#but i do have hopes sumire's story will be neat still!!
ngmn2002 · 2 years
Thank you for the detailed response, and also the well wishes! You have yourself a good day too. (Halloween Event hype!)
I wanted to comment on a few things you said in the previous ask I sent:
1. Sakura didn't tell anyone what she was Doing
You said that she told Natsuhiko about her plans to talk with Nene, and I actually agree with that! I kinda jumped the gun there. I think she trusts Natsuhiko a lot (and he likely knows more about her plans than anyone else does) but as proven by her not revealing her true intentions in sending Hakubo there, she still keeps some things to herself.
Still, Natsuhiko and Sakura's shared history is super interesting. Is he like her, and older than he looks? Or did he simply meet her when he became a student, and is still a normal human...? We don't know enough yet, but we can assume he at least leaves the campus... ...so much to learn...
2. Nene seeing No. 6's memories
It's okay if you haven't read Chapters 66-68 in a while! I think they're closer to *Sumire's* memories, technically, which she sees after the village people drug her to sacrifice her. So maybe she's still lacking in the truth about No. 6 himself...? ah, but since the memories she saw of other characters (like Yako and Tsuchi) were tied directly to the yorishiro, maybe the fact that Sumire is his yorishiro works as a technicality...?
There's also the fact we don't know if "finding out the truth" is just a fancy way of saying "destroy all of the yorishiro" yet, so maybe it's only one or the other instead of both...
3. Nene knowing No. 7's past
Yeah, I think if we consider the technical No. 6 "truth" as counting, then Nene should know enough about No. 7 by now. Still, she doesn't know a whole lot about Tsukasa himself, AKA the person Amane's yorishiro memory would be tied to... still plenty of time for that, though. :D
Again, maybe the yorishiro memory isn't even important, or learning the truth behind the school mystery itself, but it would be neat to see Nene still accomplish that goal!
(She also needs to destroy No. 3's, who was eaten and replaced by Mitsuba, but his yorishiro is still the same as the former no. 3 (check Ch. 35)..... many truths to find!!)
4. The key
Not much to add, I just hope you're right and that the key comes back. :'D it's been 6 years since it was relevant in the story.
Anyway, cheers! It's a pleasure getting to theorize a bit with someone.
Hello again, rapidfur  !
You're very welcome. ^^
Yes, we still don't know that much about Nanamine and the other one to be sure of anything. You're right. And I don't want to even start thinking about their history or anything, because knowing AidaIro, they will come up with something that you didn't consider and throw all your thinking and theorizing out of the window. So, I would rather not to think anout it. Also, I don't really care about that. Whatever past they may have shared... it's not that intersting to me, to tell you the truth. UNLIKE the twins' past. I want to know about it so much!!! And I'm ready to think about it all day (I do!). It's so interesting to me!
So, as you see, If I were to spend time on thinking about someone's past or anything... I would rather it to be connected to the twins. In fact, I think about them so much. Their past, relationship, etc.
But, I'm glad you agree with me on the point of Nanamine working together with him and them having plans together. I said she trusts him 'almost' with everything. I gave it a degree of about 90%. ^^
Whatever the thing (their past, relationship, plans, trust, etc.) between them may be, I don't really care. At least for now. Maybe in future chapters I will. And maybe not.
Yes, maybe Nene can guess Sumire's imprtance to No. 6 due to her being his yorishiro and all.
"finding out the truth" is just a fancy way of saying "destroy all of the yorishiro" .......... maybe it is like that? It's really intersting to me. I want to know the truth behind that rumor, the 'kami' and the final wish all together.
All we can do here is to wait for what the future will bring to us.
Yes, Nene still has a long way to go to discover all about No. 7 (Hanako + Tsukasa).
About No. 3, no worries, I still remember the yorishiro is still the same.
What I'm wondering about now... is what would happen to Mitsuba when the yorishiro is destroyed.
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Will he... disappear?
I have faith it will make a miraculous return! Hopefully, someday, we will see it shine in the story. ✨
Yes, it's indeed a pleasure getting to theorize a bit with someone! It was fun, really. Thanks for your interest in talking.
And if you want to do it again someday in the future (on whatever topic in this manga), it would be nice. ^^
Oh, thanks for the well wishes also!
Have a good day!
