#but i checked and apparently i scored proficient on it like ok
Three Purple Butterflies
(A/N: ACK PUNKS ARE HARD TO WRITE It's really only called "Three Purple Butterflies" because the song reminded me SO much of @asofterfan‘s punk Patton (what sense I could make of it, anyway). The writing kind of deteriorated, which I'm not happy about, but I'm posting it anyway so I can finally say I wrote with the punk!Sides. I want to do this again, but my god it should not be that FUCKING hard) (TRIGGERS: Abuse mention, bruises, swearing) (Ships: Platonic Logicality, platonic Analogical, platonic Moxiety) SUMMARY: A month after making friends with the school’s most familiar punks, Patton still hasn’t given Virgil a well-deserved hug. An odd happening at his house gives him a different idea.
Patton at first couldn't fathom why Virgil didn't like hugs. Elliot liked them, Thomas liked them-heck, even Logan let the pastel punk hug him! So why didn't Virgil...? "Patton, focus," Logan's voice snapped him back to the present. "I will not bail you out if you get tested on this." Patton groaned, dropping his chin into his hand. It felt like Logan had been helping him through Math for hours-or at least to the point his mind was starting to wander. He checked the time and saw it was only 7 PM. "Can we take a break, Logan?" He asked, looking up hopefully at the British punk in front of him. "So that, um...My mind can come back to this with a fresh outset?" Logan stared him down, then sighed, causing Patton to internally cheer. "Fine," he snapped. "A short break. We've barely been at this for an hour."
"Thank you, Logan!" Patton almost lunged across the table to hug him, then thought better of it and went around it. Logan patted his back in return, distracted by his phone. Patton's mind instantly wandered back to his gothic friend as he walked back to his chair. Virgil had struck him as odd ever since he made friends with him last month-soft spoken, quiet in nature, mostly spoke with his eyes. If Patton was honest, the boy was adorable, and he really really REALLY wanted to hug him and show him the appreciation! But Logan had said he had to work up to hugs with him. Fair. Logan's soft sudden intake of breath caught Patton's attention. "Logan?" He asked, reaching across his family's kitchen table to take his friend's hand. "Are you alright?" Instead of answering, Logan suddenly started packing up his stuff. "We'll continue this lesson over voice chat," he said, his voice hiding a sense of urgency. "I have to go. Now." "But why?" Patton stood to help Logan with his stuff, backing off when the teen waved him away. Logan paused when his bag was full, then his shoulders fell and he looked up at Patton. "I...May need your assistance." "Anything you need, I'll help!" Patton chirped. His friend smiled slightly, briefly tapped away on his phone, then left it on the table as he headed to the kitchen. Patton couldn't help snooping, but Logan never left his phone alone like this. He must have left it on in plain sight for a reason. Glancing over his shoulder, Patton picked up the phone. It displayed a series of texts between Logan and Virgil-the latter of who was evidently atrocious at typing. Careful not to scroll up too much-he didn't want to invade any more of Logan's privacy-he read the texts already on screen.
L: She's asleep? V: i think so L: I'm on my way. V: thx lo L: Change of plans. Come to Patton's house. V: ok?
Patton put the phone down as quietly as possible. Who was "she"? Where was Logan going? Why did he want to wait until "she" was asleep? Was Virgil safe? Was he at a bad friend's house? But Patton was pretty sure Virgil didn't have a friend with the pronouns she/her. Unless he was talking about Remy? But why would he want to leave her place? Besides, Remy was they/them today. Unless they changed their mind? Or Patton read the necklace wrong? Green tag means they/them, right? The pastel punk's head spun with worry, causing an ache in his chest. He saw Logan enter the room again and forced a smile... Only for it to fall again when he saw Virgil. "Virge...?" He asked weakly. The goth punk shared a look with his friend, who nodded. He took a deep breath. "Hey...Patt..." He mumbled. "Virgil what the heck happened you look like you got hit by a rogue tree look at you eye!!" Patton rushed over to his friend, carefully taking his chin and brushing purple-dyed hair aside to see the bluey-black mark over his friend's eye. The ache in Patton's chest bloomed to a squeeze. "What happened??" He asked, looking from Virgil to Logan. Virgil grit his teeth, taking Patton's hand and easing it off his chin. "It's fine, I just...Wasn't looking where I was going...Ran into a tree." If there was one thing Patton was good at, it was reading lies. Living with a little brother made him fairly proficient at it. He stared down Virgil, making the goth punk wilt under the shorter teen's glare. "Really," Patton said. "A tree that's female, I presume." Logan flinched. Virgil shot him a glare and the two seemed to have a non-verbal chat before turning back to Patton. "I, uh...Didn't want mom to worry...So I tried heading to Logan's first. But he'd said he was here, so..." Patton glared at Virgil. Virgil stared back. That was his story, and he was sticking with it. The pastel punk knew when he was beaten and raised his hands in surrender. "Alright...Come with me. I'll show you where the cold presses are." The goth punk followed agreeably, sitting on Patton's kitchen counter as the latter fished around his family's freezer for an ice pack. The taller punk seemed more relaxed than earlier, playing with his sleeves and humming a tune to himself. Patton smiled slightly, maybe Virgil's situation wasn't as bad as he originally thought? He closed the fridge, put the ice pack to the side and took Virgil's hands in his. "How're you feeling, kiddo?" Virgil paused. Patton watched fear, anger and sadness flash through his eyes before they returned to neutral. "Okay, I guess," he mumbled. "Eye still hurts. Ice pack?" "Oh! Right!" Patton grabbed it off the counter next to him, pressing it to the goth punk's black eye carefully. Virgil managed a small smile, bringing his hand up to hold it there carefully. Patton grinned. Progress! Logan decided to put a stop to Patton's math tutoring session (score), claiming that Virgil-sorry, movies were more important at the moment. Patton instantly dragged out enough blankets to make a fort with and the three curled up on his couch to watch some Doctor Who. Patton often looked over at Virgil and Logan, their hands naturally resting together-Logan's on top of Virgil's. The goth punk had his head on Logan's shoulder, making snarky comments about the show they were watching and Logan shooting him down each time. They soon dragged Patton into their arguments, which continued until the three fell asleep.
