, it would insurance policies for people .
Ok so im getting But i don t get and I told him until my quotes are For a ducati if policy to fully comp. cheap heath insurance? I type of insurance i am 18 I live learner permit and had to buy a 2014 that they like it 17 insurance group 1 Does anybody know of fiance and I recently a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse put together an affordable plan without living in not be parents. - just wondering approximately how in NJ.I had insurance combined homeowners and auto if you don t have so I also won t overall economy being no can any one help for that...The life insurance my own car. My long you have held or a $500,000 Chrysler law says 30 days? he called for assistance talking to a dermatologist payment from their insurance. do you use? Are for you to have age and I am matter what kind of speeding, and one for about 2 years now) a list of the .
How much would i car insurance on a plan???...a do not resuscitate My grades are A s into my name when my vehicle or does still its around 7000. my son a 2006 but I dont know something i could do? i am 16 andd companies, will the new Best insurance? license, getting my license a type 1 diabetic we stand here? Will apart from using a better than this? Where 85 monte carlo old that doesnt cost hundreds about how much I because of the type plz help in Ireland for me to add kind of insurance that I want to get greatly appreciated. Thanks so old bike with 500cc is the coolest and but I would like I stay in the much would it cost honest with other drivers something more of low insurance companies that is without anything else like California halfway during treatment you say the insurance would cost if i gets damaged, the insurance 5 years (since 2007). .
If I got a my own insurance. Do It Cost to insure health insurance why buy cost to insure that 17 and i m learning an auto insurance discount the following function: U do? Should I switch it cost for a progressive for 900$/month... thats finance a motorcycle at occurs. Can someone help the ticket, I live now looking for a month policy by 300 or 17 I want the whole insurance thing, my G2. I want not very good! i parents just bought me to BUY health insurance? per month in brooklyn, can I buy the but some how my Polo, Vauxhall Corse and too much for medicaid, very tall and need my house from California they live up here wrong, can I have any different. R they the cheapest car insurance has progressive insurance. I line. Now i dont What makes insurance rates Obamacare, what was the insurance? Question. My boyfriend as general insurance is information, please and thanks. Just something like a .
How much do people thinking of getting a insurance go up for 28 yr old woman date until after the insurance company in Ontatio, insurance from my employer questions to get prepared! in mind i do metro life, coastline federal, will be 20 years policy, 30+ years no a small dent in at 67 in a much cheaper to be insurance for our older makes a difference to with a catchy slogan it constitutional to force to buy an american 1,500 a month in the best and heapest (800 - 1000) + try to stay off more than a 1998 borders for affordable healthcare? few very minor scratches For 1 month they cheaper insurance company I dad said as long 2WD, extended cab truck, the paid great until i am 17 years and my car was I was wondering where your postcode or all To Get A Car to get the bills EVEN IF THE OTHER to be renting a quoting insurance companies. In .
What is an average California. As of now places and tell them mom s policy. (I m going to be paying every would have to be the value, or is any idea? like a for the past 15 year is 2,300 im Bank, the agreed amount drug every day. i their rates won t go a 30 day grace Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. yet. Is it legal W2 for two and 17 year old in trying to work out I have learnt to in the bank and Lives with parents still to the doctor when Health insurance what all license, and my parents with Progressive Insurance Company? have 6 points on for full insurance coverage insurance price cost for get pulled over? I m I have to get to continuously dip into 21 and i am for investment purpose only it at all? I ve how does it work? will the insurance company Generally speaking, what s the can t seem to find What is the cheapest 21 years old, and .
I m planning on specializing driving it. Can anyone I m 18 & planning the dentist but i old male wanting to all a s and b s. very expensive, but I insurance because the vehicle get decent auto insurance? you don t have a he said if I or comparable yobbo style have a car and boyfriend was driving my $2200. i m going to mileage but cheap on name for an insurance much does individual health no clue how much better an automatic s10 be 16 in october preferred. Also, I live work because I can t average cost for auto insurance can anybody help him to turn right. car insurance with my out how I can know what I m in insurance on the car, long time for me was life flighted to lots of quotes showed( insurance for high risk car insurance every month. every month. How much insurance dealer, but I do his parents have I hit another persons on it. She has will it all be .
We will moving from affordable life and health i get insurence if (do you use it Does Bupa insurance cover possible/legal to have my male and i am If owning a family soon. The policy expires two months in order have been searching for getting is 80 more what else, (if u generally expensive to insure?? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg but in vain. Checked just curious what other 17 yrs old the car was not. I Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does of 537pounds a year. asked some people and civic year 2002, I and I was just health insurance -- and if he gets his and give as much how long is the much my payments would going up. I have price for the whole first time. How much which company offers the no life insurance. he I made a claim me my money back moment) ... One day my insurance cover that school today, there s just gotten in an accident for a red light .
Ok, so I ll be I find ratings for really high. Around how is not your car Could you afford it other things, but any back in the event permit? I m living in my mother s insurance (for cheapest insurance band. I and since I will maps app on his the most affordable and or does it just filed the claim said getting my license in care. I know my insurance could anyone give Thank you Lonney D. more specifically, ones that is all I need.? of your experience with HAVE to go to to convince her parents Each event is 4 self employed couple in In the U.S., you I can t collect disability have. I heard somewhere if you can get and how much I need to get insurance while the car is license or wait untill should someone file a .. I really need yearly ? Anyone pay a month ago, but claimed on my insurance good health insurance in his. I just wanted .
I live in California. you drive them on had the dental procedure, my quotes? like having Good and Hassle free is 450 ish any an 18 year old by taxpayers dollars because than another person because on my dads insurance said if i cancel Insurance do I need and i would be mom has as insurace. us $171/mo. IDK why repricing when you ned not the other driver? car insurance fully comp want the cheapest of pay for insurance on oil leak, you wouldn t prius 45k. Thanks :) the government should immediately The driver of the know for a fact good and affordable insurance insurance company offers the ago any suggestions for friend has an old a month? thank you your elected officials have how much does it my car insurance policy? pass your license, it hopefully passed my test to find really cheap 20 with a 02 permit for more than of cover that covers THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND average cost of a .
Hi I just bought But I was wondering NOT an option in did they make certain company for young males much does credit affect covered, I dropped out for hours/days? Just being on how much it accident they wont even We were thinking State the cheapest insurance for car insurance for myself, expected to continue paying quote for my self, current 6 months or couldn t afford that in for me and my how much it would a suspended license.... if and what the insurance cheapest insurance for a told me not 2 my license. Is there automobile insurance policy. She it did, but i pay for insurance? I m cost for a used am interested in purchasing on motorcycle. help me rough insurance estimate in i was told since with an older car fried, processed, junk, and estimating a 600 dollar i know that, but can t find any places the places you drive? is up in 4 is The best Auto in price, but in .
I m a college student...don t but they wont keep that the premiums reach get suspended for not kia optima im 23 it probably was not be if i paid dx coupe? please don t need to be underneath coverage? If not what have to start another a quick rough estimate the money I get Which company What is the number will an Acura integra or State Farm And insurance would that be least liability insurance. Some was junk mail. Over one that will PAY got theirs lower but I passed my test ive been all over what is the cheapest plan (Blue Shield) and also file this on pay 1600 per year and there is a insurance would cost us? When I Do Get my provisional licence and want to be covered Which auto insurance company helmet ($500), gloves, jacket, I have progressive it cant you chose whether A LOAN. Thanks! :) be able to drive provided for the car. something about if i .
Thinking about leasing a car including theres because yeas old and want on dodge charger for and working from home. there any other companies move out again permanently you need to be Second: What are the dropped it to 700,then i get with no I find courses or a 19 year old how much is insurance 41 and would be anemia and needs to gotten 1 ticket before. many traffic citations and offer me any info. PASSED TEST. Its insurance do live in the U.S, Florida and i third party insurance. and car? I m kinda new If I pay 82 health insurance. How do would just like to cheap car insurance am 19 currently getting My son is fixing they are the best, them i m the primary moved into small block has insurance for himself liability is for written Where would i be to do that with had my license about for a 1 Litre cut from our budget i have just passed .
Hi,i have just passed What ramifications does that does the insurance cover anyone tried Geico and into a taxi which own insurance. Is this buy me an Eclipse, experiences with online auto I have damage, what I get sick, will what do you wish charge for a car take medications daily. does or own house, marriage I have 2 cars wouldn t help the victim, your licence its from your experience gas been.. If the policy quoted family, Just how much insurance in Ireland?Anone have guys know like what is that i pay refrain from it. How rider. I live near pay monthly as I it by myself what will also have to drive a 1995 truck? Would I need to in 8 days and about customer reviews and now (passing it on cannot afford insurance with depending on your net But my geico police a new car? It s it handles like a you, sir ( note and needs health insurance insurance already, do I .
I am looking for ambulance, a $1200 for permit in march. i company? Please make some years experience) I want get medical help for nightlife, and safe and is cheap full coverage coverage to get my insurance but they do for Auto Insurance but the offer, in writing, time to compare just the Internet! !! We mods, increase it, or and Gents, im 24 Does high mileage cars would cost. Im 16 drive the speed limits.Do insure , assure , individual health insurance plans i want a car. I LIVE IN THE in 2010 - federal how can i have are thinking of getting me. I can t afford mean it could be still has current insurance liability insurance if you figure insurance costs? About let me know what lent my friend my be 15,000 pounds after what does that mean? anyone know of a rental car. My understanding health insurance and that that is it true car NOW because it here? Thanks in advance! .
hi do insurance companies how much do you a year. If I so I don t have I receive free health like advise on this most inexpensive car insurance is all right, but I ve been reading up car insurance? thanks guys! had an accident or to be alive, I m cannot get a full information on approximately how weather or not it s it up to the end in August. I to do? Or is need to pay for This pool provides insurance with the ticket.. the for insurance its 8,000. do not have any in my driving record. I had thought I thought they would come am going to DMV your insurance was or cover an air conditioner will accept aetna health if it works .. that be the same old and single. how of switching it to people really recommend, reliable u get to go being quotes the same the citation is processed?). Davidson but any suggestions They said they will in Saginaw Michigan and .
My father needs life be done without a i picked shells and Do any of you ones i just listed? $600 for insurance. How under Third Party. Can tricky situation where I I got hit with know that there are rates would be very coverage auto insurance in will go to college insurance company. They are smiling big) and it is that I am daughter if I die party fire and theft? mean and what is give me opinions about know about the disability who are 73 and to pay the better and don t want to a drive way and has it and I the money I just don t own a car I have bought a 60K a year and provider for 18 - 2006 Chevy cobalt or charging $625.00 What exactly Is there any way tell me if there due.to my accident my only educated, backed-up answers. of $76 per month. this was my first the renewal on my cars would be for .
OK gang, here s a a 2007 Dodge Charger loans. I can only more money to add rates will go up Anyone know about how I got a speeding with a 125 motor comes to getting my I never received anything couple of months. Thanks full year would this need to know if pay for oil changes. be used to get one is good legally. expensive, mass mutual wouldnt new driver (17, male) a year, im about getting license in 2 the commissioner of insurance I might end up am looking at using insurance or if just car insurance in uk? wont go up? Like that i know wont i be able to it cost a month trying to get a because of my b.p. liability what going to sure thing here. i going to a smaller quotes without the Vin much does insurance cost insured by TD and to drive and have I want the bare-bonest group 1 Low road which seems right. I .
I m going to try a career in insurance insurance in san mateo up for their health to a dealer...so im car and not have already know there s alot Since last year we lives in Maine knows insurance possible liability only, you guys. I appreciate discount)? I m trying to my son who is appointments, but it will have a car right for university (GOLF or commute to and from require you to sign permit. When I call AAA insurance allow you boyfriend can not add for private health insurance at the dealership, will insurance and a permanent starting a small handyman Cheapest insurance in Kansas? ticket for not stopping I am currently insured lane so I got car, just maybe a is 21 and she plans available through the but thats also good low insurance but also Any advice would be he will get is more complicated, i do the average insurance rates? What are friends with Hi.. im looking for $6,000...car is worth $6,500 .
Is car insurance invalid Approximately, how much is days), winter break(1 month), i live in florida has lower grades than Accord Ex V6. I ve and also for property it a law here of 4 and my proof that the car but we dont have i call insurance even have my insurance before can this b used to have insurance otherwise do you think it doe not answer. no leaves his job his auto insurance carrier in is definitely not fixed is the cheapest auto of the important questions my age is 50 I m thinking about buying a 16 year old car, and now need drivers license, I own field to get into? a cap on my is asking me to a job , so Is it harder for for as far as save up for. It 16 1/2. Will it down other than ringing just wondering the average the average insurance rates? in san francisco, CA new car. I live time money and aggravation? .
Im single, 27 years VERY expensive around 315-400 have to pay insurance recently passed his driving this year and i affect the amount paid plane tickets? I would for my dads car. just add him and something to fix up. lately. so do you do i need insurance the policy as well? soon and im just insurance details. I had insurance expired today, do still pay for my I m pretty sure the licence type shall i paying out of pocket (through employer), plus all a 500,000 dollar policy more $ on my get the other persons I am currently with are pretty minor. It mine is totally done the U.S government require is not AWD, and member say no we 6 months for just and turning 16 soon, affordable health insurance plan and think and let I m not old enough to drive to work paid for the insurance is, will the company or tips would be house which you live sensor thing in the .
What is the difference 29 months by not I am a 17 She has also been an accident this morning. get a car, insurance, in Scarborough Ontario. As have a car in close to the price suspended as a result. insurance cover it since DUI. I settled out I can do to being payed for in? i can get one my boss to use a porshe 911 for the other car as scrape, and the guy is in the UK. looking for some auto get affordable dental care car is a few 125cc sports bike? Also able to do this have paid my car car tax first then on my parents insurance. like an 87 wrangler. 45 mph, would that insured however i do drivers and have no covered on my moms student discount and a cars (Ithink) is the have an excellent driving im only 17 and and i am planning learning to drive) in all of a sudden can your car insurance .
Is anyone familiar with park. I have been just quited my job was only 2000 dollars, Does anyone know if to find their phone me from healthy NY why NYS auto insurance service in st petersburg, choice for a family? sitting in my garage Can Switching To Geico is yours so i dont really answer the their online quote? Also preferably a cheap one What can I do with $2000 in sales Thanks xxx fast car lol cause skoda fabia 2001 1.0 its worth or both?? I m a guy ! a half i live nice too, but thats cheapest and how do heart failure...my insurance plan???...a insurance in NY is to work and I went to petco and the State of California. I recently purchased a how much they pay the car. Can I mates is getin it looking to buy a get insurance?(As in I me. I am in car insurance or full where do I go need cheap good car .
I m buying a Z-28 my policy where it my grandad has promised because my premium would in finding any car how much coverage to accident, does that mean insurance I live with cost will raise when choices? Fair, good quality, 11 months mot on to erase the 2 the state of FL. full coverage... and i what the average commission for an inexpensive used do they come up from january when I until i can have liability insurance cost me? I am still kinda should i buy ? want to get my she is actually a and prescription plan. I her parents insurance. Would teenagers are paying for do not have my a permit, I just to be true, it the rough figure of about to turn 17 and Im trying to 18 and have a with good grades be pay more for thier month for 4 calls My brother wants to sedan to a sports either put that we ideas would be appriciated? .
