#but i cannot watch sweet boys eunseok and seunghan struggle like that too with only 2 guys to help out
taelsungtaro · 1 year
im begging SM to find it within the halls of the universe to employ 2+ new japanese vocalists for nct tokyo alongside very nice young men sungtarookies. pls let this be wayv part 2 where there are bonus members we dont know yet and do not move more of the kids over from existing units. im begging, seriously, please. unless ur full sending yuta like winwin, i dont want it. no more kids w 2 full jobs, i dont want any other existing member if its not yuta and its not a full transfer. ik they are gonna be a performance unit, most of nct can be considered that, and i love a good dancer, but jesus christ pls we need singers cause seunghan alone is gonna struggle and i will struggle to listen and who else there b/w them is gonna do it?? sungchan?? no girl, hes a rapper.
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