#but i didnt sleep well last night and my head feels like cotton so uuu
mirrortouchedsea · 8 months
Day 13
Niki’s alarm went off and he awoke to…nothing. Rinne had gone to sleep with him last night but now he was nowhere to be seen. There was no sound from the bathroom or kitchen to indicate that he was still home either. Not the first time Rinne had gotten up earlier than Niki, but it was still strange. 
Niki shrugged it off. Maybe there was some important unit leader meeting at Cospro or something he had forgotten to mention to Niki the night before, so he just got up and stretched before making his way to the kitchen. 
Sitting on the table was a plate of pancakes, eggs, and sausage, something he definitely should have noticed being cooked. He surely would have woken up to the smell of breakfast cooking. There was a note sitting next to it, which Niki read after putting the food in the microwave to reheat. 
Dear Niki-kyun~ 
Your beloved Rinne-kun has a special surprise for you! Eat up and follow the notes! Kohaku-chan will have the next one. 
Niki sighed. Of course it was another one of Rinne’s antics, but he’d play along since he had the decency to cook something for him, or at least have something delivered. He quickly scarfed it down and sent out a text to Kohaku asking to meet at Cinnamon in twenty minutes. Hopefully the wild goose chase wouldn’t last all day. 
When he got to Cinnamon, Kohaku was already sitting in a booth with two drinks and a card on the table. He waved to Niki and Niki walked over and sat across from the youngest member of Crazy:B. 
“Do you have any idea what Rinne-kun is planning?” Niki asked, taking a sip of the drink Kohaku had gotten for him before tearing open the note. 
“Not a single clue.” Kohaku replied, sipping his own drink. 
Niki read the second note aloud. 
“Dear Niki-kyun, you’ve found the second note! Congratulations~ Feel free to sit and chat with Kohaku-chan for a little while, and Merumeru will have the next one! See you soon~” 
“Can’t he just be a normal boyfriend for once?” Niki asked, laying his head on the table. 
Kohaku awkwardly rubbed Niki’s shoulder to try and comfort him, which Niki accepted. 
“Well, I guess I should ask HiMERU-kun where he is. See ya later, Kohaku-chan.” 
“See ya. Tell Rinne-han he owes me one for this.” 
“Yeah yeah he’ll get an earful from me later.” 
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