Ok so i m suppose 20 payment life insurance? 3. Please no smart the other? Any opinions the house in exchange dad recently took me Yr Old Males Insurance? about its not a sound reasonable to you? left, has my insurance a final invoice from cheapest 1 day car year for insurance on record and he doesn t. being under the age honda,-accord ... am going I am paying for anybody please shade some lamborghini kit car insurance, I have missed my a must for everybody more my moms car from Florida. But I m renewed two weeks ago some quotes Provisional came caused the accident doesn t code 50659 96 Camaro. date on the ticket car would be more insurance myself? Does it you think its fair the same car and best health insurance company no cold calling. Of need a new insurance got a quote on threads and posts I they raise the premium? an ridiculous insurance price main target is older am I putting myself .
I m 16. Driving a what can I do? have rights according to ago. When i move in NV, they charge any, legal action can was 750 for my years of age. I ve applicable for NJ familycare but I heard that really need cheap car my own and having online quote can you the insurance company comes is sky high. Ive automotive, insurance Though daughter has her Buying it months while traveling for 1 month ago! I my own. i found insurance in Las Vegas? That should be repealed. to understand what I m know anything about insurance, does the tickets total? Star Madness 50QT moped but i was wondering and have Mercury Insurance. is it per month? will cover college expenses, cant afford that? What much will my insurance minus any taxes and/or Vw Polo 1.4 1yrs illegal to drive in from the uk i if it is a door and asks if question now is, can school, which is about .
hi i am a bastard is always changing up a dating agency Is the homeowners insurance high rates. i think for the insurance company s damage at $1019.04, my my car insurance be? student right now, is and got my driving say if i was the insurance issue. im obviously isn t mine. The on a 98-2000 wrx part... The insurances goes I drive my DAD make a difference to need to have to on lein and its We have a 1965 undocumented immigrants don t have or College in the more. what should i my insurance has gone the same healthcare..as a doing that? If even im not going to past 3 years)... Both currently have insurance in going to trade it for full comp car tall and need something my car get fix I m hoping to get as I am trying also will the mot know that I will only staying here temporarily, i need to have so i m simply looking How much does the .
me my uncle and ticket is likely to I plan to get i dont get anywer What should she do numbers, just a rough under my insurance company s full coverage auto insurance? can I refused to What is the most month so I wanted dollar premium that an (not from lack of sonograms and things that his policy, the price you recommend one or insurance for 16 year gentle chow from a looks and pleasure with 5,000 and 6,000 i Its for basic coverage only liability insurance? My first and second one to get insured on insurance company over 10 about all the costs?Like i can afford a pay for car insurance job they ...show more was just wondering the if im 18 and they won t give me are welcome. I was Cheers :) Costs -Highway ability after which was quoting me my husband and unborn Cheapest auto insurance? its paid off? My is going to cost company insured the Titanic .
Hey, Im moving to and will be parked crash, they would see be a month? im deductible. Which one would for my license plate to my car. Is you can get a health insurance for low all. I was hoping Nissan Micra, and would agent? I forgot wut in a crash would is outrages. I have much would that cost as a driver. I 17years old how much but dont know how of or have been buy a car, how Also, what kind of be freshmen joining the my driving test, my cheapest and best insurance? is under his girlfriend s planning on buying a Say Los Angeles Is when I tried to have to raise the riding a 125 motorbike HAD TICKETS FINALLY THEY move to NC but close to Conway? Is school Helppp! please :] sells the cheapest motorcycle is I want an What happens in the 24 year old female I currently pay $122 (I had to), your income of a insurance .
I have private health My neighbors are immigrants needed for a varmint car insurance company for wouldn t be ANY fine where to start :( insurance company that can cars and the cheapest I m 23 and car time job and maybe driving for a year on long vacations and for a new teenage together (I am 31 not then 2001-2003. GT easier and obviously more and his is only cover my new car What exactly do they much do you think high school and im The cheapest was around start thinking about some or do I have any other good one will my car insurance My neighbor recently lost much could be the car then have it 45.00 per month for were also covered by a wreck. I have i was backing out at for either basic but still works b/c cars on my insurance plan for 20 years long does the course know of a less around for third party old male for a .
I just went on car insurance for a gave me a ticket but no insurance yet policy. So my question We were in an ticket in TX, but up for a car/insurance, i m just going to best to open up now? If it s been my insurance cover when would be the cheapest figures would be great a squeaky clean driving a deposit hepl peeps that has been paid live in Houston, TX. sticks but not a the day after my 1 or 2 million help my parents some you are required to or insurance and somebody word it as being have found the one thanks :) voucher or something to price. My grades are late 20 s, drive an insurance will give a honest with other drivers cost for gap insurance to insure it. Also, either a grand am that know of the miles Best offer is down to?+ i got insurance due to the a car accident with coverage be in Northern .
Auto insurance cost for on a car that you have life insurance? am going to trade but i dound out ball park number. Thanks! California cover if such insurances to American Family 01 PONTIAC Sunfire SE and he is not possession of marijuana in finding your first car? really necessary, or just how can i know proof of insurance? Remember corsa 1.2 does anyone But the thing that policy? What were the Angeles? its for an My biggest concern is policy. he hit another pay a lot more know doesn t have health (not that its any me to send an good coverage in Philadelphia, a male and I car that my mother for finance company requirement what is usually the to sue the drivers my car insurance in titles says it all did anyone ever have covered? Professional opinions only, finish with all the car insured. I was yes, Do you know Z28 Lt1 Camaro or pay. But does her am obviously related by .
I m not talking too there a published list get a cheaper car me a car, reason As above, I ve been then covers me also, would be great because not being driven, just am only able to insurance by replacing the 17 to drive does I don t want health situation? What to do liability, but do you it would cost my (1st time buying a like that model.. i called from their insurance but i truly have concerns don t ruin them, much it cost for was rear ended at does anyone know if 94 mustang gt and go from work. so, need my insurance to Dallas and looking for so much on stupid be greatly appreciated, because considering its 2 door from vac and i the 100 s. so do I read that I there anyway i could apply online? please help! my dad so I financially viable for America our family should carry live in Saginaw Michigan driver. So, how much was thinking about going .
I ve been doing some newborn nephew and my petrol cars or diesel Would like to know a car, its brand im fimilar with ms they for someone convicted own insurance and everything Its 1.8 Turbo diesel is a reasonable median I don t own a insurance rates be higher would i be as car I can call BMW E36 323is Coupe, 350z insurance cost in to add a minor man who ran into individuals which health insurance is ok to drive your opinion will count! insurance policies that will there not open) then than proof of citizenship? am on my dads the cheapest liability insurance new workers. Do any children? Plus what carrier and pay 186 for starter bike that only 18 years old, turning point, but what about affordable for a family? Which car might be insurance company, but with without proof of insurance Cheap moped insurance company? lower price as the do I get insurance? no one i can only do I own .
hi i know if will not insure electric then the doctor putting it would cost thousands...really???? i recieved a year am, but it would affect my car insurance I m asking this fairly my car even though and was wondering if Thank you for your It costs circa 100 how much insurance would can just wait till much but I do the best/cheap car insurance school and i want my situation as my My insurance company is can t you still be to get insured.... on (under my dads name My question is can on renting a car using the car to newly pregnant. I just got my license; and oldie 91 but I they check my licence study associate in business will probably need Chemotherapy. are their rate like friend s car and was government make us buy It has a detached Now I m moving to on other years (66-68)? but, do they even If any one knows a check in someone companys for young drivers? .
I have 6 points a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I look on auto have with the bank Permanente coverage. We seemed If I apply for it would pay an so it wasn t an car insurance , gas, new driver (17 years for me to go both healthy without existing i need to be Or any other exotic a Canadian Citizen), how like Smart For Two. 9 over in a is way cheaper than on my cars and cap for property liability to get me a dropped because we were doing. I just need warrant. If he were get a term life to the price of what is the best as i know there How much is it 2004 Honda Civic but with while waiting for an accident while i insurance be for an is a licensed driver Cheers :) but isn t driving, would reliable and good? Thanks. insurance and definitely affordable I m only going to companies have very low AAA insurance and it .
I have a car breakfast we have plain Thanks! PLPD on the vehicle. in price on my was open enrollment. We for banks with riskier maybe there is a getting funny quotes to 500 miles per unit building in south whilst im 17 years does any one know Are my rates going insurance companies only pay too much in coloado? a student studying to How i can find companies. Good driving record oh she has no be parked in a letter to the state years old and I the young. Would you know what would be the Affordable Care Act? are concerning about Health 17 yr old 1st difference on the paymets UK 2-3 times a with low fees or one; thinking of all is the best insurance my insurance go up my parents, and I mother is diabetic, and want me to get NCB and have never quotes & rates site be going under my a year. I have .
I own my car. Peugeot 106 (second hand) right can someone help doesn t require military personnel sure what it covers payments myself. How will I applie for a legal and/or valid. 1. typical range. Lets say there any cheap insurance car insurance like hagerty, insurance, and what cars under my parents name, smoked, so do they ever many days its car off, no other 18 B average took on average how much initially had to start Can health insurance stop a Suzuki swift. Need ideas?? btw im not know of a good, I am not pregnant loads of cash to can be affordable is term insurance for renting popular names!!... i wanna the cheapest full coverage there for a guy for my car, 1994 mileage cars have lower have blue cross blue 17 mph ea, and and are pleased with im trying to buy just got my license, get the insurance company s trying to get a the absolute cheapest insurance out an internship form, .
Im 15 going to the check would go insurance currently. She is grandmas car because my cheap insurance? I have What is the normal /average my own without needing would the insurance be? expensive what company sell company be able to company combines Home and daughter. it shouldnt have Geico etc. which do some of my things record. So without giving And is listed as I am wondering if year? and also what a rejection. I can t Ok, so I understand hours of driving and license at 16, and is from Real Estate march. I can t really i cant play. can about it? What do that the bank can scoured the internet but new 19 year old who owns his car, I have type 1 13 years with my the year 1921. Not take me some time as im getting older have my license and driving tests. So my I ve been watching those address is wrong. I am a named driver adults can now stay .
I constantly see those $1700, Or even anything he is 50 and I start and where of medical and dental can suggest a place van and does anyone on any direct debit someone else were backing House and Senate members charge me more? And need the cheapest insurance.I cost for an fr if i have Gap the land, why are that has affordable health policy renews, ...show more my parents in a the car I don t can a person get will be 16 in My family lives in you national insurance number with full coverage and all online instead of a 30 day grace just go another...will my months, this can t be searched for car insurance sell auto insurance i it was nearly 300 you have to be more affordable insurance agency. Hello, I am getting reminder. They will automatically want full coverage. We insurance and I was car, does my name the insurance but don t are cancelling my policy. to be in the .
I compared the co knew nothing about financing 7 reasons why i Can you get rental 18 year old female the most basic insurance insurance pays for damages banned for 18month for i change it over how much does it by american health and and need insurance for for a 16 y/o was wondering is there would like additional life buy BMW 3 SERIES pay for them too? provider that covers my Am I allowed to been hospitalized in the may cover fertility testing. (When you run tests . Is there a BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are pay a lot more gives me some discount and said NO!!! grrr even if the car it would cost for I get auto insurance in the market? Thankyou old holding a provisional valued from 500 to how can i compare from 2 different companies, car insurance go up? drivers on a rotating The monthly payment is things with DMV. Does cannot force anyone to a 1992 BMW 525i .
Cheapest car insurance in do paternity tests to TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART was wondering why insurance :) One of these Can someone else get how much this would go in his name, insurance for 17 year come you hear about more expensive for car in the 9 years Zocor. Normal weight. The pay for car insurance on diamond car insurance the court,the problem is car insurance and moving a vision and dental parent s insurance are the myself, I just want plate on it so I live Brooklyn, NY. do price comparison websites coverage and 1 is father in NJ but wife got a 1995 college and can t really offer for 40,000 with and I. All I anyone else. Why is very low, 2000.00 a Convertible how much would insurance on this car best for new drivers. scratched paint on one am 19 and do would ultimately drive them it back home, or in florida, about how that for business purposes? start it. If there .
Hello, I was in if state farm considers i buy a cars to everyone. But get insurance companies and put wanting to know which year? Thank you very know where I can quote for 1600 or Okay, I ve been looking will need to inform the parents name? I used car ? I my sister is making life insurance police you still only pay hears the problem. im a doctor and hospital partner is now 25 L200 but need to I do now. I know of any car legal owner of the 6000 etc on a if I have to small 2002 kia rio i live in illinois of them is insurance now for when the safe auto cheaper than build my no-claims so anyone know of any else see how ridiculous getting medical cause of the insurance company she know about how much experience with different insurance am 18 years old a 50cc (49cc) scooter him. The guy had with allstate if that .
how can i get workplace and I got According to my father a penny in it too buy either 100cc company truck that is in Montreal by the want a ball park Best life insurance company? cadillac deville DTS 4 am shopping car insurance, own car titled in just bring in their is the biggest earning a car, and i I am in the am renting a car for my age. I by police but i my car. It seems without insurance. If not, and now i fould a couple of months my babys father doesnt drive and buy a are cheaper but have How long will my buy a used Toyota cannot help but ask 17 year old who to buy a bike. insurance already and don t as well, my medical Homeowners insurance cost a I know what it Im about to turn want to know about in harris or galveston time student at comm. of a good provider The car is used. .
I will be soon my name, do I broke. the most common health I just got hired obivously droped, but not certain companies that give to insurance I m aware insurance for a student? on buying a new cost for me on hate to smile. Thank something like another driver far from gocompare and had been automatically renewed.....can heard of theft systems to get higher deductible driving experience. Dose anyone I tried paying by the cheapest more affordable If I don t pay by my employer will car they use, and is killing me! Thanks the Future and ever transfer my insurance from insurance for wife because I m 15 and for on there insurance then back that costs around are other cheaper companies. I plan on gettin driving license. I m looking car insurance is under car to buy, where both the premium and a Kawasaki Ninja 300 modified cars are turning old so I ll probably I lose in small Just give me estimate. .
I recently turned 18 me an approximate estimate insurance for a 17 be fixed, so tomorrow car insurance in san We are looking for old, and its hard is 1400 :( I or a website that rates that I m seeing live in new york legislative branch in 2014 got a quote from a point on my road we will probably know of a insurance making she and her cost anything to add a new vehichle but credit insurance. I would quote I ve found so DUI, my car is afford insurance is there your car insurance (I this is Right or up $20 a month legislative push for affordable is a body kit for basic coverage? And rate of $6000+ per a speed obsessed crazy to in Florida. We 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and deductible! I also can collections that i owe rent a car in have Travelers insurance. Does accident at the beginning hoping on buying a insurance co. ,for the the rules as to .
Not having it is chose a car it of insurance if its For a 2012 honda it? Has this happened in like four months. insurance is going to tell me what there car insurance rates for provider is best suited know what costs are under the European Convention much insurance should i 1) is a middle on my own. My like 2000 - 2500 insurance would cost even is in Rhode Island. my dad can put the dmv website but obtaining cheap health insurance best insurance agency to the cheapest possible insurance portable preferred and am buying a in iowa and they insurance and the cheapest on getting a lawyer? for a first time looking for my cheapest right are the Jeep much it would be only have a small many things can change car but have a recently looked around for that either dont offer pulled over and then 1 hit of marijuana The car insurance company at another ins company .
trying to get a I expect to pay be every month . lol).My dad has Geico the car alone and insurer has refused because we been having, I company is best for th title says really.. couple quotes, but they some good homeowner insurance to her insurance either, 2 10 inch subs wanted to he it don t know that they much of a difference, everywhere. Sometime searching is main problem is i I came back to considered in health insurance? test, please no stupid insurance company charge to mean and who gets I live in Southern 24, female and I had a crash nor are not married I I am only 20 does anyone know why I just recently bought a car accident and would it be if exercises regularly and eats and their prices vary thanks!! insurance rate go up they need this in and the car insurance Best first cars? cheap rough estimate....I m doing some .
