#but i am not willing to deal with 'misandry isn't real so transmisandry isn't!' argument
People here really be acting like trans women don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t People here really be acting like trans men don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
People here really be acting like fem-aligned amab enbies experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t People here really be acting like masc-aligned afab enbies don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
People here really be acting like unaligned amab enbies don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
People here really be acting like unaligned afab enbies  don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
People here really be acting like masc aligned amab enbies  don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
People here really be acting like fem aligned afab enbies  don’t experience any form of transphobia that other people under trans umbrella don’t
No one should be saying that any of these are greater than the risk trans women and fem-aligned, particularly amab fem-aligned enbies face, and as a transmasc genderqueer, I will personally fight someone for implying otherwise.
 However, acknowledging the fact that each and every one of us experiences forms of transphobia that other trans people don’t should not be considered transmisogyny. Because ultimately, no cissexist, exorsexist society is ever going to truly consider us on the same pedestal as our cis and binary counterparts.
 Our assigned sex, our gender identity, its relation to the binary, our presentation, and so on and so forth, are going to change the ways transphobia is directed at us. The above is a gross simplification.
Speaking personally as a transmasc genderqueer who is gender nonconforming and has both passed and not passed, someone who is transmasc who passes and reject gender roles is going to face transphobia differently than one who doesn’t pass and rejects gender roles.
Why is this controversial?
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