#but i gotta say it the 'fuck you Simon TXF' theory for today's is
1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
🐟Mon 2 Dec🌊
Harry released a trailer for the Eroda video, a story about a boy who struggles with being gay peculiar until fate leads him to someone who shares his struggles. Will the boy's act of kindness lead to them both finding happiness?The fairy tale like structure of it all suggests yes and someone who heard Adore You told us it's a happy love song (though others say they sobbed but does that contradict? Idek). Louis meanwhile released Be Gay Do Crime the video, in which the the main character (coded as a Louis stand in) outwits Simon an unpleasant older man who forces him to do dirty work for his (the older man's) own financial gain, but he (the protagonist) escapes with his beloved, who Simon the man had nearly succeeded in tearing him apart from. Oh and of course in both the protagonists nearly drown to escape the pressures placed on them but do not and also they wear masks. Also Louis himself makes off with all the money at the end of his, basically there is one hell of a lot of fucking winning happening here.
Harry is doing Live Lounge Dec 18 omg, and will host the Late Late Show on the 10th! He sent a video message to a Fine Line listening party in Amsterdam, where they played the Harry songs obviously but also KMM, WMI, and Home, a song that is nearly acted out in the Eroda material and a heck of a strange pick from the 1D catalogue to be random. Rumored lyrics were leaked! Spoilers: 'she sleeps in his bed while he plays pretend' (allegedly from She), even more lyrics about being in the kitchen, and the soon to be immortal 'beep boop beep.' Eroda got their account verified, tweeted a lot, and Harry and Eroda have cute fish emoji on twitter. (HAYYY BTW how you like your "too cool to be just a pop star" mystery now condescending gamer fuckboys? Their clownery is exceeded only by fans trying to make sense of it as anything other than gay as fuck, and honestly y'all should team up and find gross extremely heterosexual love, it's a match made in hell.) We're told Adore You is the first 'official' single from Fine Line, umm okay? Like Watermelon Sugar I can see, it was kind of an extra, but sorry Lights Up baby, with your video and massive media hype and everything! Ouch.
Louis was at the first Walls listening party; they heard four songs and got to meet Louis. He did a long radio spot where he says that about 85% of his lyrics are autobiographical and factual, accidentally curses repeatedly, and admits to pitting his lads (uh his friends that is not his balls) against one another in the boxing ring (Oli serenades you with Abba and you treat him like this? For shame!) Louis says that although this is the last part of the video series they plan to release a version of all three with some more 'glue' to tie them together. There's an audio snippet of Walls at the end of the new video and it sounds SO GOOD I can't believe we have to wait until late Jan for it... Lucky listening party attendees.
Liam was profiled in the Guardian today: same content we've been seeing, which is to say, it's extremely worrying, things that are hard to read someone you care about saying. He presented with Rita Ora at the British Fashion Awards this evening in London. He posted lots of LP1 stuff including new song teases! Snippets of unheard songs were posted to his Instagram!
Niall is in Australia! He's excited to see his friends there and doing lots of press, and the fans are perhaps a little too excited to see him: it seems there may have been an unpleasant car chase incident and Niall tweeted about having his claustrophobia triggered. Ugh. He says he's really nervous about SNL and he congratulated Harry on doing the double duty, he says the Beatle he'd be is Paul McCartney, "the cute one," and finished the Little Things lyrics on ig with the missing "sing it!" There are mummerings of a collab coming and many are eyeing the number of times he's mentioned Halsey lately. Or is Put A Little Love On Me coming? He says he has a 'wedding song' soon and Sirius tweets that he might have something this weekend but is it a release or, like, an interview.
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