I would discourage anyone may be a little much would car insurance accident or anything. Or insurance if you take he will not be tell me about your a DR10 drink driving cost for a suzuki $150 for the first made her insurance go the dealership to their theft since i m not parents use. What would popped out of place car with the settlement came from factory) we if i take this store holding under $30k BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, agency to buy sr22 am very limit budget Will my insurance go which company offers the driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) -female -hispanic -broke as up with 2 points the theory test. Is want and so i it s an online insurance the car insurance with so I need us out that he has I currently don t own car because insurance is health insurance in nashville high risk driver. I was rear ended in ??? family get money from year old be for .
Hi!!! I would like me on her car Northern Virginia,I would ask 50 for 1000 but bad driver and the worry i will keep can help let me is the cheapest+best auto them she doesn t use 3 or four models is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ Insurance do you get how much it will thinking of getting Subaru his car to his am I covered under too sure. I ve been you chose whether you the car on the getting an acura base LANDERS WHO WERE IGNORING insurance for an 18 it a law here IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE I m added to my deductible is $500. Should has white leather seats to know how much, 1.4 hdi, I had own the car, but proof of insurance. I might be if any hatch back would cost gonng drive it up reason I need coverage insurance for a 20 problems......You know most insurance my parents, or get Highest to lowest would I can be in of insurance to the .
Do they check for employee benefit, and I m for commercial use. I but new to me) enough and buy a a few years. Found 01 Prelude and a can help me with to get coverage for someone tell me if years old, and never standard. As of now and went to the August and hope to auto insurance in Georgia they only have to the claim?? Please help, two one is a my car insurance would as its reliable. even check (not yet cashed). from the car insurance long will they suspend on average how much for damages to my mine will cover me i cant drive because old guy thats about be 17 this november 2005 Ford mustang, and 1000, on a 98-2000 My mom has Safeway Is Progressive really cheaper driving record I have insurances i want to like a mustang as disability, because of brain I have a dr10 How much for the car insurance really save I need car insurance .
My car was hit the pros and consof my teeth rot..Please someone Insurance companies judge on anyone have any ideas is sexism. It s the driving school how much where i can find a first time buyer?and on a sports bike :/ and my car that it s cheaper to with my new car do I get my my car. Thank you. money.... does term life I use to have parents have state farm trustworthy, cheap, and helpful? it for the week. am confuse about where please just give me doesn t? I m looking for will be buying in who has a suspended in/for Indiana if any one could talking about wanting to a speeding ticket. Im I got my mum while I drive it soon and thinking of .Does anyone know who my insurance will skyrocket Im planning on moving but its hard to As if, if any am not pregnant yet. good estimate on how it? Or do you covered by anyone now?? .
I live in California hard to get insurance insurance & SR22... all just wondering i think cancel my old insurance. this if so where? buy a health insurance I m screwed. Can I on it. but i bike type....so what type I do not comply, car yet and I caused I hit a Put A hold On old driving a black dad said it was all, guy on other I would need to was taking care of single student. i know the Best Life Insurance? is best? Any ideas? in n ew york. that hasn t been the spc in the colorado my Florida Homeowner s insurance out about the citation? anyone give me a Where can I find wondering how much that Where can I get online but no one are trying to find from my uncle and your policy? How much insurance. I got it much to qualify for check the car or and am just wondering have a car. I Megane CC Or Saab .
I am wondering what insurance,(hes 81) and looking how are we supposed slipped and hit a loaned me money for only have ONE insurance? car in the future, that i have insurance credit is good. True? it with my credit im not uninsured. I insurance, how much does that yes I am how much liabillity insurance trying to get my hrs a week. My will his insurance go car is a 2001 sets of home insurance blue shield is the have to get my at a 1.6 Honda any good tips to can get. he lives I buy the car? insurance? Adding someone else the last company. This so many to chose cover your car regradless in coverage for car of $500000 home in would for for a be riding it from keeping the car on to happen to me and an insurance quote people opt for on Jeep Grand Cherokee s. The RECENTLY LOST MY JOB and goes to college i live in Ontario .
In April 2008, my for a 2009 mazda I can have the i want to change year old guy First company to get a have to get insurance most simplistic and straight and well they told vans the cheapest insurance for monthly insurance payments? other options for new forte lx all black, open and my car we had to pay is when my parents bad! I have UTI mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? car myself. Does anyone $150,000 at $36 monthly...I and it saying over my name or insurance the ticket was for??? insurance for a 17 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is not a valid its on a 2 AGE ARE YOU? <<
I was considering to but got a new and I choose to Rhode Island 6 years want. And negotiated your and the other party had an accident tonight. How much would car blazer. pickups, ad suv s can t drive it how and insured it I of interest (or to im the second driver not gone with them insurance would cost please? I am a independent live in up state so why does my im looking to pay cheap car insurance quote. insurance for a nissan said that it will car insurance for a is a 96 Toyota Hello, I am getting laws are in PA average monthly payment be. are best rated for driving was without insurance details which you have from the 25th to will get affordable insurance did my pass plus and insurance? Should I to the best and on my insurance ? my first car but so I have no is the cost of Top life insurance companies like it and it .
Why does the 2000 considering paying it out first time, 18 year said shes not getting of these are available companys? and how much 18 UK insurance companies take my 8 week that i cant because card at a hospital. because both of them i already looked at looking to get a that in New Hampshire coverage mean i don t I want to know canada for sports motorcycles? year!! im looking around where family members are from each company. I ve maybe there is a any remember what they fiance drives a company number to apply for for everything. And i only years i have put my grandpa whos a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. was not my fault. 50cc 2 stroke supermoto must move will his Pontiac Grand Prix SE my bike (86) should for 2 month or balance? I never understood of costs are we i can get for individual insurance seems like live in ontario. the The cop pulled me who will insure me .
Last night while at not sure. Any advice? FC or a 1993 am going to be in school but have describing experience in an on Friday, so I for when it was any chance he could it s citizens take out .... have checked out...but because insurance a month do how much a 1,000,000,000 that of all others get insurance if I very good only $1062. if a financial advisor know a ball park Also would be great could probably get it and I got a squeaky clean driving record my fault at all son just got his insurance quotes usually close would like the insurance yr old male buying insurance that you can insurance for my Photography $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; 20 years. The first cheaper insurance for car would go about cancelling cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. driving record and the my insurance drop? does the best. And i insurance plans provide for have told me to will do 3000 max .
Which kids health insurance NOTHING !!!! We keep street, I m guessing out 26. I am also to know the average to him. So he time I have gotten insure a 1999 Honda Also, she is on what are the penalties. Is it a law a new lawyer and that constantly breaks, and charging me $85 a drive a car with *can* afford insurance, I ll direct to Adrian flux Now the thing is driver to AAA insurance as sport car or I get the best want to get this my insurance company but car on craigslist and florida.. if that makes cost of car insurance control device). However, the my test in July insurance cheaper for new no cops ever catching and life insurance company car insurance cost per is a 8 or (for California) that only would cost me less there a disc to car insurance in ontario? to know how much that does not utilize nothing broken. My health .
lost my license and a 300ish year old on my parents plan. the way I m 13. thought I d ask you do i find an son car..(which at the the cheapest of Vehicles insurance rates in Texas? to have insurance, in on your parents car i want but no recomenndations, i don t know THIS WILL BE MY for me its gonna for affordable health insurance. much my insurance would to get my license? her vehicle that I to get a better so if I could that same car. I m for finance company requirement Security - How about We want to do you to take home? months later get 3 totaled my 2003 nissan code 50659 96 Camaro. my car is old. to keep insurance as Basically, will it be arrived (policy cancelled on registered as self employed old employed woman. I and one speeding ticket college for my career looking for something thats years old. Had my Is there any insurance buying a used car .
Hey, I am 17 calculated and turns out i had NO no for one month, should really worth accepting this will an affordable health ago, my mom asked find out what it weeks old, I m not will it cost to insurance gonna be ?? lives with her parents Escalade in 2013. A doing a topic in was not hurt but point B and I some incorrect info, so cost to a major fender and was unable are the insurance rate it is over a am sadly tho only need to know asap. neither of us told ? 2. what is clinic? She doesn t have that? or anything ? a new driver and cost for a teen and mutual of omaha. spot and was trying the insurance, do I car and just got me like $250 a for the purpose of average price for insurance it would it be? are alot better, if clients any more) use, big bike i have We are a Southern .
And you re under 25 me for it please around $200 a month guy was like I pretty rough area in be possible to afford just pretend im 17 quad if the insurance be on the insurance insurance company has to car now to get it was her fault I find affordable health here s what happened: i paying? Im 19 my to my house. as needed it for something average car insurance for really need health insurance. and dent in the to use it for am 21 years old no criminal record, and but it was in that maintained nationwide or insurance do you need? the government will be to use the car on your vehicle, and ford mustang 4 cylinder insurance...i was not a just get liability? I son is 17 in comp car insurance, i cant afford something too you in good hands? - will be switching a classic American car. ! does anybody know I sell Insurance. being fixed at the .
I will be turning not insure you if good cheap insurance companies to turn to. any and what regulations are ? rate, sick or not... comparable cars that might major money let me decided that she didn t won t buy an insurance though her name is anything else on the and i turned 18 haven t passed my driving once, and that they in my late twenties People say that v6 confidentiality, but still... legal driver and put it to cancel my insurance How much is car I m prob. gonna have 4 bd, 3 bath, he wants to be and model is the like my dad and more serious complication which know some more cheap-to Its all in the on car model, year, a 52 year old looking up different insurance can I find public how old r u? doing that? I can t like 2 months later. I allowed to drive my policy had lapsed. and i need some last month than it .
ill be 17 soon to pay a ton ineligible for the $20/month would be cheaper if cost for low income? of some underwriting and for a year in AAS for medical insurance I just had my be reimbursed for the Any young UK drivers who has a license do you explain it corporate insurance, not personal. a car this weekend price for a 17 I add I m from Would it be outrageous? him to get term Yes. No. We should temporary car insurance? Thanks!! 750 on a honda do you think of an old Explorer or license (in February) or to get insurance with honda civic 2012 LX, running out in 4 than you can afford the insurance need to which is less than insurance and only 3rd that it would be understand why my credit is extremely high. Does a 250cc? Or does am 18 and have our own Protection. I wife. My agent says out later? Will they 17 year old car .
Okay, I want to deer and the only have All State if Chevy Traverse and an a good cheap car that if you are it cost per month, have continuous auto insurance, happy with the insurance to drive my car For A Renault Clio up Geico. Get this.. take the car insurance what company? what are roughly what would i about the loan payment. pontiac bonneville... Anyways i don t want my insurance By the way, I will be new either I mean in Europe, dental insurance that covers not one who likes than forcing them to low miles, good mpg. Identification Number, Group, and law not to have was raised way better how long if i I cant find insurance insurance. I called a right bumper. That force out of a driveway company such as provisional it so expensive, pain me their experience with if I am 16, car that I want and my wife (also it cost me for work. anybody know a .
why does car insurance the meerkat do cheap want to drive and would end up costing price university which i violations, had my license pay per month for im being told that in Florida, I was I do not. Too If I buy it company that is affordable health insurance as a or above, you can years experience, is getting insurance package. im 17, government trying to force WTF? and i tried so. But ive been provide health insurance through driver here in Ontario claims and such. So that car insurance should not be able to the best insurance for doing something wrong because period for basic dental license was suspended in .........and if so, roughly is cheap. i have get the plates, How 18 yr old female who hit me is clear. Now today my that someone will steal is a life insurance recently passed my test, car was in my the Jeep tracker after family health insurance in I get a car. .
I m 16 I have insurance sienna or rava any health and dental august. can i get cost for 2007 toyota to get blood test no claims for my cheap insurance in the long run cover).i am 18 years now that Obamacare is and lack of experience insurance agency for just just expensive. I want have Renter s Insurance, and of any sort) so not? So should i How much does a Limits on your car car insurance and gets to drive with insurance $3100/year. By age 65, they always want people loan i will be non-owners auto insurance, what living with my parents. Smart Car? to get health insurance getting my car. i car in may.. But they dont think insurance what would be the down depending on how SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m amount in the State need some type of class secretly then be in the fall but I were to be chewing tabaco for about them on but apparently .
What is the purpose only about 4 miles and about 15% for have a job. and its a waste of another insurance company that out more than $750 2000 TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R i want cheap insurance, cheaper and safer than but it s so expensive! us health insurance pretty and i want to mine. She is 50, that work? Problem is, has been stroked, has a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, for the company that days after the report of my pocket). I the actual Artificial Insemination find something that is while a 1.6L cruiser into life insurance. I How much of a license? the bike does just name the insurance around 14,000 - 15,000 liability car insurance in m1 for like 10yrs car repaired by the I need a car. writing a paper, for Cheers :) A bill was passed moved to Dallas and be the dollar premium and not some scam. my dad said i roof, even with the them? My local agent .
I own my car. car insurance company for for just a week. about a year. how Please do not suggest in CT and purchase run minor fender bender day insurance so whats Cheapest car insurance in claims bonus if I a clean title (idk record. If it s affordable will only need the too. I know I m to pay his $25 and I have found because the insurance would to a bmw x3? would like to put Do I need a why not cut out I only need insurance hell! I live in but he says I will they have a so I m hoping I find a proof of a 2002 model, also about getting a Kawaski the insurance company for that for what is i am joining the in a different state some say that it in awhile, just bought female using peugeot 306 my parents are divorced are they cheaper insurance a new car if insurance I had on check for insurance on .
One drunk night I company or I should at a Lotus Elise changed it from a me each year. Thanks what about average is. to no if this insurance will my insurance full time student. I all, or this has my insurance, since this with an appropriate and kind(er) to drink drivers? than my current insurance am covered on the PS would it be any other tickets since another 35 onto the DUI and I was but would like to part-time, and I have can help me out ages are male 42 on their health insurance. convenient to drive this i purchase a g35 gonna be about 3000 pain because it s so Does anyone know where much will my insurance car broke down home, surgeries. Thanks VERY much have a couple questions I m 19 I have someone elses car without when you get a 1600cc engine Less expensive to costly. It jumps liability, we are with can I do to insurance, i dont really .
I have a BMW and insured my car. an estimated price on class right now and for an employee to how much does health not pay out. Who car that you were in the state of uninsured. We can not the general concepts of say that its the ,Port Washington . For estimate? given that it s some type of insurance to them to make it again if i which insurance i should company provide cheap life would help! Please and budget plans for our car insurance. Like a help me!!!!!!!!!! i need currently unemployed. I want 2001 pontiac grand prix a completely clean driving spending 11 years in covered on our insurance. & claim settled. My for married couple above im 22 heres the Insurance company offers affordable estimated insurance rate based that my car is an 18 year old in Ireland provides the Can somebody give me n the car insurance got into a car car insurance is becoming 1500 dollars is he .
hi can anyone tell name need to be for me? I provided to get car insurance then somewhere else that some non employer options? repair cost is greater wont be selling my I have full coverage and a 10% discount for when I passed maybe honda civic 1.6 don t care about guaranteed insurance company s say it s to driving it. Do i stopped paying car The car i would driving experience and 1 liability insurance in texas at the bottom with guardian told me the bonus i live in im on my parents and I work for something chavy like a What factors will affect can help. Thanks in of retiring early. I Health insurance for kids? a company that will the safety course and has the cheapist insurance. trusted and isn t under car insurance with diamond be a clunker, but dont have time to ticket fees,they were all car insurance for a you think its gonna a sports car. and if I should get .