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mari-lair · 2 years
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not me jumping onto the shusumi week train when there’s only a few days left 
i apparently used all my braincells to make this fic and saved none for the title
i...was very much possessed by a writing ghost when doing this. i was just reading some fics and suddenly had the idea for this and then an hour later, i had this fic. i was actually going for seasons when i first wrote this, but it very much turned more into a family piece, so here we are.
i’ve been a persona fan since about 2018, but this is my first work and, honestly, i’m really surprised it’s not shuake/akeshu since they’re usually my main ship. but the beauty of multi-shipping is that i can also love shusumi! i just think they’re really neat.
also, gonna be honest, i... think? this counts as shusumi? even though the focus is a lot more on family than anything else. i wanted to do a more internal piece about sumire and her thoughts after the events of royal, which i think i more or less got across here. there is definitely some shusumi in the end, though!
anyway, without further ado, i hope you enjoy!
if you’re in this tag, you probably don’t need this, but just in case: ***persona 5 royal third semester spoliers ahead!***
word count: 1.6k summary: sumire visits kasumi a year after the accident and reflects on everything that’s changed in the last year.
no beta, we die like men (i’m sorry in advance if there are mistakes, though!)
“I can’t believe it’s been a year.”
It was spring. The trees were green and blooming with flowers, the air perfumed with their sweet scent. Below them, rows upon rows of stones lined the grass, gray and somber, though some holding a pop of color from leftover flowers. A lone girl stood at one, clutching her own bouquet in hand, sakura petals clinging to her red hair.
She should be with her friends right now, celebrating their graduations and having their going away parties. But she couldn’t. Not after everything that had happened. Not without telling Kasumi first.
Of course you’d be the stick in the mud who had to ruin their days, a far too familiar voice seethed in her mind. She did her best to ignore it.
She bit her lip, wondering where to begin. How to begin. So much had happened that it seemed almost like a dream.
“I don’t even know where to start, but I guess the beginning is better than nothing, right?” Sumire sighed. “Honestly, you were always better at this than I was, but I’m going to do my best.”
And so she began. From living life as Kasumi for so many months to cope, to her short time as a Phantom Thief and battling monsters they had only heard of in storybooks, to her days of being lost as Sumire and denying the truth, to finally accepting herself with the help of her friends and-
“Akira...” she trailed off and felt herself smiling just at his name. “You would have loved Akira. He’s the one who was there through it all. He met me as, well, you, but he still likes me as Sumire and-“ She felt her cheeks warm, thinking of his ridiculous, yet romantic antics since she had blurted out that confession. And the fact that he had reciprocated-
Sumire shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts and her blush. That was a story for another time, another visit.
“Anyway, he’s actually the leader of the Phantom Thieves, but he also goes to Shujin. Things didn’t start out that well for him there, but he faced it all head on and did some incredible things. And he met so many people and has so many great friends.”
She paused. “Well, I guess they’re kind of my friends, too, now.” She shrugged to herself. “I wish you could meet them, Kasumi. You would fit right in, as usual. They’re all so kind and caring and funny and- I never thought I would meet people like them. Like I know you always had amazing friends, but for so long, I didn’t think I would ever meet people like that.”
I didn’t think I deserved friends like that, the thought rose in the back of her mind.
The stone in front of her said nothing. Not that she expected it to, but it felt nice talking to it anyway. She played with the edges of her bangs, lost in thought for a moment.
“But...that’s in the past.” She gripped the flowers in her hand tighter, her voice rising as her resolve hardened. “I made a lot of mistakes before, Kasumi, but I’m not going to make them again. I’m going to live my own life and make our dreams come true as Sumire Yoshizawa!”
Again, the stone said nothing. Her words hung in the air for a moment, only to be blown away by the breeze. She fiddled with the violets in her hand.
“I thought you’d like these. I know they’re your favorite.” She tried to smile, only for it to fall moments later. She tried to swallow the lump quickly forming in her throat.
“I know I didn’t tell you this when you were here, but I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts.” Her throat felt tight, her chest hollow, like something had carved a hole into it, never to be filled again. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as her head dropped, the old familiar feelings of guilt and despair slipping through the walls she had carefully built back up the last few months.
“I feel like I’m messing this up; I was never good with speeches like this.” She sniffled, pulling off her glasses to swipe at her eyes. “I just wish you could be here somehow.”
