#but i am not that person ANDHAJSJAKA
willowser · 2 years
not to embarass you or nuffin, but I want to hear more about Kiri and babies
this man wants like....six kids. and it's not even like he knew that in high school or growing up !! but he had one and then he wanted another and then he just loves being a dad and having a little one and creating something that is both you and him and 🥺🥺🥺 ajdhwidhaka and he's just like ".......c'mon, we can have one more 🥺 don't you want another little bub? 🥺" AND OF COURSE YOU DO AJDHWJSHS
and girl dad kiri !!! 🥺🥺🥺 no doubt about it, always has sparkly nail polish. always havin' tea parties. wearing a tutu. goes to dance recitals or school plays or basketball games and he's. he's the largest man in the crowd LMAO most noticeable in his hero costume but he stands up when he claps for his little girl !! does the whistle with his fingers !! brings flowers and puts them in her hair and his, so they're matching 🥺🥺🥺 and when she's a little teeny baby, he puts her in little pink riot onesies !! and let's her gnaw his thumb as she's teething and gives her a little pea sprout pony tail on top of her head 🥺🥺 blows raspberries into her chubby cheeks until she laughs 🥺 squishes her chunky little thighs 🥺
boy dad kiri is — the doctor talks about skin to skin bonding in the hospital when your son is born and the man never wears his shirt again. kid is like six and kiri still is shirtless all the time, and then your son is too ofc. and you just got your boys running around the lawn, in shorts only, in the summer and the water sprinkler is on and they're supposed to be gardening, but it's turned into playing in the dirt and finding worms and kiri shows your son how to be soft with them, gentle cause of their little bodies and they put them in the cool dirt in the shade, where it's wet 🥺 and they watch cartoons on saturday mornings and eat cereal and when they pass out on the couch after lunchtime, they look just the same LOL head back, eyes closed, mouth wide open. and then if you're out somewhere, kiri will look over at him when your son is squirming and ask "you gotta go potty?" and they hold hands all the way to the men's room and he holds him up so he can wash his hands 🥺 and i bet your son wants to dress just like him, at all times !!
and in everything he does, he thanks his wife and kids. goes to work to make the world a better place for them. pictures of them everywhere, probably always talks about them and tells stories about them like "you would not believe what the little guy said to me the other day" and then goes on a 20 minute tangent that somehow is just a play-by-play of his day off at home. bc he just wants to talk about them. and even if you and him get a weekend away, things are quieting down for the night and you two are in bed and he's all 🥺 i miss the babies 🥺 and when yall get home he just wants to !! have his little family together 🥺🥺🥺
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