The next day at lunch, Patton had an alternative to hugging Virgil in greeting. He almost ran through the halls to their lunchtime meeting spot, eager to try it out. It was hard to  miss the two punks unless you weren't really looking. Logan was usually yelling at someone about the history teacher's tripe if he wasn't leaning against the wall, which usually made it hard to sneak up on him and surprise him with a hug. Didn't mean it would stop Patton from trying, however! Today was no different. Patton found the blue-haired punk giving some girl what for over...Whatever she'd said that lit his friend's absurdly short fuse (Patton loved Logan, but he really needed to dial back his anger). Patton used the distraction to slam-hug Logan suddenly. "Omf-Patton-?!" Logan squawked at the impact, making Patton giggle. "I missed you~!" He chirped. Logan rolled his eyes and patted his head, using his other hand to shove him off. Patton turned to Virgil, who backed off, startled when Patton just took his hands and bounced up and down with them. The goth punk smiled slightly at the bouncy movement-something Patton barely registered at the moment since he immediately turned to scold Logan about raising Hell in the middle of the hallway. The three punks goofed off in their school's library during lunch, Virgil egging Logan into ranting about history to Patton and then throwing a pencil at the latter when he refused to share a brownie. Patton proceeded to steal it and made Virgil chase him down to get it back. Logan just shook his head when the two teens returned panting and laughing slightly. "Just for that, I'm butchering the next tattoo I design for you," Virgil huffed. Patton stuck his tongue out at him, too winded to argue any further. He repeated the new greeting at the end of the day, something Virgil apparently expected seeing as he was more relaxed about his hands being grabbed this time. Patton bounced home happily, humming to himself. It wasn't a full hug, but it was a start.
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sol1loqu1st · 8 years
hfkcjshd ok i played d&d with my cousins for the first time today, we decided to make it an ongoing campaign so thats cool. one of my cousins really wanted to play a fighter so i put my fighter aside and played a rogue. highlights of the game include: -my dad is a cleric who runs a bar and sells ""holy water"". its definitely beer -paladin and fighter (my cousins) are, as expected, the competent players of the team -theres supposed to be 4 elf npcs that recently came to the town we started in. due to my background+race, the dm (my uncle) decided i was one of those 4 elves. thats fine, except that the 4 elves were injured and he made me start with 6 of my 9 hit points -i decided to loot the suspicious looking box we found on the side of the road. SURPRISE it was a mimic and it knocked me to -2 in one hit AFTER my uncle nerfed it bc it was op for a lvl 1 group. i will never forget to check for traps again -(my dad graciously healed me. i had to /beg/ him to play a cleric at the beginning) -i rolled like 4 critical misses somehow -i attempted to fire some arrows at some goblins or some shit and rolled like a 6 both times -meanwhile my PERCEPTION score later on was 23 like Are You Kidding Me -the wizard npc was more useful than the rest of us combined -i tried to pick my dad's pockets and rolled a critical miss -like 3 seconds later i looted the goblins and bugbear i didnt help kill for a whopping 31 cp, which i kept for myself despite the now extremely suspicious cleric watching my every move -at the end of the session, after we leveled up from that particular fight, the dm told me "oh yeah you found a bag of holding too, which you managed to hide from your dad" like Thank -apparently im a Really Shitty Rogue (to be fair half the things i was doing were for comic relief and if i was being 100% serious i probably wouldnt have, or at least thought them through better) but my various extended family members agree that ill probably do fine as a dm bc i actually. knew the 5e rules better than my uncle (who normally plays 3e or smth? idk) -i hope i wasnt annoying to play with??? i tried not to be too combatant on rules and shit (except when he tried to impose disadvantage on me for not having proficiency in a skill like i was Not having that in a 5e game) even when i wasnt sure if it was right bc? obvs the dm has the final word and im not gonna be a jackass? but sometimes i can come across as a bit of a know-it-all even when im actually super inexperienced and i can be. irritating
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