#but i kicked a plush soccer ball so hard it went to the ceiling and then the ceiling started like flaking ?? i walked away pretty quick
brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
god i love ikea. you never know what you're going to find! this time we were in the modelling section and saw a whole bunch of hidden monkeys
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The Wrath Of
((A/N: This one is ooooolllllddddd! One of my very first requests, I think! They asked for something Woozi related that was...cute? I’m not sure what the actual request was, but I remember the key words being “Woozi”, “best friend”, “overprotective”, and “cute”...or “fluff”. One of those two.))
Pairing: JihoonxReader 
Genre: Funny/Fluff
Word Count: 1,894
Summary: As Jihoon’s best friend, you’re a queen in a dorm full of fools and Jihoon makes it his mission to make sure none of their stupid antics get you killed. The boys think he’s just being dramatic- hell, even you think he’s being dramatic...but the minute his back is turned, one flying soccer ball causes the nosebleed of a lifetime and suddenly, Jihoon’s worries are very concrete. 
“We’re dead. We’re dead. We’re dead. We’re so dead. The minute he sees her, he’s going to kill us. We’re dead…”
“Has it stopped bleeding at all?”
“No! Blood’s still draining like a leaky faucet!”
“We’re running out of tissues! She needs more tissues!”
“Y/N, try to keep your head tilted back or else you’ll continue to bleed.”
Following the orders given as promptly and precisely as possible, you listened to the chaos swirling around you, the nine boys left behind in the dorm with you frantically fretting over your current state of health. You had come over to the dorm at the request of your best friend, Jihoon- though he had taken to reminding you every five minutes or so that it was actually the rest of the boys who wanted you to visit and if he had it his way, you would be somewhere far better and safer than that place. Being best friends since early childhood, Jihoon had always been very protective of you and always felt uneasy whenever he brought you around the others.
The boys thought he was being overly dramatic. You thought he was being overly dramatic. But not even ten minutes after Jihoon left with Joshua, Hoshi, and Minghao to do a snack run for everyone did the rest of the boys decide that a game of indoor soccer would be a fantastic idea! Long story short, someone kicked it too hard and too fast right into your face, knocking you back and causing your nose to bleed.
Since then, everyone has been trying to get the bleeding under control with no such luck and Jihoon was due back any minute. His clear instructions to the boys to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid while you were around replayed in their heads on loop, as did his not so subtle threat of bodily harm should he return to find you in anything but the perfect condition he left you in.
At the moment, Vernon and D.K. were hovering close, twisted pieces of tissue at the ready when the ones currently in your nose became drenched with blood. All the noise and panic was beginning to agitate you as you shook your head and shoved at the hands that were trying to jab more tissue in your nose.
“You guys. You guys! You GUYS!” you shouted over them, bringing the room into absolute silence as nine pairs of eyes trained themselves on you, “Please…stop yelling. The more you panic, the more likely he’ll know something’s up when he gets back.”
“Let me see how it’s doing.” Seungcheol approached you and took the tissues out of your nose, inspecting the damage done.
He flinched a little and scratched the back of his head, the others crowding around to see as well. “It’s really red. Does it hurt?” he asked, lightly brushing his fingers over your nose, “It might be bruising.”
“It doesn’t really hurt as much as it just feels sore,” you answered, flinching a bit and moving away from his hands, “Does it really look that bad?”
“With a little ice and some ointment, it should be okay, right?” Jeonghan chimed in, peering at your nose just as intently as Seungcheol was, “I’ll get the first aid kit.”
“Don’t worry, noona, we’ll take good care of you,” D.K. assured you as he held your hand in both of his, rubbing the back of it.
You smiled at him and nodded, “I’m not worried and you shouldn’t worry, either. It was only an accident, you guys, and I’m finally not bleeding anymore. Stop freaking out. Jihoon will understand.”
“What will I understand?”
About seven out of the ten people in the room hit the ceiling when Jihoon’s voice cut through the air, D.K. only making things worse when he freaked so badly he somehow ended up elbowing you in the nose. You gave a shriek.
“Oh my god! D.K.!”
D.K. was apologizing profusely to you as you rolled on the sofa, trying to get your bearings while Vernon and Seungkwan scrambled to get you some tissues when blood started to flow from your nose again.
“Crap, not again,” the youngest of the two accidentally muttered loud enough for him to be heard, clamping his hand over his mouth when Jihoon practically roared at them.
“What do you mean ‘again’?!” he shouted, coming around the sofa with Joshua, Hoshi, and Minghao hot on his heels, “What have you idiots done to her?!”
At this point, your nose went from being sore to just in pain, tears welling in your eyes that you couldn’t control, though you fought to keep them from falling. You didn’t fight against your best friend as he cupped your face in his hands, staring at you and the damage that was done, noting how your nose was starting to change colors. This was definitely far from the perfect condition he had left you in.
“Jihoon…hold on…” Joshua tried to console him when he noticed dark clouds forming over his head, a murderous look in the shorter’s eyes that were directed at a shell-shocked D.K., “I’m sure it was just an accident!”