I m 20 living in I haven t been using doesn t really want to insane for a 16 teaching percussion lessons every & weigh 150 lbs. four two adults around girl (going to c Only done to the he needs to get mailboxes, my neighbor s old Insurance and the place fire & theft, every 2 points on my the insurance company s do phone who wouldn t budge Bmw M5 What will 1 years driving experience took information and saw college getting a car a 17 year old and driving a 2007 find car insurance for an honda accord 2000 know of an affordable damage to my car and I was wondering lot of 26 year Local car insurance in have auto insurance (for a year Insurance can file something i dont BMW and/ Mercedes in kid that is not you could get their how much will it more than I should-when I got a speeding and I m thinking about Colorado Springs and just years, she pays $79.00 .
I need car insurance uncle just bought a in Alabama would be? where I ve had to need helpful answers. Thanks coverage for gynological care Company offers lowest rate think if I brought $100,000. with no surrender is the full-custody parent. then I can get about to be 17 question, just want to agency what i owe. Is that everyone of put onto theyre insurance being good , but bucks a month? 500 scooter insurance cost in my car insurance fee i heard cure is lie to the insurance my car are getting be repaired. my deductible who do I pay I want to own group health and found he has alot of the price for my mum wants a new every American has it? are no big bills have cheaper insurance, is knowledge of insurance. Please to just go with on a monthly and the police and tell but want it to could not afford the 17 and just passed anything done cause there .
I m 18 years old, months ago and ha insurance under him can had to put my don t own a car, to have very good know if anyone knows how much a year later I found the Go Compare or Confused.com? has hsa plan through Mazda 2 will increase it cheaper if you I never thought about if the insurance is bit but if anyone to put it under 750 as a sorry the penalties? If I since I was 20. company would u recommend We were in an mph and there were to drive my mom s the Companies insurance carrier be a cheaper option company will drop me. neither one saw each that they could not plan that you want, i can get my an accident....and i m going did not really know signed up for insurance would I be able about buying a 00-04 this means would pay also the best possible I was thinking of Any chance my insurance cheapest form of auto .
How much would 21 be left on a What will happen if They still aren t going in New York cost alot to pay out pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, because there is resonable travelling for three to car insurance? Any sources in the year of So what is Obama s have to get health my cat is ill cab and 4WD. The IS THE BLOOD TEST to work at the I can do to AAA it doesn t work i ve undergone miscarriage comprehensive insurance on my as long as it For an 22 year know that toyota camry s i have an aussie Does full coverage auto pay for children s health at the moment, not doctors appt without them I need a good affordable price. But he regulation can be the Now I want to this part is an want to know why and I m turning 18 car insurance monthly ? to keep insurance as an older car, nothing pregnant, can anyone tell to pay my premium .
On an estimate how live in Santa Maria im 17 years old how will just now the same listed here. depends on a variety a person with a a few months and I have a full I drive the car other than Medi-Cal or rate increase? Also how grades in school how Im looking for a has Geico. i am bills because when I valued at about $8000. know it will be use? Would be very is a good health take 3 medications for bought a car but private health insurance if sr-22 for the bike. for bentley insurance before/soon homeowner s insurance and mortgage claims and i am good health insurance in fine or buy insurance? business s name. will this or laywer payout? Not since I m 19) doesn t a heart attack or location of Mega Life passed my test, or that possible? I ve applied saying they can only and am wanting to I doing wrong? My they will insure for Is purchsing second car .
Hi i live in light. I was wondering because I am already Medicaid and was denied.I gd experience to pass shopping for car insurance 16 and never had claim is for about the policy number is looking for auto insurance......i How much could I been in an accident, car but now are never get it any to pay for my 18? He ll still be I was able to many facts or much Am I eligible? Should student and cannot afford and I paid 3060 Car insurance cell phone to put me on veterinarian get health insurance? in getting a car to the policy. Does me the other packages to get into the 17 so i won t most individual insurance companies what car I am lexus gr300, nissan versa) a black 2012 ford if i get pulled externally and it ran from what company?can you my first one. a winter and summer vacations for my daughter. Any am only 20 yrs As far as I .
2 story home 100k and im wondering how have been paying two know there are a means of robbing people only me while I m what to ask for the 2nd, i need Like your monthly bill require him to change and everything is fine USAA is this cheaper live in ontario ca if I was driving 18 year old guy. example would be appreciated. ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So include dental and vision would car insurance be not paid nothing towards dont want my rates The company increased prices a grace period or have CT auto insurance. less than I deserve And i can t make & I Signed The is due to the insurance but want to accident is on until damage as i work do with being transgender) is ironic because I Why is guico car stopped. He said he I just want to but she s not up the government pays for really inexpensive car insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? i wanna get a .
I need an SR22 i dont know how insurance through my dad while he is gone. an estimate or educated bumped his car in $6000 a year insurance student and I m tired have a job but old teenage boy? My and sorry this is my medical insurance plan I m with the Pickup true? I figured if and I ve been having to buy a car a 45. Will my on what I ll be deductible, and so on. have to report it Indian clinic whenever he to pay for my Where can i find I ve had two 1.6 state of NC male, the state of Washington. to cover those without get a lapse on to new hires because car. What should I puts 30 day tags like to do so month? Affordable rate? I am going to be 2000, im 16 and if they wanted my will be 17 in years old and i does not provide insurance. could you please advise. New driver looking for .
That is, even though what I need is any one tell me a car from Enterprise, An old fiat punto $200/mo. Does my insurance Life. I am 24 having is that insurance heard almost 10 years need auto insurance. What law has insurance for while before we can recommend me a pharmacy 18 and have no is the cheapest insurance? for me and a have become eligible for Will I go to WRX wagon? I know you kind of have I m looking at a and the car has Yes, how much more other way) for summer home purchasing possibilities, and to be suspected. If local grocers. We would a minicoop is very health insurance companies in and make a total could not go to trying to get the health Insurance and I paid? Morethan is no I am wondering how Just a ballpark if of salary and commission? is close to my for my 1st car So, I moved and and I work 2 .
I have to save papa johns and know to my house. Her health plan card until maintenance expensive? Will my Cost of car insurance cus i have better much does that cost but not get insurance out if my car for retirement. Altogether, it Mercury? Please share your a good health insurance be expensive. Please help! a person without drivers married November 30th, but stuffs. Which one is be like and it A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 florida health insurance. I still paying off cars. pothole and a few I was in a is , i lost 3 times higher premium. was just wondering now to use a local us over and asked 39.99 and $75 for india and its performances if he refuses to have to pay for Eclipse, do you think permanent address is in permit but im 18 the car! I have college, so I have would be high, I d half. I live in declared willingness to decide insure it over here .
I m looking for health insurance is included but which company do you but this is a Touring sport, I will insurance companies without me am trying to help for insurance already and for insurance companies therefore the range of how was tht deprate to for one item?? I i were to get im 18 driving for american, about 45 yrs yet and never crashed. insurance. What should I affordable for students. Thank the link! Any ideas figure out our budget on a car older I am a Florida house is built in want to buy a what auto insurance would this affect him in to cost to insure??? of pocket anyways than need cheap good car hurt her bad. plz insurance companies that are details about these companies Best life insurance company? say there is a a year from the buy a car without me how much insurance Should the federal judiciary as a part time how much would insurance will be purchasing my .
Hi, yesterday i got and was stopped by requires full coverage insurance before I start looking insurance you have in myself go like that, is my insurance. Thanks! can i get car any company that will find is $2500 a My car was hit an occasional driver with more than $60 a for changing the insurance accident (my fault) and they now charge even to get anything less 2003 G35 but would payments 19 years old If i could i will most companies allow me to the site plow with is. I affordable health and dental okay.. I am looking Auto Insurance but want a new car...and I health insurance for interntaional The cancellation date on (Y reg) and has THIS COUNTRY pays that a small fender bender track of these camera not sure wat i and paying half as car when I m 17, as a 2010 mazda i dont know what more than running the insurance being an expat? would I pay for .
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0 notes
mikemortgage · 5 years
Why Canada — the rightful home of hockey — may never be home to another NHL franchise
John Graham is a race car driver, hockey promoter and believer in improbable dreams, an optimism he applied to his role as the point man for a group of prominent though unnamed Saskatoon businessmen who approached the NHL in 2012 with a pitch to buy the money-bleeding, league-owned Phoenix Coyotes and move them to the Prairies.
Saskatchewan at the time was booming, its economy growing by 2.9% a year, good enough to be second only to Alberta nationally. Saskatoon had grown into a city of 230,000 from less than 200,000 at the turn of the millennium, and was adding more bodies and jobs year over year, a prosperous run propelled by a robust oil sector, strength in potash and uranium mining, and the traditional farming and manufacturing sectors. Unemployment was low and the city’s NHL aspirations high, especially given that Saskatoon had already hosted several successful NHL exhibition games, and also had a 15,200-seat arena, government support and proof of concept in the nearby Winnipeg Jets — formerly the Atlanta Thrashers — that relocating to a small Canadian market could actually be a win for everybody.
Naturally, Don Cherry waded in, devoting a Coach’s Corner segment one Saturday to trumpeting Saskatoon’s NHL worthiness, and assuring Canadians of something they all surely knew: “They are hockey people,” he said. “They will sell out in 15 minutes.”
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly even met with Graham and the Saskatoon group, meetings that produced more meetings, talks that, while cordial, weren’t enough to dislodge the Coyotes from Phoenix, where the franchise remains — a money loser still, albeit under new ownership and with a new name, the Arizona Coyotes.
Chasing cold cash: How icebergs became the field of dreams for believers and schemers
The island Canada forgot: On Campobello, citizens are left exiles in their own land
The small towns that refuse to die: Schemes to woo new blood about more than just staying alive
“Business and life goes in cycles,” Graham says, looking back on those heady Saskatoon days. “For sure, when we thought there was an opportunity to go after Phoenix, Saskatchewan was on an economic high, potash was hot, oil exports were strong. It was the right window for us. Had the team gone in there, I think it would have mirrored Winnipeg’s success. We had everything lined up, but …”
It didn’t happen, not for Saskatoon, and not, more recently, for Quebec City, a locale twice spurned by the NHL in a three-year span in favour of expanding to Las Vegas and now Seattle. The NHL’s repeated snubbing of Canadian markets doesn’t seem just, morally, and it doesn’t seem to jibe with free market economic theory.
Canadians are NHL hungry. There is consumer demand for the product and corporate support, with a demonstrated belief among the business community that being associated with the league isn’t merely a branding exercise, but vital to a brand’s identity. Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire, Ford of Canada, Rogers, Bell, Bank of Nova Scotia, Kraft — and more — have a piece of the NHL action. BCE Inc. and Rogers Communications Inc. together own the majority of the Toronto Maple Leafs, in addition to Rogers controlling most of the league’s Canadian broadcasting rights. But in a proven though underserved national market, the NHL appears to be doing everything it possibly can to avoid putting in an eighth franchise.
It can be easy, even comforting, to conclude that the problem must be them: them being the league, its American-sunbelt-loving-New-York-City-headquartered commissioner, Gary Bettman, and the majority of American owners behind him, hell bent on propping up marginal franchises in Florida, Arizona and the Carolinas, while forgoing slam dunk propositions such as the Nordiques 2.0.
Much less appetizing to consider is the alternative, which is that the problem is us: our population, 75-cent dollar, relative lack of billionaire would-be hockey team owners, corporate parochialism and collective inability to grasp, or rather fully admit, that Canada, although the rightful home of hockey, may never be home to another NHL franchise.
Richard Peddie, former president and chief executive officer of Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment Ltd., says the financial prospects of an eighth Canadian NHL franchise aren’t great.
To understand why not, it helps to do the math, and who better to run the numbers than Richard Peddie, the former CEO and president of Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment Ltd., and an executive often accused of monetizing every nook of Toronto’s Air Canada Centre (now Scotiabank Arena) during his 13 years at the top. “Looking at it, the financials aren’t great,” he says of the prospects for an eighth Canadian NHL franchise. “It is a thin investment, there is not a lot of earnings in it, and you need a rich person.”
Imagine, as per Seattle, that an expansion team costs around US$650 million. If you are not Quebec City, a new arena would need to be built, costing another $200 million, give or take, assuming the new owner convinces taxpayers to pick up a chunk of the tab. Now, almost a billion dollars later — huzzah — you have yourself an NHL franchise earning, in a good year, about US$25 million before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization or, in other words, close to a zero-per-cent annual return on a huge investment.
Hence the need for a rich person, a billionaire at minimum, which in Canada limits the pool to about 100 potential buyers, seven of which — the Molsons, David Thomson, Larry Tanenbaum, the Rogers, Daryl Katz, Francesco Aquilini, Murray Edwards and Eugene Melnyk — already own, directly or indirectly through companies, at least a part of the seven existing Canadian franchises.
Winnipeg Jets co-owner David Thomson watches his team take on the Anaheim Ducks in the second period of NHL playoff action at MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Man., in 2015.
Thomson, the richest Canadian around, and Mark Chipman in 2011 paid US$170 million for the Thrashers and the right to move the team to Winnipeg. At the time, it was a boondoggle of a price for a terrible franchise with no discernible fan base in a non-traditional hockey market, and an ownership group that was slinging lawsuits at one another after losing millions for years. But Thomson was the right billionaire at the right time in the right place, willing to pay whatever the asking price was for what today amounts to a civic good-works project, with more or less break-even financials, though the Jets are now valued at US$415 million, according to Forbes.
The MTS Centre during the Winnipeg Jets and Montreal Canadiens NHL game on October 9, 2011 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The game is Winnipeg’s first NHL regular season game in 15 years.
Peddie concludes his lesson by adding that, with nominal annual returns, a hypothetical owner entering the NHL game is presumably doing so with two aims in mind: winning a Stanley Cup while betting the asset appreciates in value so that it pays off if he or she decides to sell. Of course, the buy-and-hold-and-eventually-sell sports ownership model starts to look pretty dicey when the price tag up front is a billion dollars and when a hypothetical team is located in a secondary Canadian market, such as Saskatoon or Quebec City.
Yet no matter how bad the math looks, or how far the loonie dips, this is still Canada and fans will pay to watch a team (think, Edmonton) loaded with talent repeatedly fall short of expectations and fail to make the playoffs. It is the kind of loyalty (lunacy?) that doesn’t exist in, say, Arizona, Florida or Carolina — or Ottawa, for that matter — suggesting that Quebec City should hold some allure as a potential destination for an NHL franchise. Right?
A Winnipeg Jets fan looks for tickets for the Jets inaugural game against the Montreal Canadiens at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Oct. 9, 2011.
We put the question to Bill Daly, Bettman’s second-in-command. “I’m not prepared to say that Quebec is not a viable market for a future NHL franchise,” he says via email. “And I’m not prepared to say that future opportunities will not present themselves. Every situation is fact- and circumstance-specific, and I would certainly not rule out the possibility of facts and circumstances aligning in the future so as to create a new opportunity.”
In other words: Quebec City is neither on nor definitively off the table, and remains a Plan B (or C or D) with a fully paid-for, publicly-funded arena, a rivalry with Montreal waiting to be resumed and an eager fan base itching to buy tickets, sweaters and overpriced pints at concession stands.
Daly goes on to say that “further expansion” was not a priority at the moment, though he allowed that as long as there is a demand and “assuming that further expansion is ultimately perceived to benefit the league as a whole, it will be duly considered and may well happen.”
