#but i have also been rarepair claudia redemption arc & best boy soren
raayllum · 4 years
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where do you sit? (overlap is welcome!) with expansion / explanation. quick disclaimer that this is just my opinion/perspective on things and i’m not saying any of these perspectives are wrong, just what sort of rhetoric/opinions tends to run in each fandom circle. 
viren stans: tends to fall into three different subcategories: (1) people who think there’s nothing wrong with dark magic + varying degrees of distaste with how the show writes him / portrays dark magic; (2) people who find the adult characters, ie. viren, harrow, sarai, the most interesting; (3) enjoy viren while also calling him a trash bag. any can overlap with viren/aaravos shipping but subcategory (3) seems to do it the most often
aaravos thirsters: exactly what it says on the tin with not much other defining shared features. heavy overlap table with basically everything else. 
worldbuilding: people who are here for the lore, meta, and the worldbuilding, and tend to be quieter in the fandom overall. either has strong opinions on tidebound elves being called tidebound or has zero opinion at all
ruthari shippers: super chill and love their moon husbands. basking mutually in canon bliss since s1 and desperately wanting a reunion. lore and headcanon heavy with common overlap between worldbuilding. 
best boy soren: the s1 soren stans who waited for everyone else to catch up, and the table most if not all of us sat at for a day post-s3 at least once. overlaps sometimes with claudia redemption arc and trio lovers.
claudia redemption arc: adjacent to best boy soren, sometimes overlaps with viren stans but not necessarily. exactly what it says on the tin, too. full of sympathy, sadness, and hopeful angst. give her hugs.
janaya stans: really love janaya, most likely shipped them since s2; don’t tend to stray from their ship very often. based on softness and badassery in equal measure. can occasionally overlap with category (2) of viren stans with more interest in the adult characters / generation (harrow, sarai, harrai, etc.) and ships. loves ladies with swords.
rarepairs: somewhat adjacent to claudia; in general, operating under various degrees of popularity and canonicity, as some ships have risen and fallen over time. but mostly for all rarepairs: soren/gren, corvus/soren, claudia/rayla, opeli/amaya, the queens of duren, ezran/ellis, callum/claudia, and some more i’m sure.
rayllum shippers: big and broad in scope, including both very casual shippers and hardcore stans. lots of cute wing fanart and general fanfiction. multiple entry points but boomed after s2. s1 shippers are constantly crying. just wants a wedding and for them to be happy. degrees of pining fic may vary.
trio lovers: most often overlaps with claudia redemption arc, best boy soren, and rayllum shippers. ezran, rayla, and callum are their children and they would die for them. whenever the kids hug they cry and just want to give them therapy / all the good things. they think about that lilo and stitch quote every day. found family stans. sometimes has ezran as their favourite character but any of the trio is fair game
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