You reached out and smacked D.K.’s shoulder, giving him a single command: “Run!”
D.K. screamed and took off further into the dorm with Jihoon sprinting after him, snatching up the soccer ball that started it all. Sheer pandemonium ensued after that, the dorm filled with shouting, yelling, screaming and obscenities for another good ten to fifteen minutes as the boys tried to restrain the shorter member who, they were finding out, was more than capable of rapid attack.
When it was all said and done, and Jihoon had avenged your honor by kicking the soccer ball at just the right angle to send it flying at the back of D.K.’s head, the both of you found yourselves curled up together on Jihoon’s bed with his laptop settled between you, some action movie flashing across the screen. He had tended to your wound personally, practically snatching the first-aid kit from Jeonghan before ushering you into his room where you wouldn’t be disturbed and locking the door for good measure.
Ointment had been applied, as was a nose bandage, and you were still icing it in intervals to help the swelling and discoloration go down. At the moment, though, you were taking a break to partake in the ice cream Jihoon had gotten for you, happily scooping spoonful after spoonful into your mouth. He watched you fondly for a few minutes, completely forgetting about the movie.
“Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?” you questioned when you felt his intense stare, your hands coming up to wipe at your mouth; maybe you had smeared some ice cream on your cheek?
Jihoon smirked and nodded his head, “Yeah. It’s that big, ugly bruised thing called your nose.”
“I will stab you.”
His oh-so unique, almost childish laughter broke the silence in the room, Jihoon having himself a wonderful laugh as you glared at him. To show him that you meant business, you snatched up one of the bigger plush toys he kept on his bed and smacked him with it. He promptly stopped laughing and turned to glare at you, looking as scandalized as you felt.
“Yah! Is that how you treat your best friend, Y/N? And after I get your favorite ice cream for you?!” he exclaimed as you rolled your eyes.
“Oh please. You should just be happy that I didn’t do to you what you did to D.K.,” you retorted passively, focusing on your ice cream once again, “Hit him in the back of the head so hard, he flew into the wall. He’s probably scarred for life.”
“Good.” You stared unamused at Jihoon as he settled back against the pillows and brought the laptop close again, not looking the least bit bothered or guilty.
“He deserved it.”
“It was an accident.”
“The first time or the second time you were hit in the face?”
“Both times!”
“Not the point,” Jihoon insisted, rewinding the movie back, “Accident or not, it shouldn’t have happened at all. I asked them to do one thing: don’t do anything stupid around you. And what do I come back to after trusting my hyungs and everyone else to watch over you? Blood. Blood everywhere.”
“Awwww, does my mean bestie care for me that much?” you teased, trying to lighten the mood.
“Yes.” Blunt and 100% serious, Jihoon threw you off-guard as he turned those dark and intense eyes on you. He only used that look on you when he wanted you to be serious about the topic…but the topic had never been about you or how much he cared for you.
It’s not to be mistaken: you always knew that he cared about you; otherwise you two wouldn’t have been best friends. You just never knew how much because you never talked about it and as a result, you never knew something like this could bother him so much.
“Don’t look so surprised,” he ordered, struggling to maintain eye contact as you caught a glimpse of his reddening cheeks in the glow of the laptop, “You’re my best friend. I’m supposed to care a great deal about you. The same way that you’ve always cared about me. I never want anything bad to happen to you. I never want you to get hurt.”
He shifted around until his upper body was twisted to face you more fully, his hands cupping your cheeks again, ensuring that he had your full attention. “It doesn’t matter who it is, they’re not allowed to hurt you. Whether it’s some stranger on the street or one of my brothers here, if something happens to you…it’s unforgivable.”
“Jihoon…i-it really was just an accident,” you said, your cheeks growing warmer underneath the heat of his palms, “D.K. didn’t mean it. The boys didn’t mean to let me get hurt! You need to let them know that everything’s fine.”
You paused. He paused. The world seemed to pause and wait with baited breath for his reply. Jihoon sat there searching your face, feeling himself becoming agitated every time his eyes passed over your bruised nose, but then he would look into your eyes…and turn into putty in your hands.  
He sighed deeply and righted himself with his arm draping around your shoulders comfortably, “I’ll think about it.”
“Jihoon,” you warned, snuggling into his side; cuddling wasn’t a foreign activity to the two of you since you had been doing it since the third grade.
“Shh. You talk too much. We’re missing the movie,” he ordered, clamping his hand over your mouth to silence you.
You narrowed your eyes, but did as instructed this time around. He may not have verbalized it, but you knew that he would do the right thing by his members and probably go apologize. Not now, of course, but eventually, just to let them all know that he forgave them. But for now, he was here, with you, and that’s what he wanted to focus on.
“How does your nose feel?” He didn’t take his eyes off of the screen.
“Better.” You didn’t either.
He smirked and held you tighter, nuzzling his cheek on top of your head, “Good.”
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