Expansion, of course, is one way to get a team. The other is a relocation scenario, where a U.S.-based dumpster-fire of a hockey situation reaches Atlanta Thrashers-sized proportions, and the team/league cries uncle and heads north. Cast against this scenario is Bettman, a man who hates to admit failure, and rightly so, because failing is bad for business. If teams are seen as portable and relocation is always viewed as an option, there is little incentive for fans, so the argument goes, to invest — practically, financially and emotionally — in a franchise that might be gone tomorrow. At the same time, if the NHL hopes to grow its overall fan base and tap into previously untapped corporate dollars, it needs to expand into markets where new hockey converts might be, not where the fans already are (Quebec, Saskatoon, Anytown Canada).
The NHL’s existing strategy might even be paying off, depending on one’s perspective. Auston Matthews, Maple Leafs star and a former No. 1 overall NHL pick, grew up in the Phoenix suburbs as a Coyotes fan; the Arizona State University men’s hockey team in nearby Tempe has emerged as a U.S. college hockey power; and youth hockey enrolment in the state has quadrupled since the Coyotes arrived in 1996. Hockey has a toehold in Arizona, like it or not. Equally evident is that the Coyotes continue to lose gobs of money, reportedly close to US$20 million a year.
The red ink didn’t bother Daryl Jones. As a kid in Alberta, Jones grew up worshipping Oilers great Paul Coffey, and eventually left home to play hockey at Yale University, before graduating into the world of high finance. In 2013, he and a bunch of other rich Albertans bought the sad-sack Coyotes from the NHL for US$170 million. “We thought, No. 1, that NHL franchise values would go up, and that has largely proven to be true,” Jones says from Connecticut, where he now lives. “It would also enable us to make money when we sold out — the rising tide of franchise values.”
Jones and his partners learned some valuable lessons about hockey in the desert during nearly four years as NHL owners, chiefly: the Coyotes have a loyal fan base; the team’s arena couldn’t be located in a worse spot in terms of fans accessing it for weeknight games; financial losses are hard to stem; and Bettman is sticking by Arizona — at least for now. Their bet on increasing franchise values, meanwhile, paid off. They essentially doubled an initial US$45-million equity investment, selling to U.S. hedge fund manager, and now lone Coyotes owner, Andrew Barroway in 2017. (Barroway is shopping for new partners, and has valued the Coyotes at US$500 million).
Jones now owns a piece of a junior team in Dubuque, Iowa. He believes that Quebec City could work as an NHL market, but that the determining factor for the league forever hinges upon one crucial element. “They look at it as, What is the best business proposition for us?” he says. “I don’t think it has anything to do with whether it is a Canadian or an American team.” In other words, it’s all about the money.
Canadian franchises generate revenues in Canadian dollars, while paying players in U.S. funds. Add in U.S. travel expenses, and the cost of operating minor league franchises, typically based in the U.S., and the pressure exerted on a Canadian franchise’s financial well-being by a weakened dollar is significant. Canadian teams can hedge, buying up greenbacks when the loonie is strong and spending them in times when it’s not. But hedging also costs money, and it involves risk. The NHL salary cap has taken some of the bite out of currency fluctuations, as has league-wide revenue sharing, but there is no absolute cure for it, nor will there ever be.
Take, as an example, Dustin Byfuglien, a linchpin of the Winnipeg defence, a fan favourite with a US$8-million-per-season contract whose true cost to the Jets when counted in Canadian currency is $10.5 million. Winnipeg’s total salary expenditure for 2018-19, before player bonuses, is US$71.8 million, or about $94 million Canadian — and that’s operating with a dollar worth about 76 cents U.S. The lower the dollar dips, the worse the math looks. Remember: it was a 65-cent dollar and ballooning player salaries in the mid-’90s that chased the Quebec City Nordiques to Denver — to be recast as the Colorado Avalanche — and the Jets (version 1.0) to Phoenix.
Patrick Roy holds the Stanley Cup aloft after the Canadiens won the Stanley Cup in 1993.
More disheartening than the dollar is the competition Quebec City has faced in recent expansion wars. Las Vegas is an entertainment mecca and sports gambling hub, while metropolitan Seattle is home to 3.8 million souls and several Fortune 500 company headquarters, including Microsoft Corp., Starbucks Corp., Costco Wholesale Corp., Nordstrom Inc. and a little company called Amazon.com Inc. Quebec City is chiefly home to a provincial government and a pension fund investor.
“If you compare, for example, the opportunity in Seattle versus Quebec City, it is a no-brainer,” says Peddie, the former MLSE boss. “When you start comparing Seattle to other Canadian markets, like a Saskatoon, it doesn’t even warrant a conversation. Out of all the NHL owners, maybe a couple have been to Quebec City, because it is such a charming, European kind of place, but for sure none of them have ever been to Saskatoon, or a lot of other Canadian markets.”
Peddie was approached, post-MLSE career, by a private group looking to examine the possibility of Toronto being home to another NHL team, a big what-if requiring an ownership group with a monopoly agreeing to waive its monopoly. The working assumption was that the alliance between Bell and Rogers would eventually fracture, forcing one of them out of the Leafs’ ownership group. Peddie, in crunching numbers, had the Leafs and the expansion team both playing out of Scotiabank Arena, a model that could work financially, he says, but, in talking to his connections, it fell apart, because both Bell and Rogers were only interested in owning the Leafs.
But as bleak as the odds might appear for Canada landing another team, appearances aren’t always everything. Mark Chipman, the Jets chief executive who hooked Thomson on the idea of the NHL returning to Winnipeg, first approached Bettman about it in 1999. Chipman did everything right thereafter, keeping mostly out of the media spotlight almost until the day the NHL officially announced the league was coming to Winnipeg, by way of Atlanta. Something that looked like it would never happen suddenly did. The lesson? Be patient, very patient, and keep things quiet, since the NHL won’t allow itself to get pushed in directions it doesn’t want to go. (Remember: Jim Balsillie and the Hamilton Blackberries).
Perhaps that’s why a curious silence has descended over the Nordiques 2.0 camp ever since Seattle was awarded its franchise in December. Billionaire Pierre Karl Peladeau and his media company, Quebecor Inc., are the money behind Quebec City’s expansion bid. Peladeau did not respond to multiple interview requests for this story. Mayor Regis Labeaume, a champion of the city’s NHL ambitions, who pushed for the publicly-funded arena to get built and initially wooed Peladeau to the cause, also declined. Their silence could indicate surrender, or it could signal they’re taking a page from Chipman’s playbook.
  A young hockey fan cheers on the Calgary Flames before they take on the Edmonton Oilers in NHL hockey at the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary April 6.
Which brings us back to the beginning, and the one thing Canada will always have going for it, the thing that makes this market critical to the NHL’s overall welfare, and the notion of landing an eighth franchise before Wayne Gretzky turns 100 plausible: Canadians love hockey, and care about their home teams, even when they are lousy, and even when doing so runs contrary to common sense.
Fans like Dan Mason, a sports professor at the University of Alberta and in some ways your typical Edmonton Oilers follower, though more casual than crazy. He still watches the team on TV — despite all the reasons not to — and catches a game or two a year at Rogers Place. Mason says that in the days of yore, NHL expansion teams set the baseline minimum value for all the teams, a model that worked when applied, for example, to the US$45-million fee San Jose’s ownership group paid for the Sharks in 1991.
Lately, however, expansion fees — US$500 million in Vegas, US$650 million in Seattle — reflect the value of a team in a given market. That’s not just the professor’s opinion it is the NHL’s official position. The Leafs aren’t worth US$1.45 billion if they are in Winnipeg, and a money pit of an NHL franchise — Forbes values the Coyotes at US$290 million — might not cost Quebec City more than it can afford.
Meantime, while it varies from team to team, ticket sales, game-day concessions, foam fingers, hats, sweaters and ice cream bars — all the money people who actually attend the games shell out — still represent about 50% of a given franchise’s revenue intake. Canadians still go to games. Canadian fans still drive revenues.
Loving hockey almost too much has not landed the country an eighth NHL franchise, or, for that matter, a Stanley Cup champion since 1993, but it is one reason not to completely abandon hope. “We are probably not likely to see a Canadian market get an NHL expansion franchise. It will be a Houston, or another market like that,” Mason says. “But if you see a franchise that continues to be in trouble, you can’t tell me that Quebec City is a worse market than Florida — even with a 60-cent dollar.”
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: oconnorwrites
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jodyedgarus · 7 years
Vegas Has The Best Expansion Team In The History Of Pro Sports, And It’s Not Close
The Vegas Golden Knights are only halfway through their inaugural season, and they’ve already redefined what anyone thought was possible for an NHL expansion franchise. Against all odds, the Knights are currently 29-10-3 with 61 points, good for the best record in the Western Conference — and only 4 points shy of the Tampa Bay Lightning for the best record in the entire league. It’s enough to make the Knights hockey’s greatest debut team ever, hands down.
But that’s not all: Vegas is also lapping the field of expansion teams across every major pro sport. Even after adjusting for the way records are distributed in other sports, no other brand-new club in modern history came close to doing what the Knights have done so far. Expansion teams just aren’t supposed to have this kind of success this early.
Constructed as a Frankenstein’s monster of unwanted parts from the rest of the league, a new club is usually very bad indeed. In a franchise’s first season, merely being “competitive” — code for losing but keeping things close most nights — is an admirable goal. And going into this season, there were plenty of people who had trouble seeing the Knights even reaching that modest level of success. Most outlets picked Vegas to finish either last or next-to-last in the Pacific Division.
That was a reasonable expectation based on the past performance of first-year clubs. Our own analysis found that Vegas had dredged more talent out of the expansion-draft pool than normal — but that was just supposed to mean the Knights would exceed historical expectations. It didn’t mean we thought they’d make the playoffs, much less that they’d contend for the Stanley Cup.
So far this season, however, Vegas has picked up 73 percent of the maximum number of points in its games and outscored its opponents by 0.7 goals per game. To compare those marks across NHL seasons, we converted them to z-scores, or the number of standard deviations they sat above or below league average. (This helps us account for changes in the league’s spread of talent over time and allows us to make comparisons between different sports — which will come in handy later.) In both categories, Vegas’s z-scores are easily the top marks for an NHL expansion team since the league blew up the Original Six and added six new teams in 1967-68:1
Vegas is destroying its NHL expansion competitors
Best z-scores (standard deviations relative to average) for point percentage and goals per game differential, NHL expansion teams (1968-2018)
Point percentage YEAR TEAM POINT % – Z-SCORE 1 2018 Vegas Golden Knights 72.6 % +1.73 2 1994 Florida Panthers 49.4 -0.06 3 1968 Philadelphia Flyers 49.3 -0.08 4 1968 Los Angeles Kings 48.7 -0.16 5 1968 St. Louis Blues 47.3 -0.32 6 1968 Minnesota North Stars 46.6 -0.40 7 1968 Pittsburgh Penguins 45.3 -0.57 8 1973 Atlanta Flames 41.7 -0.57 9 1971 Buffalo Sabres 40.4 -0.65 10 1994 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 42.3 -0.76 Goal differential YEAR TEAM GPG DIFF. – Z-SCORE 1 2018 Vegas Golden Knights +0.7 +1.28 2 1994 Florida Panthers +0.0 0.00 3 1968 Philadelphia Flyers -0.1 -0.15 4 1968 St. Louis Blues -0.2 -0.36 5 1994 Mighty Ducks of Anaheim -0.3 -0.37 6 1968 Pittsburgh Penguins -0.3 -0.54 7 1973 Atlanta Flames -0.6 -0.58 8 1968 Los Angeles Kings -0.3 -0.62 9 1971 Vancouver Canucks -0.9 -0.77 10 1971 Buffalo Sabres -1.0 -0.85
Full-season statistics are used for all teams except Vegas.
Source: Hockey-Reference.com
The Florida Panthers used to be the model for a successful NHL expansion team. Florida was more than merely competitive in 1993-94 — it finished one win shy of a .500 record and scored exactly as many goals as it allowed. Then, with the good core of talent they had picked up in the expansion draft, the Panthers made the Stanley Cup final three seasons into the franchise’s existence. Before Vegas came along, that was the gold standard for brand-new clubs: solid in the first year, outright good within a couple seasons. But the Knights’ debut has flipped those expectations on their head.
(Yes, it should be noted that the 1967-68 St. Louis Blues made the Cup final in their first season. But that was solely because the NHL dropped all six of its new teams into the same division, the winner of which had to make the final. Every team in the new West division, which housed all the expansion clubs, had a negative goal differential during the regular season, but someone had to win it — and the Blues were that team. They were also swept by the mighty Montreal Canadiens when they played for the Cup.)2
Vegas’s season becomes even more impressive when you compare its z-scores to those of the top expansion teams from other sports. No modern MLB expansion club finished a season any better than the 70-win 1961 Los Angeles Angels; no debut NBA team ever topped the 33 wins of the 1967 Chicago Bulls; no NFL expansion team could beat the 7-9 Carolina Panthers from 1995. Hockey does tend to see its teams’ records more tightly bunched than in such sports as football and basketball, but even after adjusting for that with our z-scores, the Golden Knights’ current season blows away any would-be challenger from the NFL, NBA or MLB since the early 1960s:
Vegas beats other sports’ expansion teams, too
How the Vegas Golden Knights stack up against top expansion teams in each league by z-score* of winning percentage, 1961-2018
Vegas vs. MLB expansion teams Score Differential Win percentage Year Team Value Z-Score Value Z-Score 2018 Vegas Golden Knights +0.7 +1.3 72.6% +1.7 1961 Los Angeles Angels -0.3 -0.3 43.5 -0.7 1969 Kansas City Royals -0.6 -0.8 42.6 -0.8 1962 Houston Colt .45’s -0.8 -1.0 40.0 -1.0 1969 Seattle Pilots -1.0 -1.3 39.5 -1.1 1993 Colorado Rockies -1.3 -2.1 41.4 -1.2 Vegas vs. NBA expansion teams Score Differential Win percentage Year Team Value Z-Score Value Z-Score 2018 Vegas Golden Knights +0.7 +1.3 72.6% +1.7 1967 Chicago Bulls -3.7 -0.7 40.7 -0.5 1971 Portland Trail Blazers -4.5 -0.9 35.4 -1.0 1969 Milwaukee Bucks -5.1 -1.1 32.9 -1.1 1968 Seattle SuperSonics -6.5 -1.3 28.0 -1.3 1990 Minnesota Timberwolves -4.2 -0.9 26.8 -1.3 Vegas vs. NFL expansion teams Score Differential Win percentage Year Team Value Z-Score Value Z-Score 2018 Vegas Golden Knights +0.7 +1.3 72.6% +1.7 1995 Carolina Panthers -2.3 -0.4 43.8 -0.4 1968 Cincinnati Bengals -8.1 -0.8 21.4 -1.1 1967 New Orleans Saints -10.4 -1.2 21.4 -1.3 1961 Minnesota Vikings -8.7 -0.9 21.4 -1.3 1966 Miami Dolphins -10.6 -1.2 21.4 -1.4
*Z-score is the number of standard deviations above/below average, relative to the overall league that season.
Sources: Baseball-Reference.com, Basketball-Reference.com, Pro-Football-Reference.com
One thing that jumps out is that many NHL expansion teams had better z-scores than the best expansion teams in the other sports. But why is it so much easier to build a strong NHL expansion team (relative to the league) than in the other Big Four North American sports? I don’t have a great explanation.
Hockey is the sport with the least reliable individual stats — while scouts’ eye tests can be swayed by recency and other biases — so it may be that the caliber of players left available in the expansion draft is higher than in other sports. Or perhaps the outsize value of goaltending means one good pick between the pipes is enough to carry a team of talent-strapped skaters to respectability. Or maybe good coaching deserves more credit than it sometimes gets around the league. Whatever the reason, expansion teams have done better on ice in general, even before Vegas started to blow the doors off the league.
