#intersectional transphobia
st-dionysus · 2 months
What is transandrophobia and why is it called that? By the guy who coined it and is kind of tired of seeing it defined in the opposite of what it's meant to describe.
In it's most simple definition. Transandrophobia is the way that the fear of men impacts the material reality and mental/physical health of transgender men.
Transandrophobia, is the way that the fear of men and/or masculinity effects transgender men’s ability to access queer and transgender spaces, sexual assault survivor resources, and reproductive health care.
Transandrophobia, is the way that the fear of men and/or masculinity holds back transgender men from transitioning or from presenting as masculine.
Transandrophobia, is the way the fear of men and/or masculinity results in the disowning of transgender men from previous found families and the isolation of transgender men in general.
Transandrophobia, is the way the fear of men and/or masculinity has resulted in people using their trauma as an excuse for abusing transgender men, physically, sexually, and emotionally.
Transandrophobia, is the way the fear of men has resulted in people refusing admittance to “male identified people” to certain queer events and safe spaces.
Transandrophobia, is the way that the fear of masculinity has led to people assuming that butches across the gender spectrum are inherently violent and hyper-sexual.
Transandrophobia, is the way that the fear of men and/or masculinity results in the forced feminization of transgender men in queer spaces, with the insistence that those who refuse to feminize themselves to make others more comfortable should not be allowed entrance to certain queer spaces.
Transandrophobia, is the way that the fear of men has led people to assuming that butches who were assigned female at birth, are at risk of becoming the enemy (a man) and should not be given the same amount of trust as a feminine presenting cis woman.
Transandrophobia, is when that the fear of men being in women’s spaces prevents trans men and non-binary people who present as male from accessing gynecological care, abortions, and birth control.
Transandrophobia, is when transgender men must make themselves smaller to be seen as “one of the good ones” and it is when a trans man who is loud or sexual or Black or Brown or too masculine is seen as a threat to the safety of other transgender people.
Transandrophobia, is when transgender men who speak up about how the normalized way of speaking ill about men in feminist and queer spaces has made them activity suicidal, de-transition, or prevented them from transitioning, are told to “shut up and sit down” or “good.”
Transandrophobia, is not when trans men face misogyny – that is just a trans man facing misogyny (which all trans men face, because misogyny and sexism effects everyone, not just women). However, transandrophobia is when someone says that trans men don’t face misogyny because they are men, make claims that trans men benefit from misogyny since they are men, or insist that trans men’s experiences with misogyny aren’t as valid or as bad as when a woman or non-male person faces misogyny.
Transandrophobia, is when trans men’s struggles are dismissed as being less important, because men don’t need help or men already have help or men don't face real struggles.
Transandrophobia, is when people refuse to acknowledge that the patriarchy see’s transgender men as failed women and not men, which is why transgender men do bot benefit from the patriarchy but are instead violently and systematically punished by it.
Transandrophobia is that and a whole lot more, I would need a book to describe the entirety of the issue, I have been writing a book on it for over six years and re-writing it over and over because if I say it wrong, or say it with too much emotion, or not enough emotion, or with too many numbers, or not enough numbers, and publish it without using perfect wording, trans men might not get another chance to speak up for a long ass time and we will once again have to find new words to say "Pretty please treat me like a human being and let me have access to the things I need in order to survive." and "Pretty please consider that if a large group of people from a minority are telling you they are being oppressed by these actions and fears, then maybe you should believe them or at least the material statistical evidence of that oppression, since you probably trust journals more than us describing our reality and lived experiences."
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
“Men can’t get pregnant” “Men don’t need abortions” “Men can’t have boobs” “Transmen scare women, they shouldn’t be in maternity wards or the women’s restroom. Also menstrual products shouldn’t be in the men’s room” “Men don’t need women’s healthcare. We’re not treating you.” “Testosterone is gonna make you aggressive and sexual. I don’t know if I want to hang out anymore.” “Testosterone isn’t gonna make you a twink, you’re gonna have acne and be bald and ugly and sweaty and gross and get fat and hairy (these are bad things to me)” “You wear a packer? Why would you want a dick, is it like, sexual?” “Phalloplasty is fucking disgusting. It’s not like a real dick, why would you want that? You’re mutilating yourself. No, that can’t be transphobic, I’m trans.” “Lol obviously trans men can’t top, they don’t have a dick”
But you’re telling me the social construction of manhood and masculinity specifically has nothing to do with the transphobia trans men face? Yup, just “garden-variety” transphobia
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Her caption:
carolinejsumlin: White Supremacy is the umbrella system that runs our society. It is the foundation in which our society is built on. It is the machine of our society, but this machine cannot run without each part working seamlessly to do its job. Each part of the white supremacy machine is one of these systems of oppression (and many others I was unable to fit here). Now, this isn't to say that these systems of oppression couldn't operate on their own. They absolutely can and do in other cultures and societies. However, within our modern, western society that was built on and continues to be run by white supremacy, these systems strategically run to ensure white supremacy's goal: a pristine social order of pure whiteness. One we understand the depths of how white supremacy works and just how much it is impacting us from every corner of society, we can begin to dismantle it effectively, while freeing ourselves from falling for its devices.