She closed her eyes, wishing just for a moment, for a sign that her sister was listening. The spring breeze picked up again, rustling the leaves of the trees around her. She opened her eyes to see the petals spinning in a circle, almost like they were dancing in a swirl of pink. It reminded her of the pink ribbons she and her sister had first practiced with, of dancing with her friends and of gymnastics and everything that she loved.
Perhaps it had been simply a coincidence or perhaps she was making something out of nothing, but it was enough. It was a reminder to live. To live their dream, to live her life.
Sumire smiled and sighed when the petals fell back to the ground as the breeze lessened.
“I’ll be back soon, Kasumi. I’m going to a graduation party for two of my friends! Makoto and Haru, I’ll tell you more about them next time.” She placed the flowers carefully into their designated spot. “And I’ll make sure to bring new flowers next time, too! And... maybe I’ll bring Akira next time. So you can meet him.”
With nothing in her hands, she fiddled with the hem of her coat, feeling like there was something left to say still, despite knowing that she likely didn’t have much time left.
“I don’t know what’s coming next, but I know you’ll be there with me, Kasumi.” Pink flowers fell on the gray stone and for a moment she could imagine them caught in brown hair instead. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that, but I’m glad I know now. I really am going to do my best to make our dreams come true, Kasumi. And I’m going to keep on going and live my own life! I promise.”
With a firm nod to herself, Sumire cast one last look at her sister’s headstone before returning to the walking path. Sakura blossoms covered the top, with purple violets at the bottom. Small sprouts of white flowers had begun to bloom at its base, leaving little gray showing through. Colorful and full of life, just like Kasumi.
Sumire turned back to the pathway and made her way back down to the entrance, full of hope for the future to come.
At the entrance, a boy with black hair and glasses stood, lost in thought, his hair covered in sakura petals as well.
Whether it was from leftover abilities from the Metaverse or he was just that perceptive - she was betting on the latter - he turned toward her as she descended the last few steps down to meet him.
Akira said nothing, just opened his arms to pull her close and rest his chin on the top of her head. She sank into the embrace, feeling the heaviness in her heart lighten just a bit. His hugs were great, but they weren’t magic, even if he liked to say they were. They had a long road ahead, especially her, but she knew they could get through it together.
“Thank you for waiting,” she said, more into his coat than to him. “I’m sorry it took so long.”
“It’s fine. I knew it was important.”
Sumire tightened her arms around him, nestling further into his chest, wishing they could just stay like that forever. But she knew that wasn’t possible, so instead, she looked up.
She had seen a lot of his smiles in the time she’d known him, but she’d only seen this one once before. It was on Valentine’s Day, when his usual smirks and grins had softened into the one he wore now, a quiet little thing that held such care and love that it made her heart clench.
“I’m proud of you, you know that?”
She blinked at him. “Why?”
“I know how hard it was to handle everything, let alone talk to your sister about it. But you did it. That takes a lot of guts, Sumire.”
She felt her face redden and that soft smile edged slightly into his familiar grin.
“I-It wasn’t that big of a deal,” she stammered out. “I mean, I wouldn’t have had the guts to even come here if you weren’t with me, senpai, and even then I didn’t do anything that special!”
Akira laughed, probably at how easy it was to still make her blush around him. He was so annoying sometimes and he knew it.
But then he was serious again and searched her eyes for a moment.
“Are you going to be okay? We can always just stay at LeBlanc and watch movies if you don’t feel up to the party later.”
Sumire shook her head, feeling more okay than she had in a long time. “I want to go and be with our friends. I’ll be okay.”
He smiled and kissed her, a simple, short thing that had done a dozen times at this point, but it never failed to make her head spin and her heart sing.
“If you’re sure,” he said as they separated, only to link their hands as they walked to the station. She squeezed it and felt herself smile, more of the heaviness in her heart lifting at the thought of seeing her friends soon.
“Time to celebrate!” she cheered into the early April sky, the sun seeming to shine brighter in agreement. Hand in hand, they ran toward the station, to meet their friends and celebrate the start of something new.
so that was sure something. i hope you enjoyed it?
sorry, it’s not on ao3 - i just...have not set my account up, so all of my fics are very much just vibing on tumblr. one day i’ll finish setting up my ao3.... one day...
anyway, let me know if you like this! i honestly have no idea if i’m going to be doing any of the other days, but we’ll see.
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