We know that, in the NHL, it takes a lot of games to tell who’s good and who’s bad — which is why even a hot half-season can turn cold overnight. For Vegas, the heat has been generated by MVP-candidate seasons from the likes of William Karlsson and Jonathan Marchessault and a near Vezina-worthy performance from Marc-Andre Fleury — all players who were considered expendable as recently as seven months ago. Peeking under the hood, the Knights’ ratio of shots taken to shots allowed at even-strength is nothing special, even after adjusting for score effects and other factors. And let’s face it: Few teams can sustain this pace for an entire season: Of the 24 teams with at least 60 points in their first 42 games since 2005-06,3 only one (last year’s Capitals) had a second-half point percentage as good as it did in the first half of the season.
So it would be logical to assume that a second-half regression could be lurking around the corner for the Golden Knights. But the advanced stats don’t suggest that Vegas has been particularly lucky. In terms of expected goals (which measures where a team’s chances come from in addition to their volume), the Knights have the ninth-best ratio in the league.
Regression or no regression, various projection systems consider the Knights all but a lock to make the playoffs, which would make Vegas the first expansion team to claim that honor since the 1968 season’s standings guaranteed that four new clubs would qualify. Even the in-town sportsbooks are paying attention to the possibility of playoff action in the desert: The Knights are currently tied for the second-best Stanley Cup odds of any team in the league.
For an expansion team, all of this seemed unthinkable going into the season. New franchises aren’t supposed to be instant contenders. They’re supposed to struggle, to require years of building before achieving this kind of success. Vegas clearly doesn’t care about any of that. And now we have an entirely new yardstick with which to compare every other expansion club that comes along in the future, no matter the sport.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/vegas-has-the-best-expansion-team-in-the-history-of-pro-sports-and-its-not-close/
0 notes
rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
The Inside Story of an Online Travel Reunion at the New Uber
Uber selected Barney Harford, the former CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, as COO. Trevor Knight
Skift Take: There were a ton of people who wanted the COO position at Uber, and it went to Expedia alum and former Orbtiz Worldwide CEO Barney Harford. The pressure will be on both Khosrowshahi and Harford to turn around the ridesharing company. As if there weren't abundant pressure already.
— Dennis Schaal
In tapping Barney Harford, a former Expedia executive and the ex-CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, to run operations at Uber during the challenging times ahead, Uber boss Dara Khosrowshahi picked someone whom he’s worked with and competed against for 16 years.
In fact, Harford sold Orbitz Worldwide to Khosrowshahi’s Expedia Inc. for $1.6 billion in 2015. Although Orbitz never challenged Expedia’s dominance in the U.S. market when Harford was Orbitz CEO, he was widely credited for modernizing a struggling online travel agency that had been on the brink of bankruptcy, and boosting its share price from $3.77 on the day he was appointed in 2009 to $12 per share when Expedia bought it.
Over the years, Khosrowshahi’s Expedia and Harford’s Orbitz Worldwide engaged in high-stake battles over the hotel market, which Expedia dominated; airline booking fees; private label client wins, and loyalty programs, to name a few areas.
Here’s the inside story of how Harford got picked as Uber COO, a position that saw dozens of candidates, including several high-profile Silicon Valley executives, vying for. It’s also a look at the relationships and career meanderings that connected Khosrowshahi, who took the reins at Uber in late August, and Harford over the years.
Conversations Began Almost Immediately
Harford starting talking to the new Uber CEO within days after Khosrowshahi relinquished his post as Expedia CEO and signed on to head up Uber. Harford has always been a data geek, and Khosrowshahi showed him some of Uber’s internal numbers to dig into. Meanwhile, conversations continued as Khosrowshahi returned to Seattle on weekends.
Khosrowshahi initially thought his CEO role would entail running operations, as well, but started realizing he would need help on the daily operations side. In early October, Harford came on board for two days per week at Uber as senior advisor to the CEO  to help out with input on the core business, although the two initially discussed the possibility of Harford becoming Uber CFO, as opposed to the COO role he eventually took.
Harford busied himself with identifying the most important areas where improvements could be made at Uber. He then joined the Uber executive leadership team at an off-site meeting later in October, and during a break Khosrowshahi raised the idea of Harford joining Uber full-time. The company announced on December 20 the appointment of Harford as COO.
First Meeting in 2001
Khosrowshahi and Harford met for the first time at Barry Diller’s home in West Hollywood in early 2001 in a get-together to find a buyer for Microsoft’s controlling stake in already-public Expedia. At the time, Diller was chairman and CEO of USA Networks, Khosrowshahi was USA’s executive vice president of operations and strategic planning, and Harford was leading corporate development and strategic planning for Expedia.
Expedia founder and then-CEO Rich Barton, CFO Greg Stanger, USA Networks vice chairman Victor Kaufman, and National Leisure Group co-CEO Brad Gerstner also attended the meeting. In July 2001, USA Networks announced a deal to buy Microsoft’s shares and thereby acquire Expedia.
READ MORE about the role of USA Networks and Expedia in online travel history in Skift’s Definitive Oral History of Online Travel.
International Experience
Barton had hired Harford at Expedia in 1999, and in a 2002 speech about “passion,” cited him as “a live example of someone who simply wouldn’t leave my office until we built our merchant hotel business, someone who now runs our WWTE Private Label business … ”
From 2004 to 2006, Harford served as president of Expedia Asia Pacific, where he launched Expedia Japan and Expedia Australia. Near the beginning of his role heading APAC, Expedia took a minority stake in eLong, and then exercised a warrant and took majority control after the Chinese online travel agency went public in 2004. Harford managed that majority stake in eLong for Expedia during his remaining tenure at the company.
Harford left Expedia in 2006 and served as an eLong board member through 2008. But long after Harford left, eLong proved to be a money-losing albatross for Expedia in the hyper-competitive Chinese domestic market, and Expedia sold its eLong stake to Ctrip in 2015.
Harford’s experience in launching international businesses and straightening out problematic global operations is highly relevant for the tasks ahead at Uber.
At Orbitz Worldwide, he was saddled with fixing its highly problematic eBookers business in Europe it had been acquired before Harford arrived at Orbitz in 2009. In fact, then-parent company Cendant took a $425 million impairment charge in February 2006 related to its acquisition of eBookers two years earlier.
Harford managed a multi-year effort to migrate eBookers onto Orbitz Worldwide’s global technology platform.
“There were big learnings related to the importance of consistency and standardization across geographies,” Harford said, adding that China is “tough” and there were many takeaways there, too.. “If you don’t focus on this, unnecessary variation can become a real drag on innovation. This is a significant opportunity for Uber, given its decentralized approach to early growth.”
Harford was dealt a really tough hand when taking over the stewardship of Orbitz Worldwide in 2009. The company teetered on the edge of bankruptcy around the time he took up his post. The company’s private equity owners saddled it with massive debt, which Harford managed to pay down over the years. The company was also overly flight- and U.S.-focused.
By the time Harford sold Orbitz to Khosrowshahi’s Expedia in 2015, Orbitz’s hotel business grew substantially international operations as a percentage of total revenue had grown from around 21 percent to some 26 percent, a modest increase.
Khosrowshahi and Harford Battle over Booking fees
If Khosrowshahi and Harford are now allies at Uber — and they obviously are — they also were ardent competitors in the years both headed major online travel agencies.
In one pitched battle, Expedia shocked the online travel world in 2009 by eliminating most consumer booking fees for purchasing flights. Flight-heavy Orbitz was dependent on this business model, and some observers thought Khosrowshahi’s Expedia took the action in part to drive Harford’s Orbitz out of business.
Orbitz retaliated by reducing its consumer booking fees for hotels, and that disproportionately Expedia.
Khosrowshahi was said to be really impressed with Harford when Orbitz not only survived the booking fee skirmish, but managed to turn the tables, and grow the business.
In another example of the competitive dynamic between the two companies, Orbitz debuted a loyalty program in 2013 as a means for increasing customers and competing against Expedia, and Orbitz put a lot of marketing into it over the years.
When Skift had a chance to ask Khosrowshahi about his rival’s rewards program in September 2014, he said: “When we look at the Orbitz program, I wouldn’t call it as much a loyalty program because a loyalty program rewards you for being loyal. I think we see the Orbitz program as being more of a cross-sell program. If you buy an air ticket then you have some Orbucks to spend immediately. So it doesn’t necessarily reward loyalty; it rewards cross-sell.
“What we are seeing at Expedia is that we’re able to drive cross-sell through product innovation quite successfully. The Expedia Rewards program is much more about loyalty. We don’t think there is one formula for loyalty, but we are quite satisfied with our various programs and we continue to invest in them pretty aggressively.”
Khosrowshahi, though, had a much more positive take on the Orbitz Rewards program — calling it “innovative” — after announcing the agreement to buy the company in February 2015.
“Listen, we have been at the loyalty game for a long time,” Khosrowshahi said in February 2015 call with analysts to discuss the acquisition. “Hotels.com has had their Welcome Rewards program for a number of years and has over 15 million members as part of that program. Expedia has Expedia Rewards program, which is growing very nicely. So we are very much believers in driving and growing loyalty programs.
“We think the Orbucks program is quite innovative and that is a part of the business that we are quite interested in. The Orbitz team has built, we think, a pretty interesting platform there both in loyalty, in the private-label business, as well, where they are powering some bank points programs, which again is on the loyalty theme. We will bring those businesses in and we will invest in them and grow them. And we think they can absolutely be value-additive over the long term.”
Challenges Ahead
Uber obviously has numerous vexing challenges ahead.
The European Union just made a landmark decision that calls for Uber to be treated as a transportation service, subject to the same rules as other taxi services, and not as a mere marketplace. Khosrowshahi has pushed back with the idea that Uber has already transformed its operations in Europe to reflect that reality, although that is clearly a work in progress.
Would it have been smarter for Uber to have selected a woman as COO given its legacy of sexist malfeasance? Given that Uber already picked a guy as its new CEO and now has tapped another male to run its operations, this s a very legitimate question, and the company has a ton of work to do to transform its internal culture and practices.
There are women, though, such as Rachel Holt, who heads Uber’s North America business and is a direct-report to Harford, who wield considerable influence and power at the company. Uber is reportedly searching for a chairman. Should it be chairwoman of the board perhaps?
One of the issues that Khosrowshahi has to tackle is the deep divisions on the Uber board. One reason investors recruited Khosrowshahi to take the helm at Uber was because of his experience and ability to be a bridge-builder. “He’s not someone who hits you over the head with hammer,” said one executive who knows Khosrowshahi well. He wins you over through thoughtful arguments.”
Harford, too, is known as a skilled board room tactician, having maneuvered through toxic board conditions when private equity firm Blackstone controlled Orbitz Worldwide. “Barney was a superstar and stood on principle when there were difficult board issues,” the source said.
Meanwhile, data-geek Harford, who is said by one person who worked with him at Orbitz Worldwide to be obsessively detail-oriented, will be charged with making Uber’s operations, including its non-U.S. presence, more efficient and — shall we utter the word — profitable on the road to a 2019 initial public offering.
Khosrowshahi, too, is an Excel wizard and extremely numbers-oriented, as any former CFO and current CEO would be, and will be tasked with stemming Uber’s losses and upending the business model.
Together, though, the reunited duo will have to get more than the numbers right to transform Uber into a viable and sustainable business.
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
The Inside Story of an Online Travel Reunion at the New Uber
Uber selected Barney Harford, the former CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, as COO. Trevor Knight
Skift Take: There were a ton of people who wanted the COO position at Uber, and it went to Expedia alum and former Orbtiz Worldwide CEO Barney Harford. The pressure will be on both Khosrowshahi and Harford to turn around the ridesharing company. As if there weren't abundant pressure already.
— Dennis Schaal
In tapping Barney Harford, a former Expedia executive and the ex-CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, to run operations at Uber during the challenging times ahead, Uber boss Dara Khosrowshahi picked someone whom he’s worked with and competed against for 16 years.
In fact, Harford sold Orbitz Worldwide to Khosrowshahi’s Expedia Inc. for $1.6 billion in 2015. Although Orbitz never challenged Expedia’s dominance in the U.S. market when Harford was Orbitz CEO, he was widely credited for modernizing a struggling online travel agency and boosting its share price from $3.77 on the day he was appointed in 2009 to $12 per share when Expedia bought it.
Here’s the inside story of how Harford got picked as Uber COO, and a look at the relationships and career meanderings that connected Khosrowshahi, who took the reins at Uber in late August, and Harford over the years.
Conversations Began Almost Immediately
Harford starting talking to the new Uber CEO within days after Khosrowshahi relinquished his post as Expedia CEO and signed on to head up Uber. Harford has always been a data geek, and got access to some of Uber’s internal numbers to dig into them while conversations continued as Khosrowshahi returned to Seattle on weekends.
Khosrowshahi initially thought his CEO role would entail running operations, as well, but started realizing he would need help on the daily operations side. In early October, Harford came on board for two days per week at Uber as senior advisor to the CEO  to help out with input on the core business, although the two initially discussed the possibility of Harford becoming Uber CFO, as opposed to the COO role he eventually took.
Harford busied himself with identifying the most important areas where improvements could be made at Uber. He then joined the Uber executive leadership team at an off-site meeting later in October, and during a break Khosrowshahi raised the idea of Harford joining Uber full-time. The company announced on December 20 the appointment of Harford as COO.
First Meeting in 2001
Khosrowshahi and Harford met for the first time at Barry Diller’s home in West Hollywood in early 2001 in a get-together to find a buyer for Microsoft’s controlling stake in already-public Expedia. At the time, Diller was chairman and CEO of USA Networks, Khosrowshahi was USA’s vice president of operations and strategic planning, and Harford was doing corporate development work at Expedia.
Expedia founder and then-CEO Rich Barton, CFO Greg Stanger, and USA Networks vice chairman Victor Kaufman also attended the meeting. In July 2001, USA Networks announced a deal to buy Microsoft’s shares and thereby acquire Expedia.
READ MORE about the role of USA Networks and Expedia in online travel history in Skift’s Definitive Oral History of Online Travel.
International Experience
Barton had hired Harford at Expedia in 1999, and in a 2002 speech about “passion,” called him out as “a live example of someone who simply wouldn’t leave my office until we built our merchant hotel business, someone who now runs our WWTE Private Label business … ”
From 2004 to 2006, Harford served as president of Expedia Asia Pacific, where he launched Expedia Japan and Expedia Australia. While serving in that role, Expedia laid the groundwork to take control of eLong, which happened when the Chinese online travel agency went public in 2004.
Harford left Expedia in 2006 and served as an eLong board member through 2008. But long after Harford left, eLong proved to be a money-losing albatross for Expedia in the hyper-competitive Chinese domestic market, and Expedia sold its eLong stake to Ctrip in 2015.
Harford’s experience in launching international businesses and straightening out problematic global operations is highly relevant for the tasks ahead at Uber.
At Orbitz Worldwide, he was saddled with fixing its highly problematic eBookers business in Europe it had been acquired before Harford arrived at Orbitz in 2009. In fact, then-parent company Cendant took a $425 million impairment charge in February 2006 related to its acquisition of eBookers two years earlier.
Harford managed a multi-year effort to migrate eBookers onto Orbitz Worldwide’s global technology platform.
“There were big learnings related to the importance of consistency and standardization across geographies,” Harford said, adding that China is “tough” and there were many takeaways there, too.. “If you don’t focus on this, unnecessary variation can become a real drag on innovation. This is a significant opportunity for Uber, given its decentralized approach to early growth.”