This concept is something I've seen posted and over and over by different people (usually Black women though). The idea that it's not just that specific groups are consistently targeted but anyone who deviates from the narrow norm of White Supremacy becomes a target, which is why Black women with multiple intersecting identities are the worst treated people in pretty much every society worldwide.
Which is why I listen and follow and share so many perspectives of Black women btw. When the Combahee River Collective said "If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." I didn't see any way that could be false and it's because of white supremacy.
And as for how and where white supremacy exists:
I like this White Supremacy Pyramid, it pretty much encapsulates my understanding and belief of how its perpetuated and builds on itself -ultimately up to the genocide of groups that don't fit into the White Supremacist categories of ideal.
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The "Pyramid of White Supremacy" is a component of assistant professor Erin Stutelberg's Diversity and the Self class. It's a one-credit course required for students majoring in elementary education at the Maryland college. Stutelberg said in a Friday statement to Delmarva Now that the violent Charlottesville rally took place as the course was being planned. She felt it needed to be brought up in class, but wanted to carefully do so.
She didn't want her students to think about white supremacy only "as men in robes or hoods or torches marching in streets" because it would give them the impression that it was separate from their lives. "Instead, I want students to explore the ways that race and racism are part of all of our lives," Stutelberg said.
And while not everyone (including myself) agrees with the placement of absolutely everything, it's still decent enough to use so that's what I'm doing.
That to say white Supremacy exists and is perpetuated anywhere and everywhere, so it's up to us individually and collectively to hold ourselves responsible for where it's growing in ourselves, our communities, and countrymen.
I don't see how liberation or human rights will be won with anything but solidarity for the most marginalized communities there are.
How do you build white supremacist framework for future generations if the people here now refuse to hate each other enough to allow it?
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bfpnola · 1 year
please watch the whole video! i’ve always loved the work of @/thatbrownguurl on tiktok!
— reaux (she/they)
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
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"Misogyny is fine if it's directed towards cishet women!" NO, "Misogyny is fine if it's directed towards cringey fangirls!" NO
I never trust men who are overly critical on how women consume media, they always turned out to be misogynist and transphobic.
This Somerton fella also stole A LOT of material from trans people and he often hesitant to use the word 'trans' in his video
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queen-anarchy-art · 1 month
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Remember; you do not have to be white to uphold white supremacy, and you do not have to be a man to uphold the patriarchy.
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
Let's not forget that hormone replacement therapy, plastic surgery, breast augmentation, etc. have been normalized among cis women for long enough that nobody even raises an eyebrow anymore. But oh, when they involve trans women, all of a sudden everybody loses their marbles. Let's face it, maybe you're just transphobic.
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imoanurparentsnames · 1 month
JK Rowling has done more damage to feminism than any other person in modern history and I'm not joking.
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catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
biological essentialism is not only objectively incorrect and harmful but entirely antithetical to feminism
as an example, i do janitorial work in an office building, and part of that is cleaning the bathrooms. the men's bathroom is almost always more messy than the women's and requires significantly more time and attention to keep clean.
now, someone like, say, a TERF might look at that scenario and see it as validation of the idea that men are inherently more piggish and messy than women.
but, if you view it without the lense of biological essentialism, you see something very different. the men's bathroom is actually more likely dirtier than the women's because it has higher traffic due to there being significantly more men in the workplace than women. THAT is an actual feminist point about inequality in hiring practices. THAT is something that can be addressed with feminist activism, and you would have missed it if you explained the scenario away with imagined inherent attributes in a false binary sex & gender paradigm.