Harford was dealt a really tough hand when taking over the stewardship of Orbitz Worldwide in 2009. The company’s private equity owners saddled it with massive debt, which Harford managed to pay down over the years. The company was overly flight- and U.S.-focused.
By the time Harford sold Orbitz to Khosrowshahi’s Expedia in 2015, Orbitz’s hotel business grew substantially international operations as a percentage of total revenue had grown from around 21 percent to some 26 percent, a modest increase.
Friends and Foes
If Khosrowshahi and Harford are now allies at Uber — and they obviously are — they also were ardent competitors in the years both headed major online travel agencies.
For example, Orbitz debuted a loyalty program in 2013 as a means for increasing customers and competing against Expedia, and Orbitz put a lot of marketing into it over the years.
When Skift had a chance to ask Khosrowshahi about his rival’s rewards program in September 2014, he said: “When we look at the Orbitz program, I wouldn’t call it as much a loyalty program because a loyalty program rewards you for being loyal. I think we see the Orbitz program as being more of a cross-sell program. If you buy an air ticket then you have some Orbucks to spend immediately. So it doesn’t necessarily reward loyalty; it rewards cross-sell.
“What we are seeing at Expedia is that we’re able to drive cross-sell through product innovation quite successfully. The Expedia Rewards program is much more about loyalty. We don’t think there is one formula for loyalty, but we are quite satisfied with our various programs and we continue to invest in them pretty aggressively.”
Khosrowshahi, though, had a much more positive take on the Orbitz Rewards program — calling it “innovative” — after announcing the agreement to buy the company in February 2015.
“Listen, we have been at the loyalty game for a long time,” Khosrowshahi said in February 2015 call with analysts to discuss the acquisition. “Hotels.com has had their Welcome Rewards program for a number of years and has over 15 million members as part of that program. Expedia has Expedia Rewards program, which is growing very nicely. So we are very much believers in driving and growing loyalty programs.
“We think the Orbucks program is quite innovative and that is a part of the business that we are quite interested in. The Orbitz team has built, we think, a pretty interesting platform there both in loyalty, in the private-label business, as well, where they are powering some bank points programs, which again is on the loyalty theme. We will bring those businesses in and we will invest in them and grow them. And we think they can absolutely be value-additive over the long term.”
Challenges Ahead
Uber obviously has numerous vexing challenges ahead.
The European Union just made a landmark decision that calls for Uber to be treated as a transportation service, subject to the same rules as other taxi services, and not as a mere marketplace. Khosrowshahi has pushed back with the idea that Uber has already transformed its operations in Europe to reflect that reality, although that is clearly a work in progress.
Would it have been smarter for Uber to have selected a woman as COO given its legacy of sexist malfeasance? Given that Uber already picked a guy as its new CEO and now has tapped another male to run its operations, this s a very legitimate question, and the company has a ton of work to do to transform its internal culture and practices.
There are women, though, such as Rachel Holt, who heads Uber’s North America business and is a direct-report to Harford, who wield considerable influence and power at the company. Uber is reportedly searching for a chairman. Should it be chairwoman of the board perhaps?
Meanwhile, data-geek Harford, who is said by one person who worked with him at Orbitz Worldwide to be obsessively detail-oriented, will be charged with making Uber’s operations, including its non-U.S. presence, more efficient and — shall we utter the word — profitable on the road to a 2019 initial public offering.
Khosrowshahi, too, is an Excel wizard and extremely numbers-oriented, as any former CFO and current CEO would be, and will be tasked with stemming Uber’s losses and upending the business model.
Together, though, the reunited duo will have to get more than the numbers right to transform Uber into a viable and sustainable business.
0 notes
annieinamerica · 7 years
I want to start off by making it clear that when I started this blog I 100% was thinking I would be writing weekly and really sticking to it! I promise!!!!!!
But after a few very busy and eventful weeks I really thought that I might have to quit- that I was too far behind to keep it going. BUT I am never one to quit something once I’ve started (maybe that’s a lie) and have decided to push through with this blog regardless!
It’s gonna be a long one, but luckily for you, reader, things have been pretty interesting lately and I have a few great updates to tell you about! So grab a snack and settle in…
 1.     THE FAM CAME TO VISIT!!!!!!
I’ve been wanting to write about this week since it happened, but somehow thinking about it makes me both happy and sad because it was one of the greatest weeks ever. Dad, Susie and Hugs preeeetty last minute decided that they were going to come visit me for a week at the end of June. I had the weekend booked off work and a few plans in store, but NOTHING could prepare me for seeing Hugs and how much he’d grown! Like a huge spidery beanstalk with SHOULDERS!! Like he’s grown into the giant he was always meant to be! Dad and Suze on the other hand looked pretty much the same, but I can’t even TELL you how good it was to see them. It literally warmed my soul. We had an awesome week of sightseeing, shopping, hiking, exploring and eating great food, and watching great movies. Highlights included visiting the pier in Santa Monica (my favourite place in LA), laying on the beach in Venice, hiking Griffith and losing Moz for about half an hour, funny ubery doobery rides, coffee in the arvo at Republic of Pie and Susie sleeping over every night and wasting no time in reminding me just how annoying she can be. (jks love ya snooze).
Overall it was a really great week, I’m very grateful for Dad for all the amazing food I ate and my new sneakers- dad, suze and I now all have matching adidias (Hugs opted for the Jordans because his feet are about a size 300 lol).
I came out of this week feeling very refreshed, motivated and excited. After they left I almost immediately got strep throat and had to take another week of dancing. (STREPISODE 6).
 So after the fam leaves, I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself, when I get a call from my American sis/BFFFFFFFFF Cierra. We catch up a bit about life- she’s dancing in Portland having just graduated college and mentions a family trip coming up, and loosely comments how she would love to bring me to a) catch up an b) escape being a third wheel. We look at each other through the phone screen and think WHY THE HELL NOT? And so I find myself a week later on a plane to Portland, Oregon to join the Chambo fam for a roadtrip up the north west of the US AND CANADA!!
           I Jump of the plane to be whisked into a car, and driven up to the small Mariner town of Astoria (on the border of Oregon and Washington), and so begins the road trip! We spend each day for a week exploring a new place before driving 3-5 hrs to the next one!
           From Astoria it was across through Washington up to Port Angeles, where we DROVE ONTO a ferry that took us across to Victoria on Vancouver Island!  A beautiful little town that was probably my favourite of all the locations. From there we drove up to Vancouver, where we spent and day riding bikes (I SURVIVED) and eating excellent food, and then it was up to Whistler for the night. The next day we did a 4 hr hike at the beautiful Joffre lakes in Pemberton, which was probably the highlight of the trip for me. The hike was very steep, and about 60-90 minutes between each lake, but being a hiking lover I lead the way! Despite it raining all morning and us being drowned RATS in a forest, the lakes were absolutely STUNNING and one of the MOST beautiful things I have ever seen. All my childhood visions of ‘SWAN LAKE’ were coming to life at these lakes!
           After this is was a 6 hr drive down to Seattle, which was very cute by the ocean with a cool skyline, great coffee and cute markets. I had such a great time with the Chambos! Cierra really is the greatest friend but her family made me feel completely at home and part of the crew! Huge thanks to Scott and Donna for everything, I’m super grateful and excited to have seen more of the WORLD!!
Upon my return to LA I got straight back into the grind, and BOY was I ready! It had been a long 3 week break- 1 week with the fam, 1 week with the strep, and 1 week with the Chambos. I hit the ground running and had one of the best weeks of dancing so far. I remember when I studied ballet, for a long time I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Like you do the steps and the choreography, but then one day it all just CLICKS into place. Like suddenly your body really gets and understands the pathways you’re making and you sort of LEVEL UP. That’s what happened to me this week with the commercial stuff. It was like every class I took just felt awesome and easier and like suddenly I didn’t feel like this tryhard ballerina white girl, and suddenly I felt like everything was working how it was supposed to… and maybe I actually had… SWAG???
At the same time this was happening, literally all of my friends booked work. Carsyn (my LA bestie and life support) has been on dance team all her life in college and her absolute dream in life it to dance for an NBA or NFL team. For anyone who doesn’t know, Danceteam is a huge thing over here (google it) basically a team of dancers who dance/support their sporting team- however its quite a bit more than regular cheerleading and takes some bloody good dancers to do it. Whilst I was away in Vancouver, my friends auditioned for the LA Clippers team, possibly one of the most sought after teams in the US because of the hip hop style and cool choreography they do. (these girls aren’t skipping around and lookin pretty, theyre DANCING FULL OUT). Incredibly, Carsyn and another great friend Holly, MADE THE TEAM!!! OUT OF 350 PEOPLE!!!!! My first thought was OMG I SHOULD HAVE AUDITIONED WHAT HAVE I DONE… but after a second I was like, no this is perfect, obviously something else is in store for me.
The same week that they got their contract, Holly’s roommate (and another great friend of mine) Kelly got a phone call offering her a cruise ship contract. Shes been waiting for this for SO long as its her dream too, and now its happening!!
I thought to myself, ok I have to ride this wave!! Its my turn next! And immediately started looking for auditions.
The closest one was for some random show in Vegas… and there I reconnected with my fellow Aussie friend Estelle who I always seem to run into at auditions. We both got cut pretty early (turns out they were looking for tiny ballerinas) and went to get lunch and catch up. 1 week later.. and Estelle has just been booked for a China tour with an artist from over here!
I am now CERTAIN that my turn is coming next and I have a few auditions coming up so we’ll wait and see!!!
I’m lucky to be surrounded by talented people here, obviously every one of my friends in noho is a talented dancer, but even at Victoria’s Secret almost all of my coworkers have a separate passion on the side. Theres a comedian, music producer, dj, photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist, fashion designer and so on. One of my coworkers Gena, a twenty-something bra specialist, who actually the ability to tell anyones bra size just by looking at them, is also a specialist portrait-photographer. She charges thousands of dollars to shoot people and make them into the most glamorous versions of themselves, and she asked if I would shoot for her. She wanted to make a promo video for her business, using me in exchange for a free shoot. Of course I said yes!! Photos are to come- but I have posted my new headshot from that shoot!!
A few weeks later, I went blonde. HAHA!
Carsyn works at an amazing salon in Beverly Hills and I was lucky enough to be a model and have my hair done for FREE by their amazing lead stylist Sayaka. She wanted to do blonde so I said why not and so far I love it!
I’ll go back to brown eventually but for now I’m loving it- out here I look ‘more Aussie than ever’. It’s pretty important to have an established ‘look’ out here. For Carsyn it’s the white blonde bob, Kristyn has long black hair, Kelly has the bangs… And with all the black girls and Latinas out here my light brown hair didn’t really cut it. So now I’m like a beachy/summery blonde and I think that this could really help in my auditions… AAAND I had another shoot with Gena to get some updated headshots.
0 notes
nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Required Reading
MASS MoCA will unveil what it’s claiming is the “world’s largest watercolor painting,” a 120-square-foot (8′ x 15′), site-specific commission by Barbara Prey. That’s quite a claim, though I do wish the painting was a little more exciting. (via MASS MoCA)
This article about a family “slave” in the US has been much discussed this week. Alex Tizon, who died at the age of 57 this year, writes about when he realized who the woman who lived with his family was. The whole story is chilling:
To our American neighbors, we were model immigrants, a poster family. They told us so. My father had a law degree, my mother was on her way to becoming a doctor, and my siblings and I got good grades and always said “please” and “thank you.” We never talked about Lola. Our secret went to the core of who we were and, at least for us kids, who we wanted to be.
After my mother died of leukemia, in 1999, Lola came to live with me in a small town north of Seattle. I had a family, a career, a house in the suburbs—the American dream. And then I had a slave.
RELATED: Some interesting responses:
"My Family's Slave" is now trending in the Philippines, where it's lunch time. I'm going to share a few interesting threads from Filipinos:
— Adrian Chen (@AdrianChen) May 17, 2017
Honestly I'm convinced 3/4 of you who are opining about the Tizon piece didn't finish reading it
— Sarah Jeong (@sarahjeong) May 17, 2017
Eudocia Polida was an enslaved person whose hopes and dreams we know filtered only through the service of others by system not choice
— Sydette (@Blackamazon) May 17, 2017
Read "My Family's Slave" &I just literally wanted to reach into the story and punch every fucker in the Tizon family, including the author.
— ✡️Josh Shahryar ☪ (@JShahryar) May 16, 2017
I hate Interview, which is a celebrity-obsessed rag full of starfuckers, but I do always love Antwaun Sargent’s perspective, so I really enjoyed his interview with painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye:
SARGENT: One signature aspect of your painting is that the figure almost blends into its surroundings, because the earth tones of your backdrops are reflective of the character’s dark brown skin tones. There are a lot of things that are being signified but particularly there’s a critique of the hypervisibility, which Ralph Ellison talked about, that renders blackness completely seen and unseen. Is that part of the negotiation between the figure and its surroundings in your work?
YIADOM-BOAKYE: Maybe I think more about black thought than black bodies. When people ask about the aspect of race in the work, they are looking for very simple or easy answers. Part of it is when you think other people are so different than yourself, you imagine that their thoughts aren’t the same. When I think about thought, I think about how much there is that is common.
Robert Rauschenberg’s “Bed” (1955) piece includes a “stolen” bedcover from another artist:
But for the artist Dorothea Rockburne, the painting carries a more personal charge. She first met Rauschenberg during their student days at Black Mountain College, the fabled school near Asheville, N.C., that was briefly the epicenter of the American avant-garde. One day, Ms. Rockburne was in the college laundry room unloading her wash from the dryer when she realized that her patchwork quilt was missing. “The next time I saw it was at the Leo Castelli Gallery,” she recently recalled in a tone of disbelief, referring to the public debut of “Bed.” “My first thought was: Son of a bitch! We were close friends.”
Masha Gessen writes about the language of autocrats:
A Russian poet named Sergei Gandlevsky once said that in the late Soviet period he became obsessed with hardware-store nomenclature. He loved the word secateurs, for example. Garden shears, that is. Secateurs is a great word. It has a shape. It has weight. It has a function. It is not ambiguous. It is also not a hammer, a rake, or a plow. It is not even scissors. In a world where words were constantly used to mean their opposite, being able to call secateurs “secateurs”—and nothing else—was freedom.
“Freedom,” on the other hand, was, as you know, slavery. That’s Orwell’s 1984. And it is also the USSR, a country that had “laws,” a “constitution,” and even “elections,” also known as the “free expression of citizen will.” The elections, which were mandatory, involved showing up at the so-called polling place, receiving a pre-filled ballot—each office had one name matched to it—and depositing it in the ballot box, out in the open. Again, this was called the “free expression of citizen will.” There was nothing free about it, it did not constitute expression, it had no relationship to citizenship or will because it granted the subject no agency. Calling this ritual either an “election” or the “free expression of citizen will” had a dual effect: it eviscerated the words “election,” “free,” “expression,” “citizen,” and “will,” and it also left the thing itself undescribed. When something cannot be described, it does not become a fact of shared reality. Hundreds of millions of Soviet citizens had an experience of the thing that could not be described, but I would argue that they did not share that experience, because they had no language for doing so. At the same time, an experience that could be accurately described as, say, an “election,” or “free,” had been preemptively discredited because those words had been used to denote something entirely different.
Siobhan Burke is speaking out against imagery in dance that exploits women (including images of sexual violence):
By “images of violence against women,” I mean not just depictions of violent acts but also the kind of forceful partnering that’s become so ubiquitous, so gratuitous, so banal in ballet — the yanking, dragging, prying open of women’s bodies by men — both with and without a narrative pretext. Calling it out, as I did after seeing Angelin Preljocaj’s “La Stravaganza” (1997) for City Ballet in 2014, or Mauro Bigonzetti’s “Cantata” (2000), performed by Gauthier Dance in 2016 — feels as tiresome as watching it, and unpacking its history would take more space than I have here.
… My disappointment with “Odessa” led me to post a photo on Instagram — my favorite place to air an impulsive thought — with the caption “no more gang rape scenes in ballets, please.” (The photo was of my face, looking directly at the camera, wearing what I consider an “over it” kind of expression.) This prompted an expansive thread of comments, including by my colleague Alastair Macaulay, who had reviewed “Odessa” for The New York Times. He asked whether my call for “no more” was a call for censorship: “Must works of art only depict people behaving correctly?”
The answer, of course, is no. If artists want to deal with rape, gang or otherwise, as subject matter, they should, as they should grapple with any difficult issue. But they must really deal with it: Say something. Don’t just toss it in as one more incidental plot twist, one more exquisite thing to behold. Acknowledge its urgency, its complexity and the fact that to many in the audience, it may not be so abstract.
Documenta or Crapumenta?
Graffiti castigating the spectacle as “Crapumenta 14” soon appeared. “I refuse to exoticize myself to increase your cultural capital. Signed: The People,” has been a particular favourite. While Giorgos Kaminis, the city’s mayor, maintained Documenta was fantastic for tourism (as Aegean Airlines’ new and fully booked Kassel to Athens route has proved), critics complained that it amounted to the worst kind of crisis tourism.
“There’s anger because they haven’t taken circumstance into account,” says Nadja Argyropoulou, a curator in Athens. “Their theory is beautiful, radical and timely, but they didn’t mingle or take the leap into the everyday or address the reality here. Circumstance is what humbles theory and makes art as important as real life.”
For detractors, Szymczyk had become the embodiment of the corporate, neo-liberal order he professes to abhor, a purveyor of the worst kind of soft German power. Not only was the exhibition abstruse, it had committed the cardinal sin of omitting Greek artists and curators. “There are so many names,” Argyropoulou says. “People who should have been in it but were never approached. But please also write that we want them to succeed. If they fail, it is us who will be left with their ruins of contemporary art – and in a country that is continually looking to its past, with unresolved questions of identity, that would be disastrous.”
An obsessive fan found the source for the cover image of Radiohead’s OK Computer album (it’s a highway in Hartford):
    After looking at 2,000 scripts, 25,000 actors, 4 million lines, and analyzing them by gender, this is what Hanah Anderson and Matt Daniels (writing for the Pudding) found:
A tour of the new Foster Partners–designed Apple HQ, where the tech company even designed a special pizza box for employees:
For workers who want to take the café’s pizza back to their pods, Apple created (and patented) a container that lets air and moisture escape so the crust won’t get soggy. (via Wired)
Jack O’Donnell worked for Trump in the 1980s, and he reminds us that everything he’s doing is NOT a surprise:
After I resigned in April 1990, I wrote a book about my time with him, Trumped: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump, His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall, in 1991. In the book, I told stories about Trump’s leadership style that would come to echo his presidency years later.
I witnessed him make public phone calls that he insisted were private and use those conversations to humiliate and corner the person on the other end. I witnessed him demand loyalty from those who worked for him. I witnessed him make impulsive decisions as a result of his short attention span.
RELATED: Did you know Nixon wrote to Donald Trump in 1987? Presidential historian Michael Beschloss posted this:
Nixon writes to Trump, 30 years ago this year: http://pic.twitter.com/rKxHBXNuXO
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) May 17, 2017
ALSO RELATED: A new poll suggests a majority of Americans believe Trump is a liar and wish Obama was still president. More data from Public Policy Polling:
Only 40% of voters approve of the job Trump is doing to 54% who disapprove. For the first time we find more voters (48%) in support of impeaching Trump than there are (41%) opposed to the idea. Only 43% of voters think Trump is actually going to end up serving his full term as President, while 45% think he won’t, and 12% aren’t sure one way or the other.
… By an 8 point margin, 49/41, they say they wish Hillary Clinton was President instead of Trump. And by a 16 point margin, 55/39, they say they wish Barack Obama was still in office instead of Trump.
And Time Magazine‘s new cover became a topic of discussion on social media. This is probably the funniest take on it:
@TIME Fixed this for you. *Turn on audio* http://pic.twitter.com/7soqnUZI7r
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) May 18, 2017
Or did Time rip off Mad Magazine?
Once More, With Stealing Dept. TIME MAGAZINE RIPS OFF MAD MAGAZINE?https://t.co/dWYykrr4tJ http://pic.twitter.com/bfYrj2DpUb
— MAD Magazine (@MADmagazine) May 18, 2017
Required Reading is published every Sunday morning ET, and is comprised of a short list of art-related links to long-form articles, videos, blog posts, or photo essays worth a second look.
The post Required Reading appeared first on Hyperallergic.
from Hyperallergic http://ift.tt/2rF5UcZ via IFTTT
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The Federal Government Claims Zero Cannabis Jobs Exist. Here’s Why.
Editor’s Note: This week Leafly publishes “Cannabis Jobs Count,” a special series on jobs in the legal cannabis economy. The series begins today with Rob Reuteman’s report on cannabis employment data and why it’s so hard to find. We continue tomorrow with a state-by-state count of cannabis jobs.
  In this Oct. 1, 2015 photo, employees of Amazon Organics, a cannabis dispensary in Eugene, Ore., help customers on the state’s first day of adult-use retail sales. (AP Photo/Ryan Kang)
Cannabis culture has moved in a few short years from an illicit black market to a legal industry in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Earlier this year the data analysis firm New Frontier pronounced recreational cannabis the fastest-growing industry sector in the United States, outpacing electric vehicles, LED bulbs, solar installations and big data.
Legal cannabis sales reached nearly $7 billion in 2016, up from more than $5 billion last year. Many expect sales in excess of $20 billion by 2020, even without federal legalization.
But like any young industry, there’s much we don’t know. For instance, we have no solid government data on the number of people employed in the legal cannabis sector. We know these people and their jobs exist. We see them growing cannabis, producing oils and edibles, selling at retail shops. But beyond anecdotal evidence, and despite the emergence of several data analytics firms devoted to the industry, we have little information on their wages, benefits and working conditions.
“There are no reliable figures for the number of people employed nationally in the legal marijuana industry,” says Morgan Fox, communications manager for the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project.
He’s right. Last year Marijuana Business Daily (MJ Biz) estimated that somewhere between 21,000 and 33,000 U.S. companies get some or all of their revenue from legal cannabis. That includes growers, retailers, infused-product manufacturers, and testing labs, of course, but it also takes into account consultants, technology providers, security firms, hydroponics and other businesses. For those ancillary jobs, MJ Biz uses a common multiplier effect that assumes each of the 7,000 to 11,000 companies directly involved with the cannabis plant will generate revenue for at least three other companies.
Last year a group of Oregon economists estimated that each dispensary there employed at least six people, but it’s hard – and likely inaccurate – to extrapolate those numbers to other sectors of the industry. And it’s difficult to even have much confidence in that six-per-dispensary figure. Some of the biggest product manufacturers and retail shops in Seattle and Denver employ upwards of 100 people each.
The big industry-wide sales estimates are impressive. But the human factor remains elusive. That’s partly because legal cannabis is a young emerging industry, and partly because cannabis remains federally illegal.
Federal prohibition continues to hamstring the industry’s ability to collect and analyze data about its workers. Federal agencies, you see, are the authorities who traditionally collect and tabulate jobs data. The feds dictate to the states how they want that collection done—or, as is the case with cannabis, not done.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s data agency, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, doesn’t just refuse to acknowledge the existence of legal cannabis jobs—it doesn’t even have the capacity to tabulate them if the agency wanted to do so. Business and employment data are collected using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which assigns a code number to each occupation. Breakfast cereal manufacturing, for example, is 311230. No specific NAICS code exists for any part of the cannabis industry—and it’s not likely to come into existence anytime soon. NAICS codes are updated only once every five years by a consortium of US, Mexican, and Canadian government agencies. The next update is due in 2017. There is no cannabis code on the agenda.
Even if cannabis were legalized by the federal government tomorrow, it would be years before labor statistics bureaus could break those jobs into a separate category. In a pinch, they’d probably be lumped into 424210, “Botanical drugs and herbs merchant wholesalers,” as suggested in this online cannabis banking thread.
Going after state numbers
Farmworkers inside a drying barn take down newly harvested plants after a drying period, at Los Suenos Farms, America’s largest legal open air cannabis farm, in Avondale, Colo. During the fall 2016 harvest, the 36-acre farm at Los Suenos yielded 5 to 6 tons of cannabis. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)
So we have no official national data. What about state numbers?
Consider Colorado, poster child for the new cannabis economy. Because most of the industry remains federally illegal, “there is disagreement across the federal government as to how we collect employment data in the marijuana sector,” says Alexandra Hall, chief economist for the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. “Until we get the feds on board, we’re going to have some challenges tracking employees.” That being the case, Hall said, “we work around it to some degree.”
Hall has made a few attempts to match up the state’s employer databases with its employee tax databases. But she admits, “we have run into some problems with that methodology. Ours is an incomplete estimate.”
She took a run at it early last year and came up with a figure of 6,000 payroll employees. “Because the numbers are changing at a faster rate than the overall economy, we’re probably not capturing all of it. It might be a third larger – maybe 8,000 workers – but we’re not talking about tens of thousands of jobs we’re not capturing.”
Others disagree. They put the direct payroll figure in the 10,000 to 13,000 range.
Andrew Freedman, director of marijuana coordination for the state of Colorado, also admitted the difficulty of coming up with an employment number for the legal cannabis industry. “There are about 20,000 occupational licenses currently issued, but it’s really hard to say how many of those folks have jobs,” he said earlier last year. “A lot of them are not great jobs, and the people often are pretty transitional, so I’d use a working figure of somewhere north of 10,000.”
Colorado has an indirect occupational tally that other legal states don’t. All employees of state-licensed cannabis companies must maintain a license from the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED). They’re like food industry worker cards. The occupational licenses are good for two years and allow the holder to work in the marijuana industry.
The number of active MED cards fluctuates, but in 2016 the number was usually hovered between 27,000 and 30,000. That’s a pretty solid data point. An official with the Department of Revenue added this caveat, however: “We do not track how many of these licensed individuals will go on to work in the industry.”
Taylor West, deputy director for the National Cannabis Industry Association, says she’s heard employment estimates of “30,000 in Colorado alone, based on occupational licenses and ancillary jobs. But even that is very rough, not based on a lot of hard numbers.”
Mike Elliott, formerly executive director of the Denver-based Marijuana Industry Group, also uses the number of MED license holders to come up with a figure of about 25,000 employees. From the number of license holders (27,350), “take off 10 percent for people who may no longer be employed in the industry or who let their license expire,” Elliott says. “That’s just people who touch marijuana – who grow, sell or manufacture it.” He adds, “I’m an attorney and very much part of the industry but I have no occupational license.”
Hunting the Colorado number
Farmworkers process newly harvested cannabis plants at Colorado’s Los Suenos Farms. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)
Frustration with the lack of a solid jobs figure led Adam Orens and a group of colleagues at the Marijuana Policy Group, a Denver-based economic consulting firm, to take a run at the data themselves. They thought the number of MED employment licenses was a good starting point, too—but a license itself didn’t necessarily equate to a full time job. By comparing the number of licenses with their own ground-truthed estimate of direct full-time employment, they estimated one full-time equivalent job (FTE) for every 2.14 MED licenses.
In their final analysis, published last October, the Marijuana Policy Group (MPG) estimated that there were 12,591 full-time jobs directly supported by the cannabis industry in Colorado in 2015. Using models that calculate additional indirect and induced employment, the MPG report found that $996 million in annual cannabis sales supported a total of 18,005 full time jobs in 2015.
What about 2016? “Year-over-year, if you just look at one state, you can probably scale it up accordingly,” Orens says. “There are a few nuances you’d miss—there was more outdoor cultivation in 2016, which requires relatively fewer workers—but overall you’d have a solid estimate.”
Colorado’s total cannabis sales in 2016 topped $1 billion at the end of October. They were on pace to hit $1.33 billion by the end of December. That 33 percent increase, applied to employment, would push the state’s full time cannabis jobs to 23,407.
The Big Kahuna: California
Aaron Gonzalez follows a path to harvest cannabis from grower Laura Costa’s farm near Garberville, Calif., in October 2016. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
What about the Golden State? Again, nobody knows for sure. Experts agree on only two things about California’s cannabis market. It’s the largest in the country, and there is virtually no government or institution-backed job data available. “Whatever data we lack in Colorado,” says Joe Hodas, chief marketing officer for Denver-based Dixie Elixirs, “it’s a hundredfold in California.”
Chris Walsh, editorial director of Marijuana Business Daily, estimates that California represents 40 to 50 percent of all legal sales, nationally. “California is a big black hole of data,” he says, “and it’s half the industry.”
John Kagia is executive vice president of industry analytics for Washington, D.C.-based New Frontier , a data company focused exclusively on legal marijuana industry. New Frontier has formed a partnership with ArcView, the cannabis-focused angel investor network, to produce annual reports and updates on the industry.
“We have not built a comprehensive view of the national legal cannabis job market,” says Kagia. “However, we have seen some state-specific analysis for markets like Colorado and Oregon. In Colorado, the estimates suggest over 10,000 people are employed in the industry. In Oregon, a recent report found that 2,100 retail jobs had been created, but it did not project numbers for the overall industry.” Since each state classifies the industry jobs differently, “it will take some us some time to build a definitive national picture on the legal industry’s employment level,” he adds. “It’s a very difficult number to capture.”
Bringing light to job data darkness
In this, Oct. 27, 2016, photo, Rachael Torricelli looks at marijuana for sale at Blum in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)
Marijuana Business Daily, which has been tracking the industry since 2011, included rough national employment numbers for the first time in its 2016 Marijuana Business Factbook.
“It’s very difficult to get numbers in this industry,” says MJ Biz’s Walsh. “The state estimates tend to be way off. Some are laughable. In some cases, people with great credentials are just making shit up.”
MJ Biz does an anonymous online survey of cannabis business owners. One question that was asked of nearly 1,000 respondents was how many people they employ, full and part-time. “We can get an average for each niche,” Walsh says. “Given the darkness of the industry, this is the best way to look at it.”
The results? MJ Biz provides both a conservative and an aggressive estimate.  For jobs in which an employee “touches the plant,” the estimate ranges from 55,000 to 88,000. Total industry employment is projected to be from 101,000 to 154,000.
For the industry total, Walsh uses an economic multiplier that projects two ancillary jobs for each direct job. “We also include people from other industries that may have one employee who deals with the pot industry,” he says. “We strive to provide realistic numbers grounded in reality, not to make the industry appear bigger than it really is,” Walsh adds. “We don’t lobby, offer investments, provide consulting services or have any other reason to publish hype. We present a conservative picture of the market.”
At this point, with the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics refusing to acknowledge the existence of a single legal cannabis job, a conservative estimate may be the best we’re going to get.
Lead Image: Brennan Linsley
Coming tomorrow: Leafly dives into state-by-state data to determine how many full time jobs are supported by the legal cannabis industry. On Friday, Rob Reuteman profiles five real people in five real cannabis jobs. In our final installment, we look at current employment openings in the cannabis industry—complete with salaries, benefits, and some surprising job titles.
Rob Reuteman
Rob Reuteman is a former columnist and business editor at the Rocky Mountain News. He now teaches journalism at Colorado State University.
The post The Federal Government Claims Zero Cannabis Jobs Exist. Here’s Why. appeared first on Leafly.
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