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spitblaze · 3 months
gnc and butch women (cis AND trans) and transmascs are punished for performing masculinity past certain thresholds of arbitrary attractiveness because people that cishet society categorizes or clocks as 'women' are not supposed to perform masculinity. hope this helps 👍
#spitblaze says things#this is the last thing im ever gonna fuckin say on the topic. im purging this stupidity from my brain once and for all with this post#there is an intersection of transphobia and misogyny here and idc what you wanna call it but to deny its existence is weird to me#transfems' hypervisibility means they have a lot of recognition but its absolutely not a privilege#transmascs' invisibility means they can stealth and fly under the radar easier which is better but not by a lot#and the assertion that nb people have to 'pick a side' so we can decide how to treat them is fucking ludicrous#there are absolutely differences in our treatment and our needs but a lot of it boils down to the same shit.#we are women when they want to deny us agency. we are men when they want to deny us support. this is true for everyone under the umbrella#and it's MEASURABLY worse when you're not white#anyway. im kinda over leftist groups who spend all their effort arguing about theory instead of doing anything in practice#so the next person who claims butch lesbians have 'masc privilege' or that transmascs dont actually face any sort of unique oppression#is getting smacked with a heavily vandalized copy of abigail schrier's Irreparable Damage#like again idgaf what you call it. you can just call it 'transphobia and misogyny' if you want im not a cop#ive just seen too many people who claim that it doesnt exist at all and im done with letting this take up brainspace#so im hanging up this sign and leaving. goodbye#i saw us go through the exact same shit with bisexuals and asexuals and gay men and frankly im not thrilled that its at my doorstep again#we go through a lot of the same shit but different populations do in fact need different kinds of support. thats it
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
If you don’t think transmascs have any unique experiences resulting from the combination of their identities, you are anti-intersectional. It is as simple as that.
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roman-roy-apologist · 7 months
yeah ok i get it you don’t think transandrophobia exists but you do realize that it’s still bad to be shitty to transmascs right? you get that right?
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transmascpetewentz · 1 year
"It's just transphobia" and "it's just misogyny:" two sides of the transandrophobic coin that tries to force trans men into binaries that we do not belong in
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faggypuppywhore · 3 months
You guys have got to start including more non binary and multigender people in your talks about gender and gender based oppression please
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groverapologist · 2 months
JK Rowling once again showing she doesn't care for anyone but white cis women by spreading misinformation and hate speech about imane khelif and acting insanely hypocritical about her situation.
she first stated she's a biological male with no proof. when news began to spread that that wasn't the case, she refused to take her original tweet down.
she then proceeded to say women with a biological advantage...shouldn't compete? say that about michael phelps. say that about tall athletes in basketball whose height is incredibly rare. say that about any athlete, actually, because sports has never been about biological equality. it's about maximising what you were born with. or, y'know, i'll just start rioting against the olympics since everyone there has a biological advantage over me so i can't join. since we're going with that mindset.
this isn't even mentioning the fact that, clearly, imane khelif isn't at too high of a biological advantage considering she's lost to women numerous times before. (it's awful that i even have to mention this, that i have to mention her failures to prove her womanhood.)
she is specifically spreading targeted and hateful speech and misinformation about a brown woman who doesn't fall under her idea of what a woman should be. imane khelif is not trans. there's no proof she's intersex, only proof that she has higher testosterone levels. she's passed sex and gender tests and proven time and time again that she's a woman. god, she's literally born in a country that bans gender transitioning.
under every one of rowling's fucked up check boxes, imane should be considered as much a woman as anyone else, but JKR's too fueled by the same white woman tears that fueled this entire hate campaign that she'll refuse to admit this, refuse to admit there's no actual reason she can come up with for imane khelif's disqualification. she'll also refuse to admit that this entire hate campaign is just a white woman targeting a brown woman for the white woman's failures. "i've never been punched so hard" this is a combat sport, and you're voluntarily competing against the best in the world. grow the fuck up.
tldr. fuck jkr and her racist terf ass, and imane khelif, i am so sorry for what everyone's been saying about you.
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cackled0g · 1 month
The thing about transandrophobia is that I think it's true that transmasculine people face unique forms of transphobia, and that transphobia is often compounded by misogyny. I don't really take issue with the concept of trans people coining a term that roughly means "intersection of transphobia and misogyny experienced primarily by transmasculine people". I know there's some discourse around the coiner of the term, but honestly I dont care about kink discourse because it's weird and creepy to lambast people for their private sex lives. The problem is that every single blog who regularly posts about this sort of thing is run by some 19 year old who has never unpacked their own misogyny, and takes that out on other trans people. I literally just saw a post that was like "the term theyfab is transphobic and has it's roots in transphobic cis communities" and was like hmm, yes, I agree. And a solid half of the comments were like "Yeah! And I bet that the nasty cis men who coined the term transistioned and became evil trans women who hate all trans men!"
Like bros. Can you hear yourselves. Hello??
I don't know, I just feel like we can simultaneously say "trans women are often the victims of very public harrassment campaigns that center around the idea that they are creepy evil men infiltrating women's spaces" and "transmisogyny is a bigotry that has seeped into all aspects of our culture and everyone should be doing their best to unpack their internal biases" and also say "trans men are often belitted and rid of agency, treated like weak little girls when its convenient and evil dangerous men when it isn't" and "misogyny is the primary driving force behind almost all sex-based oppression" without any of those things contradicting each other?
And I'm literally begging people to argue with me here, like tell me why you think this is wrong and stupid or whatever, because I genuinely want to learn. I just don't know why the trans community can't keep from imploding into us vs them every ten seconds.
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